"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward ,..and freedom will be defended".The words of President George W. Bush at Barksdale Air Force Base , in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in New York and Washington, by Muslim Terrorists. President Bush was true to his word.Freedom was defended.Those who committed this act of terrorism on American soil , and their terror sponsors, were brought to justice .The Mastermind behind the attack, Kalid Shiek Muhammed, was brought to justice.Osama Bin Laden, the Terror Overlord who had declared a jihadist war on infidel America , was brought to justice. All those who dared to attack America, were brought to justice, thanks to the Bush-Cheney Anti-Terror Program , and the Bush Doctrine itself, which espouses the concept of preemptive strike,..attack the enemy, before he can attack you. The Bush-Cheney war on terror was brutally effective,striking down not only terrorists , but terror sponsors as well , such as Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussein and his evil sons , who not only paid terrorists, but trained them, and provided medical care for them as well.President Bush said, "Those who are not with us, are against us",and he was as good as his word, treating terror sponsors with as much disdain as the terrorists themselves.
He Waterboarded.
He attacked with Drones.
He unleashed the Patriot Act , which gave the CIA the Intel it needed to keep American soil , terror free , for the entire eight years of his Presidency.
After 911, America was never again attacked on its own soil , by the "faceless coward" , Bush spoke of so eloquently. There was one reason for this . Bush recognized the enemy .He knew who they are .He understood,...what they are. He didn't try to explain them.He didn't try to analyze them. He didn't try to negotiate with them. He didn't try to appease them. He simply recognized them for what they are,what they will always be..the enemy of America. And he knew , the only solution was to destroy them.
President Bush knew that if he did not destroy them , they would destroy infidel America , and impose Sharia Law and Jihadist evil upon her smoking, charred ruin.
Bush Cheney recognized that the ultimate goal of Radical Islam was to not only destroy non believer infidels, but to then take their land ,in the name of Allah, and the Prophet Muhammed. Bush-Cheney knew the truth .Radical Islam's ultimate goal was nothing short of a Muslim controlled America, and a Muslim controlled world, with Sharia Law imposed in every corner of the globe. And Hated , Infidel, Imperialist, Christian America,would finally be brought to its knees ,and the flag of Al Queda will proudly fly from the lawn of the White House.
This mad dream of Radical Islam must never come to fruition if freedom and the world is to survive. And, thanks to the Bush-Cheney Anti-Terror program ,...it never did.
But now, there is change in the wind.Hope and Change to be precise.In 2007, the Bush Presidency suffered a setback , as the Democrat Party took back control of the House and Senate, and started a path to economic and militaristic ruin that Barack Hussein Obama would escalate , a little more than a year later, when he was elected our new President .And, with the ascendance of the Democrats to power under the leadership of socialist idealogue Obama , a different attitude, a different approach , was taken in the war on terror.Alas, this was inevitable , since the new President had always been a strong opponent of the Bush Anti Terror program back in his days as a mere Senator , and the Democrats had turned on Bush shortly after they approved the Iraq War as well. The White House was now controlled by those who had a different approach to the war on terror, and a different idea as to who the real enemy was.
In the minds of the left, , in the minds of the Democrat Party , in the mind of President Obama ,..America was the one, true enemy, and it was America that must ultimately be defeated. And so began the diminishment of infidel America , the imperialist , aggressive, interfering nation, that was truly responsible for terror aggression. If America is weakened, economically and militarily,..our enemies would no longer have a reason to hate us,and would evolve into economically prosperous allies. This is what the liberal left truly believes. For eight years now, this is what the left has implemented, two of those years under Bush, and the other six, under Obama. And the result? A badly weakened America, and a far more dangerous world, as AlQueda, ISIS, and the Taliban have grown stronger and bolder in our absence.Terror attacks on our soil , once thought impossible under Bush, have now happened routinely under the leadership of Obama. The terrorists smell weakness in infidel America, and are taking full advantage of that fact.But, there is no reason for this.No reason that the left should ever have believed that this strategy could work, to heal the world. For the evidence is clear around the globe that nations who are weak militarily , who disarm their citizens and police, who allow Radical Islam to grow unchecked , and unhindered by the need for cultural assimilation , who refuse to even recognize and identify the threat of Radical Islam , in their very midst, , will soon find themselves to be not only the victims of Radical Islam, but also living under complete control of the Sharia Law that it must impose in every land it occupies. Remember that is the ultimate goal.A Muslim controlled world .Every nation on earth under the boot heel of Islam.To Radical Islam, there can be no other kind of world possible , if the will of the Prophet Muhammed and and Allah is to be obeyed. Allah is a jealous , vengeful god, and will not tolerate strange gods before him, or any dissent ,anywhere, in any nation.But, how to achieve all this? How can one religion , among many, rise to dominate all others , effectively eliminating them? Easy. For you see, Radical Islam and the terrorists it breeds have a secret weapon that will aid them in achieving this goal .That weapon is called socialism. Socialism, with its big government entitlement packages , anti gun policies,including unarmed police,is the vehicle that will allow Radical Islam to achieve its final goal, guaranteed. And, the evidence is growing.The terror attack in socialist France that killed twelve employees of the satirical newspaper,Charlie Hebdo, has been a long time in the making. For, like its partner in Democratic socialism, Great Britain,France has, for many years now, tolerated , and yes, every aspect of the millions of radical Islamists that have taken residence in their nation.Originally, Muslims were brought to France as workers after World War II, , but gradually they exceeded their visas and liberal France not only refused to deport them,but encouraged them to bring their families as well. And so they did, their numbers gradually rising into the millions .And why not? What illegal immigrant muslim wouldn't want to emigrate to France, or England for that matter? Both have a socialist entitlement based system that would support them.Both have an ambivilance towards structured religion that would permit Radical Islam to grow in their midst, unchecked. Both have strong anti gun policies that not only keep the citizens unarmed and defenseless, but their police forces as well. And, best of all , both England and France do not require their ever expanding Muslim communities to assimilate and become citizens. Nor do they require any restrictions on mosques, have allowed them to set up"Muslim Only Zones", and have even allowed these radical extremists to set up Sharia Law in these closed communities .Both England and France have effectively sowed the seeds of their own destruction , and are well on their way to becoming Islamic States, just like ISIS controlled Iraq. They have both brought about their own downfall by doing nothing more than following the basic rules laid down by Saul Alinsky in his book , "Rules for Radicals".
The rules of the left.
The rules of liberalism.
The rules of Marxism.
The rules of socialism.
And, many nations , in Europe, and around the globe, equally clueless , are following the same leftist path that will lead inevitably, to their own destruction. But France, in particular, has now reached the saturation point. The nation that once aided America in its fight for independence , our ally in freedom, , our ally during World War II, has now turned against us, with its criticism of the Iraq war , and general disdain, and apathy , for the War on Terror in general.
Socialism, no doubt, breeds this kind of apathy and weakness in the face of evil .Socialism, and the smug knowledge that their economy cannot collapse , as socialism dictates it must, inevitably, because the America that they have scorned , will always prop them up economically, with our freemarket capitalist , tax dollar donations. But, in the midst of this nation, now drowning under a sea of muslim madness, there is a small island of courage by the name of Charlie Hebdo. This leftist weekly newspaper has long been an equal opportunity offender of all organized religions, including Islam. In other words this is a leftist paper that actually has some guts .Those who work for this paper believe strongly in the First Amendment right of the press and are indeed willing to die defending that right. They are an island of courage and sanity surrounded by a sea of socialist hypocrisy.
The staff of Charlie Hebdo were willing to die defending their freedom of speech. And now, twelve of them did die, in response to a political cartoon that depicted the Prophet Muhammed ,..naked. In a free world, all religions are ripe for mockery,equally. But France, by its own design, is no longer part of that free world , nor is it a free nation, for that matter. The President of France has even stated that the terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper , has nothing to do with Islam.More proof that clueless France is doomed.
France, and the world , for that matter, needs to wake up. These nations that turn from freedom, and allow the evil of socialism to grow and prosper in their midst, will pay the price for their need to create a utopian society where everyone is "equal", equally poor that is,..except, of course, for the ruling class .The only thing that government imposed equality breeds is government imposed apathy .A society that needs not work, needs not achieve, needs not fight every day, ..to remain free, is a society that will simply be too weak to survive and an easy target for the evil of Radical Islam.
The evil of Terrorism can only be fought and defeated by the strength that comes from a hard won freedom , something that France, England ,and most of Europe , has forgotten. Socialism breeds weakness , and therefore socialism breeds evil.
Both France and England have abdicated their right to rule themselves through socialist apathy and have turned that right over to the Islamic evil that feeds off of the weakness that socialism breeds.
The staff of Charlie Hebdo have stood defiant in the face of evil. A pity that the nation that this paper writes for has failed, for many years now, to show the same courage.
America should take heed. This same apathy , This same weakness, has been slowly infecting our nation for many years now, under the rule of President Obama and the Democrats .They too, have sowed the seeds of the same destruction that England and France suffer under now. But, there is a glimmer of hope. The Republican Party , the Party of Bush and Cheney, the Party that strengthens our military and puts fear in the hearts of our enemies, and stands with our allies, has just won a near record setting landslide election , and by so doing, has effectively seized control of America's destiny.
Since that day in September , 2001, this has always been the Party that understood that the only solution to the problem of Radical Islam , is to simply destroy it.
In the Middle Ages, a plague known as the Black Death laid waste to half of Europe .This new, Islamic plague is poised to do likewise.Yes , the Black Death has returned to Europe .In a different form, perhaps, but just as deadly, just as unstoppable.
But,..this is not the middle ages.And for this plague , there now exists a cure.
It's called America.
Friday, January 9, 2015
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