Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Prophecy of Aristotle

A word of caution to all Tea Party Members . While Sarah Palin did indeed give a rousing speech at your convention last night, beware what lurks behind the cheers and applause . Remember, ther are many members who were , in fact, Obama supporters.  They voted for him. They only turned on him when they found out that the things he was promising , were , in fact, only more taxes on them, and had no more substance than a shadow in the night.
 But despite their disenchantment with Obama , many of these Tea Party members remain Democrats. Democrats who hated George Bush and all he stood for, and they do still believe they are "entitled" to the things that Obama promised them. They just didn't realize that they would have to pay for them , that all. You see, unfortunately, there are still a lot of Americans that believe that they are "Entitled" to Health Insurance, Jobs, A House, and Education. They are not. Unless they can pay for it themselves , that is.  In America,you are entitled only to freedom. The Government is there to protect us, not to Take care of us. That's our job. Obama is failing miserably because he is doing things that are not his job. His job as President is to secure our nation from attacks, kill terrorists, and cut taxes for all Americans . Not to mention cutting Government spending. Anything else is socialism, and is against our personal freedoms and the Constitution. The interesting thing  is that if everyone who wants to help those
in need would simply get out their checkbooks , and send a check every month to someone in need; problem solved. The Greek Philosopher Aristotle had a phrase to describe people who believe the government should take care of them. He called them; "Natural Slaves". Unfortunately, many Americans fit this description , and are , in fact, the true enemies of our Democracy.Not Obama, not Pelosi, and not Reid.No, we knew who and what they were , and still elected them. Just to get what they thought they were "entitled" to. If the Tea Party is to suceed , it must first recognize the true threat; themselves. Yes we have truly met the enemy, and it is indeed us.

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