Just as the terror forces of Barabbas used Jesus and his followers as a Trojan Horse,..designed to conceal an attack on Roman occupied Jerusalem during the Holy Days of Passover,..so too ,.did the modern day terror forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, use President Trump and his MAGA Army,..as strategic cover for their attack on the Washington Capitol on January sixth,...
The true purpose behind the attack?
To stop the Republican Congress and Senate ..led by Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Josh Hawley,..from auditing votes from the six key swing states, that cost Donald J. Trump his hard fought , hard won, and well deserved Presidential Second Term,...
A Second Term,..that seemed inevitable,..as even in the final weeks leading to election day , the President's rallies were still prodigious in nature,..averaging between 35 to 50 thousand MAGA followers per event,..while Biden,..now backed by Obama guest appearances,..could still draw no more than a handful of honking cars, or a few circle enclosed, mask wearing zombies, who sat and stared blankly at the addled , rambling Democrat Presidential challenger,..
Massive Democrat defeat was in the air, Only the Democrat machine itself,.seemed unwilling to breathe,..and with good reason too,..
For they knew what was coming ,..they had planned well for it,..The Covid Virus was released by Democrat ally..China,..to create the neeed for a national vote by mail strategem,..increasing the Democrat potential for voter fraud a thousandfold,..
And there was the notorious Dominion voting software,..now being used in at least six key swing states,..Software created for Venezuelan tyrants Chavez and Madura ,..
Software that contains a sinister algorithem, that could be accessed through the internet,..
Software that virtually assured a slight edge in the voting count to any Democrat challenger,..software that thwarted the 75 million vote victory for President Trump,..and handed the Presidency over to the now Pretender in Chief, Joseph P. Biden,..and his equally racist,..equally Marxist,..equally corrupt, partner in crime Senator Kamala Harris,..
The Trump Legal Team, led by Rudolph Guiliani,.Joe DeGenova ..Jenna Ellis,..and Sidney Powell,.. had the answer to the steal,,they had accumulated the hard evidence that would prove it,..
Proof of the rigged Dominion system,..Proof of hundreds of thousands of fake ballots, ..created. by China,..Proof that six Democrat controlled. swing states, had changed voters laws, right before the election,.. blocked Republican poll watchers,...counted ballots after the polls had closed,..all done without legislative process ,...all done.. unconstitutionally,..
All done,..Illegally...
And there are well over 300 eyewitnesses willing to testify to the fraud they had witnessed ,..but,..no judge in any state,..was willing to look at the evidence ...The fix, seemed to be unbreakable, as January 6th approached , with the final vote certification to the Biden victory to come,..
The last hope to stop the steal, came down to the Republican Machine in the Peoples House,..Republican supporters of the President,..in both the House and the Senate,...180 plus strong,..pledging to push for the audit of the vote count, in the six states in question,..and thereby expose the evidence of fraud, and vote to overturn at least three of the states in question, thereby giving Trump the victory that basic mathematics and simple logic,..had already given him,..
Vice President Mike Pence guaranteed that,..on January 6th, only legal votes would be counted,...
Senator Ted Cruz, and Congressman Josh Hawley guaranteed an audit of the states in question,..
All seemed to be falling into place,..President Trump would be vindicated, and his Presidency saved from Democrat fraud and malfeasance ,..
All Cruz , Hawley, and 180 Republicans needed, was to switch the electors of three states out of six,..and Donald J. Trump was the President,..again,..
Unless, of course,..the unexpected intervened,..
And, it did indeed,..savage,..violent ..Democrat directed terror..the Soros-Pelosi paid terror forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter ,..unleashed on the Capitol, even as the President gave the speech he promised at Freedom Plaza,..one that laid bare all the evidence his legal team had accumulated,..
Evidence,..that proved the voter fraud, proved the stolen election claims were well founded indeed,..
Then.,..summing up..the President urged the MAGA forces to march peacefully to the steps of the Capitol, and there make their voices heard,..But,..peacefully,..while awaiting the results of the Republican driven count and audit,..
The Presidents message of peace, and hope for the future of the MAGA movement, giving a much needed shot of adrenaline to a movement under siege indeed,..
But,..even as the President was concluding his speech at Freedom Plaza, before an endless sea of MAGA loyalists,..the sinister forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter , ..masquerading in Trump gear and regalia,.. stormed past an under staffed Capitol security, and quickly took strategic positions throughout the People's House,..tear gas was fired,..battering rams employed,. windows and doors broken,..innocent MAGA Patriots killed,..
And,..in the aftermath,.. Antifa and Black Lives Matter terror agents, ..identified by the FBI,..
But,..it mattered little,..they had accomplished what they intended,..
What Soros , Pelosi,..Biden, and Harris,..had intended them to accomplish,..
They had stopped the vote fraud evidence from being reviewed, and stopped the audit entirely,..
A Congress and Senate under seige,.. now reconviened,.. and, having no more stomach for fraud investigations, ..simply counted the votes,..certified the electors,..and confirmed the steal, of an American Presidency,...
Leading to the ghost town inauguration of a tyrant in chief,.... no citizens lining the streets,....only thousands of National Guardsmen,..marching through the deserted streets of Washington,..
A Despot's Inauguration indeed,..the citizens excluded,..and unnecesssary,..barbed wire topped fences erected around the White House grounds,....and,..on his first day in office,..the masked thief, now President,...unleashed a dizzying array of executive orders..all designed to accomplish,..the same sinister objectives,..
Destroy the Trump Legacy,..
Destroy the Free Republic called,..America,..
And ,.Destroy the MAGA movement,.. by targeting Trimp voters and followers ..shutting down their Facebook ,.Twitter ,..and Parler media accounts ,..
A massive, .well orchestrated attempt by the Biden-Democrat machine, to end conservatism, ..End MAGA,....utilizing a controversial impeachment process...designed to prevent the now deposed Trump from ever running for office ,..again,..
The XL Pipelune work now stopped by Biden executive order,..ending thousands of good paying Anerican jobs,.
Drug prices already skyrocketing
The Border Wall construction stopped ...deportation of illegals suspended indefinitely,..and millions of Guatemalans,on their way ,..to Bidens America,..even as we speak,..all potentially carrying the deadly covid virus, ..now seemingly dismissed by Democrats, ..as nothing more than an inconvenient nuisance ,..now that it's only true purpose has been served,..
That purpose??
Eliminating Trump from the Presidency,..through forced mail in voter ballots ,..thereby giving Democrats total control of all three executive branches of government,...
The vaccine will not be distributed,..any time soon,..and mask mandates will remain,..by executive order,..as a symbol of submission,.. of subjugation,..to Democrat will,..
And the True President??
Now a Demon in Exile,..Mara Lago ,..his battleground stronghold,...bis Fortress of Solitude,..where he may plot,..and plan,..his next 3D Chess Maneuver,..to bring about the inevitable Democrat downfall,....
Can He Win??
In fact,..Trumpian Triumph is already rising from the ashes of seeming defeat,..as Biden,..only several days into his Presidency,..has put into motion a massive buyer's remorse amongst even Democrat diehards,..
Thousands of Democrat Union now lost to the sinister Biden executive orders,..
The Vaccine rollout,..already being botched in every Democrat controlled state,..
And,..most importantly,..a MAGA Movement ,..growing stronger,..with each passing day,....with a new crop of Republicans in the Congress and the Senate as well,....all now calling for counter strikes against the Democrat scourge,..
Impeaching Biden,..already a Republican priority..Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene,..Congressnan Matt Gaetz,.Congressman Jim Jordan,...Congressman Steve Scalise,..Congressman Josh Hawley,...Congressman Madison Cawthorne,..Senator Ted Cruz,...Senator Rand Paul...Senatir Lindsay Graham,...Republican firebrands all,..inspiring the Republican Congress and Senate,..to take up the Trumpian Mantle,..and now,..take the fight to the Democrats,.....hard.
This then,..must be the battle strategem,..fight hard,.. and unrelentingly,....attack them as savagely,.. as they attack us,..attack from all angles,.. .fight to win...and,..most importantly,..assure the election of more Republicans ..at all levels of government,..in every city,..every state,..
The House and Senate are only in Democrat control by the slimmest of margins,..
Republican victory in the Presidential election was a massive sweep indeed,..despite the Presidential victory being stolen,..by fake ballots and rigged software,.. .
Republicans and Democrats are tied in the Senate,..with a New York seat still a possible new Republican Senate win,..
Republicans only need 7 seats,..to take back Congress,..
Now begins the game,..
Marching with MAGA signs in the street,..is all well and good,..but,..to beat the Democrats, Republicans must win elections...all the time,..on a city,..state,..and federal level,...No more foolish , vain talk of conservative purity,..and ousting weak Republicans,..all that does , is help Democrats stay in power...
No more talk of a third party ,..a so called Patriot Party,....That ..is nothing more than a stylish vanity,.. that,.like all third parties,.. only insures Democrat victory,..Enough of this nonsense,..the battle strategem is clear,..
The MAGA Movement,..can easily overcome the weak,..unstable, fraudulent Democrat victory,..by simply getting out the Republican vote,...and electing super majorities,.. of republicans,.. anywhere,..everywhere,..Not perfect Republicans,..for only Christ himself,..could achieve that standard,.. but just basic republicans,.. who cut taxes and regulations,.. strengthen our military,..support the 2nd Amendment,..and defend our Judeo Christian values,.. that are the foundation of our Constitution,..
Republican super majorities, at all levels of government,..Super Majorities,..that reduce the suspected RINO to a neutral threat,..
Republicans winning elections,.. by massive Republican voter turnout,..for everyone who dares to enter the arena of ideas,..
Add to this the Presidents never ending fight to expose and eliminate the Dominion software,..and mail in ballot system,..and you have an unbestable formula for Republican victory,. ..and Democrat defeat,.
Nothing else will work....
We know how to fight now,..MAGA style,.and the Demon in Exile,..is going nowhere,.. ..He still leads us,...from his Florida stronghold,..and still remains,.. undefeated in political combat,..with the Democrat scourge,. A Scourge,...who now,...live in mortal fear,..of this unpredictable force of nature's next 3D Chess manuever,..
"Better to rule in Hell,..than to serve in Heaven",..the words of Satan,..in Milton's Paradise Lost,...words,..that suit the Democrat machine as well,..
But..unlike the Denocrats,..Satan never had to reckon with a demon in exile,..who,..will not rest,..will not relent,.. .until he drinks the wine of victory ,..from the Democrat's crushed skulls,..and the MAGA Warcrown,..rests , once more,...
Upon a Savage Brow,...
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