Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Frankenstein Unleashed!

With Mitt Romney now the victor in Florida and Nevada, the possibility of a Romney nomination looms ever closer . Before this happens, we must ask the question ;...who is Mitt Romney? Is he a conservative? Highly unlikely . He says he is, but his political record says otherwise. Romney the Governor of Massachusetts was; gun control, pro abortion, pro tax increase, and , of course, pro government controlled health care. He says he has changed . His record , especially regarding tax increases, says he has not.
So, who is he?
He is Obama, of course. He believes in all the things that Obama believes in , and , like Obama, is constantly trying to "explain things" he says. This paints him in a less than conservative light. If he were to face Obama in a battle for the Presidency, he would be looking across the stage at a man who is not very different from himself on many issues.
Obama is ultimately;...a shadowy reflection of Romney. Obama and the Democrats know this, and have , in essense , used the media early on to pick Romney as our candidate. From day one of the Primary debates , Romney stammered,  staggered , ducked, and dodged his way through the debates . Yet  the press would say he was still the front runner . How could this be? With true conservatives such as Bachmann , Perry ,Gingrich, and Santorum in the race. Why was Romney always favored? And how is this man being touted as a Tea Party favorite ?The answer can be found in this one , simple question ;...If you were Obama, running for re-election , during a time when our country is on the brink of collapse ;...a collapse that you  caused;...who would you want to run against?
Romney, is the answer , of course. Obama has based , all that he has done, all the destruction he has caused to our country and our economy ;...on Mitt Romney 's governing policies in Massachusetts.
Romneycare is, according to Obama , the basis of Obamacare . And, Obasmacare is the Rosetta stone of Obama's entire socialist attack on our country and its free market values . All the President has done, all that he will do, all that he hopes for, in changing America into the Marxist utopia he dreams of , all of it starts with Romneycare. ;..the blueprint for Obamacare.
Romney says he's changed on many issues , but , significantly, he will not disavow Romneycare. He still maintains that it has 'worked well" in his state , but , he would never do it on a Federal level. Really? Ponder this for a moment . Mitt Romney , the so-called conservative , the tea party choice, introduced a health plan into his state , by government mandate , that states , quite simply , that you 'must" purchase HEALTH INSURANCE , or pay a fine. You-must purchase-Health-Insurance;....or pay money to the government . YOU MUST! By, Government force;.....PAY!!
How is this not Obamacare? , in any way , shape or form? Make no mistake. When Obama looks across that debate stage , and sees Romney confronting him, he will be looking at ; essense;....his creator, ;  a man who, like Dr . Frankenstein , has created a monster , cast in his own image, and then , unleashed, upon an unsuspecting world. And, like in the Mary Shelly novel, in this final confrontation , the creation will ultimately destroy the creator. It has to end this way . What debate strategy can Romney use , that cannot be countered by Obama's claims that Romney's beliefs are, in fact, Obama's as well? The creator has unleashed the creation ;...and it is simply , a more extreme version of himself;...that is all.
But, what of Newt, Romney's most evenly matched opponent?Newt, the only man who , seems to have a chance of defeating Romney for the nomination . Newt Gingrich. Who is he?
Well, Newt himself has compared himself to such luminaries as , Reagan , Lincoln , Moses , and yes , even Greek leader and architect, Pericles.
But, who is Newt really? The answer is simple. Newt; Reagan , and Lincoln , and Moses ;...and yes, even Pericles .Newt is an American , and Americans are dreamers , and they always dream big;...just like those he has compared himself to. Like these other icons;..Newt is an innovator , and a revolutionary , who transformed America . For 40 years, Democrats held the power in Washington . Newt, and his Contract with America , changed that, and ushered in a new era of conservative dominance. Is Newt an arrogant bully? Yes , and let's thank the gods for it. As Speaker of the House under Clinton, Newt cut taxes , cut regulations , cut entitlements , strengthened our military, and yes, arrogantly bullied President Clinton into signing the Welfare Reform Act.
Newt Did all this;...and ,...because of it, created 11 million jobs, a booming economy, and saves the Clinton Presidency from looming economic disaster .
And, like Pericles , Newt is a historian, master orator, and author, a man with varying talents and abilities , including being an architect. Not of buildings, but of the modern conservative movement , that would probably not exist at all, without his vision, and drive , to bring that vision to fruition . Newt brought the Clinton economy, an economy that was falling faster than Obama's, back from the brink , and created free market prosperity , in the Reagan tradition , that he had inherited.
Newt did it , once upon a time;....he can do it again . And, as ego driven Newt himself has pointed out, he is the man who can defeat Obama, and , he'll do it using the same conservative principle that always works , ans always destroys liberalism , in its tracks . It's the one weapon  for which the left has no defense; and , it's simply this; let the peole who earn the money;......keep the money ;.....that is all there is to it.
It will take a monster ; defeat another monster ;...and Newt Gingrich , for all his flaws foibles,  arrogance , and grandiose pomposity; that conservative monster , who will bring down the OTHER MONSTER;......The Creation of Romney.

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