Monday, May 17, 2021

"Wherein,.Doth Power Lie??"

 There is one question,..that hangs over this Shining City,...this  earth bound Olympus,..this miracle of self government,.. like a gleaming guillotine,.. in this Age of  Trumpian-MAGA Exile,... 

Is the Biden-Democrat imposed .open border..truly a crises??

Not to the Democrat Machine. To them...the open border is a vitally important aspect of their Anti-American agenda,..the most important part,..for it enables them to secure power over the American people forever, providing an endless supply of future Democrat voters, that have never tasted freedom , and therefore are more than willing to vote for the Party that will give them the tax payer funded handouts that will enable them to thrive in the shadows,..waiting for that day,..when they will be called upon, flood the voting polls with overwhelming Democrat majorities,..

This has been the Democrat plan since at least 1965,..when then Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy, gave a desperate Democrat Convention speech...sounding the alarm that,..unless the Democrats began to expand their dwindling voting base from outside America's borders,..the Democrat Party would soon,..within a decade perhaps,..

Simply cease to exist,..

For Senator Kennedy recognized  the true nature of his Party,..from its inception.. at the time of our nations founding, has  existed solely to disrupt and destroy what the Founders created,..

Loyalists they were called originally,..dedicated to returning Anerica to British rule and control,..and determined to keep the institution of slavery intact,..for there was money to be made off the subjugation of our fellow man,..the Elite Democrats knew they were born superior...born to rule,..and could always make themselves appear taller, standing on the backs of their fellow man,..

The Democrat Colonies of the original thirteen refused to sign the Declaration of Independence ,..unless slavery remained,..Then,..they fought a blood soaked Civil War against their fellow Americans, keep President Lincoln from freeing the slaves,..

Failing that,..they then created an anti gun agenda to the freed black man from being able to defend that freedom,..

They assassinated the first Republican President....Lincoln..for the crime of insuring that all men were truly equal,..regardless of skin color,..

And then,..decades later,..they fought to stop the Republican created Civil Rights Act,..fought to keep the Democrat created Jim Crow laws of the South intact,..fought to stop school integrations,..fought to keep the evil of racism alive and well in this Republican created  Shining City,..

FIrst,.. through their Praetorian Guard ..the Ku Klux Klan ...then later ..through the Marxist forces of ANTIFA ..and Black Lives Matter,..

And through it was the Democrat politicians who were always linked with the evil of racism,. 

Whether Wilson,..Clinton,..Obana,..Biden, was always the Democrat politicians who had direct ties to an evil that Republicans fought to eliminate from our history,..

 Now,..with the rightful re-election of President Trump stolen by covid inspired mail in  ballot and Dominion software fraud,..the new  arm of the Democrat Machine,...the false and malicious Biden Administration, poised to continue the sinister  mission , essense,.. to complete the mission begun by the Loyalists at America's inception, bring an end to this self governed experiment...this Free Republic miracle,..and to remake America into the the Socialist, Marxist,..Communist Utopia that it always should have been,..

The Covid shutdown created the fake ballot plan that stole the throne from Trump and the Republicans ..and the forces of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter made sure that fear kept Americans from truly mounting a counter attack ,..

And the addled Biden, giving a faux State of the Union Address before a handful of House and Senate members,....His plodding .somnambulistic message,..the same as it has always been for the Democrat Machine,....

Massive tax and regulation increases,..a depletion of our military, anti gun laws to be forced into place end to oil,..and all carbon based energy ,...and massive Democrat Spending.....that would effectively bankrupt the nation,..turning total control of this Free Republic to America's enemies overseas..and at home as well,..China,..Russia,..Iran,....nations that work with the Democrats in unison towards the same sinister  goal,... 

The total destruction of America as founded,..and the rise of a permanent global ruling elite,..of which Biden,..Cinton,..Obama,..Pelosi,..Kerry,...Schumer,and many other Democrats, have always considered themselves to be part of,..

By Divine Right,...

They are wrong.

And,..fortunately,..they are opposed ..savagely, a new breed of Republican warriors,..who, their leader in exile, know how to fight hard..fight effectively,..and..fight to win,..

And,..the advantage, now in Republican favor,..

First,..the Democrat margin of control is slim,..Republicans need but a handful of seats in the House and Senate to regain control of all aspects of the Federal Government ...and reduce Biden and Harris to one term ,..illegitimate lame ducks,..powerless against Republican counter attacks,...

And the new crop of Savage Reoublicans are fighting harder than ever,..their Trumpian learned skills now honed to a fine,..murderous edge,..

Like Trump before them,..they counter attack on every single Democrat action ,..outrage,..or word,....they take no prisoners,..they fight to win , and destroy all things Democrat,..

And, Trump,..they fight,..only to win,..and win savagely,..

And win they have been,..with Republicans gaining many new seats in the November elections,....while also gaining new ,..unexpected allies as well, many House and Senate  Democrats are rejecting the radical agenda of their diabolical Party ,..Aye,..many of then now know,.. political survival cannot happen,...if they rule over nothing but a charred ruin of a nation,...

Many Democrats will not follow the mad dream down into political abyss,..for their Party,..and Nation,..

Survival  instinct ...will Trump,..even their hatred of America,..for some, least...

So Be It.

And, for the Demon in Exile??

He has not been idle,..

His plans being made in stealth,..accordingly,..His Trumpian Siege Engines being assembled, his War Fortress,..Mar A Lago,..

His new,.. official office of the Ex President,..releasing a constant stream of twitter like attacks , on the Democrats,..and Biden, particular,..the Rallies soon to begin again,...continuing throughout the summer and beyond,..A new communications platform to thwart facebook and twitter bans,..

And Trump shall now be seeking Republican Suoer Majorities at all levels of government,..they will be his new army,..

His plans to back new and established Republican Candidates already happening and bearing successful fruit indeed,..

For Republicans are now winning seats,..everywhere,.. across our nation,..even in former Democrat strongholds,..

The audits of every swing state in question, in effect,..

The fraud of the November being slowly,..but surely exposed, Democrats cling to a rapidly failing racist agenda,..and a covid shutdown now losing all credibility ,...

And all the while,..the Republican siege engines of Trump grow ever stronger,..moving ever closer to the moment when Republican control is restored to this besieged nation,...

Never again can Democrats be given the reigns of power over this Shining City,..for they seek nothing but wealth and power over the charred ruin of this ,..America ,..they hate,..

Therefore,..they must be destroyed,..with a MAGA  force of nuclear proportions,....

Destroy the Democrat Party,..before it destroys you, the new,..MAGA Warcry,..

The Democrats,..however,..will not go gently into this good night,....

Defunding the Police,..heavy taxes and regulations,..Anti Military,..Anti Gun,..Anti Christian,..Anti Carbon Energy,..Anti Humanity policies endure,..while they still hold the reigns of power, a slim majority ,..But  thst hold is rapidly fading ,..and they know it...

Therefore..Biden executive orders will suffice,..where constitutional law,..and Republican opposition,..has failed them,..

They will destroy as much as they can, as quickly as they can,..for as long as Biden remains their puppet in chief,..and they hold the House and Senate,....They will work desperately to destroy all things Republican,.. .to the bitter end,..

So Be It.

All well and good for the pestilence called Democrat,..but they have forgotten,..that one of the most powerful Republicans yet to exist, plans his attack from his Mar A Lago stronghold,.. an attack by a new, savage Republican Army,..

An attack, a man who has yet to be defeated in battle,..with gods,.. devils,..or Democrats,..

Wherein ..Doth Power Lie???

It lies in the soon to be,.. Trumpian created,.. Republican Super Majorities,..

A Power,..that makes all things possible,..

A Power,..that can topple armies,..shatter worlds,..

A Power,..that will reduce the diabolical Democrats to the dust from whence they came,..

A Power,..that will restore the Shining City, former MAGA Glory,..

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