Tuesday, August 17, 2021

"Operation : Crimson Scourge!!!"

 A follower of Jesus once asked him,.."When is the Kingdom of God coming?" Jesus replied,.."Look though you may, will never see it come."" No one will it is,..Or there it is..for the Kingdom of God, within you,.."

So Be It...

And so it is for our besieged Shining City now,..

Will Donald Trump run for President in 2024?? It matters little,..for, like the Coming of the Kingdom of God,..None of us will ever see that Trump Presidency coming,..for the Trumpian Age of with us,,,...and We the People must tend to the mission at hand..or there will be no 2024,..there will be ..nothing but ashes,..the burnt out hull..of a once great nation..reduced to atoms, the Diabolical Democrats,..

Will Trump run in 2024?? Perhaps..but there is no need,..He already won his second term,.. Covid inspired Ballot fraud,..and rigged election machines,..took away his landslide ,..sweeping victory,..but..nonetheless,..He Won, 75 million legitimate Republican votes,..

His rallies averaged 35 to 40 thousand , right before the November election..while Biden could barely fill a school auditoriim,.. 

Yet,..the Democrats claim Biden received more than 80 thousand votes ..the most in American History,..

Nonsense. Here is the  reality,..

Trump..from his Mar A Lago stronghold,.. is the President of the United States,..and history will have to recognize this Iron clad fact,..eventually,..The election audits,.. now being pushed by Trump -McConnell chosen Republican all six swing states in question..are revealing the truth,..slowly..but surely,..and new,..savage Republican created voter  laws,..will secure elections in the future,..outlaw vote by fraudulent mail in ballots,....and eliminate rigged Dominion voting machines and software,..

Never again will the Democrats be able to steal an election,..In fact,..they may never win another election ..ever again,..Already they are losing seats runoff elections,..all across the country,..even in blue district strongholds,..which indeed portends doom for other the upcoming Midterm Elections,...

For,..America has awakened to the truth,..The Wuhan Lab Virus,.. created by Obama and Fauci,..with taxpayer money..had but one purpose,..To prevent Republicans from ever winning another election , forcing a nationwide shutdown,..that would enable ballot fraud to become the foolproof weapon, to insure Permanent Democrat Power,.. has a dual purpose, .the mandatory masks are designed to slowly weaken Americans,..shorten their life span,.while the open borders bring in a new crop of future Democrat voters,..Voters who have lived under true ,socialist oppression,..and will bow to the Democrats demands , far more easily,  .than Americans born into freedom,..They will obey without question,..unlike the stubborn..arrogant,..individualistic Americans,..who will never really obey any authority ,..but their own,..

Indeed,..We the People,..are the carbon the Democrats seek to reduce ..eliminate ..and replace,  .with foreign invaders who will obey without question,..and Vote Democrat..eternally,..

Will Trump run in 2024?? He is running right now,..But his mission is not reelection.,...not yet,...Nay,..the True President of this Shining City has heavier tasks ahead of him,..For,..he now knows the truth,..knows what the Democrats really are ,..and knows how to destroy them,.. before they destroy us,..

The weapon Trump will employ??

His renewed rallies ,..of course,..which will serve the purpose of electing a whole new army of savage Republicans,..that will sweep the land ,..won every seat,..everywhere, all levels of government,..

Destroy all Democrat Blue Districts ,..and turn them Blood Red..bringing a Crimson Death to all things Democrat,..Aye,..the Red Death is approaching swiftly..silently,..all across the nation...

For Trump and his MAGA Legions know the truth,..and have the weapon that will reduce the Democrats, nothingness, record time,..The Democrats hold only a slight majority now,..and it is rapidly slipping away, Republicans are already winning all seats,..everywhere,..

The nuts and bolts reality of this Free Republic, that it functions only when Republicans hold the seat of power ,..

Tax and Regulation cuts,..2ns Amendment Rights,....a Strong Military,..Judeo Christian values, for our veterans,..and allies in freedom..Only Republicans believe in these founding principles,.. and therefore,..only Republicans should hold the seat of power in this Free Republic,..

Republican Super  Majorities,..are the key to all things,.. They can crush armies..shatter worlds,....and will reduce the Democrats, the dust from whence they came,..

Republicans Winning Elections, the Mission...the only mission...the one and only thing that matters,..the one thing that will easily destroy the Democrats,..

Yet, is the one thing that has eluded this nation since its inception,..The times when Republicans did hold majorities ,..our nation prospered, all levels,.. 

However,..when Democrats held at least two of the three branches of Federal government,..the nation suffered,..simple as that,....So too,..for our cities and states,..

Those that prosper are Republican controlled,..

Those that are cesspools of crime,..corruption..poverty..disease..and destruction..are all Democrat controlled,..guaranteed..

And..contemplate this,..The damage done to the Trump Presidency,..was only possible because Republicans failed to maintain control of the House, Trump's Midterm elections,....

So Be It,..

Washington..Jefferson..Adams,.. Lincoln..Reagan,..Trump,..William Buckley Jr....Rush Limbaugh,..all their conservative wisdom..and rhetoric..

All the Flag Waving,..the Rallies for Freedom..the Bold Speeches,...for Freedom and Liberty,..

Aye,..and even the blood spilled by patriots in the name of  Freedom,..are as for naught,....They are but passing moments in American History,..for they always ..eventually lead to yet another diabolical  Democrat takeover ...another Democrat comeback,.. another Democrat Victory,..and more decades of destruction ,..on the back of Republican prosperity,...

Why?? Why are the words of Reagan,..mere words ?? Because they do not recognize the truth,....

Soaring Conservative speeches do not produce Republican Victories,...

Republican Voters Do,..

Republican voters, .getting off their damn asses,..and voting for every damn Republican..running for anything,..anywhere,..everywhere,....all the time, .in every damn election all levels of government ,.. what works,..this,..and only this,..will stop the Democrats,..End their reign of evil,..once and for all,..

So Be It,..

President Trump is the President right now,..

He won..easily,..and is fighting from his Mar A Lago Stronghold save this nation,..

His Seige Engines of Battle ..are being assembled the form of a new, savage Republican Army,..

His rallies will promote new..Spartan Republicans..who know how to fight..and win...

We the People..must elect each and every one of them..

All Republicans running must be elected, .We are the weapon that this  true President wields,..

We the People are the Scourge of God,..that must sweep the land..and cover it in Crimson Republican Glory,..

Republican Victory..and Democrat Death,..

This is the new MAGA warcry,..

The New ..Noble Mission..

The New Reason, .for the Diabolical Democrats, tremble in fear, they  watch the assembling MAGA Armies,..with ever increasing  dread,....of the Democrat slaughter to come,..

For they have many sins to answer for,.the most offensive of Gods and Mortals alike,....

They tried to kill us..for an entire year, take everything from us,.. 

They masked our children,..damaged them permanently,..

Damaged our free market economy,..They stole..our Presidency..... They mocked the Greatest Fighting Force...yet devised by mortal man,......with their inept ..and cowardly withdrawal from Afghanistan,...


They took much from us,,..its our turn, take from them .the one..the only thing they value...

Their Power, ...their power,  to win elections,.. 

We must show them..that they can no longer win those elections,..anywhere,.. and then..

Show them..what true power looks like,..when wielded by a man..and an army,.. who have yet to be defeated  .

Who make Winning..a way of life, ....and will not rest ....will not waiver..will not relent,..

Until they drink the wine of victory....

From the Crushed Skulls.. .of the Diabolical Democrats,....

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