Charlie Hebdo, the satirical French newspaper,was warned to stop printing cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammed .They were warned by Al Queda , repeatedly for many years.They refused.Charlie Hebdo is an equal opportunity offender and all religions , including Islam are always going to be fair game in their minds. Ignoring the terrorist warning resulted in the deaths of twelve of their staff members at the hands of home grown, Al Queda trained and funded,.. Islamic terrorists.
Now, today, in the aftermath of this tragedy , Charlie Hebdo has released the latest issue of their paper , and once again it has a cartoon of the Prohet Muhammed on it's cover.Well done Charlie Hebdo .France may be a clueless appeaser of evil, but, apparently, you are not. You see, the staff of Charlie Hebdo understands . They know the secret.They reasoned it out.They know the one, the only way to defeat terrorism is to show no fear of it. "I'd rather die standing, than live on my knees", is their motto,.. and it's far more than mere rhetoric ,'s who they are..United in defiance, and fearless in the face of evil is the formula that will defeat the terrorists every time. Charlie Hebdo lives by this formula. I glory in their spunk .But what of the rest of France? What of the rest of Europe? What of ,..America?
For the most part, all nations have caved , and given in to Radical Islam's demands.All have allowed the unchecked immigration of millions of illegal muslims .All have allowed the creation of so-called muslim only zones. All have allowed the unlimited building of muslim only mosques. All have allowed the implementation of Sharia Law within these closed muslim communities. And, most egregious of all , they have all followed the main edict of a socialist community ,and banned the use of guns , by both citizen and policeman alike.
All of these nations have willingly handed the keys to their kingdoms over to Islam , and the guns used to defend those Kingdoms as well. England, France , Germany, Belgium,Australia ,..all have lost the war against Radical Islam,...without firing a shot. They should all take a lesson in courage from Charlie Hebdo ,,,a juvenile , satirical newspaper that has nonetheless embodied the spirit and words of Winston Churchill, "Never surrender, and never, never, never , give up".
America still survives as well, not because of the appeasement policies of the Obama Administration that denies the nature of the enemy,...but because our nation , like Charlie Hebdo , is self governed and self ruled. We the People rule , and while our President may appease, our people will not.
We will not surrender
We will not back down.
We will not give in to the demands of Islamic Terrorists, nor will we ever,..ever,.. willingly give up our guns ,..or our Second Amendment rights.
Like Charlie Hebdo, we will not surrender our freedom , whether in speech or action , to a terror religion based on the teachings of a Prophet of Evil.
And, unlike noble, defiant Charlie Hebdo, we have the guns and the numbers to defend our stance , to defend our defiance, defend freedom.
Unlike Europe, America will never fall to terror,not because of our will ,..but because of we have the means to defend that will. The right of the people to rule, to keep and bear arms, ..must always belong to the people alone , and with that right must always come a strong Militia,..and Military as well, otherwise the courage of a Charlie Hebdo is wasted. True, their courage , their will,..has indeed conquered terror, but if France does not unite behind them as one people ,their victory will be a hollow one.
The Unity Rally, days after the Hebdo killings ,shows hope for the world All the Leaders of Western Europe and beyond,even some who are clearly sponsors of terror themselves,..stood arm in arm, the streets of Paris and for one moment in history,..showed clarity of thought and purpose by unanimously declaring that the world is indeed at war, with no one and nothing else,...except Radical Islam.
They admitted it .There, on the streets of Paris, a bastion of socialist appeasement and apathy in the face of evil ,admitted as one for the first time in history ,..that Terror is Radical Islam,... and Radical Islam is Terror.They are one and the same, and cannot be separated. Islam and Terror are the right and left hand of the same body. They admitted that the terrorists are not distorting Islam for their purposes ,but following Islam to the letter , since everything they do is in accordance with the will of the Prophet Muhammed.
This made the Unity Rally a unique , one of a kind moment in history , with a larger turnout than the end of World War II celebration. Jesuit Charlie , said the world,..and Radical Islam trembled. Yet, something was missing .All the Leaders of the world were there . But where was the Leader of the Free World? Where was President Obama? Where was Vice President Biden? Where was Attorney General Holder? Where was America? America, in its present form, could not be there. It could not. America is now under the command of a President who will not recognize the enemy that is determined to destroy us,for no other reason than we do not follow Islam.
To President Obama, the terrorists of France and beyond are isolated extremists that do not represent Islam at all, and have nothing to do with Islam , as a true religion.
The President, as usual, is wrong.
The President is a socialist idealogue.
The President is a member of the left, and the left has always been an appeaser of Islam and terror in general. The reason has always been clear,..the left identifies with Radical Islam. They admire the control that this faith has over its people. Control. The ability to control the masses with fear and intimidation are tactics that the left uses quite frequently as well. Islam does it in the name of their religion.The left does it in the name of government .Fear of both of these entities is the key , and both the terrorists and the liberal left are experts at generating that fear. Both Islam and the Left are racist as well, hating White Christians and Jews with equal fervor.Both are anti woman , with the terrorists and liberals opposing strong independent women such as Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin , in favor of women who submit to either Islam , or Government. Both are anti gay as well. with Islam banning the practice, and the Left using them as cultural stereotypes to be exploited for votes .And, most importantly, both are anti Israel , believing the Palestinians should occupy the land that is now controlled by the Israeli terrorists who oppress them.
The Left, and Radical Islam, do indeed have much in common. Both want to crush freedom and rule the masses with an iron boot. The only difference is the boot of Islam is an evil god, and the boot of the Left is an evil government. Muslims must be appeased, Obama reasons,..because their goals are similar to his ., and ultimately, an overwhelming and unrestricted populace of illegal muslim immigrants will no doubt donate, and vote Democrat over Republican ,..guaranteed.
Therefore there was never a chance in hell of Obama being at a rally for Unity , which called for the condemnation of a faith that the left has spent many years cultivating as a political and social ally.
Terrorism will never be defined as Islam as far as Obama and the Democrats are concerned. But fortunately, Obama and the Democrats do not really run America.
We the People , do.
And We the People stand with Charlie Hebdo in defiance of those who say , "Obey my will, and the will of my god,..or die".
Charlie Hebdo chose death, and yet,...Charlie Hebdo still stands, defiant ,willful, and unrepentant.
Radical Imam Choudrey of England says their continued defiance is , in effect, a declaration of war.
He is wrong. It is a Declaration of Freedom. It is a Declaration,..of Independence.
Once again, noble Charlie Hebdo has chosen death , over obedience .
But, there is another choice, for Charlie Hebdo does not stand alone. America, and its invincible military, stand with them.
We the People of the United States stand side by side with Charlie Hebdo .
We the People , are Charlie Hebdo, and we will print those Muhammed cartoons as well.
And We the People will not back down to Radical Islam,ever.
Charlie Hebdo says they would rather die standing,..than live on their knees.
We the People, reject both choices,..and offer a third alternative.
Arm yourselves Charlie Hebdo.
Stand and live,..and leave the dying, for the terrorists.
Friday, January 16, 2015
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