Sunday, February 21, 2010

To Bask In Reflected Glory

I would like to thank Vice- President Biden for finally admitting that the war in Iraq was not a mistake, not a lie, and not the result of faulty intelligence. No, in fact the Iraq war was the greatest achievement of the Bush-Cheney Administration. After eight years of opposing the war and especially the surge, which both he, and President Obama said would not work, this statement by Vice-President Biden on Fox News Sunday was quite a revelation, and a complete admission that the opposition to a war that overthrew a murderous , torturing , terror sponsoring dictator was, ultimately motivated by partisan politics and a desire by the Democrats to regain their power.
The proof of this has become obvious. By telling Chris Wallace on Fox that the Iraq war will be considered the Obama Administration's  "greatest achievement", and bragging about the sucess of drone attacks in Afghanistan and the recent capture of Taliban leaders, he has not only completely vindicated Bush-Cheney, and their war on terror, but also has shown a strong desire to bask in the glow of Bush administration's reflected glory. And , as Obama-Biden continue to escalate the fight in Afghanistan, reluctantly adding more troops and even recently joining with Afghan forces to stage a surge -like offensive into Taliban strongholds, it becomes more and more apparent that , as Obama's domestic policy of tax and spend to prosperity spins out of control, he will adopt the posture of Bush overseas at least, flexing the muscles of an administration in an attempt to fend off growing assertions by the American people that the Obama administration is weak and anemic, both at home and abroad.
Bill Clinton had his Monica Lewinsky scandal,that created the impetus for the bombing of an aspirin factory in Iraq, and now Barack Obama , faced with the reality that Americans are not the suckers for socialism he originally thought them to be, must do something to stave off the Jimmy Carter, "lame duck "demons that now seek to engulf him. The war on terrror, which he once reviled and voted against as a Senator will now become the crutch that will support his waning Presidential manhood, and will ultimately be waged by him with such fervor as to make George Bush look like Mahatma Gandhi by comparison. As commander-in-chief of the armed forces, he can do no less.

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