Friday, March 13, 2015

"..Whosoever Holds This Power !"

Question; how do We the People restore America to it's former greatness?Elect more Conservatives would seem to be the answer, but , absolute power corrupts absolutely, as the saying goes, and many a hard core conservative has been transformed into a Big Government Country Club Republican after several terms in Washington. Senator Lindsay Graham is a perfect example of this syndrome. Even our Founders had their weaknesses, as great as they were.For instance,Alexander Hamilton , the man who created our free market economy and banking system,actually believed that the colonies should return to a monarchy style government!There are of course,those rare conservatives like Reagan, Goldwater, Cruz, Bachmann, Lee,Gowdy, who for the most part, stand strong in the face of Democrat corruption, and will not compromise.They would rather see our government destroyed than revert to a tyrannical regime.But, they are few and far between.That's human nature. Hard core conservative Republicans cannot simply be conjured up en masse by the conservative pundits and the American people. Hard Core Conservatives are born, not created .It's in their DNA.They are born conservatives .It's in their nature , and it is the essence of who they are. That is what makes them special , and an integral part of our Leadership in Washington.But, they alone cannot restore America.They alone cannot overcome the two party system of government created by our Founders that best represents the will of the people ,..if it remains balanced that is.
Our system, however, for the last 6 years , has not been balanced .On the contrary, the agenda of Obama and the Democrat Party have dominated Washington and our State governments , and the result has been economic collapse and a weakened military. This is the result of the Democrat Party seizing control of the House, Senate, Supreme Court, and Presidency , in the first two years of Obama's reign. Sure there were strong conservative voices. Sure, they fought back , and even took the House in 2010, in a landslide.But still, it was not enough. All these conservative voices on Fox, on radio, , on line,..and in our Federal and State governments were not enough to stop the Obama agenda from achieving a masterpiece of socialist destruction .Conservative voices are not enough.
Team Victory is what's needed.
Remember, the Democrats have always held the advantage politically, despite the fact that most of America is conservative .The reason? The Democrats have only one mission , and they never waiver from it. Their mission is to defeat the Republicans in every election .Their mission is Democrat Party victory , not individual candidate victory.In truth, the Democrats don't care what scandals their candidates are involved in, or how many lies they get caught in. Democrats will still support that candidate , because they know it's not about him. It's about the bigger picture.It's about Team Victory.It's about Democrat Victory. It's about crushing the Republicans in every election, and they don't care who their candidates are,because they know all of their candidates support the same basic agenda , and as long as they keep winning ,..that agenda will be fulfilled.
Republicans still don't get this. Bush wasn't good enough , so the Republican voters stayed home,and let the Democrats take control of the House and Senate , in the 2007 Midterms.
McCain wasn't good enough, , even with Palin as his running mate, so the Republicans stayed home again, and the result was a  Barack Hussein Obama Presidential Victory in 2008, with both Houses still under Democrat control. Republicans did then, after two years of Obama madness, retake the Congress in the 2010 Midterms, but then followed up this victory, by staying home for Romney, because he just wasn't strong enough, or conservative enough. The result of this display of conservative snobbery was a second term for Obama in 2012, and more destruction for America as well.
Then, in 2014, a miracle came to pass.The Republicans , led by the Tea Party caucus, took back control of both Houses, by large margins, and took control of most State level governments as well. .The Party of "No", had seemingly learned its lesson and had finally recognized who the real enemy is.
But now, with Speaker Boehner weakening on Amnesty and DHS funding , and a seeming reluctance on Republicans part to stop Obama's executive action madness , Republican voters are now poised to,..once again,..surrender to the real enemy in order to punish their own team. The 2016 Presidential election looms ever nearer, and many Republican voters are seemingly prepared to do the unthinkable,by staying home again, and letting the Democrats retain control of the Presidency.
The weaknesses of Boehner and McConnell, are well known. They will do what 's necessary to prevent government shutdown , even if it means funding Amnesty and other Obama madness. But, they have also fought to repeal Obamacare well over 80 times,and now the law will go to a Supreme Court ruling, which may very well end the subsidies and mandate,..effectively killing the law that should never have been. The Republican congress have also usurped Obama's authority by bringing Netanyahu before the American people, to speak on the threat a nuclear Iran poses to the world. They have also refused to entertain Obama's proposal to raise taxes by executive order .They are asserting themselves ,..but they simply must do more, if all things Obama are to be stopped. They have the power of the purse and must defund everything this lame duck President tries to do.That is their primary job.
Keystone was passed in the House and Senate,..and the President predictably vetoed it. That's okay. The Republicans must force him to use that veto repeatedly, and thereby expose himself as the true obstructionist to free market economic prosperity .
They are doing it, but they need to do a lot more, And, We the People need to do more as well, by recognizing once and for all, that the key to restoring America was , is, and always will be ,..Republican Party Victory, every election.
The Republican Party is the Party that freed the slaves, , created Civil Rights, cuts taxes and regulations, strengthens our military, and battles terrorism aggressively , while supporting our allies unwaiveringly. .Republicans support citizens gun rights and freedom of religion ,..not freedom from religion.They are the only Party that truly still represents , and stands behind, the constitution and its principles .The Republican Party is the Party, beyond a shadow of a doubt,.. that best represents the will of the people, our will. Therefore, we are the Party that must retain the majority , on all levels of government ,..if America is to survive. That is the real,the practical,..the only solution that has been proven , by history , work every time it's implemented.
But now, the infighting has begun again.Conservatives , once again, have already determined that if their candidate is not chosen in the Primaries,..they will stay home. They still don't get it. The Democrats, fresh from ignominious defeat in the Midterms,..once again,..are laughing at them.
Republicans must wake up to the reality that even the most conservative candidate will have flaws.They all do. Jeb Bush has major flaws on Amnesty and Common Core, but,..he was a strong, conservative Governor of Florida , who kept taxes low, and the economy strong. Jeb Bush is not the choice of most conservatives, ..nor should he be. Walker, Rubio, Carson, Paul, Cruz, and Palin , are far more appealing candidates , and obviously far more conservative.
Let the best man win, but, regardless of who does emerge victorious in the Primary, the Republican candidate must win in 2016, if America is to be saved. To put it bluntly,this Nation cannot survive another Democrat President. Another Democrat controlled Congress. Another Democrat controlled Senate.Another Democrat controlled Supreme Court and Judicial System.
It can not.
It must not.
Who will win the Republican nomination? We still don't know. But, this much is certain,..whoever it is,..a Republican must be the next President, for the alternative spells doom for America.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, steeped in corruption , deception and political maneuvering and machinations is the heir presumptive to the Presidency. Come hell or high water , the Democrat Party will pick her as their candidate, despite her latest outrages and scandals.In addition to the Benghazi incident , which Clinton has refused to take responsibility for, now there is a new revelation concerning her emails , when she was Secretary of State.Hillary was using a private email account , on a private server, her home, to conduct classified government business on .That alone, is a prosecutable felony, but add to that her deletion of 30, 000 emails from the server,..and her steadfast refusal to turn over the server to Washington for review,..and you have the final piece of the puzzle that proves,beyond a shadow of a doubt,..that Hillary is concealing information concerning Benghazi, and other scandals as well. These emails belong to the government , We the People,..and turn them over she will,..or face criminal charges .Once again,..a Clinton is involved in unsavory malfeasance.And, once again,a Clinton is acting as though the rules simply do not apply to them. This goes back to Hillary's days as a lawyer, when she was fired by her firm,..for unethical, and untrustworthy behavior.
Then came Whitewater.
Then came Vince Foster's mysterious death.
Then came Hillarycare, which failed as miserably as Obamacare.
Then came the faux, carpetbagger New York Senator.
Then came the Secretary of State , who accomplished nothing , except worldwide travel on the taxpayers dime,failure to protect our Libyan Embassy on the Anniversary of 911, failure to cooperate on the investigation into this incident, and finally failure to obey government rules regarding the security of classified, White House  communications,and then failure to disclose those communications to the government,and We the People who own them.And, all the while, the so- called"Clinton Foundation", has been continuing to receive millions of dollars in donations , from terror sponsoring nations, like Saudi Arabia and Quatar.
And this woman wants to be our next President?
No. It cannot happen.
It will not happen.
We the People must make sure that the legacy of deception that Obama has left us is not continued by this woman , who is nothing more than a reflection of Obama and his destructive policies.
It can be prevented.
If,..we use our heads and make sure this time,..that regardless of the Republican candidate, Democrat ,..Hillary or otherwise,..ever ascends the throne of the Presidency again. Ever.
Republican strength.
Republican unity.
Republican victory, always the answer to stop this Democrat Party which can no longer disguise their ties to absolute communism and tyranny.
In the end, there is only one path to a safe , secure , strong, prosperous, ever eternal America.
The path that is paved with total, complete,Republican Party victories in all elections,..the path that must also, be littered with defeated Democrat candidates , including Hillary Rodham Clinton,..the heir presumptive to the office of the Presidency.
The Republican Party is slowly awakening, and realizing,who truly wields the power in Washington.
Senator Tom Cotton, and 47 other Republicans, sent a letter to Iranian President Rouhani , warning him that, no matter what pretended deal may rise arise from this unholy alliance between Iran and the Obama Administration, it will not be honored by those who truly rule this land, ...We the People,..and the Party that represents us.
The Republican victory in the Midterms was the largest since the 1920's , and the days of Herbert Hoover's reign. Their victory was the people's victory, and it sends a message to the Obama Administration, and to every nation, friend and foe alike,..that We the People rule this land,and we will never permit a Nation gone mad to have nuclear weapons, or a Party gone mad, have the Presidency.

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