Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Lord of the Flies

Is President Obama's plan to meet with Republicans for a proposed televised "exchange of ideas" for real? Or is it mearly another photo-op to placate his critics who say he's not open to Republican ideas? I think the latter. Why else has would he continue to call Republicans the "Party of No"? This attitude virtually assures that there is no compromise possible , and that nothing is expected of Republicans except complete capitulation to the Obama agenda.
The term,"Party of No" is no doubt meant to put Republicans on the defensive. But what's wrong with that name? We should be proud of it. Saying no to the Obama agenda is, at this moment in history, the most positive political move that could possibly be made. We need to say no to Obama; loudly and often,just like parents to disobedient , wayward children . These children, in particular, are due for a severe spanking in the upcoming November elections , which will be the parental equivalent of taking away a child's allowance, an allowance that has been spent far too recklessly and frivolously, with a teenager's disregard for the value of money , or the hardworking parent that had to earn it.
And President Obama, the"Lord of the Flies" of this band of children gone wild, will no doubt have plenty of time to reflect and ponder his failed socialist mission after the American people have "grounded" his playmates permanently in November .Reflect, and wonder, for his three remaining years in office, where he went wrong. How could this have happened?
Perhaps, like Peter Pan's "Lost Boys" ,Barack Obama , The true, ,"Lord of the Flies", and his administration; are at heart, not Marxists, socialists, Commies, or Idealogues, but simply very naughty children who refuse to grow up.

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