Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Hollow God

There is a movement in America right now, that is steadily growing .A gathering of of conspirators if you will, that would bring down President Obama, the would be Tyrant King, by means of impeachment .An interesting concept, but a simplistic one that fails to see the root of the affliction that has now befallen our Nation. To put it simply, impeachment would accomplish nothing,...nothing. The procedure is a two step process.First, Congress must  put forth a vote on whether to impeach or not. If the vote is yes, then it goes to trial in the Senate , which is currently controlled by the Obama supporting Democrat Party. To be blunt, the Republican Congress may impeach, but the Democrat Senate will not vote to remove him from office, and with Obama impeached and yet still in office, nothing has been accomplished other than a dog and pony show designed by the Republican Party to placate their conservative constituents. And even if by some political miracle, the Democrat Senate sees the light and agrees that Obama should be impeached and removed from his high office, it still would be an exercise in futility. For, with Obama deposed and sent into the wilderness of political exile,the office of the Presidency would then fall upon the shoulders of Vice President Joe Biden, whose long political career in the Democrat  Senate has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is as radical left as the President is. In short, Biden would be as much of a disaster, and as much of a threat to our country , as President Obama is. In essence, Biden is Obama , just as Pelosi, Reid, and Holder are. They are all part of the same movement , the same agenda ,the same mind, the same body, and back the President 100% on all that he has done to our country.
Impeachment will not work,..ever. For you see,the problem isn't Obama. It's the Democrat Party. All the destruction that has befallen our Nation is the direct result of the Democrat Party being the majority power in Washington since 2007, when they took control of the House and Senate. The 2008 Obama victory sealed the deal, as did the appointment of Eric Holder as Attorney General and Democrat control of the DOJ , as well .
Democrat control of our Nation on a Federal level, for more than eight years, has all but destroyed it and has certainly left it but a hollow shell of its former self. That is the problem, not Obama. Those calling for impeachment need to get this through their heads .Obama didn't create this leftist agenda,..the leftist agenda created him.The liberal left has always hated America , and all that has been implemented by Obama has been plotted and planned by the left since the early 1930's,and that includes Obamacare .Obama is merely the tool , the perfect , charismatic front man , that the left put in the Presidency to finally sell their plan to the easily duped, greedy, jealous,brain dead, self-absorbed, uninformed , socialist leaning,.Democrat voter.
The Democrat plan for America, which has been in the works since the days of Woodrow Wilson, now could finally reach fruition , because now the Party had the perfect pitchman , the perfect carnival barker,the perfect con artist , to bring down arrogant , imperious , America. The result is what we now see,...a world ablaze, while the Nero like Obama ,plays his metaphysical fiddle at Democrat fundraisers  and on the golf course. Obama has deliberately weakened our military , abandoned our allies , like Israel, and used the Democrat controlled IRS,NSA,and DOJ,to attack his conservative enemies who recognized what he and his Party were , from day one.
What the President has done is intolerable.What he has done is inexcusable. What he has done, treasonous. But, impeachment is not the answer. Clinton was impeached, yet remained in office with his legacy as a liberal icon intact, thanks to the booming economy that Newt Gingrich and the Republicans had given him. .
So, what is the answer? What is the solution that will end this madness? Answer;..Republican Control. Republican control, of the House, of the Senate, of the DOJ, of the NSA, of the IRS,of the Supreme Court,of theVeterans Administration, ..and of every federal and state office in our country,..and in 2016,..the Presidency as well.
That is the solution .The only solution . The only solution that will work .Sure,more conservatives in office would be great. We can always use more Republicans like Ted Cruz, or Michelle Bachmann. But, that is not always possible.Besides there are no perfect conservatives , just as there are no perfect Republicans. All are lacking in one way or another, Illegal Amnesty being one area in which all are indeed, lacking. No, electing perfect conservative Republicans is not the answer. Electing more Republicans is always the answer. There is strength in numbers , and history has shown that when Republicans are in the majority on a State or Federal level, prosperity is always the result. Texas and Wisconsin are primary examples.
To save America, "We the People", this November,  must turn the keys to the Kingdom over to a Republican majority , and then,...make sure they stay the majority , all future elections. Always remember, the Republican Party is the only Party that freed the slaves, the only Party that cuts taxes and regulations, the only Party that supports the Second Amendment ,..the only Party that supports our military ,..and make no mistake about it,...the Republican Party is the only Party that supports Israel's right to defend itself, ..against the Hamas controlled terror state called Gaza .
Forget Impeachment.There's a better way.The choice is simple.Victory,....or an everlasting defeat that will erase America , permanently.
If you, as an American,..choose victory,..then you must show up at the polls this November,and at every election in between,...and vote for every Republican running for office, now,..and forevermore.
Nero stands unaffected by the carnage surrounding him, moving briskly from fundraiser to fundraiser, from golf course to golf course,..while the world burns. Stay home for another election , my fellow Republicans ,or vote Democrat again, out of spite,.....and our world will no longer be ablaze, will instead be a smoking ruin.
No impeachment. Obama must be left in office , to finish his service as Commander in Chief,..but with a Republican controlled Congress ,Senate,..and Nation,.. to rule over.   Obama will be reduced to a powerless, Hollow God, who can only dream of what might have been ,..if America had continued to obey his will, ..and stand in awe of the thunderbolts he throws

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Gatekeepers of Hell

Israel has now begun its ground invasion into Gaza.The war that began with the Hamas killing of three Israeli children has now been escalated. Make no mistake. Israel , under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not fight a war of "occupation" or limited engagement. No. As their continuous missile bombardment into Gaza City has shown, Israel does not treat war as a game .When Israel goes to war , it intends to win, quickly and decisively , in the only way a war can be won , destroying the enemy completely and forcing their surrender. Israel , unlike the U.S.under President Obama's appeasement style leadership ,understands that their can be no negotiations with Hamas controlled, Iran backed, Gaza. Israel understands that the only way to stop a terror state is to destroy it. Peace negotiations can only begin after Hamas is completely defeated, and not before. Terrorists respect only strength, only force, and the willingness to use that force. To think otherwise is to play right into the hands of Hamas ,who will exploit any sign of weakness , and use it to their advantage in their mission to destroy Israel. That weakness, however, will never be shown by Israel. Bebe Netanyahu knows better . Israel is an island of freedom and liberty , surrounded on all sides by a sea of evil . Israel knows that it can never relent , never relax, never for a second fail to respond aggressively to all terror attacks. For they know, that to show even a moment's weakness , could be fatal, and  threaten their very existence.They know that the ultimate goal of Hamas , Al Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban,and ISIS, to erase Israel, and the U.S. ,from existence permanently, all in the name of Allah. Nothing will sway them from this task. Nothing will stop them from following the will of the Prophet Muhammed , and destroying all 'Infidels" who dare to follow another faith , other than Islam. Nothing , that is ,except force.Pure, naked ,military power. Will Palestinian civilians be killed? Of course. Israel's rocket fire has already done so, as Hamas has encouraged its citizens to put themselves right in the path of the incoming missiles. Hamas, you see, wants civilian casualties that can be blamed on murderous Israel. This is part of the propaganda war that all terror states engage in , and it's used to inspire their mind numbed followers to even greater acts of terror against the infidels. And, Israel, for its part will make no effort to avoid civilian casualties . Victory is their goal, and they will achieve it regardless of the collateral damage that may result. Israel did, however, warn the Palestinian citizens to evacuate , and did agree to an Egypt facilitated, U.N. backed , 5 hour cease fire , which Hamas agreed to, and then disregarded , as they continued their missile bombardment into Israel.So much for a cease fire. So much for the highly touted U.N. intervention that Obama and the left seem to think is so vital in foreign policy decisions.
No, regardless of empty gestures by the U.N. and Egypt, both sides will now fight to the death . Israel and Gaza , will not relent , until one or the other is destroyed , or until one or the other , has surrendered unconditionally to the other. Israel , of course will never surrender , nor does it need to. Israel possesses superior firepower and a superior military force , and will no doubt crush Hamas. And even if they were out gunned , they still would be wise enough to know that surrender would mean death to Israel, and all its citizens. Hamas, and the Palestinians, for their part,will also probably never surrender. Their law is their evil religion , which instructs them to die in battle with the infidel , if necessary, in accordance with the will of their evil god, that decrees death to all non-believers.
Both sides locked in an eternal, middle east battle,for supremacy. Both sides will do what they must to achieve victory , regardless of the loss of life , regardless of the war atrocities that will be committed by both sides. Good vs. Evil. The eternal struggle. But, what then, is the difference between the two? To Obama and the left, there is little difference, which is why Obama still sends billions in tax dollars to Hamas controlled Gaza every year. Both sides use the same war methods , and achieve the same destructive results. Civilians will die by the thousands on both sides , blood, carnage and human misery will be the ultimate result, as it is with all wars.
What then, is the difference between good and evil? What is the difference between Israel and Gaza? The difference is simple. Yes, both will use the same brutal methods to achieve victory . That is the nature of war. But the difference between good and evil is not in their war methods , not in the results, ..but in the reason they are fighting. Israel is fighting a defensive war. It's mission,..survival ,...the survival of its state and its people . The total destruction of the terror states that surround it on all sides , is the only way it can ultimately survive and prosper.
Israel fights for the lives of its people and the freedom that symbolizes their State. And Hamas? What does Hamas seek from victory over Israel? Hamas cares nothing about its people , or their safety. Indeed, it encourages the citizens to stand in the paths of the incoming Israeli missiles. Human shield martyrs , you see, are the lifeblood of the terrorist propaganda machine. Hamas , the puppet of Iran, wants nothing more than death to Israel. Nothing more, nothing less. That is their only goal, and that is the true difference between these two states.
In the end, good always goes to war for the ultimate goal of peace, and freedom. Good knows this goal can only be achieved, if evil is destroyed.Evil fights for power , control, and the subjugation of our fellow man, under its iron boot. The proof of this theory is history itself. Nations that have been conquered , crushed, and decimated , by the 'Great Satan", the United States, in major wars now live in peace and freedom. Nations that have been conquered by Nazis , Al-Queda, Hamas, Taliban, or ISIS, now live in disease ridden  poverty, misery and despair, always on the verge of starvation.
There it is in a nutshell. The U.S.and  Israel, fight wars and yes, destroy other lands ,..not to conquer ,..but to liberate. Thus it has always been, since the birth of freedom, the birth of America, and the creation of the State of Israel . And, thus it will always be.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu probably said it best when describing the difference between Israel and Hamas, .."Israel uses its missiles to protect its people. Hamas uses its people to protect its missiles. "That's why Hamas controlled Gaza must be destroyed,..and nothing destroys quite as effectively as the forces of good. In the end,Israel and freedom will be victorious. And all the while , the U.S.President , Barack Hussein Obama , like a modern day Emperor Nero, seems oblivious to all the middle east carnage,..seemingly absorbed with his new mission ,the decimation of the United States of America, through the erasing of its borders. That, and the urgent need to attend another Democrat Campaign fundraiser, of course. And, in the meantime, a Malaysian passenger plane carrying 298 passengers has been shot down over the Ukraine , by Russian supporting separatists.Our President devoted forty seconds to the incident. Apparently, this new Nero was pressed for time. He was , after all , due at that fundraiser . Like all the liberal left, in the end, all that matters to him is winning elections, and getting his hands on the American tax payer money, that makes those victories possible .
And, while this new Nero ,Obama, plays his fiddle, America burns, the world is in war torn chaos, and our enemies Hamas, Al Queda , the Taliban, and yes, especially Vladimir Putin,are no doubt smiling at the realization that Obama's plan is working. America is almost no more. Israel apparently, must stand alone now, against evil .Israel is the vanguard , standing at the gates , keeping all the denizens of hell at bay.It must be victorious.
For,...if Israel falls, can America, under the rule of this new Nero,..possibly survive?  

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Man Who Was Death

On the Fourth of July, America celebrated the birth of freedom. But, in other lands, the Fourth meant a stranger, more sinister celebration, one that does not bode well for the Shining City on a Hill. Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi , Leader of the Al-Queda based terror group known only as ISIS, celebrated the Fourth by giving a speech before his loyal terror followers , announcing the birth of the first terror state , in lands that were once part of Iraq. ISIS has not yet taken all of Iraq, Baghdad still stands, but it has seized enough of it , including its oil fields, WMD stockpiles , armored tanks, and weapons grade uranium, for its leader to feel comfortable announcing a renewed, more united terror effort, to destroy the Great Satan , America , in the name of Islam. Al Baghdadi has good reason to be this confident , this assured. Right now,terror offshoots from around the globe are converging on this freshly conquered land, that was abandoned unceremoniously, by our Commander in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
Indeed, there shall be in the coming weeks a gathering of evil in this new terror state , a gathering of Islamic extremists dedicated to one goal, the destruction of the freedom, the liberty,that is embodied by Israel , who is now in a full blown war with Hamas controlled  Palestine , and its partner in freedom, America. Now Al-Queda has not only the will, but also the physical  means to carry out this mission .Weapons grade uranium, Armored Tanks , the oil fields of Iraq, and the chemical weapons of Saddam Hussein make the terror threat a credible one indeed, now that all are in the hands of ISIS.And , ISIS also has another reason to feel confident that their mission will succeed They have inside help , in the form of President Obama and the Democrat Party that has weakened our military and shown nothing but the face of appeasement to our enemies , to such a degree, that the enemy who seeks our destruction no longer has any respect for our force , or our willingness to use that force.President Obama has effectively withdrawn from the world , and his retreat in Iraq and Afghanistan is regarded by our enemies as a demonstration of weakness , not diplomacy.
Evil respects only one thing , force,and the willingness to use that force , in the name of freedom.Evil regards negotiations , debates , and diplomacy as a sign of fear on the part of the American President . Nothing more,nothing less. And now, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, leader of the first terror state , will take full advantage of that fear, and will use it to motivate his followers to even greater , more frequent acts of terrorism , upon the Great Satan, and its allies. And, ISIS's new ally ,President Obama after 5 1/2 years of endless scandals, tax increases ,and destructive EPA backed Green Agendas, now, in his last two years , has begun to unleash his Mona Lisa , his Masterpiece of Destruction , in the form of his open border agenda that has inflicted an endless wave of foreign humanity upon our shores , a wave that will not stop , ever. A wave that will , indeed , effectively destroy America, not only economically, but will also eliminate the concept of America as a sovreign state . After all, a nation that does not secure its borders will very rapidly cease to be a nation at all.
President Obama care fully orchestrated and planned influx of El Salvador, and Honduras illegals, serves several purposes , none of them good.First, it gives the President the excuse to ask Congress for 3 billion dollars, to deal with this sea of political pawns . Money that , once appropriated, will be used by the Democrat Party for one purpose , fund Democrat political campaigns and entitlement agendas. Second, it creates , just in time for the November Midterms, an endless supply of potential Democrat voters , dedicated to electing the Party that keeps them on the tax payer dole for eternity. And third, this illegal invasion serves Obama's greatest purpose , his most sinister agenda ,the agenda that his Father and Grandfather were dedicated to, the agenda that the American  left has been dedicated to, since the 1930's.Nmely, the total destruction of the Nation that they regard with nothing but loathing, contempt ,and yes,pure hatred. The destruction of Imperialist , arrogant, criminal America, that has robbed and oppressed other nations in order to achieve its 1# superpower status. After all, an endless sea of unidentifiable , often disease ridden , possibly criminal humanity , that is allowed to come across our borders , almost at will, anytime and anywhere , by the millions every year , will effectively destroy us economically ,and permanently damage our Nation's security, leaving us vulnerable to terror attacks on an unpresedented level , and blurring  the very concept of a nation with  borders. And, of course, a nation without borders, is not a nation at all, but a Penal Colony, a gathering place for criminals theives and terrorists , that will very quickly rape , pillage , and plunder this once great nation called America into non-existence, leaving only President Obama and the Democrat Party the surviving , supreme rulers of a now barren , desert wasteland of a kingdom.
It's foolproof. It is indeed Obama's masterpiece , guaranteed to accomplish his goal of total destruction of our Nation ,and an endless supply of Democrat voters , just in time for the November Midterms , and the 2016 Presidential election as well.
America will be no more , and in it's place will be a U.N. controlled land with Obama and the left , as part of its elitist ruling class. The President , however, has had a strange reaction to his latest creation His recent visit to Dallas , Texas was punctuated by his complete refusal to visit the border and witness the carnage he has created. He was , however, willing to shoot pool and drink beer in Colorado and meet and greet with Texas Governor Rick Perry , who put forth his own ideas on sealing the border, ideas that the President will never implement. For Obama had gone to Texas , not to view the destruction and look for solutions, but for the most predictable of reasons ;..Obama was in Texas to attend Democrat campaign fundraisers ,..that is all. Nothing more, nothing less. That is always the ultimate goal of every member of the liberal left, and the Democrat Party;...everything they do is geared toward re-election and obtaining the money to achieve that re-election. That was the purpose of Obamacare. That was the purpose of the EPA's Green Agenda.And, that is the ultimate purpose of the border scandal, which has worked so well, that President Obama, like Dr. Frankenstein, simply cannot bear to look upon the horror of of his own creation.
"I have become death,... the destroyer of worlds".Nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer made that statement, after seeing the destruction his atomic device had wrought upon humanity . Now, President Obama , after almost six years of endless scandals,taxes,entitlement spending, and the weakening of our military ,can  make the same claim, after unleashing his ultimate weapon of doom,...the elimination of our borders,...upon our Nation.
Obama, like Oppenheimer,...has become Death,...the Destroyer of Worlds,...our world,...America.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The King Who Never Was

In 1781,at York town, Virginia, the British General, Lord Cornwallis,..had finally submitted to the will of the American rebels. The swords of surrender had been passed by Cornwallis's second in command General Charles O'Hara , and accepted ceremoniously by the American General's second in command ,General Benjamin Lincoln. The long, eight year war for Independence was over. At last, the colonists had earned their freedom from Great Britian , and were now poised to start something new, something completely different, something that had never been attempted before, in the history of mankind. A Nation that would be ruled , not by one single individual, but by all individuals. Government of the people , by the people , and for the people. A system of self-government , self rule, where the citizens would answer to no King, Queen, or Dictator, but only to himself. A system where every man would rule his own life , be responsible for his own destiny , and would also be one of many, who would control the fate of the Nation as well. A Republic had actually been created.The Greek philosophers Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates had only dreamed of such a utopian system. It took the British colonists , and their French Allies, to finally make the dream a reality, in this rich fertile land called America.
But, none of it could have been possible without the sacrifice of a ragtag militia of freedom fighters, who were under supplied, and badly outnumbered , by the British Army, but still determined that they would live free,..or not at all. Through eight long years and bitter winters , they endured , and although at times it seemed almost hopeless they would not surrender , and instead fought a strategic war of hit and run , to confuse and demoralize the rigid, inflexible British troops. It worked . And, at the Battle of Yorktown, victory had finally been secured. What kept them going? What inspired the colonists to persevere against hopeless odds , when centuries worth of tyranny and oppression around the globe, said that their cause was a hopeless one? The colonists Judeo -Christian values certainly played a part . After all , the root of Christain values is the idea,..the concept ,..that man was created in the image of God , and should live free, as God intended. . But other nations believed in Christianity too. The Romans themselves , under the rule of Emperor Constantine , was in fact singularly responsible for the organized Bible and Catholic Church that we know today.
The British , who oppressed the colonists with heavy taxation and religious restrictions was a Christian Nation , yet it operated as a Monarchy as did the Christain converted Roman Empire. What then, was the difference this time? What made this revolution for freedom ,..true freedom, finally successful?One man made the difference. One man who , despite all hardships ,. all setbacks ,..all bitter defeats , battle after battle,..would not surrender , and would not let the men who served under him,..surrender. It was his vision . It was his dream. It was his will.It was his genius that took a battle for Independence that was, indeed, balanced on the edge of impossibility ,and turned it into overwhelming and decisive victory , using his one weapon,..his unbreakable spirit. That man, who made Plato's dream of a Free Republic , finally a reality , was General George Washington. He, and he alone, was the factor that made the difference , and  erased centuries of mankind's oppression , and made freedom a reality. The simple truth is,..without General Washington's unbreakable will, there would be no America as we know it today. In every revolution,..there is one man with a vision ,..and the determination to make that vision a reality. So too, with America's revolution. The battle for a Free Republic was fought and won because of Washington . But, even then, it could have been a waste, an exercise in futility ,..for many nations had fought wars for freedom . Many rebels had fought and died for this cause ,..and sometimes won against the oppressor, but these battles always ended in futility,for once the battle was won,..the freedom fighters would repeat the mistake , and appoint a new King , Queen , or Tyrant, replace the deposed  one. This is the fatal flaw, of all earthly societies. This is the one defining reason why freedom ,..true Republic style freedom,..has been so elusive , ephemeral, unattainable,..down through the centuries. Since the dawn of time, man, as a species has repeated the same fatal mistake , over and over again , that has kept him a prisoner , living eternally under the boot of tyrant after tyrant. That mistake is clear;...a freedom fighting rebel army will always ,..when victorious,...choose a new tyrant , replace the old one. The King is dead. Long live the King.
Then,...came the man known as Washington. His army fought for the same reasons as all the others had. His army,..his militia ,..fought for that ever elusive freedom from the boot of tyranny. The battle was the same. The historical pattern ,the same. A tyrant who can no longer be tolerated,..will always be overthrown, another tyrant. The Roman Emperor Caligula , was the beloved son of the Roman General Germanicus, who the Roman people hoped would become the new Emperor of Rome,once the evil Tiberius fell. However, it was Germanicus who fell in battle, and so then did the Roman people turn their eyes to his son, young Gaius,,..nicknamed "little boots", or Caligula , if you will, to replace his father as the heir presumptive to the throne of the deathly ill Tiberius. Tiberius eventually did fall, not to rebel freedom fighters, but to the ravages of syphillus, and the people's hero,...young Gaius,....was indeed the new , kinder , gentler, wiser, Emperor of Rome. Except,...that he wasn't.The pattern of history once again repeated and Young Gaius ,...because of sudden illness and subsequent insanity,...did make his predecessor look tame in comparison to the atrocities that he would inflict upon Rome,..during his short reign as Emperor. Indeed, Rome would repeat this pattern, time and time again,.. until the one mighty empire , destroyed from within by the excess of tyrants,fell to an invading  barbarian horde, that could smell the weakness of corruption ,..and brought an end to an Empire that, at one time,..seemed eternal.
The  corruption of Tyrants , ..the temptation of total ,..absolute power,..did indeed , ..corrupt absolutely,..time and time again , and destroyed not only Rome, but many other once mighty Nations that came, before,..and after. Until, one fledgling nation fresh from their victory over the British Empire, ...colonists who sought freedom in a new land ,..would break the destructive pattern ,..because of one man ,..the man called Washington. When victory was assured ,..all battles won,..the surrender of Cornwallis accomplished,...the people of this new land called America did then proceed to commit the same mistake that kept the world in darkness forever, demanding that their conquering hero, their leader in the fight for freedom,..their General,...their Commander in Chief Supreme,......become their New King.
But Washington, displaying the same resolute decisiveness and will that had won a Nation,..said,..."No".Of all the rebel leaders , that had fought for their people's freedom, around the globe,..and won,...only the one known as Washington refused to accept the role of Supreme ruler to the newly won land. With Washington's simple refusal,the pattern of doom and destruction that had plagued mankind since time's beginning , ...was broken forever , least as far as the land called America was concerned. For, no matter the Founding Fathers . No matter the Declaration of Independence. No matter the Constitution. No matter the determination of the colonists to live free of taxation without representation ,..and religious oppression . None of it,...would matter at all,....if General George Washington , the Father of our Country,...had said "yes" , the King's Crown. Even the noble Alexander Hamilton , Founding Father, and creator of our Banking and commerce system,..eventually thought the United States should return to a Monarchy style system of government, did many other Founders. Without the resolute influence and leadership of the Commander in Chief,..the First,..and Greatest President , the Nation has ever had ,...America would indeed have eventually turned to tyranny , all nations had previously. Washington refused Kingship , and by so doing created this Shining City on a Hill called America . His refusal ,..his rejection of tyranny,..would make America the Leader of the Free World, and the greatest force for freedom and liberty , around the globe, that has ever existed. All that has followed Washington's rejection of absolute power would not have happened ,..without that rejection. And, since that day,..all others that have followed afterward and been elected to the office of Commander in Chief,..have also rejected the temptation of Imperial Power that the office of President exposes men to. Our Constitutional Laws , of course, set down by our Founding Fathers , are the checks and balances that prevent any President from exceeding his authority, and are partially responsible for their rejection of the role of usurper,..of course,..and the separation of powers within the three branches of government ,..the  Executive , Legislative,..and Judicial would seemingly make a Monarchy impossible .Yet,..a large part must also be the character of the men we elect to the office of the Presidency,..and their respect for our first Commander in Chief , ..and his landmark decision to refuse the King's Crown ,..and become instead a King in Exile,..who , after serving out his two terms as President,...returned  the land he had fought for to the hands of "We the People".Yes , all our Presidents , since Washington, whether great, or mediocre ,..have, Washington,.. resisted the allure of the King's Crown , served within the boundaries of our Constitution ,..till the end of their terms,..and then , like Washington, returned power to the ones who really own it,..."We the People". Until now,...that is.
Now,..that tradition has been broken,..shattered into fragments , one man, who now in the last two years of his time as Commander in Chief ,..has dared to proclaim himself King. The executive actions that President Barack Hussein Obama has always used to achieve his destruction of America agenda ,have now been accelerated, this man who would be King, now realizes he's running out of time. to achieve the diminishment of America and the growth of his Administration , and the Democrat Party's power and control,..over our Nation and its people. Executive Powers , now used by Obama to circumvent Congress on Immigration reform, Obamacare, Judicial and Cabinet Appointments,..endless scandals, deceptions and coverups, the Imperial Obama, have weakened our Nation and emboldened our enemies who now, the form of the Al Queda creation called ISSA, ..are poised to seize the U.S. abandoned Iraq, and use it to create their own terror state ,..dedicated to one cause ,...the destruction of the Great Satan,..America. Indeed, all the President's actions since the day he took office, have mocked the legacy of Washington who said no to Imperial Power.
The President will not stop .Ever. He is an idealogue, who firmly believes that our Nation ,..the greatest Nation on earth,..America, the reason why the rest of the world still lives in darkness and oppression. We are the problem. America , with its imperialist interference in other nations affairs,...and its stealing of their resources,..has created a world of  misery and despair. Therefore,..America must be diminished and then,...eventually destroyed, order for the rest of the world to prosper. And, like all would be Kings and Tyrants,..President Obama knows that by weakening the Nation he serves,..he will secure his own power at the same time. In other words, America weakens,..the President and the Democrat Party,..will become omnipresent,almost invincible,...or so the President thinks.
Tyrants however, history has shown,..always fall eventually to the will of the people .And this time,this would be tyrant Barack Hussein Obama will fall to the will of a people who were born into a hard won freedom,..and learned the lesson of the King who never was,...and will not allow any man to call himself their King. And,..with the fall of Obama and the Democrats in November,..the Washington Legacy will continue,..for one reason,..and one reason alone,....because "We the People" will it to be so, ,....and forevermore.