Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Catalyst of Doom

Newt Gingrich is gaining on frontrunner Mitt Romney in the South Carolina Polls. Not surprising, since Newt has accomplished what Mitt Romney, and all the other candidates , are mearly talking about. As Speaker under President Clinton , he took an economy comparable to Obama's , and through tax cuts , regulation cuts ,and welfare reform , he cut the deficit in half, grew the economy, and , in the process , created eleven million jobs. He did it before;...he can , and will; it again . That's why he's gaining on Romney. And, while the Bain's Capital attack may have seemed like dirty pool, unworthy of a conservative, it was , in fact , a mere political ploy, from  political master Gingrich. Romney's refusal to stop the negative attacks forced Newt's hand . He decided to attack Romney 's greatest strength , his business acumin;...and turn it into a weakness.Newt understands that, he can easily handle Obama in any debate , but , what of Romney? Could he stand up to Obama's attacks on his persona as a greedy , predatory, capitalist? Newt decided to test him , with the Bain's Capital attack;......and Romney failed the test. Y'see Newt doesn't really believe what Romney did at Bain's was wrong . On the contrary, he knows that private sector capitalism is always good ;...period. But, Newt wants to win , and he knows that negative ads, though unpleasant, always work.
Newt also knows that Romney's biggest weakness, is in fact , the reason the liberal press has been ramming him down our throats as the favorite for months now;....the weakness known as Romneycare. Romney's flip flops , tax increases , and anti-2nd Amendment legislation are bad enough , but to try to beat a man who calls for govt. healthcare ;...with a man who imposed govt. healthcare on his state as governor; political suicide;....and Newt knows it. The bottom line is;.. the attack on Mitt worked ;..and Newt Gingrich, the logical, thinking man's choice for commander in chief, is now gaining ground rapidly. Truth and facts , you see, always win in the end, and the simple truth here is; Romneycare, Obamacare , or any kind of govt, controlled health care mandate is just flat out wrong , for any free market society , and is , in fact the liberal left's catalyst, that ultimately leads to socialism , and the govt . control of the free market.
Y'see , the private sector is the only place for health insurance.
We currently have, as a Nation , over 1, 700 private health insurance companies in this country, yet Federal Law permits citizens access to only one  or two per state. In a free market , capitalist society;....this is absurd. Choice and competition is the answer.
Companies that know the consumer can choose from any of the existing firms , will compete to keep their business . Pricing and Quality, will be controilled by one factor;........fear of losing business to competitors. That's how the free market works. All you have to do is let it work, keep the government out of it, and all is well. What creates high prices , poor service , and general incompetence?Answer:the knowledge that, no matter how shoddy your service is; cannot go out of business.
That, my friends, is the nature of govt. health care They don"t need to make a profit , or provide quality service ;...because it's funded, by force, by us, the the taxpayers.The money to run a govt. operation , you see, never runs out. They cannot go bankrupt. , because ,we the taxpayers , are the magic money tree, that keeps getting picked by them . So, you can have long waiting lists to be treated, crappy service , incompetent doctors and nurses. Because, as I said , the realization that the bailout never ends creates an arrogant minded monopoly that is the very root of a socialist society.
Government exists for one thing;.....securing our Nation's freedom from the enemies of freedom ;...foriegn or domestic;....and that is all our tax dollars were meant for. End of Story .
The constitution says so. The concept of a self-governed, free country , says so. And , most importantly, I say so. Who am I?  I am a Reagan -Conservative , and , as such , know fully well that Government Mandated Healthcare ; the catalyst that will surely bring doom and destruction to the great experiment in self government , the shining city on a hill;...known only as America.

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