Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Iron Maiden

In the aftermath of the Iowa Caucus, who will be left standing to battle Obama for the soul of the country?The caucus itself, matters little. Caucus wins do not win elections;..proven records do. Ultimately, whoever is at the finish line must receive our total support . There can be no , "stay home independents" this time , as there were for McCain -Obama . The stakes are, simply too high . Obamacare must be destroyed , or the nation as we know it, is done.
"Anyone but Obama", is a fine slogan , but , why settle? Why not pick the candidate best to lead ;..the most conservative? Conservatism is, always right. Conservatism, when practiced faithfully, always wins. Always. Conservatism is in essence;...truth.Conservatism is the natural state of mankind , and conservatism will, ultimately triumph. No settling this time . We support the nominee, no doubt, no matter who , but we don't have to put ourselves in that position , this time. The country has awakened . The Tea Party , and the November 2nd 2010, proves this. "We the People" want the country back. Obamacare must die , and tax reform ; permanent tax reform , must be put into effect, so that those Americans that earn the money, in our free market, get to keep that money.
Who best to do this? Paul is out. He is an anti-military isolationist , Neville Chamberlain -like appeaser who believes that we, as a nation , caused 9-11 ;...we caused it. And this man wants to be our commander in chief? Not very likely. This man is dangerous for this country and makes Obama look like George W. , on foreign policy.
Newt Gingrich is the logical choice , as is Michelle Bachmann. Newt did all that we must donow, before, as Speaker under Clinton. Taxes , deficit, spending, welfare entitlements; all were slashed ; no thanks to President Clinton, and prosperity reigned, thanks to Newt, and Newt alone.
Michelle Bachmann , is quite literally, Winston Churchill, in a skirt. She is the steel willed , Iron Maiden of conservatism , and , has never flinched in her pursuit of its perfections in congress, despite being , at times, like a conservative Captain Ahab ; desperately slashing a giant , liberal white whale. She's proved herself , the most consistent conservative in the race. She has consistently fought against earmarks and spending increases. She , and she alone, created the Tea Party caucus in Washington. She has national security experience. She never flinched, never waivered, even against overwhelming odds in congress , long before the Tea Party and Nov. 2nd victories last year. She , like Churchill, never, never, never, gives up. Michelle is , a good solid, logical, conservative choice.
Newt Gingrich is a political wunderkind , an expert on practical policy and political history, whose main flaw may simply be , that he is so multi-faceted , that it may , in fact , be confusing , even to him , as his mind seems to wander; and outrageous statements are , like a bodily function to him. But, the man's policies and proven record speak louder than mis-statements , and do indeed, have the ring of true conservatism . After all, experience , political skill, and cold , hard results, speak for themselves.
So too, for Bachmann , who , unlike fellow Washington conservative Rick Santorum , never cut deals with Democrats for earmark favors , and indeed , was the lone Republican holdout who refused to vote for an increase in the debt ceiling.
The choice is clear;....conservative experience in Washington ;...and consistent proven conservative records and results.
Lets save our Nation . Let's make the only choices possible;...Gingrich or Bachmann ;..the Wunderkind , and the Iron Maiden. And , hopefully, when the dust settles , one of them will choose the other , as a fellow soldier in the war to beat Obama;...and destroy Liberalism.

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