West Point Academy. A training ground for the Nation's future soldiers , military leaders, and yes,perhaps the leaders of our Nation as well. Yes these cadets within the Hallowed Halls of this Academy are groomed to lead our military, which keeps our Nation secure from our enemies at home and abroad. These cadets are true believers in America. They believe in the exceptionalism of America. They believe in President Reagan's vision of America , as the Shining City on a Hill. They believe that America is the last, best hope for the world. These cadets not only believe, but they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if America falls,then so too,will the world fall into a dark pit of despair, destruction and desolation. Indeed, the cadets know that without America , the world will return to what it once was, an international collection of despots tyrants and dictators that rule over the masses with an iron fist.
This is what the West Point Cadets believe. And, this is why they devote their lives to defending this Nation from the enemies of freedom that seek to destroy it.So, before these cadets , stood the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama , resplendent in his glory, and poised to speak the words that would reassure this , the West Point graduating class of 2014, that their mission and its purpose was indeed a noble and necessary one.
Instead, their Commander in Chief ;...the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States ,...gave a speech that was neither reassuring of the importance of their mission , or it's purpose.No, instead , the President's speech before this West Point graduating class, amounted to nothing more than another campaign speech designed to promote his agenda and his legacy. True , he did speak of America as the Leader of the Free World,and yes, he did say that he believes in American Exceptionalism,"With every fiber of his being",... yet, in the same breath, he reminded this gathering of young wargods ,that "what makes us exceptional, is not the flouting of international law".In other words, America cannot go it alone. It must turn to other nations for support of our military actions ." We are the world leaders",the President seemed to say, "but we must first seek permission from the U.N., for that right to lead. The President also stated that our military is the strongest in the world, yet he also bragged that he had pulled troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan,leaving Al-Queda and the Taliban undefeated and ready to , once again, take control of these nations."Our military is number one", the President says,but his cuts in military funding and our retreat from enemies around the globe , say something else. Add to this the bizarre need to address the issue of Global Warming denial by the Republican Party during this graduation speech, and you have a speech,..not of soaring , inspiring , patriotic rhetoric, but a Republican bashing Midterm promoting, campaign speech, given by a community organizer, who still cannot grasp the concept of America, or the idea of "American Exceptionalism" .Yes, deep down, even after 5 years of leading this Nation as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces , this man,Barack Hussein Obama, still cannot believe and will not accept, the idea of American Exceptionalism, or even the concept of Americas as the Leader of the Free World.
This indeed is the basic , systemic flaw in the psychological makeup of this man ,Obama.No matter what inspiring patriotic mantra his teleprompter may spew forth, this man still believes , with all his heart, body,and soul ,that America is not only not exceptional, ,..not number #1, but is, in reality , the cause , the catalyst,..for all the world's problems. In the mind of this man, our Commander in Chief, is the idea that all the world's problems will be solved if America is diminished ,..its military decimated ,and its economy ,..destroyed. Make no mistake , this is the root of the left's obsession with America's destruction.Obama, and the left, firmly believe that Socialism, Communism,Marxism , Despotic Tyranny,all of it will work, if the self governed, self ruled, free market, imperial capitalist Nation called America ,...were no more. The world would not be a pit of despair, as the West Point Cadets believe,..but instead it would be a paradise, a socialist utopia ,..with the ruling elite living in the luxury that the toiling,"equal", masses would provide. Paradise. And, it can be achieved,.....by simply diminishing America,..and then, eventually,..eliminating it,..by forcing it to assimilate into a U.N. controlled , one world , third world run government , with America as simply one of many nations , under the leftist elite's despotic rule.
This is the dream.The , "Dream of my Father', that the President wrote about in his biography. And, this is why the President ,speaking before a graduating class of trained soldiers , sworn to obey his orders as Commander in Chief, still could not bring himself to feel pride in the superiority of America, or to feel pride in the fact that the American Military has never been an aggressor,..but a liberator , that has freed nations from the grip of tyranny , and given their people a chance to live free.
We are the liberators. Obama , however, still sees us as imperialist aggressors that provoke other nations into becoming our enemies, with our militaristic arrogance. America is responsible for all the world's woes That was the underlying theme of the President's West Point speech,..and every speech he has given , before and after, he was President."Withdraw from the theater of war and instead concentrate on promoting the dangers of Republican caused Global Warming ", seems to be the main message of the President's West Point speech . America is guilty , and now must make retribution ,...by standing down , militarily , around the world.
Fortunately, the young soldiers who listened to this speech , know better . They know that in war, ..good and evil are clearly defined , and America at war has always been the greatest force for good the world has ever known. Good and Evil ,clearly defined, facing each other , across battle lines. Winner take all. This is what these young cadets have been trained for. This is what they have sacrificed for. This is what they have waited for . They do not fear war. They do not need this President to protect them from war, by withdrawing our forces around the world. They do not fear war. Because,..they are war. They know that their war,is a war they will win ;..and their war, is a war against evil. And that is a war that they know the United States of America has always been victorious in, despite what their Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama believes.
Yes,in the Lair of the Wargods, they know that America is indeed , the last best hope for the world, in the eternal struggle of good versus evil.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
The Madness of the Microcosm
Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader and designated Tea Party enemy, has won his Primary election handily, accruing 63% of the vote over his inexperienced Tea Party opponent, Matt Bevin. . Surprising? Not at all. This was an amateur against a seasoned pro , who in addition to having more money to spend, also has the good sense , unlike his opponent,..to weigh his words carefully before he speaks .Bevin's election costing gaffe occurred at a cockfight, of all things,..and Bevin not only spoke in favor of the sport, but of dogfighting as well,..claiming that our Founding Fathers participated in both activities frequently. This no doubt, sealed Bevin's doom. But it matters little, for McConnell, is hardly the enemy that Tea Party conservatives seem to think he is. Sure he's weak on some key issues, such as Amnesty, but he is also strong on other key conservative issues, just like a Tea Party candidate. He believes in tax cuts , regulation cuts , 2nd Amendment rights , and a strong military. He also voted to repeal Obamacare over 60 times, and like the rest of the Republican Party, he voted no on the passing of the law as well.
The other Republican primaries were also, for the most part,sweeps for the Republican incumbents over their more conservative Tea Party opponents. So what? Sure, the Republican Party must always strive to refresh its ranks with more conservative members . That should always be the goal. Hard Core Conservative Republican Representatives are always needed to lead the battle against the liberal left's agenda, and we have a good, existing crop of them right now. Rubio, Paul, Bachmann, Lee, Toomey,Gowdy,Noem, and many others too. They are not perfect , to be sure. All have their weaknesses that make them fall short of that elusive ideal; the pure conservative. But, all believe in , and fight for the basic constitutional principles that make the United States the last, best hope for the free world.
Our Nation is now under assault , by the Obama agenda .The more hard core fighting conservatives we have representing us in Washington, the better. In a perfect world, that is the ideal. However, this is not a perfect world. For example, one of the main principles of conservatism is limiting the size of government. However, most Republicans , even the most conservative, operate in an ever expanding Washington based Government system, that simply shows no sign of shrinking anytime soon. Republicans spend heavily, , just like their Democrat counterparts .Both push for entitlement bills . Both pass bills heavily laden with "pork" , designed to placate their hometown constituents . But,there is a key difference ,..and that difference is the reason given the choice,every American should always vote Republican. Republicans are the only Party that will cut taxes and regulations that strangle the free market,..and keep them cut. Only Republicans support our military that keeps us safe. Only Republicans support our 2nd Amendment rights, despite the halfhearted attempts by Democrat candidates to "fake it" during campaign season. And, most importantly, only Republicans believe in the free market , despite their spending outrages. They are the Party that recognizes America's greatness flows from the free market , and only a free market that is unhampered by government restrictions can flourish. Republicans let you keep more of the money you earn , which is the key to our freedom, and to our self-governed principles. All Republicans believe in this. Therefore, all Republicans must be supported , if they win their Primaries. This is the zero hour. The Obama Agenda is poised to destroy our Nation . The weakening of our military, the endless scandals,..including the most offensive one of all,..the VA scandal,..are mere symptoms of a larger disease, ..liberalism. This disease must be vaccinated in November if our Nation is to survive , and if we are to reverse the damage already done, by Obama and the Democrats. However,to reverse this ,..we,..as a Party,..must avoid the errors of our past. There are already grumblings from Tea Party members that establishment Republicans like McConnell , that win Primaries, over their more conservative opponents , will receive no support from the Tea Party in the upcoming Midterms. This is inexcusable and foolish, and it plays right into the hands of the Democrats who now realize that their only path to victory in November , and beyond,..lies not with the race card,the war on women,amnesty, or same sex marriage,...but with the Tea Party. If the Tea Party can be provoked into slamming establishment Republicans, then all the Democrats need do is is sit back, relax,and watch conservative Republican voters stay home again, for another key election , just because their "perfect guy" didn't win. In-Party fighting may be the only weapon the Democrats need to win again.The simple truth is ,if the Republican Party does not unite in our Nation's time of great need , then the battle is over before it has even begun. Victory;...the Democrat Party. We , as the Party of America's founding principles, cannot let this happen again. We need to wake up and actually look at the records of the Republicans we try to demonize . McConnell,Graham, Boehner, Cornyn. McCain, Cantor, Paul,..have their weaknesses and they are indeed glaring ones. They can , at times seem almost unwilling to stand up and strongly oppose Obama and his agenda. But , they have also been strong too, especially in their stance against tax increases , Obamacare , and the Obama scandals , especially Benghazi.
The bottom line;...if your Tea Party, conservative guy,doesn't win his Primary against an establishment incumbent,...you must stand up,..and support his opponent unwaiveringly. .If you don't ,..the result will not be the Tea Party sending a "message" to the Republican establishment . No. The cold, hard, nuts and bolts result will be another Republican loss in a major election, with the Democrats retaining control of the Senate and possibly taking the House back as well. That is too big a price , for the country,..to pay, just because the Tea Party wants to send a "message" to Republicans. The only message that will, in reality,..be sent,..is that the Republican Party is a Party,...that has lost its will to win. The message will be read by the Democrat Party loud and clear;...the Democrat Party can no longer be defeated. That is a frightening concept , considering what has already transpired . Endless taxes , endless scandals,endless spending , endless arrogance , and contempt for our military veterans , who are now literally dying all across the country,while they wait for the government run healthcare their service to our country,entitles them to . Now, the President, in a hastily assembled press conference the other day, has , once again gone through the motions of pretending outrage over the Phoenix , and other VA hospitals secret lists, that have left hundreds of Veterans untreated for months , and essentially condemned to death .Obama knew about this in 2008. Yet,he did nothing to rectify it, and is now resorting to that old chestnut of blaming Bush for the problem, despite the fact that the Bush Administration had cut wait times in half, and had no secret wait lists, that sentenced sick, injured heroes to death. Make no mistake,this is a Democrat scandal. Make no mistake ;..this is an Obama Administration scandal. And this, above all others , must be the scandal that unites us , as a Party , for the sole purpose of defeating the Democrats once and for all. If not us,..who? If not now,..when? The stakes certainly cannot be higher . The mission cannot be more noble. The Democrats must be beaten, if we are to save the country. President Obama's press conference demonstrated his deep concern for the VA problem . He's"madder than hell'. He's "outraged,"and promises there will be an "investigation" to find out ,"exactly what happened" , and all those involved will be held,"accountable".
In other words , the same rhetoric , word for word , that the President uttered after each and every scandal his corrupt administration has produced. And, this one will have the same results . No one will be fired . No one will be held accountable. And, all inquiries by Republicans into details of this scandal will be withheld , stalled, and delayed by the Democrat Party . Nothing will be done to rectify this, because in the minds of Obama and the Democrats there is nothing wrong. Vets are dying , according to Obama , because of all the wars that Bush and the Republicans got us into ,...wars that created all these sick , dying soldiers . There it is;..pure and simple . The Obama solution;..Blame Bush, Blame Republicans. After 5 long years,...it's still blame Bush. This is why Obama must be beaten , by a united Republican Party. President Bush was no conservative. He spent too much, believed in Amnesty,and worked with Democrats to create "No Child Left Behind", debacle, the Housing scandal, the dangerous Port Dubai deal, and the AIG bailout that started the whole TARP ball rolling But,...Bush was a great President , a great Republican, and a great American, despit his failure to achieve conservative perfection.Bush always reminded me of Muhammad Ali. Ali, as great as a fighter he was, committed cardinal blunders in boxing style,and technique, that would have been disasterous for a lesser fighter , that did not have his mastery ,..of the basic fundamentals. That's what made Ali Great,.. he executed the basics perfectly. So too, with Bush. So too, with the Republican Party in general. Despite the flaws, despite the need for Party reform , and a return to more conservative values.
Bush and the Republican Party , despite their flaws , execute the basics perfectly. Tax cuts, Regulation cuts,entitlement cuts, limited government , Second Amendment support, and strong support for our military.These are the basic conservative principles that gave President Bush and the Republican Party , from 2001 to 2006,...the greatest period of economic growth in the history of our Nation .
The Republican Party; we do the basic , fundamentals of Constitutional Conservatism,...perfectly.
So, why the hell don't we unite, Tea Party, and Establishment toward our common goal, and achieve the perfect victory in November and beyond. For,. if we don't win, the results will be horrendous indeed. We now have an example of just how bad it could get . VA Healthcare is total government run healthcare. It's pure Obamacare , but more importantly, its true single payer system, in action. Obamacare, fully implemented , will be the same horror that the VA has become . There will be,..no difference. Indeed , the VA is but a microcosm of a larger madness to come. If there are some, who still search for a reason to fight; ....there it is. We, as a Nation of free Americans , must have a perfect Republican Victory in November to prevent the Va horror from becoming the only reality,...for all of us .
The other Republican primaries were also, for the most part,sweeps for the Republican incumbents over their more conservative Tea Party opponents. So what? Sure, the Republican Party must always strive to refresh its ranks with more conservative members . That should always be the goal. Hard Core Conservative Republican Representatives are always needed to lead the battle against the liberal left's agenda, and we have a good, existing crop of them right now. Rubio, Paul, Bachmann, Lee, Toomey,Gowdy,Noem, and many others too. They are not perfect , to be sure. All have their weaknesses that make them fall short of that elusive ideal; the pure conservative. But, all believe in , and fight for the basic constitutional principles that make the United States the last, best hope for the free world.
Our Nation is now under assault , by the Obama agenda .The more hard core fighting conservatives we have representing us in Washington, the better. In a perfect world, that is the ideal. However, this is not a perfect world. For example, one of the main principles of conservatism is limiting the size of government. However, most Republicans , even the most conservative, operate in an ever expanding Washington based Government system, that simply shows no sign of shrinking anytime soon. Republicans spend heavily, , just like their Democrat counterparts .Both push for entitlement bills . Both pass bills heavily laden with "pork" , designed to placate their hometown constituents . But,there is a key difference ,..and that difference is the reason given the choice,every American should always vote Republican. Republicans are the only Party that will cut taxes and regulations that strangle the free market,..and keep them cut. Only Republicans support our military that keeps us safe. Only Republicans support our 2nd Amendment rights, despite the halfhearted attempts by Democrat candidates to "fake it" during campaign season. And, most importantly, only Republicans believe in the free market , despite their spending outrages. They are the Party that recognizes America's greatness flows from the free market , and only a free market that is unhampered by government restrictions can flourish. Republicans let you keep more of the money you earn , which is the key to our freedom, and to our self-governed principles. All Republicans believe in this. Therefore, all Republicans must be supported , if they win their Primaries. This is the zero hour. The Obama Agenda is poised to destroy our Nation . The weakening of our military, the endless scandals,..including the most offensive one of all,..the VA scandal,..are mere symptoms of a larger disease, ..liberalism. This disease must be vaccinated in November if our Nation is to survive , and if we are to reverse the damage already done, by Obama and the Democrats. However,to reverse this ,..we,..as a Party,..must avoid the errors of our past. There are already grumblings from Tea Party members that establishment Republicans like McConnell , that win Primaries, over their more conservative opponents , will receive no support from the Tea Party in the upcoming Midterms. This is inexcusable and foolish, and it plays right into the hands of the Democrats who now realize that their only path to victory in November , and beyond,..lies not with the race card,the war on women,amnesty, or same sex marriage,...but with the Tea Party. If the Tea Party can be provoked into slamming establishment Republicans, then all the Democrats need do is is sit back, relax,and watch conservative Republican voters stay home again, for another key election , just because their "perfect guy" didn't win. In-Party fighting may be the only weapon the Democrats need to win again.The simple truth is ,if the Republican Party does not unite in our Nation's time of great need , then the battle is over before it has even begun. Victory;...the Democrat Party. We , as the Party of America's founding principles, cannot let this happen again. We need to wake up and actually look at the records of the Republicans we try to demonize . McConnell,Graham, Boehner, Cornyn. McCain, Cantor, Paul,..have their weaknesses and they are indeed glaring ones. They can , at times seem almost unwilling to stand up and strongly oppose Obama and his agenda. But , they have also been strong too, especially in their stance against tax increases , Obamacare , and the Obama scandals , especially Benghazi.
The bottom line;...if your Tea Party, conservative guy,doesn't win his Primary against an establishment incumbent,...you must stand up,..and support his opponent unwaiveringly. .If you don't ,..the result will not be the Tea Party sending a "message" to the Republican establishment . No. The cold, hard, nuts and bolts result will be another Republican loss in a major election, with the Democrats retaining control of the Senate and possibly taking the House back as well. That is too big a price , for the country,..to pay, just because the Tea Party wants to send a "message" to Republicans. The only message that will, in reality,..be sent,..is that the Republican Party is a Party,...that has lost its will to win. The message will be read by the Democrat Party loud and clear;...the Democrat Party can no longer be defeated. That is a frightening concept , considering what has already transpired . Endless taxes , endless scandals,endless spending , endless arrogance , and contempt for our military veterans , who are now literally dying all across the country,while they wait for the government run healthcare their service to our country,entitles them to . Now, the President, in a hastily assembled press conference the other day, has , once again gone through the motions of pretending outrage over the Phoenix , and other VA hospitals secret lists, that have left hundreds of Veterans untreated for months , and essentially condemned to death .Obama knew about this in 2008. Yet,he did nothing to rectify it, and is now resorting to that old chestnut of blaming Bush for the problem, despite the fact that the Bush Administration had cut wait times in half, and had no secret wait lists, that sentenced sick, injured heroes to death. Make no mistake,this is a Democrat scandal. Make no mistake ;..this is an Obama Administration scandal. And this, above all others , must be the scandal that unites us , as a Party , for the sole purpose of defeating the Democrats once and for all. If not us,..who? If not now,..when? The stakes certainly cannot be higher . The mission cannot be more noble. The Democrats must be beaten, if we are to save the country. President Obama's press conference demonstrated his deep concern for the VA problem . He's"madder than hell'. He's "outraged,"and promises there will be an "investigation" to find out ,"exactly what happened" , and all those involved will be held,"accountable".
In other words , the same rhetoric , word for word , that the President uttered after each and every scandal his corrupt administration has produced. And, this one will have the same results . No one will be fired . No one will be held accountable. And, all inquiries by Republicans into details of this scandal will be withheld , stalled, and delayed by the Democrat Party . Nothing will be done to rectify this, because in the minds of Obama and the Democrats there is nothing wrong. Vets are dying , according to Obama , because of all the wars that Bush and the Republicans got us into ,...wars that created all these sick , dying soldiers . There it is;..pure and simple . The Obama solution;..Blame Bush, Blame Republicans. After 5 long years,...it's still blame Bush. This is why Obama must be beaten , by a united Republican Party. President Bush was no conservative. He spent too much, believed in Amnesty,and worked with Democrats to create "No Child Left Behind", debacle, the Housing scandal, the dangerous Port Dubai deal, and the AIG bailout that started the whole TARP ball rolling But,...Bush was a great President , a great Republican, and a great American, despit his failure to achieve conservative perfection.Bush always reminded me of Muhammad Ali. Ali, as great as a fighter he was, committed cardinal blunders in boxing style,and technique, that would have been disasterous for a lesser fighter , that did not have his mastery ,..of the basic fundamentals. That's what made Ali Great,.. he executed the basics perfectly. So too, with Bush. So too, with the Republican Party in general. Despite the flaws, despite the need for Party reform , and a return to more conservative values.
Bush and the Republican Party , despite their flaws , execute the basics perfectly. Tax cuts, Regulation cuts,entitlement cuts, limited government , Second Amendment support, and strong support for our military.These are the basic conservative principles that gave President Bush and the Republican Party , from 2001 to 2006,...the greatest period of economic growth in the history of our Nation .
The Republican Party; we do the basic , fundamentals of Constitutional Conservatism,...perfectly.
So, why the hell don't we unite, Tea Party, and Establishment toward our common goal, and achieve the perfect victory in November and beyond. For,. if we don't win, the results will be horrendous indeed. We now have an example of just how bad it could get . VA Healthcare is total government run healthcare. It's pure Obamacare , but more importantly, its true single payer system, in action. Obamacare, fully implemented , will be the same horror that the VA has become . There will be,..no difference. Indeed , the VA is but a microcosm of a larger madness to come. If there are some, who still search for a reason to fight; ....there it is. We, as a Nation of free Americans , must have a perfect Republican Victory in November to prevent the Va horror from becoming the only reality,...for all of us .
Sunday, May 18, 2014
"This Bloodstained Battlefield"
Karl Rove, Republican Strategist Supreme, the Chief Advisor and Architect of the 2001 and 2004 Bush Presidential Campaigns, has publicly questioned Hillary Clinton's fitness to run for President. Rove has specifically addressed the 2013 issue of Hillary's mysterious illness which culminated in a nasty fall that landed Secretary Clinton in the hospital , with a potential blood clot on her brain. The illness and hospitalization occurred at a time when the Secretary of State was scheduled to testify before a Congressional Committee investigating the Benghazi incident. How convenient. Secretary Clinton was out of action for one month. Now, her husband, former President Bill Clinton says her rehab was even longer , stretching over 6 months total . It seems that Secretary Clinton was far sicker than any Democrat at the time dared admit.If, that is, she was sick at all , and not simply avoiding testifying about Benghazi. This fact, plus the reality that Clinton will be 70 years old by the start of the 2016 Presidential Campaign , has the Architect Karl Rove very skeptical about her ability to run and then hold the office of the President . Rove is correct . Hillary is unfit for office. But, not for the reasons he stated.The reason that Hillary is unfit for the office has nothing to do with her illness or age , and everything to do with her being a liberal Democrat, dedicated to diminishing America as the leader of the free world. The Architect , Karl Rove, like many in the Republican Party, has taken his eye off the ball. The architect has forgotten the mission that awaits us in the November Midterms , as well as 2016. That mission is simply this;Destroy the Democrat Party , by voting it out of existence , before it destroys the country. Of course Hillary is unfit;..as is every Democrat in office right now because all of them are members of the left and , as such, have dedicated themselves to the growth of government, the subjugation of the free market to that government, and the weakening of our military.
All Democrats are unfit for office , because all Democrats have policies that are destructive to the very fabric of our Free Republic. And, no one embodies this unfitness more than Obama and Hillary , who were the "architects" of the Benghazi tragedy , which left four Americans serving their country in a hostile land during the Anniversary of 911;...dead. And the worst part of this was the fact that they did not die simply because of the incompetence of Obama and his Administration . No, they died for a more sinister purpose of concealing a terror attack on our Libyan Embassy , an attack that would refute Obama's claims that , "Al-Queda was on the run". This would never do, for this could cost him re-election . So, the deception began, with a YouTube Video , which would shift the blame for leaving our Embassies unprotected during the anniversary of 911, from Obama and Secretary of State Clinton , to an obscure film maker who dared mock the Prophet Muhammed.
All this will finally be exposed in the upcoming Benghazi hearings once and for all. Contempt. Sheer , unadulterated contempt for our military. , is the running theme of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party as well. A Democrat will never cut a tax or a regulation, or an entitlement . A Democrat will never cut spending . But, a Democrat will always look for a way to cut the pay and benefits of our military ;...the very military that keeps us free. Our military has been weakened under Democrat rule. And , in the process, our enemies have grown bolder and our Nation less secure. This is not just Obama and Hillary. This is the nature of the Democrat Party . And, this is why , brain damage , or no, Hillary and every other Democrat is unfit for office.
In the five years of Obama's reign, the scandals have been vast and varied, with congressional hearings and select committees being created to deal with them. Deceive , deflect, deny, and destroy, is the running theme through all these scandals , which are now beginning to be perceived as not separate at all,but all part of the same mission;..weaken the U.S. , in order to gain political power. But, beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is no greater reason to keep these people out of power , than their endless attacks on the rights of our military, including our Veterans. The latest attack has come in the form of the Veterans Administration Scandal, that has exposed a contemptible and deliberate negligence and coverup, in treating our retired Veterans ,..a negligence that has cost many of those vets their lives. Veterans who served our Nation, were made to wait months for medical treatment , with deadly consequences. Death Panels? You bet. The VA is underfunded ,and understaffed, with Public Union workers who cannot be fired , no matter how incompetent they are. This is the evil of Public Unions. This is the evil of a Government controlled health system. This is part , of the evil of Obamacare. This is the evil that says our Nation's soldiers must wait , while funding for entitlement bums and illegal aliens , is never in question. These parasites always get their "entitlements". Why? Because they are potential Democrat voters. Our men and women , who secure our Nation, are smarter than these entitlement zombies, and vote Republican.They understand, that the Republican Party supports the constitutional principles that secure our Nation. That's why their funding is cut.That's why they have to wait for treatment ,..until they die. That's why their overseas election ballots are suppressed , or lost,..in every damn election by this pathetic Administration. And, in the meantime, President Obama has released 35,000 illegal immigrant criminals from Federal prison , for the sole purpose of voting Democrat in November. Why else would they be released early, and not deported immediately? They are Democrat votes , guaranteed. After all, who is an illegal immigrant felon gonna vote for? Sarah Palin?
The head of the Veterans Administration, Secretary Eric Shinseki has refused to resign in disgrace, as he should. As a military man , he should understand that when soldiers die under your command, you must be held responsible, and face the consequences. Apparently, like the rest of the Obama Administration, taking responsibility for your actions is not part of Shinseki's job description. Shinseki, and the VA scandal, is indeed part of the whole;...the overall Obama Administration scandal. Shinseki is one of them,;..a leftist idealogue .That is the reason he was chosen to run the VA. After all,then General Shinseki opposed President Bush , and the Iraq War , and thereby gave the Democrats the excuse to attack Bush for it, and then deny they had ever voted for it. Obama knew that Shinseki would follow his edicts and keep the VA running on a shoestring budget, so that the Democrats could use our taxpayer dollars to fund more important things ;...like Green Energy Scams , Global Warming Fantasies, Public Unions , and drug addicted , out of work, entitlement bums that are the very foundation of the Democrat voting base.
Obama and the Democrats certainly have their priorities ;.. the military and our Veterans,..are not among them. After all, why invest tax dollars in people that vote against you, and your Party,...right?
The Democrat Party has forgotten that our tax system was designed, primarily as a means of funding a military force that would secure our Nations freedom. That is what our taxes are for . Period. The fact that our taxes are now being used by the Democrats, for a million worthless entitlement scams , while the only real, "entitlement", is ignored , is the most heinous crime that has been committed by this Party of contemptible pigs. Not one soldier, who has risked all to secure our nation, should have to wait one second for treatment. Nor should they ever have to worry about anything after they come back wounded from the battlefield.That was the promise of our Founders. That is what our tax system was designed for. And, the complete disregard of this rule, by this Administration and the Democrat Party, is, the one reason, ...beyond all else, that this Administration and this Party, must be defeated,...in November and in 2016 , as well.
This is no longer a political argument about tax cuts and spending cuts. The Democrat Party is killing people, in the name of political power. Our veterans , our embassy agents , and no doubt our citizens ,will all be its victims , as the Obama death panels reach fruition when Obamacare fully kicks in.The bottom line is this;..the Democrat Party will kill people in order to keep more of their tax dollars , to be used for their election campaigns. There it is, pure and simple. So, no more Rove talk about whether Hillary is fit to run for President. This is going to be, thanks to Karl Rove,..a Democrat talking point that they will use to distract and deflect from the facts of Benghazi and other scandals that make Hillary , indeed,...unfit for office.
They are all unfit. And, this has been proven since 2006, when the Democrat Party took control of the House and Senate and started the tax and spending increases, and attacks on our military,...that has all but decimated our country. Shinseki will not resign,as he should, and not one other Obama VA operative will either, no matter what the scandal. Why should they? They're doing what they were instructed to do, namely,..keep the spending on vets at a minimum.Sure, VA Undersecretary Robert Petzel, one of the chief offenders in this scandal, did resign,..but that was just for show. He was scheduled to retire next year anyway. No, they will , as a rule not resign. To get rid of them,..they must be defeated at the polls, and then the VA needs to be staffed with members of the Republican Party ,..the Party that supports our troops.
We, the Republican Party no longer have time to debate on the purity of the Republican Party or to decide who is a weak conservative, and who is a strong conservative. We are all Republicans. And, as such, we all believe in the basic principles that made our Nation great . And, as such, all , I repeat,...all,... are fit for office. All opposed Obamacare . All support tax cuts and regulation cuts. All support our Second Amendment rights. All tried to defund Obamacare , over 60 times. And,..all enthusiastically,..support our military. And all , the weaker, and the stronger, deserve our respect. All must be united in the coming battle to defeat;...not just Obama ,or Hillary,...but the entire Democrat Party. We are out of time. We can't waste any more of it trying to reform the Republican Party. We are at war. There's no more time for this nonsense.There is a cancer on this Nation. United,..we win. Divided,...we lose. That's the bottom line. Let this shameful VA Scandal be the last time the Democrats cost the lives of our fellow Americans. Let this be our last scandal.
There is the Blood of Heroes on the hands of the Democrat Party.
Let this, then, be our War Cry,...
"Victory in November,....or let no Republican come back alive!!"
All Democrats are unfit for office , because all Democrats have policies that are destructive to the very fabric of our Free Republic. And, no one embodies this unfitness more than Obama and Hillary , who were the "architects" of the Benghazi tragedy , which left four Americans serving their country in a hostile land during the Anniversary of 911;...dead. And the worst part of this was the fact that they did not die simply because of the incompetence of Obama and his Administration . No, they died for a more sinister purpose of concealing a terror attack on our Libyan Embassy , an attack that would refute Obama's claims that , "Al-Queda was on the run". This would never do, for this could cost him re-election . So, the deception began, with a YouTube Video , which would shift the blame for leaving our Embassies unprotected during the anniversary of 911, from Obama and Secretary of State Clinton , to an obscure film maker who dared mock the Prophet Muhammed.
All this will finally be exposed in the upcoming Benghazi hearings once and for all. Contempt. Sheer , unadulterated contempt for our military. , is the running theme of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party as well. A Democrat will never cut a tax or a regulation, or an entitlement . A Democrat will never cut spending . But, a Democrat will always look for a way to cut the pay and benefits of our military ;...the very military that keeps us free. Our military has been weakened under Democrat rule. And , in the process, our enemies have grown bolder and our Nation less secure. This is not just Obama and Hillary. This is the nature of the Democrat Party . And, this is why , brain damage , or no, Hillary and every other Democrat is unfit for office.
In the five years of Obama's reign, the scandals have been vast and varied, with congressional hearings and select committees being created to deal with them. Deceive , deflect, deny, and destroy, is the running theme through all these scandals , which are now beginning to be perceived as not separate at all,but all part of the same mission;..weaken the U.S. , in order to gain political power. But, beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is no greater reason to keep these people out of power , than their endless attacks on the rights of our military, including our Veterans. The latest attack has come in the form of the Veterans Administration Scandal, that has exposed a contemptible and deliberate negligence and coverup, in treating our retired Veterans ,..a negligence that has cost many of those vets their lives. Veterans who served our Nation, were made to wait months for medical treatment , with deadly consequences. Death Panels? You bet. The VA is underfunded ,and understaffed, with Public Union workers who cannot be fired , no matter how incompetent they are. This is the evil of Public Unions. This is the evil of a Government controlled health system. This is part , of the evil of Obamacare. This is the evil that says our Nation's soldiers must wait , while funding for entitlement bums and illegal aliens , is never in question. These parasites always get their "entitlements". Why? Because they are potential Democrat voters. Our men and women , who secure our Nation, are smarter than these entitlement zombies, and vote Republican.They understand, that the Republican Party supports the constitutional principles that secure our Nation. That's why their funding is cut.That's why they have to wait for treatment ,..until they die. That's why their overseas election ballots are suppressed , or lost,..in every damn election by this pathetic Administration. And, in the meantime, President Obama has released 35,000 illegal immigrant criminals from Federal prison , for the sole purpose of voting Democrat in November. Why else would they be released early, and not deported immediately? They are Democrat votes , guaranteed. After all, who is an illegal immigrant felon gonna vote for? Sarah Palin?
The head of the Veterans Administration, Secretary Eric Shinseki has refused to resign in disgrace, as he should. As a military man , he should understand that when soldiers die under your command, you must be held responsible, and face the consequences. Apparently, like the rest of the Obama Administration, taking responsibility for your actions is not part of Shinseki's job description. Shinseki, and the VA scandal, is indeed part of the whole;...the overall Obama Administration scandal. Shinseki is one of them,;..a leftist idealogue .That is the reason he was chosen to run the VA. After all,then General Shinseki opposed President Bush , and the Iraq War , and thereby gave the Democrats the excuse to attack Bush for it, and then deny they had ever voted for it. Obama knew that Shinseki would follow his edicts and keep the VA running on a shoestring budget, so that the Democrats could use our taxpayer dollars to fund more important things ;...like Green Energy Scams , Global Warming Fantasies, Public Unions , and drug addicted , out of work, entitlement bums that are the very foundation of the Democrat voting base.
Obama and the Democrats certainly have their priorities ;.. the military and our Veterans,..are not among them. After all, why invest tax dollars in people that vote against you, and your Party,...right?
The Democrat Party has forgotten that our tax system was designed, primarily as a means of funding a military force that would secure our Nations freedom. That is what our taxes are for . Period. The fact that our taxes are now being used by the Democrats, for a million worthless entitlement scams , while the only real, "entitlement", is ignored , is the most heinous crime that has been committed by this Party of contemptible pigs. Not one soldier, who has risked all to secure our nation, should have to wait one second for treatment. Nor should they ever have to worry about anything after they come back wounded from the battlefield.That was the promise of our Founders. That is what our tax system was designed for. And, the complete disregard of this rule, by this Administration and the Democrat Party, is, the one reason, ...beyond all else, that this Administration and this Party, must be defeated,...in November and in 2016 , as well.
This is no longer a political argument about tax cuts and spending cuts. The Democrat Party is killing people, in the name of political power. Our veterans , our embassy agents , and no doubt our citizens ,will all be its victims , as the Obama death panels reach fruition when Obamacare fully kicks in.The bottom line is this;..the Democrat Party will kill people in order to keep more of their tax dollars , to be used for their election campaigns. There it is, pure and simple. So, no more Rove talk about whether Hillary is fit to run for President. This is going to be, thanks to Karl Rove,..a Democrat talking point that they will use to distract and deflect from the facts of Benghazi and other scandals that make Hillary , indeed,...unfit for office.
They are all unfit. And, this has been proven since 2006, when the Democrat Party took control of the House and Senate and started the tax and spending increases, and attacks on our military,...that has all but decimated our country. Shinseki will not resign,as he should, and not one other Obama VA operative will either, no matter what the scandal. Why should they? They're doing what they were instructed to do, namely,..keep the spending on vets at a minimum.Sure, VA Undersecretary Robert Petzel, one of the chief offenders in this scandal, did resign,..but that was just for show. He was scheduled to retire next year anyway. No, they will , as a rule not resign. To get rid of them,..they must be defeated at the polls, and then the VA needs to be staffed with members of the Republican Party ,..the Party that supports our troops.
We, the Republican Party no longer have time to debate on the purity of the Republican Party or to decide who is a weak conservative, and who is a strong conservative. We are all Republicans. And, as such, we all believe in the basic principles that made our Nation great . And, as such, all , I repeat,...all,... are fit for office. All opposed Obamacare . All support tax cuts and regulation cuts. All support our Second Amendment rights. All tried to defund Obamacare , over 60 times. And,..all enthusiastically,..support our military. And all , the weaker, and the stronger, deserve our respect. All must be united in the coming battle to defeat;...not just Obama ,or Hillary,...but the entire Democrat Party. We are out of time. We can't waste any more of it trying to reform the Republican Party. We are at war. There's no more time for this nonsense.There is a cancer on this Nation. United,..we win. Divided,...we lose. That's the bottom line. Let this shameful VA Scandal be the last time the Democrats cost the lives of our fellow Americans. Let this be our last scandal.
There is the Blood of Heroes on the hands of the Democrat Party.
Let this, then, be our War Cry,...
"Victory in November,....or let no Republican come back alive!!"
Friday, May 9, 2014
The Witchfinder General
In 17th Century England, a crises had developed.The Nation found itself in the grip of a civil war,and the Church of England was now confronted with a new wave of religious unorthodoxy, the offshoots of which were perceived by those in power to be threats to the Church, and the Monarchy as well.This led to the birth of the witch hunter,an individual who would lead the fight against these heretics , these blasphemers , who would dare to challenge the religious heirarchy, for personal profit , of course.One of these individuals was a man named Matthew Hopkins , who became known as the Witchfinder General.His self imposed mission;...to eliminate all unorthodox religions and political threats , by using a very simple , time tested strategy;..he would simply declare them witches , possessed by Satan, and therefore they must repent before God, be exorcised, or be destroyed. Most were destroyed, after being forced to submit to diabolical torture sessions , that would insure Hopkins got the confession that he sought ,..and if not,...so much the better. Another enemy of the Church and its power, had been eliminated.In the three years of his witch hunt, Hopkins killed more than three hundred people , most of them women. This Witch Hunt spread across Europe , for an entire century, and even reached the shores of America, where political enemies were simply accused of being witches and subsequently put to death , after a confession was obtained of course. The only difference between Europe and America was the method of execution . Europeans preferred burning at the stake, while Americans, during the Salem Witch Trials, preferred hanging. But, whether by burning or hanging, those in power stayed in power by using the simple strategem of declaring their enemies practitioners of Witchcraft. And Matthew Hopkins , the Witchfinder General , and other evil opportunists who sought power and influence with Kings , Queens, Popes and Presidents were more than willing to go along with this evil charade to achieve their own political goals and ambitions. The Witchfinder General , the Spanish Inquisition , and others , made 17th Century Europe and America tremble in their wakes , as their reign of terror continued unabated,..and the power behind the terror remained unchallenged for more than half a century.
Now, in the 21st Century, long after the last Witch burning fires of Europe have cooled , and the last hanging gallows in Salem, Massachusetts, have crumbled into dust,...there comes a new mission, a new political Witch hunt , whose goal is similar,...protect a political power base , this time, the Republican Party,..by demonizing the opposition through accusations of scandals, lies, and deceptions, upon the American people. The difference , of course, is that this witch hunt is real, and the crimes against the American people , substantial. No political pawns are needed to lie before a kangaroo court, to bring down political threats. This time, it's the Obama Administration that is the target,and the evils they are accused of are vast and varied. IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious,..and their ultimate transgression ;....the one that left an American Embassy unprotected and defenseless against a 911 terror attack , the one in which a lie was concocted to conceal the Obama Administration's incompetence , in order to win an election;..the scandal known as Benghazi .For two years now, House Speaker John Boehner and the Republican House has resisted the idea of a special committee , insisting that the part time bloviating of a Republican Congressional Committee, would be enough to force answers on Benghazi from the Obama Administration. He was wrong.After all, those accused of other scandals simply pleaded the fifth, like IRS Director Lois Learner, or simply refused to answer questions or release White House memos and emails ,like Attorney General Eric Holder. But now, things have changed .Memos and emails released , not to congress , but to an activist organization known as Judicial Watch, have now proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the White House knew that Benghazi was an organized terror attack from day one, and actively sought to conceal the fact by promoting the fiction of a YouTube video that supposedly provoked demonstrations in Cairo and Benghazi . Nonsense. No one had seen the video . No one knew of the video , except Hillary and Obama who used it to distract from the fact that our embassies had been deliberately left unprotected and unarmed , on the anniversary of 911.The newly released Judicial Watch memos prove this .. The new memos prove that all that happens within the Obama Administration is by the direct command of Barack Hussein Obama, no one else. But,will the administration , Obama and Hillary, in particular, come clean now in light of these newly exposed White House emails? Not very likely. Nor will there be any cooperation within the Democrat ranks of House and Senate , with any investigation of Benghazi. Stall, delay, deflect , and demonize Republicans, seems to be the preferred strategy of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party in general, as they run out the clock hoping to stall all scandal investigations until after the November Midterms. For once the midterms are secured by the Democrats, all these scandals including Benghazi , will no longer exist , as the Republicans become a minority , and the Democrats seize total control of the country,..and all scandals,..for the final time. If the Democrats win control of the House and Senate , how will the American people ever get answers on Benghazi ? Who could possibly, at this point, force those answers from anybody?
But the November Midterms are many months away , and for now the Republicans hold the Congress. The evidence is there. The CIA reports to the White House prove that this was a terror attack from day one.And, White House Staffer Ben Rhodes reveals , in his memos, the Obama plan to ignore those CIA reports and invent a YouTube video excuse to protect the President , and the Administration 's image, as a terror destroyer , and to also protect the President's re-election campaign as well. The Libyan government and Libyan Ambassador , at the time of the attack , confirmed the simple truth that this was indeed an organized pre-planned terror attack by Al Queda forces, on the anniversary of 911. Nothing more , nothing less. And now, we, the Republican Party, have Obama and the Democrats right where we want them.
But, one question still remains;...who shall implement justice , expose this corruption, get those responsible to confess, and secure the political power of the Republican Party in time for the Midterms?Who will force Obama and Hillary to admit that they created the video story and ordered the stand down?
Enter;..the new Witchfinder General;...Congressman Trey Gowdy. A true, staunch , rabid wolverine of a conservative,..Gowdy has already proven his worth in congressional hearings related to IRS,NSA Fast and Furious, and Benghazi as well. A former attorney,..he demands answers. He does not let the Democrats duck, dodge, or filibuster , in their answers . Now, he will have total power .Power granted to him by the formation of a Select Committee, that will give him unlimited time to interrogate , and unlimited power to subpoena anyone he wishes to,..with no executive power of Obama to stop him. Gowdy has always demanded answers from this Administration before. Now, he will have the power , the time, and the will, to get those answers , no matter what the obstacles the Democrat Party may throw his way. Gowdy will focus like a laser on grilling those he subpoenas .He will demand answers ,..and he will get those answers ,..or people will go to jail.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has stated that the Democrats will not cooperate in this obvious witch hunt that serves no purpose except to further the political ambitions of the Republican Party. Indeed. This so-called"witch hunt" does that quite well. But, unlike the witch hunts led by Matthew Hopkins centuries ago, these are not fictional crimes.The targets,..are not innocent. And , the results will do more than serve the political purposes of the Republican Party ,..they will also serve the purpose,...of truth as well .Four Americans who served bravely overseas , in a hotbed of terror called Libya,were left defenseless and alone , during a terror attack on an American embassy , during the anniversary of 911.
Calls for help from Ambassador Stevens were ignored for months. Calls for help during the seven hour attack on the Embassy were also ignored, and our military was told, by someone,...to "stand down", and provide no aid to the Embassy. A YouTube video was then blamed for the attack, despite CIA reports , and Libyan reports , to the contrary. The President was missing from the situation room and was unaccounted for during all 7 hours of the Embassy attack. Can you imagine the outrage from the left, if this had been Bush? Survivors of the attack have been threatened into silence and sequestered into hidden locations. No one is talking. No one is getting answers . Now, we will have all the answers. Now, we have the Witchfinder General, who will use all means necessary , to get those answers , for the families of the four dead , for the American people,..and for the Republican Party as well. Political Advantage? You bet. And, if the Democrats don't like it ,well, that's a pity,...because Trey Gowdy is on a Witch Hunt , and the witches he hunts are real, their crimes are real, their deceptions are real, ..their evil,..real. And , Witchfinder General Gowdy will get the answers even if it means the torture of endless grillings,..by his select committee. The Democrats are , most likely not going to participate in the hearings. Not surprising. Why participate in the build up of your own political funeral? It doesn't matter. This is our show now. The Republican Party's show. For years now, all of them,...Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Holder, and Clinton,...all,...have refused to answer questions , and have just smirked, filibustered, and taxed their way through the first five years of the Obama Administration's reign. Now, those days are gone, forever, thanks to the Ben Rhodes memo. Now, we, the Republican Party, have all the time in the world to get answers , and grill those who need to be grilled,..mercilessly.
Now is the time ,..Republican Party time. Victory in November awaits us. All we need do, is reach out and grasp it.
Now, we have the evidence.
Now, we have the man,our Witchfinder General, , to implement our will and see that justice is done , and those who are guilty, are held responsible.
The Democrats have demanded that the select committee be an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. Congressman Trey Gowdy laughed at the suggestion , and laughs at the death threats he's been getting as well.
Congressman Gowdy has made it clear;..that the Republicans now hold the advantage and they intend to keep it.
Fairness is for losers.
Let the Witch Hunt begin.
Now, in the 21st Century, long after the last Witch burning fires of Europe have cooled , and the last hanging gallows in Salem, Massachusetts, have crumbled into dust,...there comes a new mission, a new political Witch hunt , whose goal is similar,...protect a political power base , this time, the Republican Party,..by demonizing the opposition through accusations of scandals, lies, and deceptions, upon the American people. The difference , of course, is that this witch hunt is real, and the crimes against the American people , substantial. No political pawns are needed to lie before a kangaroo court, to bring down political threats. This time, it's the Obama Administration that is the target,and the evils they are accused of are vast and varied. IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious,..and their ultimate transgression ;....the one that left an American Embassy unprotected and defenseless against a 911 terror attack , the one in which a lie was concocted to conceal the Obama Administration's incompetence , in order to win an election;..the scandal known as Benghazi .For two years now, House Speaker John Boehner and the Republican House has resisted the idea of a special committee , insisting that the part time bloviating of a Republican Congressional Committee, would be enough to force answers on Benghazi from the Obama Administration. He was wrong.After all, those accused of other scandals simply pleaded the fifth, like IRS Director Lois Learner, or simply refused to answer questions or release White House memos and emails ,like Attorney General Eric Holder. But now, things have changed .Memos and emails released , not to congress , but to an activist organization known as Judicial Watch, have now proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the White House knew that Benghazi was an organized terror attack from day one, and actively sought to conceal the fact by promoting the fiction of a YouTube video that supposedly provoked demonstrations in Cairo and Benghazi . Nonsense. No one had seen the video . No one knew of the video , except Hillary and Obama who used it to distract from the fact that our embassies had been deliberately left unprotected and unarmed , on the anniversary of 911.The newly released Judicial Watch memos prove this .. The new memos prove that all that happens within the Obama Administration is by the direct command of Barack Hussein Obama, no one else. But,will the administration , Obama and Hillary, in particular, come clean now in light of these newly exposed White House emails? Not very likely. Nor will there be any cooperation within the Democrat ranks of House and Senate , with any investigation of Benghazi. Stall, delay, deflect , and demonize Republicans, seems to be the preferred strategy of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party in general, as they run out the clock hoping to stall all scandal investigations until after the November Midterms. For once the midterms are secured by the Democrats, all these scandals including Benghazi , will no longer exist , as the Republicans become a minority , and the Democrats seize total control of the country,..and all scandals,..for the final time. If the Democrats win control of the House and Senate , how will the American people ever get answers on Benghazi ? Who could possibly, at this point, force those answers from anybody?
But the November Midterms are many months away , and for now the Republicans hold the Congress. The evidence is there. The CIA reports to the White House prove that this was a terror attack from day one.And, White House Staffer Ben Rhodes reveals , in his memos, the Obama plan to ignore those CIA reports and invent a YouTube video excuse to protect the President , and the Administration 's image, as a terror destroyer , and to also protect the President's re-election campaign as well. The Libyan government and Libyan Ambassador , at the time of the attack , confirmed the simple truth that this was indeed an organized pre-planned terror attack by Al Queda forces, on the anniversary of 911. Nothing more , nothing less. And now, we, the Republican Party, have Obama and the Democrats right where we want them.
But, one question still remains;...who shall implement justice , expose this corruption, get those responsible to confess, and secure the political power of the Republican Party in time for the Midterms?Who will force Obama and Hillary to admit that they created the video story and ordered the stand down?
Enter;..the new Witchfinder General;...Congressman Trey Gowdy. A true, staunch , rabid wolverine of a conservative,..Gowdy has already proven his worth in congressional hearings related to IRS,NSA Fast and Furious, and Benghazi as well. A former attorney,..he demands answers. He does not let the Democrats duck, dodge, or filibuster , in their answers . Now, he will have total power .Power granted to him by the formation of a Select Committee, that will give him unlimited time to interrogate , and unlimited power to subpoena anyone he wishes to,..with no executive power of Obama to stop him. Gowdy has always demanded answers from this Administration before. Now, he will have the power , the time, and the will, to get those answers , no matter what the obstacles the Democrat Party may throw his way. Gowdy will focus like a laser on grilling those he subpoenas .He will demand answers ,..and he will get those answers ,..or people will go to jail.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has stated that the Democrats will not cooperate in this obvious witch hunt that serves no purpose except to further the political ambitions of the Republican Party. Indeed. This so-called"witch hunt" does that quite well. But, unlike the witch hunts led by Matthew Hopkins centuries ago, these are not fictional crimes.The targets,..are not innocent. And , the results will do more than serve the political purposes of the Republican Party ,..they will also serve the purpose,...of truth as well .Four Americans who served bravely overseas , in a hotbed of terror called Libya,were left defenseless and alone , during a terror attack on an American embassy , during the anniversary of 911.
Calls for help from Ambassador Stevens were ignored for months. Calls for help during the seven hour attack on the Embassy were also ignored, and our military was told, by someone,...to "stand down", and provide no aid to the Embassy. A YouTube video was then blamed for the attack, despite CIA reports , and Libyan reports , to the contrary. The President was missing from the situation room and was unaccounted for during all 7 hours of the Embassy attack. Can you imagine the outrage from the left, if this had been Bush? Survivors of the attack have been threatened into silence and sequestered into hidden locations. No one is talking. No one is getting answers . Now, we will have all the answers. Now, we have the Witchfinder General, who will use all means necessary , to get those answers , for the families of the four dead , for the American people,..and for the Republican Party as well. Political Advantage? You bet. And, if the Democrats don't like it ,well, that's a pity,...because Trey Gowdy is on a Witch Hunt , and the witches he hunts are real, their crimes are real, their deceptions are real, ..their evil,..real. And , Witchfinder General Gowdy will get the answers even if it means the torture of endless grillings,..by his select committee. The Democrats are , most likely not going to participate in the hearings. Not surprising. Why participate in the build up of your own political funeral? It doesn't matter. This is our show now. The Republican Party's show. For years now, all of them,...Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Holder, and Clinton,...all,...have refused to answer questions , and have just smirked, filibustered, and taxed their way through the first five years of the Obama Administration's reign. Now, those days are gone, forever, thanks to the Ben Rhodes memo. Now, we, the Republican Party, have all the time in the world to get answers , and grill those who need to be grilled,..mercilessly.
Now is the time ,..Republican Party time. Victory in November awaits us. All we need do, is reach out and grasp it.
Now, we have the evidence.
Now, we have the man,our Witchfinder General, , to implement our will and see that justice is done , and those who are guilty, are held responsible.
The Democrats have demanded that the select committee be an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. Congressman Trey Gowdy laughed at the suggestion , and laughs at the death threats he's been getting as well.
Congressman Gowdy has made it clear;..that the Republicans now hold the advantage and they intend to keep it.
Fairness is for losers.
Let the Witch Hunt begin.
Friday, May 2, 2014
The Survival Mechanism
Recent comments by Nevada Rancher Clivden Bundy and Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling have once again forced Americans to ask the Question;"Is America a Racist Nation?"The answer , of course , is a resounding no. America is not now, nor has it ever been , a racist nation. Our Founding Fathers made sure that both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution , would allow no tolerance for it. We are still the only nation on earth that fought a war against its own people to end slavery . That war cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens , including President Lincoln. We are still the only nation on earth that has laws against slavery on its books . Our nation was founded on the Judeo-Christian ideal that,"All Men Are Created Equal", and the American people , to their credit, live by those words. If this was truly a racist nation, would millions of people , of all races creeds and colors, from around the globe, risk life and limb to live here , or demand Amnesty and Citizenship? If this was truly a racist nation, would Richard Nixon and Dr. Martin Luther King,. both Republicans, have worked together to create a law that would become known as the Civil Rights Act? We are not a Democracy. We are now, and have always been, a Free Republic. Indeed. The Republican Party was born , on the day the fight to end slavery began . It's leader, President Abraham Lincoln, understood that no matter what the cost to our Nation , in blood and treasure , we must be willing to pay it, if our Nation was to survive. Our Nation did survive, and now stands united , both Republican and Democrat , in condemning the words of two ignorant men , who also stand united, in hate.
Yes, both Republicans and Democrats oppose racism ,..but not for the same reason. You see, in the minds of the left, racism mostly exists as a political strategem , that the Democrat Party will use quite frequently against their Republican opponents , as the November Midterms and 2016 Presidential Election, loom ever nearer. In truth, the race card,is the only weapon the left has at this point. All their policies have failed abysmally. And now, thanks to the newly released White House Memos that prove the Obama Administration was indeed behind the Benghazi coverup , their only weapon may prove quite useless against a Republican onslaught , led by John Boehner's soon to be appointed Special Committee , that will demand to know the reason the Obama Administration left our Embassies defenseless on the Anniversary 911, and left four men to die in a terror attack, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to send help, and blamed a video that no one had ever seen.They lied, to insure the Obama re-election. Obama could not be perceived as anything other than a Master Terror Destroyer, that had killed Bin Laden and decimated Al-Queda. There were no spontaneous protests , either in Cairo or in Benghazi, or at any other American Embassy. No one had seen the YouTube Video. These were orchestrated terror attacks, planned for the anniversary of 911. That was the motive. Nothing else.
The video story was a concoction of Hillary,designed to hide her own incompetence , and her failure to protect her fellow Americans from terror. And, try as they may, no amount of racism charges can erase the image of four dead Americans , who were sacrificed for the greater cause , of the Obama Presidency, and the Democrat Party.
Does Racism Exist? Indeed it does, but it exists mostly as a political weapon , a survival mechanism of the left, to use any time their backs are against the wall ,when they stand helpless and exposed,..before the truth. Obamacare , Benghazi , IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious, ...all these ,..continue to expose this administration for what it truly is. With no other weapon left to them, it shall become imperative that the Obama Administration, and the Democrat Party , use their emergency survival mechanism,... the race weapon ,...to convince the American voting public, that the evil of racism , dwells not only in the hearts and minds of Clivden Bundy and Donald Sterling , but in the hearts and minds of the Republican Party as well. In truth , that strategem is the Democrat Party's only hope,...not for victory,......but for survival in a Nation that does indeed stand united , not only against the hatred of racism , but also against the hatred and deception of the Democrat Party as well.
Yes, both Republicans and Democrats oppose racism ,..but not for the same reason. You see, in the minds of the left, racism mostly exists as a political strategem , that the Democrat Party will use quite frequently against their Republican opponents , as the November Midterms and 2016 Presidential Election, loom ever nearer. In truth, the race card,is the only weapon the left has at this point. All their policies have failed abysmally. And now, thanks to the newly released White House Memos that prove the Obama Administration was indeed behind the Benghazi coverup , their only weapon may prove quite useless against a Republican onslaught , led by John Boehner's soon to be appointed Special Committee , that will demand to know the reason the Obama Administration left our Embassies defenseless on the Anniversary 911, and left four men to die in a terror attack, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to send help, and blamed a video that no one had ever seen.They lied, to insure the Obama re-election. Obama could not be perceived as anything other than a Master Terror Destroyer, that had killed Bin Laden and decimated Al-Queda. There were no spontaneous protests , either in Cairo or in Benghazi, or at any other American Embassy. No one had seen the YouTube Video. These were orchestrated terror attacks, planned for the anniversary of 911. That was the motive. Nothing else.
The video story was a concoction of Hillary,designed to hide her own incompetence , and her failure to protect her fellow Americans from terror. And, try as they may, no amount of racism charges can erase the image of four dead Americans , who were sacrificed for the greater cause , of the Obama Presidency, and the Democrat Party.
Does Racism Exist? Indeed it does, but it exists mostly as a political weapon , a survival mechanism of the left, to use any time their backs are against the wall ,when they stand helpless and exposed,..before the truth. Obamacare , Benghazi , IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious, ...all these ,..continue to expose this administration for what it truly is. With no other weapon left to them, it shall become imperative that the Obama Administration, and the Democrat Party , use their emergency survival mechanism,... the race weapon ,...to convince the American voting public, that the evil of racism , dwells not only in the hearts and minds of Clivden Bundy and Donald Sterling , but in the hearts and minds of the Republican Party as well. In truth , that strategem is the Democrat Party's only hope,...not for victory,......but for survival in a Nation that does indeed stand united , not only against the hatred of racism , but also against the hatred and deception of the Democrat Party as well.
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