Wednesday, October 27, 2021

"Wars,..Within Wars!!"

 Was the Biden Administration's withdraw from Afghanistan the result of Democrat incompetence? Not at all,....and President Trump proved this, during one of his recent rallies,..when he asked a five year old boy how he would handle the situation,..

Would he pull the troops out first,..then American civilians and Allies..or would he leave the military there,..and withdraw all Americans and Allies first? The boy answered without hesitation,.."Sir..I would get all our people out first,..and then the military....

Of course.even a five year old can see the logic in leaving our military and equipment to the last osrt of the withdraw....and that was President Trump's point,..The  Biden Administration , clueless, incompetent as they are,..would have to be in a coma not to see the disaster pulling our military first, would create ,..and did create, .with thirteen American Soldiers killed during the Afghan airport madness....and  hundreds ..maybe thousands of Americans and Allies still trapped in Afghanistan....and at the mercy of the Taliban...

A simpleton could see how this scenario would play out..or..a five year old boy,...and a simpleton could see that the Taliban had feared President Trump's threats to destroy them by precision air strikes...if any American soldiers..civilians..or Allies were killed during the withdraw process...

Trump would have withdrawn all Americans and Allies first..all Americsn weaponry and equipment next..and our soldiers last..and there would have been no casualties thirteen soldiers dead...That is a fact,..

Therefore..the logic grounded Principle of Occam's Razor indicates that this was not a botched withdraw at all.....No..this was done on purpose ,..just another sinister Democrat strategem ..designed to strengthen Americas enemies,..while insuring permanent Democrst rule as well,..

Why else would Biden air lift hundreds of unidentified Afghan men first...and leave behind 85 billion dollars worth of Anerican weapons and state of the art equipment?

Bagram airbase was abandoned..with all American  intel equipment intact,..leaving American citizens and Afghan allies at the mercy of the Taliban,..with no Biden plan to rescue them in evidence,... Why would the Biden Administration release Al Queda terrorist prisoners from Bagram Air Base..only to have them detonate an explosive that killed 13 American Soldiers during the chaotic airport withdraw?

Why?? Because the Democrats have nothing but contempt for this nation..contempt for our military..and contempt for the American people..who they know, beyond a shadow of a elected President Trump to a Second a record setting 75 million vote landslide,....

The Democrats favor the Taliban,..and other terror states,..because they envy their ability to control their citizens completely, through fear and intimidation,..The Democrats, all socialists,..dream of having that level of control over the masses,..for they know, with this level of control comes the ability to confiscate the wealth of the free market,..and thereby create a true fascist state,.. where the economy is totally controlled by the government ,..making the self appointed ruling elite,.. very wealthy indeed, the sweat and labor of the citizens,..

Aye,..everything the Democrats do ,..serves but two purposes, secure all elections for the Democrats permanently,..and two, increase taxes and regulations on the American citizens relentlessly,..through ever expanding faux social programs..racebaiting strategems,..and climate change hoaxes,..

The Afghan citizens withdrawn from Afghanistan have already been dispersed , by private planes..late at night,..all over the nation, just as the illegal invaders at our border are being dispersed as well,..The goal is simple,..create a New Democrat voting base, replace the stubborn, disobedient,.Americans,..who are on the verge of turning America into a Republican controlled nation,..Even now, .a year before the Midterms,..long held Blue Districts..all across the nation, .are turning MAGA RED, .

Trump has exposed the Democrat machine for what it truly is, .and the American people are voting accordingly,..and no doubt,..will lay waste to the Democrat Party,..reduce them to ashes when the Midterms finally arrive,..

And the Democrat spending bill ? Nothing more than the last act of Marxist desperation,..doomed to failure,..from a Party that now sees their own death reflected in the eyes of MAGA Savages,...who are ready to rend them asunder the command of their Leader..the one, true President,..Donald J.Trump,..

His rallies will continue..telentlessly,.. Their purpose?? To elect Republicans at all levels of government..take the slim advantage the Democrats currently hold in the House and Senate, away from them,..turn both Houses into Republican Super Majorities ..permanently,....reduce the Biden Administration to  lame duck irrelevance,..And then....use the restored Republican power to reverse all things Democrat,...restore the MAGA Principles of Trump,..Make America Great Again,..


Can it be done?? Absolutely. In fact, already is being done ,..with Republicans winning elections seemingly everywhere,..even in well established Blue Districts,..The American people see the Democrat plan fully revealed now, the relentless Trumpian 3D Chess Strategem,..its the same plan that all Marxist elitists have.. the same socialist utopian dream,..

The self appointed tyrant"s boot,..on the neck of a humanity...that has been deemed inferior , the eyes of their so called superiors,..

Tiny,..envious,..contemptuous ..tin plated despots,..whose contempt for their fellow man.. has made their mission clear,..They shall rule over this inferior species..they shall make themselves appear taller, standing on the backs of mankind,..and richer, confiscating the fruit of their labors, the name of , " fairness and equality",...

Equality indeed,....the equality of poverty and despair,..That is the only equality that all socialists seek for those they rule,..while wealth and prosperity are reserved only for them,..the self appointed elite,..the self appointed rulers of contemptable humanity,..

History is replete with such men,..and they always seem unstoppable,..unless the unexpected intervenes,....

To this end , comes the MAGA Mission,..

Take every seat now held by a Democrat,..and make it a Republican seat..permanently,..make the Democrat Machine unelectable..permanently,....

Drive these America hating Marxists called Democrat,....back to the depths of Hell from whence they came,..

But,..what of the ever present threat of Democrat election fraud?? The Swing State Audits of the 2020 election have now proven..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..that the Presidential election was a fraud,..Biden won only by a covid created , mail in ballot strategem....that manufactured hundreds of thousands of Biden Democrat votes..and rigged Dominion voting machines virtually guaranteed a Biden victory,..despite the record setting 75 million votes for Trump...and despite the Republican ticket itself. ..winning handily as well..holding all their seats, .and gaining a few as well..

How did the Republican ticket win..but not the Republican President,..who is on the same ticket? ?? A virtual impossibility..unless..there is Democrat subterfuge afoot,...that is,..

Biden needed 81 million votes to beat Trump,....There is no evidence to indicate that he got those votes ..and the audits now confirm the fraud,..

So Be It.

Trump is President,..tight now,..and no doubt will be again , should he choose to run in 2024,..

But,..that is not the mission right now,..Republicans winning elections is the mission....the only mission...winning as quickly as possible,...before the Democrat Agenda destroys this Shining City,..leaving them, rule over its ashes,..

What if the Democrats  rig more elections??  Immediate audits..and Republican backed lawsuits,..will solve that problem,..just as this strategem is exposing Biden as the fake President right now,..

And,..until the day Republicans regain power,..there is an even more important that is ingrained in every freeborn Anerican,..One that actually created America,..

We the People must..disobey,..all Democrat authority, .at all levels,..disobey shutdowns to come,..vaccine mandates..mask mandates,..critical race theory indoctrination of students,....Disobey all things Democrat,..for they hate America,.and and are planning to destroy it,..and sell its assets to the highest foreign bidder, Biden has done for decades now,..

Disobey, our founders who created America did,..and recognize that We the People have an advantage that our founders did  not have  ...

We the People ..outnumber the Democrats,..always have, .and always will...

The Trump rallies..the 75 million votes,..and the Let's Go Brandon chants at packed football stadiums,..prove it,..

We the People rule this land,..the Democrats are mere employees,..of our rule..and we must let them know,..that we are fully aware of this..and are prepared to act accordingly,...

Wars within Wars will be fought ,..on this last battlefield called America,..until the Midterms ..We must win them all ..on a federal , state , and city level,..For  each seat gained,....moves the Democrats one step closer to non existence...A Republican seat,...for  every death caused by Democrat agenda..a seat for every one of the Thirteen soldiers killed in Afghanistan,..

Disobedience, our American Heritage,..and We must,..with a savage MAGA fury...Disobey..and show the Democrats the meaning of true power,..when wielded by a  Man, .and his MAGA ARMY...who make winning a way of life ..and have yet to be god..demon ..or Democrat,..and will, no doubt,  drink the wine of victory,..from crushed Democrat skulls..soon indeed,...

Aye, assured is the MAGA VICTORY..that even Satan now fears for the safety of his Throne , as well,....


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

"Operation : Crimson Scourge!!!"

 A follower of Jesus once asked him,.."When is the Kingdom of God coming?" Jesus replied,.."Look though you may, will never see it come."" No one will it is,..Or there it is..for the Kingdom of God, within you,.."

So Be It...

And so it is for our besieged Shining City now,..

Will Donald Trump run for President in 2024?? It matters little,..for, like the Coming of the Kingdom of God,..None of us will ever see that Trump Presidency coming,..for the Trumpian Age of with us,,,...and We the People must tend to the mission at hand..or there will be no 2024,..there will be ..nothing but ashes,..the burnt out hull..of a once great nation..reduced to atoms, the Diabolical Democrats,..

Will Trump run in 2024?? Perhaps..but there is no need,..He already won his second term,.. Covid inspired Ballot fraud,..and rigged election machines,..took away his landslide ,..sweeping victory,..but..nonetheless,..He Won, 75 million legitimate Republican votes,..

His rallies averaged 35 to 40 thousand , right before the November election..while Biden could barely fill a school auditoriim,.. 

Yet,..the Democrats claim Biden received more than 80 thousand votes ..the most in American History,..

Nonsense. Here is the  reality,..

Trump..from his Mar A Lago stronghold,.. is the President of the United States,..and history will have to recognize this Iron clad fact,..eventually,..The election audits,.. now being pushed by Trump -McConnell chosen Republican all six swing states in question..are revealing the truth,..slowly..but surely,..and new,..savage Republican created voter  laws,..will secure elections in the future,..outlaw vote by fraudulent mail in ballots,....and eliminate rigged Dominion voting machines and software,..

Never again will the Democrats be able to steal an election,..In fact,..they may never win another election ..ever again,..Already they are losing seats runoff elections,..all across the country,..even in blue district strongholds,..which indeed portends doom for other the upcoming Midterm Elections,...

For,..America has awakened to the truth,..The Wuhan Lab Virus,.. created by Obama and Fauci,..with taxpayer money..had but one purpose,..To prevent Republicans from ever winning another election , forcing a nationwide shutdown,..that would enable ballot fraud to become the foolproof weapon, to insure Permanent Democrat Power,.. has a dual purpose, .the mandatory masks are designed to slowly weaken Americans,..shorten their life span,.while the open borders bring in a new crop of future Democrat voters,..Voters who have lived under true ,socialist oppression,..and will bow to the Democrats demands , far more easily,  .than Americans born into freedom,..They will obey without question,..unlike the stubborn..arrogant,..individualistic Americans,..who will never really obey any authority ,..but their own,..

Indeed,..We the People,..are the carbon the Democrats seek to reduce ..eliminate ..and replace,  .with foreign invaders who will obey without question,..and Vote Democrat..eternally,..

Will Trump run in 2024?? He is running right now,..But his mission is not reelection.,...not yet,...Nay,..the True President of this Shining City has heavier tasks ahead of him,..For,..he now knows the truth,..knows what the Democrats really are ,..and knows how to destroy them,.. before they destroy us,..

The weapon Trump will employ??

His renewed rallies ,..of course,..which will serve the purpose of electing a whole new army of savage Republicans,..that will sweep the land ,..won every seat,..everywhere, all levels of government,..

Destroy all Democrat Blue Districts ,..and turn them Blood Red..bringing a Crimson Death to all things Democrat,..Aye,..the Red Death is approaching swiftly..silently,..all across the nation...

For Trump and his MAGA Legions know the truth,..and have the weapon that will reduce the Democrats, nothingness, record time,..The Democrats hold only a slight majority now,..and it is rapidly slipping away, Republicans are already winning all seats,..everywhere,..

The nuts and bolts reality of this Free Republic, that it functions only when Republicans hold the seat of power ,..

Tax and Regulation cuts,..2ns Amendment Rights,....a Strong Military,..Judeo Christian values, for our veterans,..and allies in freedom..Only Republicans believe in these founding principles,.. and therefore,..only Republicans should hold the seat of power in this Free Republic,..

Republican Super  Majorities,..are the key to all things,.. They can crush armies..shatter worlds,....and will reduce the Democrats, the dust from whence they came,..

Republicans Winning Elections, the Mission...the only mission...the one and only thing that matters,..the one thing that will easily destroy the Democrats,..

Yet, is the one thing that has eluded this nation since its inception,..The times when Republicans did hold majorities ,..our nation prospered, all levels,.. 

However,..when Democrats held at least two of the three branches of Federal government,..the nation suffered,..simple as that,....So too,..for our cities and states,..

Those that prosper are Republican controlled,..

Those that are cesspools of crime,..corruption..poverty..disease..and destruction..are all Democrat controlled,..guaranteed..

And..contemplate this,..The damage done to the Trump Presidency,..was only possible because Republicans failed to maintain control of the House, Trump's Midterm elections,....

So Be It,..

Washington..Jefferson..Adams,.. Lincoln..Reagan,..Trump,..William Buckley Jr....Rush Limbaugh,..all their conservative wisdom..and rhetoric..

All the Flag Waving,..the Rallies for Freedom..the Bold Speeches,...for Freedom and Liberty,..

Aye,..and even the blood spilled by patriots in the name of  Freedom,..are as for naught,....They are but passing moments in American History,..for they always ..eventually lead to yet another diabolical  Democrat takeover ...another Democrat comeback,.. another Democrat Victory,..and more decades of destruction ,..on the back of Republican prosperity,...

Why?? Why are the words of Reagan,..mere words ?? Because they do not recognize the truth,....

Soaring Conservative speeches do not produce Republican Victories,...

Republican Voters Do,..

Republican voters, .getting off their damn asses,..and voting for every damn Republican..running for anything,..anywhere,..everywhere,....all the time, .in every damn election all levels of government ,.. what works,..this,..and only this,..will stop the Democrats,..End their reign of evil,..once and for all,..

So Be It,..

President Trump is the President right now,..

He won..easily,..and is fighting from his Mar A Lago Stronghold save this nation,..

His Seige Engines of Battle ..are being assembled the form of a new, savage Republican Army,..

His rallies will promote new..Spartan Republicans..who know how to fight..and win...

We the People..must elect each and every one of them..

All Republicans running must be elected, .We are the weapon that this  true President wields,..

We the People are the Scourge of God,..that must sweep the land..and cover it in Crimson Republican Glory,..

Republican Victory..and Democrat Death,..

This is the new MAGA warcry,..

The New ..Noble Mission..

The New Reason, .for the Diabolical Democrats, tremble in fear, they  watch the assembling MAGA Armies,..with ever increasing  dread,....of the Democrat slaughter to come,..

For they have many sins to answer for,.the most offensive of Gods and Mortals alike,....

They tried to kill us..for an entire year, take everything from us,.. 

They masked our children,..damaged them permanently,..

Damaged our free market economy,..They stole..our Presidency..... They mocked the Greatest Fighting Force...yet devised by mortal man,......with their inept ..and cowardly withdrawal from Afghanistan,...


They took much from us,,..its our turn, take from them .the one..the only thing they value...

Their Power, ...their power,  to win elections,.. 

We must show them..that they can no longer win those elections,..anywhere,.. and then..

Show them..what true power looks like,..when wielded by a man..and an army,.. who have yet to be defeated  .

Who make Winning..a way of life, ....and will not rest ....will not waiver..will not relent,..

Until they drink the wine of victory....

From the Crushed Skulls.. .of the Diabolical Democrats,....

Monday, May 17, 2021

"Wherein,.Doth Power Lie??"

 There is one question,..that hangs over this Shining City,...this  earth bound Olympus,..this miracle of self government,.. like a gleaming guillotine,.. in this Age of  Trumpian-MAGA Exile,... 

Is the Biden-Democrat imposed .open border..truly a crises??

Not to the Democrat Machine. To them...the open border is a vitally important aspect of their Anti-American agenda,..the most important part,..for it enables them to secure power over the American people forever, providing an endless supply of future Democrat voters, that have never tasted freedom , and therefore are more than willing to vote for the Party that will give them the tax payer funded handouts that will enable them to thrive in the shadows,..waiting for that day,..when they will be called upon, flood the voting polls with overwhelming Democrat majorities,..

This has been the Democrat plan since at least 1965,..when then Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy, gave a desperate Democrat Convention speech...sounding the alarm that,..unless the Democrats began to expand their dwindling voting base from outside America's borders,..the Democrat Party would soon,..within a decade perhaps,..

Simply cease to exist,..

For Senator Kennedy recognized  the true nature of his Party,..from its inception.. at the time of our nations founding, has  existed solely to disrupt and destroy what the Founders created,..

Loyalists they were called originally,..dedicated to returning Anerica to British rule and control,..and determined to keep the institution of slavery intact,..for there was money to be made off the subjugation of our fellow man,..the Elite Democrats knew they were born superior...born to rule,..and could always make themselves appear taller, standing on the backs of their fellow man,..

The Democrat Colonies of the original thirteen refused to sign the Declaration of Independence ,..unless slavery remained,..Then,..they fought a blood soaked Civil War against their fellow Americans, keep President Lincoln from freeing the slaves,..

Failing that,..they then created an anti gun agenda to the freed black man from being able to defend that freedom,..

They assassinated the first Republican President....Lincoln..for the crime of insuring that all men were truly equal,..regardless of skin color,..

And then,..decades later,..they fought to stop the Republican created Civil Rights Act,..fought to keep the Democrat created Jim Crow laws of the South intact,..fought to stop school integrations,..fought to keep the evil of racism alive and well in this Republican created  Shining City,..

FIrst,.. through their Praetorian Guard ..the Ku Klux Klan ...then later ..through the Marxist forces of ANTIFA ..and Black Lives Matter,..

And through it was the Democrat politicians who were always linked with the evil of racism,. 

Whether Wilson,..Clinton,..Obana,..Biden, was always the Democrat politicians who had direct ties to an evil that Republicans fought to eliminate from our history,..

 Now,..with the rightful re-election of President Trump stolen by covid inspired mail in  ballot and Dominion software fraud,..the new  arm of the Democrat Machine,...the false and malicious Biden Administration, poised to continue the sinister  mission , essense,.. to complete the mission begun by the Loyalists at America's inception, bring an end to this self governed experiment...this Free Republic miracle,..and to remake America into the the Socialist, Marxist,..Communist Utopia that it always should have been,..

The Covid shutdown created the fake ballot plan that stole the throne from Trump and the Republicans ..and the forces of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter made sure that fear kept Americans from truly mounting a counter attack ,..

And the addled Biden, giving a faux State of the Union Address before a handful of House and Senate members,....His plodding .somnambulistic message,..the same as it has always been for the Democrat Machine,....

Massive tax and regulation increases,..a depletion of our military, anti gun laws to be forced into place end to oil,..and all carbon based energy ,...and massive Democrat Spending.....that would effectively bankrupt the nation,..turning total control of this Free Republic to America's enemies overseas..and at home as well,..China,..Russia,..Iran,....nations that work with the Democrats in unison towards the same sinister  goal,... 

The total destruction of America as founded,..and the rise of a permanent global ruling elite,..of which Biden,..Cinton,..Obama,..Pelosi,..Kerry,...Schumer,and many other Democrats, have always considered themselves to be part of,..

By Divine Right,...

They are wrong.

And,..fortunately,..they are opposed ..savagely, a new breed of Republican warriors,..who, their leader in exile, know how to fight hard..fight effectively,..and..fight to win,..

And,..the advantage, now in Republican favor,..

First,..the Democrat margin of control is slim,..Republicans need but a handful of seats in the House and Senate to regain control of all aspects of the Federal Government ...and reduce Biden and Harris to one term ,..illegitimate lame ducks,..powerless against Republican counter attacks,...

And the new crop of Savage Reoublicans are fighting harder than ever,..their Trumpian learned skills now honed to a fine,..murderous edge,..

Like Trump before them,..they counter attack on every single Democrat action ,..outrage,..or word,....they take no prisoners,..they fight to win , and destroy all things Democrat,..

And, Trump,..they fight,..only to win,..and win savagely,..

And win they have been,..with Republicans gaining many new seats in the November elections,....while also gaining new ,..unexpected allies as well, many House and Senate  Democrats are rejecting the radical agenda of their diabolical Party ,..Aye,..many of then now know,.. political survival cannot happen,...if they rule over nothing but a charred ruin of a nation,...

Many Democrats will not follow the mad dream down into political abyss,..for their Party,..and Nation,..

Survival  instinct ...will Trump,..even their hatred of America,..for some, least...

So Be It.

And, for the Demon in Exile??

He has not been idle,..

His plans being made in stealth,..accordingly,..His Trumpian Siege Engines being assembled, his War Fortress,..Mar A Lago,..

His new,.. official office of the Ex President,..releasing a constant stream of twitter like attacks , on the Democrats,..and Biden, particular,..the Rallies soon to begin again,...continuing throughout the summer and beyond,..A new communications platform to thwart facebook and twitter bans,..

And Trump shall now be seeking Republican Suoer Majorities at all levels of government,..they will be his new army,..

His plans to back new and established Republican Candidates already happening and bearing successful fruit indeed,..

For Republicans are now winning seats,..everywhere,.. across our nation,..even in former Democrat strongholds,..

The audits of every swing state in question, in effect,..

The fraud of the November being slowly,..but surely exposed, Democrats cling to a rapidly failing racist agenda,..and a covid shutdown now losing all credibility ,...

And all the while,..the Republican siege engines of Trump grow ever stronger,..moving ever closer to the moment when Republican control is restored to this besieged nation,...

Never again can Democrats be given the reigns of power over this Shining City,..for they seek nothing but wealth and power over the charred ruin of this ,..America ,..they hate,..

Therefore,..they must be destroyed,..with a MAGA  force of nuclear proportions,....

Destroy the Democrat Party,..before it destroys you, the new,..MAGA Warcry,..

The Democrats,..however,..will not go gently into this good night,....

Defunding the Police,..heavy taxes and regulations,..Anti Military,..Anti Gun,..Anti Christian,..Anti Carbon Energy,..Anti Humanity policies endure,..while they still hold the reigns of power, a slim majority ,..But  thst hold is rapidly fading ,..and they know it...

Therefore..Biden executive orders will suffice,..where constitutional law,..and Republican opposition,..has failed them,..

They will destroy as much as they can, as quickly as they can,..for as long as Biden remains their puppet in chief,..and they hold the House and Senate,....They will work desperately to destroy all things Republican,.. .to the bitter end,..

So Be It.

All well and good for the pestilence called Democrat,..but they have forgotten,..that one of the most powerful Republicans yet to exist, plans his attack from his Mar A Lago stronghold,.. an attack by a new, savage Republican Army,..

An attack, a man who has yet to be defeated in battle,..with gods,.. devils,..or Democrats,..

Wherein ..Doth Power Lie???

It lies in the soon to be,.. Trumpian created,.. Republican Super Majorities,..

A Power,..that makes all things possible,..

A Power,..that can topple armies,..shatter worlds,..

A Power,..that will reduce the diabolical Democrats to the dust from whence they came,..

A Power,..that will restore the Shining City, former MAGA Glory,..

Monday, March 15, 2021

"A Gathering Of Wardrums!!"

 Even now,.. with all three branches of the Federal  Government in the hands of the enemies of this Free Republic,..the coup completed,..and  all that is the Trump Legacy,..being undone by an endless series of Biden executive orders,..and the Cspitol, on permanent,..Democrat enforced,  totalitarian lockdown,....

Even now,..only one question reverberates in the collective Democrat consciousness , ..

"What does it take, defeat this man-devil in exile,.. called Trump??

The answer? More than any diabolical Democrat possesses, be certain,...

For the second impeachment attempt of President Trump is now part of history, and the result, was as preordained as the rising of the sun,..

Trump is acquitted,..yet again,....

Two  Democrat impeachment attempts thwarted,  and even with the Democrats now controlling both Houses, ..they could not conjure the votes necessary in the Senate to convict, ...

Remarkable, .this man , accused of conspiring with Russians,..conspiring with Ukrainians,....and attempting an insurrection at the Capitol,..designed to prevent the certification of the Biden Victory, ordering his MAGA Legions to take the Capitol by force,..

Yet he was still found , "Not Guilty",..

Truly,.. another Trumpian miracle has seemingly come to pass,..seemingly,..

But,.in reality,..there was simply no evidence of the crime, as usual,..

The Democrats trying to destroy Trump , using nothing more than spectral  , phantoms of evidence ...the Trump speech at Freedom Plaza was perfect,..the President exposing  the evidence of voter fraud , and then asking his MAGA Legions to peacefully protest at the steps of the Capitol ...

The breach itself?

Now proven to have been planned weeks in advance by Pelosi and Soros ,..using the bought and paid for terror forces of ANTIFA , and Black Lives Matter , impersonate MAGA Legions, and storm the capitol gates,..thereby forever branding MAGA as a terror movement,  and giving the Democrats justified  reason to do what they have always wanted to do,..since 2016,..

Condemn and marginalize Trump supporters and Republicans in general,..brand them the enemy of America,..that must be stopped at all costs,..silenced in the media,..and their votes, negated by the HR1 bill,..that would make the virus influenced,..Dominian and mail in ballot hoax ..the voting standard,  for decades to come,..

A permanent Democrat majority and rule,..the only way to stop the Trump terror forces,...

Aye,..Democrat madness indeed,..and seemingly,..for the moment,.. unstoppable,..

But then came the Trumo acquittal,..and with it , an end to the lawyer enforced silence that the President in Exile had been forced into ,..

Now,..Trump would return to form,..attacking the Demicrats from all angles, ..Official Statements,..coming rapid fire from his Mar A Lago stronghold,..the Twitter and Facebook ban proving to be ineffective in silencing the force of nature known as Trump,..Aye,..the addled,and stumbling Biden may be unwilling,  and unable,  to deliver the required State of the Union address, ...but Trump is not,..

For this President in Exile's triumphant return to the annual  3 day CPAC convention,..was, in essence, ..nothing more than a State of the Union Address,..delivered by the true President ,..before an audience of true Americans,..And despite his many weeks of silence since the January 6th Democrat coup,.. Trump demonstrated that he had not lost a steo,..His speech on the last day of CPAC, ..was again, for the ages,..and following the exact same patterns as the ones that came before,..

He touted his record setting achievements,..He attacked the Democrat voter fraud coup that had stolen his hard won crown,..And, of course,..he savagely mocked the Biden Presidency,..exposing every aspect of it, as nothing more than a Marxist attempt to destroy as much of America as quickly as possible,..before the inevitable MAGA Republican second coming, in the Midterm elections,..which will , no doubt, be a landslide of Trumpian proportions indeed,...

And, for this President in Exile's own political future??

The President has made it quite clear,..

He is going nowhere,..

He will be supporting all Republicans running for future office,..for he knows the simple truth,..

Republican Victory is always the key to saving our free Republic,..and President Trump has made it crystal clear,.. he does not support a third party,..a so called Patriot Party , that would simply split the Republican vote,..and grant Democrats eternal victory, in all future elections,..

The President knows, ,..a Patriot Party is a foolish waste of time,..nothing more than Fake News, doubt concocted by Democrats in MAGA masquerade,..trying to damage the inevitable Republican comeback,..

The President is the Leader of the Republican Party,..and nothing more,..

He will not abandon it,..but rather,..hone it, a double bladed ax,.. to a murderous edge,..make it a deadly,..  unbeatable  weapon with which to destroy the Democrats permanently,....before they destroy America,....

And,..his final thought?? Would he rin again??   He would not commit,..but left a final,..ominous message for the Diabolical Democrats to contemplate,..

"Who knows??But,.. I may come back to beat them,..for a third time,..

So Be It.

The screams of Democrat rage echoed across the vast abyss of the Fake News the wake of this Trumpian Declaration,..

But,..whether future President reborn,..or MAGA 3D Chessmaster ,..working from the political  shadows, thing is clear,..

Trumpian Republican Victory is coming,..poised like gleaming guillotine  blade ,.waiting to fall,..

For the Man Devil Trump is not alone,..the 75 million remain as loyal as ever,..and the Democrat agenda, fully unleashed, exposing them to all eyes rapidly,..their desperation to accomplish as much destruction as possible , before the inevitable Republican second coming,..has made them reckless,..and no longer concerned with creating the illusion of political moderation,..

They are Marxists,..Socialists,..Communists,..and they will no longer tolerate the objections of the si called,.."Neanderthals,".. who dare to disobey their lockdowns and communist agenda, .

We the People will be conditioned, obey their will ,..or be destroyed,..

All things Free Republic,..will now be attacked , and driven from existence, ..including our free election voting system, that keeps the Democrats from achieving their ultimate objective,...

Total Power,.

Total Control,..

The flaw in their plan??

Trump and the MAGA Legions are still here,..and,..they are not alone,,..

Now,....a new Army of Spartan Republican reoresentatives,.. have emerged in the House and Senate,..

Trump may have lost to Democrat deceptions,..but the Republican Party, winning,...

All 26 Congressional seats thought to fall into Democrat hands in the Presidential race,..were instead, handily won by a new crop of Savsge Republucans,..and a few more seats besides,..leaving the Republucans only 5 seats shy of taking House control back,..

And the Senate?

Now tied at 50 seats for each party,..with Harris the deciding vote in a tie, of course,..but,..many Democrats, seeing the grim fate awaiting them in the Midterms,..are now abandoning the radical Democrat  agenda,..if for no other reason,..than self preservation , and a growing fear,....that there may not be any America left,..if the Biden Administration has its way,....

The bottom line??

The Democrats are imploding,..their open border policies now exposing the virus shutdown as nothing more than a politically motivated fraud,..and the rest of their agenda rapidly destroying our economy,..and all the things that make America..that Shining City Reagan envisioned,..

And, the Democrats implode,..the Republicans grow ever stronger,..uniting behind their President in Exile,..and showing the master ..that the students have learned their lessons well,..

The New, Savage Spartans of the Republican Machine,..have assembled in Washington,..and in every Red City and State,....and are demonstrating the savage will,  fight back,..hard,..against everything Democrat,....and win,..

The Apprentice,..has now become the Sorceror Sipreme,..Savage Republicans in the  House and Senate,..poised now, their Commander in Exile, hurl thunderbolts of Trumpian truth and fury,..and,..from now until the coming midterms,....

Their Republican voice shall rumble like Trumpian Thunder,..through the halls of this earthian Olympus,..and the Diabolical Democrats,......

Shall Tremble In Its Wake,...

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

"Operation : Exile!!!"

 Just as the terror forces of Barabbas used Jesus and his followers as a Trojan Horse,..designed to conceal an attack on Roman occupied Jerusalem during the Holy Days of  Passover, too ,.did the modern day terror forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, use President Trump and his MAGA Army, strategic cover for their attack on the Washington Capitol on January sixth,...

The true purpose behind the attack?

To stop the Republican Congress and Senate ..led by Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Josh Hawley,..from auditing votes from the six key swing states, that cost Donald J. Trump his hard fought , hard won, and well deserved Presidential Second Term,...

A Second Term,..that seemed inevitable, even in the final weeks leading to election day , the President's rallies were still prodigious in nature,..averaging between 35 to 50 thousand MAGA followers per event,..while Biden, backed by Obama guest appearances,..could still draw no more than a handful of honking cars, or a few circle enclosed, mask wearing zombies, who sat and stared blankly at the addled , rambling Democrat Presidential challenger,..

Massive Democrat defeat was in the air, Only the Democrat machine itself,.seemed unwilling to breathe,..and with good reason too,..

For they knew what was coming ,..they had planned well for it,..The Covid Virus was released by Democrat ally..China, create the neeed for a national vote by mail strategem,..increasing the Democrat potential for voter fraud a thousandfold,..

And there was the notorious Dominion voting software, being used in at least six key swing states,..Software created for Venezuelan tyrants Chavez and Madura ,..

Software that contains a sinister algorithem, that could be accessed through the internet,..

Software that virtually assured a slight edge in the voting count to any Democrat challenger, that thwarted the 75 million vote victory for President Trump,..and handed the Presidency over to the now Pretender in Chief, Joseph P. Biden,..and his equally racist,..equally Marxist,..equally corrupt,  partner in crime Senator Kamala Harris,..

The Trump Legal Team, led by Rudolph Guiliani,.Joe DeGenova ..Jenna Ellis,..and Sidney Powell,.. had the answer to the steal,,they had accumulated the hard evidence that would prove it,..

Proof of the rigged Dominion system,..Proof of hundreds of thousands of fake ballots, ..created. by China,..Proof that six Democrat controlled. swing states, had changed voters laws, right before the election,.. blocked Republican poll watchers,...counted ballots after the polls had closed,..all done  without legislative process ,...all done.. unconstitutionally,.. 

All done,..Illegally...

And there are well over 300 eyewitnesses willing to testify to the fraud they had witnessed ,..but, judge in any state,..was willing to look at the evidence ...The fix, seemed to be unbreakable,  as January 6th approached , with the final vote certification to the Biden victory to come,..

The last hope to stop the steal, came down to the Republican Machine in the Peoples House,..Republican supporters of the President, both the House and the Senate,...180 plus strong,..pledging to push for the audit of the vote count, in the six states in question,..and thereby expose the evidence of fraud, and vote to overturn at least three of the states in question,  thereby giving Trump the victory that basic mathematics and simple logic,..had already given him,..

Vice President Mike Pence guaranteed that,..on January 6th, only legal votes would be counted,...

Senator Ted Cruz, and Congressman Josh Hawley guaranteed an audit of the states in question,..

All seemed to be falling into place,..President Trump would be vindicated, and his Presidency saved from Democrat fraud and malfeasance ,..

All Cruz , Hawley, and 180 Republicans needed, was to switch the electors of three states out of six,..and Donald J. Trump was the President,..again,..

Unless, of course,..the unexpected intervened,..

And, it did indeed,..savage,..violent ..Democrat directed terror..the Soros-Pelosi  paid terror forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter ,..unleashed on the Capitol, even as the President gave the speech he promised at Freedom Plaza, that laid bare all the evidence his legal team had accumulated,..

Evidence,..that proved the voter fraud, proved the stolen election claims were well founded indeed,..

Then.,..summing up..the President urged the MAGA forces to march peacefully to the steps of the Capitol, and there make their voices heard,..But,..peacefully,..while awaiting the results of the Republican driven count and audit,..

The Presidents message of peace, and hope for the future of the MAGA movement, giving a much needed shot of adrenaline to a movement under siege indeed,..

But,..even as the President was concluding his speech at Freedom Plaza, before an endless sea of MAGA loyalists,..the sinister forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter , ..masquerading in Trump gear and regalia,.. stormed past an under staffed Capitol security, and quickly took strategic positions throughout the People's House,..tear gas was fired,..battering rams employed,. windows and doors broken,..innocent MAGA  Patriots killed,..

And, the aftermath,.. Antifa and Black Lives Matter  terror agents, ..identified by the FBI,..

But, mattered little,..they had accomplished what they intended,..

What Soros , Pelosi,..Biden, and Harris,..had intended them to accomplish,..

They had stopped the vote fraud evidence from being reviewed, and stopped the audit entirely,..

A Congress and Senate under seige,.. now reconviened,.. and, having no more stomach for fraud investigations, ..simply counted the votes,..certified the electors,..and confirmed the steal, of an American Presidency,...

Leading to the ghost town inauguration of a tyrant in chief,.... no citizens lining the streets,....only thousands of National Guardsmen,..marching through the deserted streets of Washington,..

A Despot's Inauguration indeed,..the citizens excluded,..and unnecesssary,..barbed wire topped  fences erected around the White House grounds,....and,..on his first day in office,..the masked thief,  now President,...unleashed a dizzying array of executive orders..all designed to accomplish,..the same sinister objectives,..

Destroy the Trump Legacy,..

Destroy the Free Republic called,..America,..

And ,.Destroy the MAGA movement,.. by targeting Trimp voters and followers ..shutting down their Facebook ,.Twitter ,..and Parler media accounts ,..

A massive, .well orchestrated attempt by the Biden-Democrat machine, to end conservatism, ..End MAGA,....utilizing a controversial impeachment process...designed to prevent the now deposed Trump from ever running for office ,..again,..

The XL Pipelune work now stopped by Biden executive order,..ending thousands of good paying Anerican jobs,. 

Drug prices already skyrocketing 

The Border Wall construction stopped ...deportation of illegals suspended indefinitely,..and millions of Guatemalans,on their way , Bidens America,..even as we speak,..all potentially carrying  the deadly covid virus, seemingly dismissed by Democrats, nothing more than an inconvenient nuisance , that it's only true purpose has been served,..

That purpose??

Eliminating Trump from the Presidency,..through forced mail in voter ballots ,..thereby  giving Democrats total control of all three executive branches of government,...

The vaccine will not be distributed,..any time soon,..and mask mandates will remain, executive order, a symbol of submission,.. of subjugation, Democrat will,..

And the True President?? 

  Now a Demon in Exile,..Mara Lago ,..his battleground stronghold,...bis Fortress of Solitude,..where he may plot,..and plan,..his next 3D Chess Maneuver, bring about the inevitable Democrat downfall,....

Can He Win?? 


In fact,..Trumpian Triumph is already rising from the ashes of seeming defeat, Biden,..only several days into his Presidency,..has put into motion a massive buyer's remorse amongst even Democrat diehards,..

Thousands of Democrat Union now lost to the sinister Biden executive orders,..

The Vaccine rollout,..already being botched  in every Democrat controlled state,..

And,..most importantly,..a MAGA Movement ,..growing stronger,..with each passing day,....with a new crop of Republicans in the Congress and the Senate as well,....all now calling for counter strikes against the Democrat scourge,..

Impeaching Biden,..already a Republican priority..Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene,..Congressnan Matt Gaetz,.Congressman Jim Jordan,...Congressman Steve Scalise,..Congressman Josh Hawley,...Congressman Madison Cawthorne,..Senator Ted Cruz,...Senator Rand Paul...Senatir Lindsay Graham,...Republican firebrands all,..inspiring the Republican  Congress and Senate, take up the Trumpian Mantle,..and now,..take the fight to the Democrats,.....hard.

This then,..must be the battle strategem,..fight hard,.. and unrelentingly,....attack them as savagely,.. as they attack  us,..attack from all angles,.. .fight to win...and,..most importantly,..assure the election of  more Republicans all levels of government, every city,..every state,..

The House and Senate are only in Democrat control by the slimmest of margins,..

Republican victory in the Presidential election was  a massive sweep  indeed,..despite the Presidential victory being stolen, fake ballots and rigged software,.. .

Republicans and Democrats are tied in the Senate,..with a New York seat still a possible new Republican Senate  win,..

Republicans only need 7 seats, take back Congress,..

Now begins the game,..

Marching with MAGA signs in the street, all well and good,..but, beat the Democrats, Republicans must win elections...all the time,..on a city,..state,..and federal level,...No more foolish , vain talk of conservative purity,..and ousting weak Republicans,..all that does , is help Democrats stay in power...

No more talk of a third party ,..a so called Patriot Party,....That nothing more than a stylish vanity,.. that,.like all third parties,.. only insures Democrat victory,..Enough of this nonsense,..the battle strategem is clear,..

The MAGA Movement,..can easily overcome the weak,..unstable,  fraudulent Democrat victory, simply getting out the Republican vote,...and electing super majorities,.. of republicans,.. anywhere,..everywhere,..Not perfect Republicans,..for only Christ himself,..could achieve that standard,.. but just basic republicans,.. who cut taxes and regulations,.. strengthen our military, the 2nd Amendment,..and defend our Judeo Christian values,.. that are the foundation of our Constitution,..

Republican super majorities, at all levels of government,..Super Majorities,..that reduce the suspected RINO to a neutral threat,..

Republicans winning elections,.. by massive Republican voter turnout,..for everyone who dares to enter the arena of ideas,..

Add to this the Presidents never ending fight to expose and eliminate the Dominion software,..and mail in ballot system,..and you have an unbestable formula for Republican victory,. ..and Democrat defeat,. 

Nothing else will work....

We know how to fight now,..MAGA style,.and the Demon in Exile, going nowhere,.. ..He still leads us,...from his Florida stronghold,..and still remains,.. undefeated in political combat,..with the Democrat scourge,. A Scourge,...who now, in mortal  fear,..of  this unpredictable force of nature's  next 3D Chess manuever,.. 

"Better to rule in Hell,..than to serve in Heaven",..the words of Satan, Milton's Paradise Lost,...words,..that suit the Democrat machine as well,..

But..unlike the Denocrats,..Satan never had to reckon with a demon in exile,..who,..will not rest,..will not relent,.. .until he drinks the wine of victory ,..from the Democrat's crushed skulls,..and the MAGA Warcrown,..rests , once more,...

Upon a Savage Brow,...