Even now,.. with all three branches of the Federal Government in the hands of the enemies of this Free Republic,..the coup completed,..and all that is the Trump Legacy,..being undone by an endless series of Biden executive orders,..and the Cspitol, on permanent,..Democrat enforced, totalitarian lockdown,....
Even now,..only one question reverberates in the collective Democrat consciousness , ..
"What does it take,..to defeat this man-devil in exile,.. called Trump??
The answer? More than any diabolical Democrat possesses,..to be certain,...
For the second impeachment attempt of President Trump is now part of history, and the result, was as preordained as the rising of the sun,..
Trump is acquitted,..yet again,....
Two Democrat impeachment attempts thwarted, and even with the Democrats now controlling both Houses, ..they could not conjure the votes necessary in the Senate to convict, ...
Remarkable, .this man , accused of conspiring with Russians,..conspiring with Ukrainians,....and attempting an insurrection at the Capitol,..designed to prevent the certification of the Biden Victory,..by ordering his MAGA Legions to take the Capitol by force,..
Yet he was still found , "Not Guilty",..
Truly,.. another Trumpian miracle has seemingly come to pass,..seemingly,..
But,.in reality,..there was simply no evidence of the crime, as usual,..
The Democrats trying to destroy Trump , using nothing more than spectral , phantoms of evidence ...the Trump speech at Freedom Plaza was perfect,..the President exposing the evidence of voter fraud , and then asking his MAGA Legions to peacefully protest at the steps of the Capitol ...
The breach itself?
Now proven to have been planned weeks in advance by Pelosi and Soros ,..using the bought and paid for terror forces of ANTIFA , and Black Lives Matter ,..to impersonate MAGA Legions, and storm the capitol gates,..thereby forever branding MAGA as a terror movement, and giving the Democrats justified reason to do what they have always wanted to do,..since 2016,..
Condemn and marginalize Trump supporters and Republicans in general,..brand them the enemy of America,..that must be stopped at all costs,..silenced in the media,..and their votes, negated by the HR1 bill,..that would make the virus influenced,..Dominian and mail in ballot hoax ..the voting standard, for decades to come,..
A permanent Democrat majority and rule,..the only way to stop the Trump terror forces,...
Aye,..Democrat madness indeed,..and seemingly,..for the moment,.. unstoppable,..
But then came the Trumo acquittal,..and with it , an end to the lawyer enforced silence that the President in Exile had been forced into ,..
Now,..Trump would return to form,..attacking the Demicrats from all angles, ..Official Statements,..coming rapid fire from his Mar A Lago stronghold,..the Twitter and Facebook ban proving to be ineffective in silencing the force of nature known as Trump,..Aye,..the addled,and stumbling Biden may be unwilling, and unable, to deliver the required State of the Union address, ...but Trump is not,..
For this President in Exile's triumphant return to the annual 3 day CPAC convention,..was, in essence, ..nothing more than a State of the Union Address,..delivered by the true President ,..before an audience of true Americans,..And despite his many weeks of silence since the January 6th Democrat coup,.. Trump demonstrated that he had not lost a steo,..His speech on the last day of CPAC, ..was again,..one for the ages,..and following the exact same patterns as the ones that came before,..
He touted his record setting achievements,..He attacked the Democrat voter fraud coup that had stolen his hard won crown,..And, of course,..he savagely mocked the Biden Presidency,..exposing every aspect of it, as nothing more than a Marxist attempt to destroy as much of America as quickly as possible,..before the inevitable MAGA Republican second coming, in the Midterm elections,..which will , no doubt, be a landslide of Trumpian proportions indeed,...
And,..as for this President in Exile's own political future??
The President has made it quite clear,..
He is going nowhere,..
He will be supporting all Republicans running for future office,..for he knows the simple truth,..
Republican Victory is always the key to saving our free Republic,..and President Trump has made it crystal clear,.. he does not support a third party,..a so called Patriot Party , that would simply split the Republican vote,..and grant Democrats eternal victory, in all future elections,..
The President knows, ,..a Patriot Party is a foolish waste of time,..nothing more than Fake News,..no doubt concocted by Democrats in MAGA masquerade,..trying to damage the inevitable Republican comeback,..
The President is the Leader of the Republican Party,..and nothing more,..
He will not abandon it,..but rather,..hone it,..like a double bladed ax,.. to a murderous edge,..make it a deadly,.. unbeatable weapon with which to destroy the Democrats permanently,....before they destroy America,....
And,..his final thought?? Would he rin again?? He would not commit,..but left a final,..ominous message for the Diabolical Democrats to contemplate,..
"Who knows??But,.. I may come back to beat them,..for a third time,..
So Be It.
The screams of Democrat rage echoed across the vast abyss of the Fake News wasteland.....in the wake of this Trumpian Declaration,..
But,..whether future President reborn,..or MAGA 3D Chessmaster ,..working from the political shadows,..one thing is clear,..
Trumpian Republican Victory is coming,..poised like gleaming guillotine blade ,.waiting to fall,..
For the Man Devil Trump is not alone,..the 75 million remain as loyal as ever,..and the Democrat agenda,..now fully unleashed,..is exposing them to all eyes rapidly,..their desperation to accomplish as much destruction as possible , before the inevitable Republican second coming,..has made them reckless,..and no longer concerned with creating the illusion of political moderation,..
They are Marxists,..Socialists,..Communists,..and they will no longer tolerate the objections of the si called,.."Neanderthals,".. who dare to disobey their lockdowns and communist agenda, .
We the People will be conditioned,..to obey their will ,..or be destroyed,..
All things Free Republic,..will now be attacked , and driven from existence, ..including our free election voting system, that keeps the Democrats from achieving their ultimate objective,...
Total Power,.
Total Control,..
The flaw in their plan??
Trump and the MAGA Legions are still here,..and,..they are not alone,..no,..
Now,....a new Army of Spartan Republican reoresentatives,.. have emerged in the House and Senate,..
Trump may have lost to Democrat deceptions,..but the Republican Party,...is winning,...
All 26 Congressional seats thought to fall into Democrat hands in the Presidential race,..were instead, handily won by a new crop of Savsge Republucans,..and a few more seats besides,..leaving the Republucans only 5 seats shy of taking House control back,..
And the Senate?
Now tied at 50 seats for each party,..with Harris the deciding vote in a tie, of course,..but,..many Democrats,..now seeing the grim fate awaiting them in the Midterms,..are now abandoning the radical Democrat agenda,..if for no other reason,..than self preservation , and a growing fear,....that there may not be any America left,..if the Biden Administration has its way,....
The bottom line??
The Democrats are imploding,..their open border policies now exposing the virus shutdown as nothing more than a politically motivated fraud,..and the rest of their agenda rapidly destroying our economy,..and all the things that make America..that Shining City Reagan envisioned,..
And,..as the Democrats implode,..the Republicans grow ever stronger,..uniting behind their President in Exile,..and showing the master ..that the students have learned their lessons well,..
The New, Savage Spartans of the Republican Machine,..have assembled in Washington,..and in every Red City and State,....and are demonstrating the savage will,..to fight back,..hard,..against everything Democrat,....and win,..
The Apprentice,..has now become the Sorceror Sipreme,..Savage Republicans in the House and Senate,..poised now,..like their Commander in Exile,..to hurl thunderbolts of Trumpian truth and fury,..and,..from now until the coming midterms,....
Their Republican voice shall rumble like Trumpian Thunder,..through the halls of this earthian Olympus,..and the Diabolical Democrats,......
Shall Tremble In Its Wake,...
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