Friday, January 2, 2015

The Spoils of War

A New Year has dawned, and with it comes, new revelations regarding the Affordable Care Act,also known as Obamacare.The heavy taxes, regulations, and fines that were always the real purpose behind the law will now be put into full effect on the businesses, corporations,and working Americans who were always the primary targets of this thinly veiled tax scam.Yes, a New Year is upon us, and now,all the worst aspects of Obamacare will finally be revealed by the Democrats without fear of voter repercussions at the election polls.Simply put, Obama and the Democrats have nothing to lose now They have lost the Midterms to a Republican Party that now holds the largest majority in the House and Senate since the days of Herbert Hoover. President Obama can't run again and with both the House and the Senate firmly in Republican control,he will be forced to rely almost exclusively on his executive unilateral action to complete his socialist mission against America. That means Amnesty with open borders .That means Obamacare, and all other Democrat created programs ,will now have to  be illegally rammed through by Obama, if they are to survive. Or, will they?Perhaps not, because, in the wake of a record setting Republican victory, a 1.1 trillion dollar Cromnibus spending bill was passed by the House and Senate, with the help of the Republican Party.
The question is;...Why? Why has the Republican Party, fresh from overwhelming victory in the Midterms, betrayed the mandate of their constituents and allowed a thoroughly defeated Obama and the Democrat Party to have more taxpayer dollars to fund their destructive agenda till the end of the new year?Because House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell were desperate to avoid a shutdown, despite the fact that a shut down was inevitable, if the Democrats were to be stopped that is.But passing the 1.1 trillion dollar Cromnibus spending bill was simply easier than staying in Washington during the Christmas break and debating individual spending bills. The Republican leadership simply wanted to go home and save the fight to stop Obama for after the New Year , when the Republicans would have full control of the House and Senate. A logical strategy some would say , but it simply was not what the American people elected them to do. The Republican House and Senate were not elected to strategize.They were elected to immunize. Immunize America , that is, from the virus known as the Democrat Party that has , in eight years of rule, nearly destroyed America as we know it. And yet, they failed to do it. They failed to do what they had sworn to do ,they failed to stop all things Obama ,cold,..and force the shutdown. They betrayed the faith and trust of the American people who knew that if the Democrats were not stopped now,...the coming New Year would not be a happy one for our nation.
Judas betrayed Christ for thirty pieces of silver. The Republican Leadership betrayed the American people ,..just out of laziness.John Boehner, Mitch McConnell , and the majority of the Republican moderates simply wanted to go home for Christmas. But again, making sure the Speaker and Senate Majority Leader have a well rested Holiday vacation was not the reason they were elected.They had a specific job to do , a job they promised they would do, if elected by We the People. to lead the nation. They refused to do that job, and so,,..the full nightmare of Obamacare will now be revealed, and the endless scourge of illegal criminals will continue to flood our borders ,..collapsing our economy and threatening our nation's security. Obamacare fines will be implemented, on businesses and individuals.Americans will lose the coverage that their employers can no longer afford to give them. Illegal immigrant worker and driver licenses will be printed and distributed , creating a whole new crop of registered Democrat voters, that will live off the taxpayers dime. Obama and the Democrats now have all the money they need in 2015, to complete their mission to diminish America permanently,and create a permanent Democrat Party ruling class. And they got it, on the heels of their biggest loss since the days of the Clinton Presidency. Speaker Boehner made a deal with the devil and America will suffer for it.
The Question now is ,..did the American people make a mistake by giving the Republican Party full control of Washington, and most of the individual states as well? Should they regret their votes and punish the Republicans by allowing the Democrats to win the Presidency in 2016? Absolutely not. Sure, the Republicans have shown weakness.Sure they have betrayed the mandate that they were elected on .Sure they have foolishly thrown a life line to a rapidly sinking Democrat Party. But,..they are still the Republican Party ,..the Party whose policies were based solely on the Constitution , they should be. The Party of Lincoln and Reagan. The Party that freed the slaves , and thereby completed the task our Founding Fathers had begun with their Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights,..and Constitution. The Party that ended Jim Crow laws , created and passed the Civil Rights Act, and thwarted the Democrat Party's attempts to prevent the newly freed black man from being able to own a firearm. The Party that elected the first black, asian, and female Americans to Congress and the Senate, and the Party that truly believes the words of Thomas Jefferson,.."All men are created equal".Only Republicans support free market capitalism by being the only Party that actually cuts taxes, regulations,and entitlement programs that damage corporations and businesses and diminish our economy. Only Republicans defend our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms that insures self governed free men,..remain free. Only Republicans support our military that makes our enemies fear us, and our allies respect us.
The Republican Party is the only Party that makes America that Shining City on a Hill, that President Reagan envisioned.
This is not mere partisan rhetoric The Democrat Party, after eight years of rule in Washington, has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they oppose everything that makes America great , and everything that the Republican Party stands for.
The proof of this is the destruction they have left in their wake. A collapsing economy,record unemployment, a Second Amendment under attack, a defunded,  weakened,and downsized military, non existent borders, and a deadly enemy that grows ever bolder with each passing day, America grows weaker.
Can the Republican Party,..the Party that has already betrayed the trust of the American people , reverse all this in 2015? Their passage of the Cromnibus bill right before Christmas ,does not breed confidence in the hearts of the American people. Will the Republican Party ,..reverse all this?The answer is  a resounding,..yes. For though the weakness of Boehner and McConnell does not bode well for the future of our Republic, the boldness and confidence of Conservative Republican Leaders such as Cruz, Lee,Gohmert,Paul, Rubio, Gowdy,.Issa,..and many more newly elected conservatives ,...does indeed bode well.
Just as the evidence for the failure of Democrat rule is clear, so too is the evidence for Republican success, just as clear.Even with a divided House and Senate, President Reagan's conservative leadership  and across the board tax cuts made the America of the 80's a prosperous America.   The Clinton Presidency was collapsing in its first two years, until Newt Gingrich and the Republican Party assumed control of the House and Senate,..for the first time in 50 years,..and ,through corporate and individual  tax cuts, regulation cuts and welfare reform,..gave Clinton a booming economy that the ex President still brags about during speaking engagements. And, from 2001 to 2006, President George W.Bush , with a Republican controlled House and Senate , created the greatest period of economic growth and job creation in American History. However, from 2007, to 2008,with the Democrat controlled House and Senate,..the economy  and nation,..collapsed, and was further hurt the following year with the election of a Democrat President by the name of Barack Hussein Obama.
But now, America has another chance for rebirth, and the Republican Party a chance for complete , total , and permanent victory over the Democrats,.,.if they will but reach out ,..and seize it.
The evidence is there .It cannot be ignored , or dismissed as partisan rhetoric ,by either Democrat, or Republican. Every State in this Union now controlled by Republicans is prosperous and growing.This is the inevitable result of Republican rule.However, every State controlled by the Democrats is now bankrupt and collapsing. This is the inevitable result of Democrat rule.
So yes, the American people should take heart in the knowledge that while there will indeed be continued destruction to our nation ,... from this destruction, shall come creation as well, because the only possible result that can come from Republican victory ,regardless of conservative, moderate, weak, or strong, American rebirth and restoration , long as We the People stay engaged , stay informed , stay the course,..and will it to be so.
The Republican Party now controls not only the House and Senate  by a record majority, but more than 90% of the States in our Union as well. They have achieved total and complete victory over the forces of the left, in spite of themselves.
2014 has ended, and the destructive 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill has been passed.
But now, it's 2015.A new dawn for America. The Republican Party, the Party of prosperity ,has achieved a record setting, ultimate victory, in a battle for the soul of America.
To the Victor, go the Spoils of War.
Let the Rebirth begin.

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