Clivden Bundy , Nevada Cattle Rancher and , most recently, admitted racist, now stands alone, poised and ready to do battle with the Federal Government over his land rights.Or, does he? Actually, what's happening in Nevada right now regarding the land grab by the Federal Government , is in reality happening all across the country . Indeed, it's been happening for quite some time now, and is in fact , one of the prime weapons of the left in their fight against free market capitalism . You see , there is only one reason why the Federal Government would even want to own land , and that's taxes. Government owned land is nothing more than a vehicle to be used to bilk more taxes out of the pockets of the American people . After all, the Federal Government is not a business . It does not produce a product or service. It does not grow crops. It does not raise cattle, sheep or horses. It does not run a lumber yard. There is no legitimate business reason for the Federal Government to want to control public land .But, there are many illegitimate reasons , all of them connected to the Government controlled EPA, and their Green Energy Agenda. Federal Land is the perfect breeding ground for fictional tax scam businesses such as Wind Mill Farms and Solar Energy Plants . The fact that these alternative energy sources do not work doesn't matter . What does matter , are the tax increases that are forced upon the American public , in order to pay for these fantasy energy programs . More than a land grab, the EPA really represents a money grab, a legal excuse , to bilk the tax payer in order to save the planet. That's what the Green Movement , which dates back to the sixties , really all about. The left knows you can't really "save" the planet by cutting back on carbon emissions. Tress breathe carbon dioxide , don't they?The bottom line is this;...there is no scientific evidence that proves mankind is the cause of global warming. Not only that, there is no evidence that global warming even exists at all. Is there global warming? Of course there is. There's also global cooling,global floods , global hurricanes , and global tornadoes. It's called the weather folks, and there is nothing that man does or doesn't do that can affect it , one tiny bit. The Earth is fine , and will no doubt eventually shake mankind off like a dog shakes off its fleas. But, there are taxes to be collected , taxes that can be used to grow government power and bring the free market under government control. Businesses whose carbon emissions are harmful to the environment must be punished for their destructive ways , with taxes and regulations that do nothing to alter the carbon offending company, but do force that company to operate under government control. That is the ultimate goal of the left.The land grabs, the Global Warming fantasy , the Green Energy fraud, the attacks on big oil and corporate America in general, all of it is designed to attack one thing;...capitalism, and the corporations that are its engine. Corporations are the evil polluters who are destroying our planet , and making a profit in the process. The solution is government control of these corporations , and the EPA is the left's weapon best suited to make this happen. It's ironic then, that the evil corporations most cited by the left , as the biggest offenders are in fact controlled by the government, since they regularly take tax dollar subsidies in order to stay afloat. Goldman Sachs, Wall Street , AIG, ...all the targets that the Occupy Wall Street Movement zeroed in on as the prime examples of corrupt greedy businesses that bilk the American public, are , in fact, nothing more than Federal puppets staying afloat as businesses only by the never ending flow of the American Taxpayers dollars. The bottom line is this;...the only free market capitalist corporations that are evil , greedy , and corrupt, are the ones being controlled by the Federal Government. And, the left's ultimate goal is to control all of them. Why do you think the Big Oil is such a target of the left? Because it resists government control . Oil companies that are privately owned on private land, and are thriving, must be demonized , until the EPA eventually forces them to bow to total government control through taxes and regulations.There is a good reason why America is still largely dependent on foreign enemy lands for our energy supplies. The Federal Government has refused , for decades now, to allow any new oil drilling on Federally owned American soil. Not since the Seventies has there been any new wells drilled or new oil sources created This is why the XL Pipeline project will never be given the green light by Obama. Why should the left approve an oil pipeline that will boost the economy and the free market, if it doesn't grow government power and control as well? Nope, better for the government to hold that land for Green projects that will be more profitable for them. Projects like Solyndra , for example, or the proposed Wind Mill Farm that is the real reason why Senator Harry Reid sent armed Federal Agents to threaten an American Rancher in Nevada while also destroying and confiscating his cattle. Reid wants that land, for no other reason than he stands to make a profit off of another tax funded Green Energy program that is almost certainly guaranteed to go belly up ,..but will leave Reid, his son, and the Democrat Party much wealthier.
This is why Clivden Bundy and all others who operate on Federal Land must be ousted. The Democrat Party is now under siege. Obamacare has decimated their ranks , and looms as the main threat to their victory in the November Midterms and in the 2016 Presidential run as well.
Money is the answer. Money is the one thing that can save their upcoming election campaigns , and lead them to victory.Therefore, it's fundraising season again . The President, of course, is on a permanent campaign agenda , and is now criss crossing the country in an effort to secure the donations that will secure Democrat victory. Federal Land is a big part of that fundraising. And now,all those private sector capitalists who may be dwelling upon this land must be removed , by any means necessary. The land grab will continue and is even now moving into Texas , along the Red River Region.
Nevada Rancher Clivden Bundy may, in fact be in the wrong , and does indeed owe money to the Federal Government for using its land to graze his cattle, and Bundy has certainly garnered no sympathy for his cause with his inexcusable racist remarks on slavery and entitlements. Plus, Nevada is , after all, mostly government controlled land, and has been from the beginning of its statehood. Bundy has chosen to ignore this fact, and pay only his State fees and taxes. He is asserting the rule of State Sovreignity, which is a legitimate arguement . State law , in America, should always take precedence over Federal Law.That is the foundation of our union. But, we now exist under a Federal Government that sends armed troops to threaten unarmed , tax dodging Ranchers. If Bundy does owe the Federal Government money ,they should put a lien on his property , or take him to court. You don't send snipers to threaten him and kill his cattle. This is the Government that we , as a Nation, deserve,because we have done nothing to stop the Obama agenda , and have willingly stayed home from a 2012 election that could have done much to stop the left , and in truth, to stop this land grab fiasco that is now engulfing the Nation. If we continue to elect and re-elect people like Senator Harry Reid, who calls his fellow Americans "domestic terrorists"and ignores Al-Queda and Occupy Wallstreet domestic terrorism, then We the People are getting what we deserve. We the People, in our ignorance and apathy, have now , over the past five and a half years, formulated our Nations defeat. And now we're surprised that the leftists that we allowed to rule us by reason of our apathy,are taking our land ? Give me a break. Time to wake up America. The Federal Sniper guns that were turned on Clivden Bundy's supporters can easily be turned on us as well, perhaps for no other reason than a failure to pay our taxes. Far fetched? Hardly. For if I had told you back in 2008, that Obama and his administration , was out to weaken America, grow government control of the freemarket , and impose socialism by a leftist vehicle called Obamacare, would you have believed me? Well, you should have, because I did, and so did every other Republican Congressman and Senator in Washington. All of them, conservative or moderate,..all, told you what would happen and yet, refused to listen. You refused to believe . You refused to understand. And , now begins the final indignity, as the very land that our forefathers fought and died for, being taken away from us by those we send to Washington to represent us. Even the Republicans , whose victory in the November Midterms , are the only hope for the Nation , are guilty too, for working with the Democrats on programs and bills that were , in the end ,nothing but destructive to the economy and security , of our Nation .After all , the EPA, ..the main cause of the nationwide land grab, was signed into existence by a Republican President, Richard Nixon , an effort to appease the Democrats.
We did this. Is it too late to stop it? No.All it takes is an awakening to the threat that conservatives saw coming back in 2008. Awaken to it, and understand that our land is the final stand , our last Beachead,..upon which we must stand, and do battle against the forces of Obama and the left , for the survival of our Nation.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Kingdom of the Crucified
The President has decided to hold a press conference,not to address the Putin -Ukraine situation, but to simply continue his endless campaign for the upcoming Midterm elections and to promote Obamacare's success in the face of its disasterous reality. "The debate is over on the Affordable Care Act",according to the President. But like all the scandals the President has tried to close the book on, the debate has , in reality, just begun. While Vladimir Putin prepares to finish his takeover of the Ukraine, the President insists that this is a non-issue, and that the American people would much rather focus on the economy and jobs. Strange words from a man whose policies were designed to destroy the economy and eliminate jobs . The simple truth is,the President is disinterested in Foreign Affairs , and views them as an annoying distraction from his true agenda , which is government control of the free market economy, through government controlled healthcare. This is the only issue the President and the Democrats are really interested in. They know that if the Republicans win in November , Obamacare will either be repealed or State waivers granted. If this happens, all that the Democrat Party has dreamed of ,. since the days of FDR and the "New Deal" ,would be lost , forever. That's why the President must focus like a laser on saving Obamacare , any way possible. That's why he is now urging his fellow Democrats to embrace the law, and be publicly proud of it , because in the President's mind, it's working quite well. Unfortunately , reality says otherwise , and the Democrats who are up for re-election in November are quite aware of this fact . They know that every single one of them voted for this abomination , that has left millions uninsured and stranded in a Health Insurance Limbo. They also know that every single Republican, in the House and Senate, voted against this law, and that these irrefutable facts are more than enough to bring down the Democrat Party this November ,permanently. The Republicans should win easily , not just because of Obamacare , but because of everything this administration has done for the last six years now. IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Fast and Furious ,all are now beginning to merge together into one clear leftist plan ; weaken America in order to strengthen her enemies.
The IRS scandal , in particular, is now beginning to be revealed , fully. IRS Director Lois Learner has now been exposed as a full blown leftist activist, that was passing emails to Attorney General Eric Holder, the DOJ, and Congressman Elijah Cummings , the theme of which was to find a way to prosecute Tea Party Groups on tax related issues. This is incredible. There is now a clear link to not only a Democrat Congressman, but to the Attorney General himself, the Chief Cop in the United States.We are now finding out that all these scandals are linked. All are part of of the same plan . All are part of the same agenda , which follows the will of Obama. This is the reason Learner took the Fifth. This is the reason Holder refuses to release records or answer any questions . This is the reason that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked the Question, "What difference does it make?"This is the reason that all, in this Administration , must , in the end, be defeated. It will take no large effort on our part , to bring about this defeat. Conservative America has always outnumbered the left, overwhelmingly. All it takes is for Republicans to show up at the polls and vote for their team ,on every election , without fail. The only reason these people who are destroying America remain in power is because of the fact that those of us who know better, have chosen not to engage the enemy, and have simply stayed home on every election night , or voted Third Party write- ins.We have given the left their victories , and handed America over to them on a silver platter. We have, in past elections , foolishly allowed the Liberal Media to define our candidates as either too rich, too extreme, or too weak on key issues, such as immigration, gay marriage, or abortion. What nonsense. All Republicans support tax and regulation cuts . All believe in a strong military , and Second Amendment Rights, and all believe in the Judeo-Christian values that our Constitution is founded on. Why then would anyone who claims to be a so-called, "Patriot", and"Conservative", stay home , or vote third party , and let the the left win , time and time again? Now immigration's the big issue? Give me a break. Republicans won't vote for a candidate whose weak on immigration? Since when? I got news for all so-called conservatives ;...every single Republican , including Reagan , has been weak on immigration .So, get over it. We need to seal the border . End of Story. Then , the issue will be solved, as the illegals in question will self deport , like rats trying to escape a sinking ship. They don't want to be citizens. They are here for our entitlement freebies, only. They have nothing but contempt for America and its people , and simply view us as chumps to be played for our tax dollars , which they live off of. Sealing the border will solve it, because then , they will be unable to go back and forth at will anymore. But, that issue is for later. Right now, we have a mission , and that mission is to win, period.
The Democrats are the force destroying the country. The Democrats created Obamacare . The Democrats weakened our military . The Democrats have emboldened our enemies , including Putin, and promoted terrorism on our own soil.The Democrats have allowed criminal immigrants to stay in our country. The Democrats are the enemy that must be destroyed. . So, lets stop the nonsense about immigration , and lets unite in stopping the enemy that is destroying America.
We can all see what's happened in the past six years. Nothing like this ever happened with Republicans in charge. So, vote Republican , or face the permanent destruction of our Nation. We can't ask for more help than we are getting from the Democrats themselves. If they do what the President has asked them to do, namely, defend Obamacare, they will go down even faster than predicted. But, it still requires our involvement . That is the key to our Nation's success. Self Government is the greatest system on earth , but ...self-government requires self-participation. We must be engaged in the process and hold our representatives accountable. , or a repeat of the last five and a half years will be the result.
And, in the meantime, Obama and his agenda will continue . It will not vary . It will not waiver. The left never does.The President will continue to deny scandals, deny corruption, and refuse to answer questions on Benghazi, Fast and Furious, or anything else, and he will instruct all those who serve in his regime, to do likewise. Their arrogance will remain undiminished. . Their agenda will remain as focused as ever, and no amount of political blogs , conservative talk shows, or twitter engaged Tea Party Patriots will do anything to stop it. No, only one thing will stop Obama , the Democrats , and the left in general. Only one thing ;...votes. We, the Republican Party , must put our votes where our mouths are , and show up in November , en masse, and vote the Democrats out of office. First, in November, the Republicans must take the Senate. Then, in 2016,they must take the Presidency as well, no matter who the nominee is. If even Jeb Bush gets the nod, we must support him unwaiveringly. No more write in votes. No more third party votes. No more staying home on election night. No more flushing your vote and your freedom down the toilet , as three million Republicans did with the Romney election. We must show up and pull all levers for all Republican nominees every time, period. Or, America, as we know it, is gone forever. We don't need the perfect conservative. We don't need the perfect immigration plan . We don't need the perfect Tea Party candidate. We need to win,period. For none of the Tea Party rallies , marches on Washington, blogs , town halls or tweets mean anything if we don't achieve victory , if we lack the will to win.
I don't want to be the perfect conservative. I want to be the perfect Republican warrior that crushes the Democrats in November , and in 2016, in overwhelming victory.
And, as you Tea Party conservatives contemplate this, remember one thing, Nevada , right now, Senator Harry Reid has set armed Federal Troops upon his fellow Americans ;.. cattle ranchers who have committed the ultimate sin of failing to pay grazing fees on Federal land, while supposedly endangering a desert tortoise in the process. Federal snipers were sent , and cattle destroyed or confiscated , over money , and a tortoise . The Ranchers reached a stalemate only because they stood united against the Federal Government , and exercised their sovreign state rights as Americans.Disaster was averted . Senator Harry Reid says the rancher Clivden Bundy, owes grazing fees . Senator Harry Reid says the issue is not over. Senator Harry Reid and the EPA, want that land for tax grabbing Green Energy scams. And, Senator Harry Reid was apparently willing to shoot ranchers and destroy their property , to get what he wants. Federal Snipers targeting Americans over a land ownership dispute. Bundy may, in fact, be in the wrong , and the land may indeed be government owned. After all, most of Nevada land is government owned. But, does that justify armed Federal Agents turning their guns on American Ranchers?And, does this justify Senator Harry Reid calling Clivden Bundy supporters "Domestic Terrorists?"
Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans , when you go to the polls this November. Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans while you debate whether your candidate is "conservative enough " to get your support. Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans , while you debate whether or not to stay home for another election , vote a write in, or vote third party. And ultimately, contemplate this, my fellow Republicans, that while Russian President Vladimir Putin is flying his jets over a U.S.Naval Destroyer in the Black Sea, in an effort to mock our President who he perceives as weak, remember that he is also sending a message to our Nation as well,...a message of disdain.For now, Putin knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, that America, under the leadership of President Obama, is but a shadow of its former self, and has , in essence, forfeited its right to lead the world as the number one superpower. A pity, since our military , under another leader, has the power to crush any enemy , like a bug, without even getting a scratch.
Crucifixion was the preferred method of execution for 1st Century Rome, for it inflicted a slow , lingering , painful death , upon its enemies. Many centuries later, so too , has President Obama, and the left, punished their enemy, America, with an equally slow, painful, lingering death through ever increasing taxes , regulations and a weakened military.America's fate, for the moment, seems to be sealed.
But, there was one crucifixion , long ago, that did not end in death, but in the ultimate triumph and glory, of resurrection . And, now with the season of Easter upon us,....... can America dare to hope for another?
The IRS scandal , in particular, is now beginning to be revealed , fully. IRS Director Lois Learner has now been exposed as a full blown leftist activist, that was passing emails to Attorney General Eric Holder, the DOJ, and Congressman Elijah Cummings , the theme of which was to find a way to prosecute Tea Party Groups on tax related issues. This is incredible. There is now a clear link to not only a Democrat Congressman, but to the Attorney General himself, the Chief Cop in the United States.We are now finding out that all these scandals are linked. All are part of of the same plan . All are part of the same agenda , which follows the will of Obama. This is the reason Learner took the Fifth. This is the reason Holder refuses to release records or answer any questions . This is the reason that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked the Question, "What difference does it make?"This is the reason that all, in this Administration , must , in the end, be defeated. It will take no large effort on our part , to bring about this defeat. Conservative America has always outnumbered the left, overwhelmingly. All it takes is for Republicans to show up at the polls and vote for their team ,on every election , without fail. The only reason these people who are destroying America remain in power is because of the fact that those of us who know better, have chosen not to engage the enemy, and have simply stayed home on every election night , or voted Third Party write- ins.We have given the left their victories , and handed America over to them on a silver platter. We have, in past elections , foolishly allowed the Liberal Media to define our candidates as either too rich, too extreme, or too weak on key issues, such as immigration, gay marriage, or abortion. What nonsense. All Republicans support tax and regulation cuts . All believe in a strong military , and Second Amendment Rights, and all believe in the Judeo-Christian values that our Constitution is founded on. Why then would anyone who claims to be a so-called, "Patriot", and"Conservative", stay home , or vote third party , and let the the left win , time and time again? Now immigration's the big issue? Give me a break. Republicans won't vote for a candidate whose weak on immigration? Since when? I got news for all so-called conservatives ;...every single Republican , including Reagan , has been weak on immigration .So, get over it. We need to seal the border . End of Story. Then , the issue will be solved, as the illegals in question will self deport , like rats trying to escape a sinking ship. They don't want to be citizens. They are here for our entitlement freebies, only. They have nothing but contempt for America and its people , and simply view us as chumps to be played for our tax dollars , which they live off of. Sealing the border will solve it, because then , they will be unable to go back and forth at will anymore. But, that issue is for later. Right now, we have a mission , and that mission is to win, period.
The Democrats are the force destroying the country. The Democrats created Obamacare . The Democrats weakened our military . The Democrats have emboldened our enemies , including Putin, and promoted terrorism on our own soil.The Democrats have allowed criminal immigrants to stay in our country. The Democrats are the enemy that must be destroyed. . So, lets stop the nonsense about immigration , and lets unite in stopping the enemy that is destroying America.
We can all see what's happened in the past six years. Nothing like this ever happened with Republicans in charge. So, vote Republican , or face the permanent destruction of our Nation. We can't ask for more help than we are getting from the Democrats themselves. If they do what the President has asked them to do, namely, defend Obamacare, they will go down even faster than predicted. But, it still requires our involvement . That is the key to our Nation's success. Self Government is the greatest system on earth , but ...self-government requires self-participation. We must be engaged in the process and hold our representatives accountable. , or a repeat of the last five and a half years will be the result.
And, in the meantime, Obama and his agenda will continue . It will not vary . It will not waiver. The left never does.The President will continue to deny scandals, deny corruption, and refuse to answer questions on Benghazi, Fast and Furious, or anything else, and he will instruct all those who serve in his regime, to do likewise. Their arrogance will remain undiminished. . Their agenda will remain as focused as ever, and no amount of political blogs , conservative talk shows, or twitter engaged Tea Party Patriots will do anything to stop it. No, only one thing will stop Obama , the Democrats , and the left in general. Only one thing ;...votes. We, the Republican Party , must put our votes where our mouths are , and show up in November , en masse, and vote the Democrats out of office. First, in November, the Republicans must take the Senate. Then, in 2016,they must take the Presidency as well, no matter who the nominee is. If even Jeb Bush gets the nod, we must support him unwaiveringly. No more write in votes. No more third party votes. No more staying home on election night. No more flushing your vote and your freedom down the toilet , as three million Republicans did with the Romney election. We must show up and pull all levers for all Republican nominees every time, period. Or, America, as we know it, is gone forever. We don't need the perfect conservative. We don't need the perfect immigration plan . We don't need the perfect Tea Party candidate. We need to win,period. For none of the Tea Party rallies , marches on Washington, blogs , town halls or tweets mean anything if we don't achieve victory , if we lack the will to win.
I don't want to be the perfect conservative. I want to be the perfect Republican warrior that crushes the Democrats in November , and in 2016, in overwhelming victory.
And, as you Tea Party conservatives contemplate this, remember one thing, Nevada , right now, Senator Harry Reid has set armed Federal Troops upon his fellow Americans ;.. cattle ranchers who have committed the ultimate sin of failing to pay grazing fees on Federal land, while supposedly endangering a desert tortoise in the process. Federal snipers were sent , and cattle destroyed or confiscated , over money , and a tortoise . The Ranchers reached a stalemate only because they stood united against the Federal Government , and exercised their sovreign state rights as Americans.Disaster was averted . Senator Harry Reid says the rancher Clivden Bundy, owes grazing fees . Senator Harry Reid says the issue is not over. Senator Harry Reid and the EPA, want that land for tax grabbing Green Energy scams. And, Senator Harry Reid was apparently willing to shoot ranchers and destroy their property , to get what he wants. Federal Snipers targeting Americans over a land ownership dispute. Bundy may, in fact, be in the wrong , and the land may indeed be government owned. After all, most of Nevada land is government owned. But, does that justify armed Federal Agents turning their guns on American Ranchers?And, does this justify Senator Harry Reid calling Clivden Bundy supporters "Domestic Terrorists?"
Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans , when you go to the polls this November. Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans while you debate whether your candidate is "conservative enough " to get your support. Contemplate this, my fellow Republicans , while you debate whether or not to stay home for another election , vote a write in, or vote third party. And ultimately, contemplate this, my fellow Republicans, that while Russian President Vladimir Putin is flying his jets over a U.S.Naval Destroyer in the Black Sea, in an effort to mock our President who he perceives as weak, remember that he is also sending a message to our Nation as well,...a message of disdain.For now, Putin knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, that America, under the leadership of President Obama, is but a shadow of its former self, and has , in essence, forfeited its right to lead the world as the number one superpower. A pity, since our military , under another leader, has the power to crush any enemy , like a bug, without even getting a scratch.
Crucifixion was the preferred method of execution for 1st Century Rome, for it inflicted a slow , lingering , painful death , upon its enemies. Many centuries later, so too , has President Obama, and the left, punished their enemy, America, with an equally slow, painful, lingering death through ever increasing taxes , regulations and a weakened military.America's fate, for the moment, seems to be sealed.
But, there was one crucifixion , long ago, that did not end in death, but in the ultimate triumph and glory, of resurrection . And, now with the season of Easter upon us,....... can America dare to hope for another?
Friday, April 11, 2014
IRS, NSA, Benghazi ,Fast and Furious. Will any of these scandals perpetrated by the Obama Administration ever be resolved? Will anyone be fired? Will anyone go to jail? Well, there now appears to be light at the end of the tunnel , for even without the appointment of a Special Prosecutor, a Congressional Committee, investigating the IRS scandal, led by Representatives Darryl Issa and Trey Gowdy, have voted to find IRS Director Lois Learner guilty of contempt, for invoking her 5th Amendent privilege, after declaring her complete innocence in her opening statement. You can't have it both ways, you see. You can't claim to be completely innocent of all charges , and then refuse to answer questions that would prove your innocence. Yes, Learner has been found to be in contempt, by a Special Congressional Committee. But, the question now is, will the Full House concur with the Committee , and vote the same way? And, if they do, will their vote translate into jail time for Learner? Highly unlikely. The problem is that eventually the decision on Learner will be turned over to the Department of Justice, which, at this time,is controlled by Attorney General Eric Holder , and the liberal left, that do the bidding of the Obama Administration . Learner is clearly guilty . An endless trail of emails to, and from her , proves this.She led the operation that targeted Conservative groups that might have threatened Obama's re-election. That's a fact. But we also know that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are guilty as well, on Benghazi.Attorney General Eric Holder , is clearly guilty , on Fast and Furious, NSA Director James Clapper is clearly guilty on the spying scandal,and of course , recently retired Health and Human Services Director Kathleen Sebelius is incredibly guilty of complete incompetence in the implementation of Obamacare.
The evidence , on all these scandals , is there. The guilt is clear, but the Democrat Party is still in control right now , of these organizations and operations, so,who will be punished? No one, that's who. You see, all these so-called "scandals", are in reality not scandals at all. They are strategies utilized by the liberal left , to bring about the Socialist utopia they are always striving to achieve , by weakening America. IRS, NSA, Benghazi,Fast and Furious , , are in reality all part of the same plan. They are not separate actions,..they are one.They are part of the same purpose, the same agenda.These are not the actions of rogue employees. They are the actions of loyal Obama supporters , that are carrying out their President's orders either directly, or indirectly. They did nothing wrong, in the eyes of the Administration, except get caught , that is . Why then , would we expect any of the offenders in these scandals to be punished by the same Administration that ordered them to carry out these actions? Learner will not be punished . Her leave of absence from the IRS is nothing more than a paid vacation ,for a job well done. And, Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings , during her hearing,..actually revealed the main strategy the Democrats will use to counteract the Republican attacks and hearings. they will accuse the Republican Congress of either racism, as Eric Holder did in a House Judicial Committee hearing confrontation with Congressman Louis Gohmert, or they will accuse them of McCarthyism , despite the fact that most of the Democrats , in the House and Senate don't even understand what McCarthyism really is. To the left, McCarthyism is a witch hunt, for that evil, mythical beast , the Communist. For you see, to the left, the so-called communist is an extinct species, a hold over from the days of the United States' Cold War with the former Soviet Union. But now, it's a defunct term . There are no communists , according to the left. No, there are only progressives and liberals ,..names that the left have used , since the Fifties , to conceal their true nature , and the true purpose behind all they do. You see, the fall of the Soviet Union allowed the left to shift the focus of the communist movement to America . That became the new Nation , to conquer , to overthrow, destroy from within. America , and the Republican Party in particular, needs to wake up to the fact that there are no Liberals,Progressives Socialists, or even Marxists , for that matter. All of these are just names that the left have adapted to conceal what they truly are;...Communists. This is not an extreme accusation , as Representative Elijah Cummings would have us believe. The proof is there , in all the Obama Administration has done in nearly six years in office.And Cummings himself ,is apparently linked to the I.R.S scandal himself, which makes his accusations and McCarthyism and racism even more laughable.
Who but a communist would condemn free market capitalism and demand ever increasing taxes that bankrupt our economy , and keep Americans dependent on ever expanding government?
Who but a communist would weaken the U.S. Military , while appeasing our enemies and alienating our allies?
Who but a communist would condemn and oppress the freedom based Judeo -Christian faiths that shaped the foundation of our Nation's Constitution , while praising and protecting the intolerant violent, oppression based faiths like Islam, that seek nothing more than the subjugation of their fellow man ,and the destruction of America in general?
Who but a communist would create an abomination like Obamacare , a system that is designed to impose government control on our Nation's free market and it's people, through never ending taxes and regulations?
And, most obviously, who but a communist would coerce the freedom seeking Ukrainian people to give up their weapon systems , while supporting the Russian Nation that seeks to create a new Iron Curtain?
These are the actions of communists . You need only look at other nations that operate under communist rule and then look at the so-called liberals and progressives in our Nation, and ask yourself; there a difference in what they seek? Of course not. Their goals are the same . The plan is the same. The only difference is that , in our country, they are opposed , the Republican Party , that still seeks to uphold the Constitution and the Judeo-Christian principles it represents .
The Republican Party created the Civil Rights Act, and freed the slaves.
The Democrats created the Klan , and supported slavery.
The Republican Party is the Party of Judeo Christian values , low taxes, regulations ,the Second Amendment, and a strong military.
The Democrat Party is the Party that attacks Christianity ,increases taxes, bans guns,and weakens our military, while supporting the bigoted , intolerant,Islamic faiths , that regard America as a Nation of Infidels, the "Great Satan" , that must be destroyed.
It's clear who the Republicans are, and even more clear, who the Democrats are.
We must recognize, and accept, the enemy for what they really are , and be prepared to adopt the strategy that President Lincoln employed during the Civil War ;... occupy the enemies territory , cut off their attacks , with attacks of our own, , surround them, and meet them on their own battlefield , if we are to be victorious over them. We can no longer sit back , and wait for the left to implode. We must channel what Lincoln called his "Anaconda strategy, " , and crush the enemy from within , by keeping the pressure on , from all sides , right up till the November Midterms. We can no longer sit back, and fight them, on our own battlefield. Now we must fight them, on theirs.
We are at War, for the soul of the Nation . We are at war , with nothing less,..than the forces of communism. Benghazi, IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious, all of these , will be resolved, and those responsible held accountable, only when the Republican Party , once again , controls the destiny of our Nation.
The evidence , on all these scandals , is there. The guilt is clear, but the Democrat Party is still in control right now , of these organizations and operations, so,who will be punished? No one, that's who. You see, all these so-called "scandals", are in reality not scandals at all. They are strategies utilized by the liberal left , to bring about the Socialist utopia they are always striving to achieve , by weakening America. IRS, NSA, Benghazi,Fast and Furious , , are in reality all part of the same plan. They are not separate actions,..they are one.They are part of the same purpose, the same agenda.These are not the actions of rogue employees. They are the actions of loyal Obama supporters , that are carrying out their President's orders either directly, or indirectly. They did nothing wrong, in the eyes of the Administration, except get caught , that is . Why then , would we expect any of the offenders in these scandals to be punished by the same Administration that ordered them to carry out these actions? Learner will not be punished . Her leave of absence from the IRS is nothing more than a paid vacation ,for a job well done. And, Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings , during her hearing,..actually revealed the main strategy the Democrats will use to counteract the Republican attacks and hearings. they will accuse the Republican Congress of either racism, as Eric Holder did in a House Judicial Committee hearing confrontation with Congressman Louis Gohmert, or they will accuse them of McCarthyism , despite the fact that most of the Democrats , in the House and Senate don't even understand what McCarthyism really is. To the left, McCarthyism is a witch hunt, for that evil, mythical beast , the Communist. For you see, to the left, the so-called communist is an extinct species, a hold over from the days of the United States' Cold War with the former Soviet Union. But now, it's a defunct term . There are no communists , according to the left. No, there are only progressives and liberals ,..names that the left have used , since the Fifties , to conceal their true nature , and the true purpose behind all they do. You see, the fall of the Soviet Union allowed the left to shift the focus of the communist movement to America . That became the new Nation , to conquer , to overthrow, destroy from within. America , and the Republican Party in particular, needs to wake up to the fact that there are no Liberals,Progressives Socialists, or even Marxists , for that matter. All of these are just names that the left have adapted to conceal what they truly are;...Communists. This is not an extreme accusation , as Representative Elijah Cummings would have us believe. The proof is there , in all the Obama Administration has done in nearly six years in office.And Cummings himself ,is apparently linked to the I.R.S scandal himself, which makes his accusations and McCarthyism and racism even more laughable.
Who but a communist would condemn free market capitalism and demand ever increasing taxes that bankrupt our economy , and keep Americans dependent on ever expanding government?
Who but a communist would weaken the U.S. Military , while appeasing our enemies and alienating our allies?
Who but a communist would condemn and oppress the freedom based Judeo -Christian faiths that shaped the foundation of our Nation's Constitution , while praising and protecting the intolerant violent, oppression based faiths like Islam, that seek nothing more than the subjugation of their fellow man ,and the destruction of America in general?
Who but a communist would create an abomination like Obamacare , a system that is designed to impose government control on our Nation's free market and it's people, through never ending taxes and regulations?
And, most obviously, who but a communist would coerce the freedom seeking Ukrainian people to give up their weapon systems , while supporting the Russian Nation that seeks to create a new Iron Curtain?
These are the actions of communists . You need only look at other nations that operate under communist rule and then look at the so-called liberals and progressives in our Nation, and ask yourself; there a difference in what they seek? Of course not. Their goals are the same . The plan is the same. The only difference is that , in our country, they are opposed , the Republican Party , that still seeks to uphold the Constitution and the Judeo-Christian principles it represents .
The Republican Party created the Civil Rights Act, and freed the slaves.
The Democrats created the Klan , and supported slavery.
The Republican Party is the Party of Judeo Christian values , low taxes, regulations ,the Second Amendment, and a strong military.
The Democrat Party is the Party that attacks Christianity ,increases taxes, bans guns,and weakens our military, while supporting the bigoted , intolerant,Islamic faiths , that regard America as a Nation of Infidels, the "Great Satan" , that must be destroyed.
It's clear who the Republicans are, and even more clear, who the Democrats are.
We must recognize, and accept, the enemy for what they really are , and be prepared to adopt the strategy that President Lincoln employed during the Civil War ;... occupy the enemies territory , cut off their attacks , with attacks of our own, , surround them, and meet them on their own battlefield , if we are to be victorious over them. We can no longer sit back , and wait for the left to implode. We must channel what Lincoln called his "Anaconda strategy, " , and crush the enemy from within , by keeping the pressure on , from all sides , right up till the November Midterms. We can no longer sit back, and fight them, on our own battlefield. Now we must fight them, on theirs.
We are at War, for the soul of the Nation . We are at war , with nothing less,..than the forces of communism. Benghazi, IRS, NSA, Fast and Furious, all of these , will be resolved, and those responsible held accountable, only when the Republican Party , once again , controls the destiny of our Nation.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
The Imperius Glory
"The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee , thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high,..that saith in his heart,...who shall bring me down to the ground?" Obadiah Verse 3
Years ago, in 2004, after the landslide re-election victory by President Bush , the left accused the 2nd Term President of pride and arrogance ;...what the Greeks called , "Hubris" , for daring to declare his victory a virtual mandate to accomplish his political goals. This is ironic , however, since pride, arrogance , hubris, are traits that his successor, Barack Obama ,has made a way of life.
President Barack Hussein Obama strode into the Rose Garden , resplendent in the trappings of his high office , and proceeded to take a victory lap , while basking in the reflected glory of the newly ordained 7 million plus Obamacare enrollees .Time for the Commander in Chief to rest on his well earned laurel leaves . Time for him to unleash a well deserved ,"I told you so", scolding upon his enemies who dared to doubt the wisdom of his crowning achievement , The Affordable Care Act. Time for his critics, those damnable Republicans ,to swallow their pride and admit that he was right all along and they were wrong.
Or,...perhaps not. The President's so-called victory lap may be a little premature , and a lot out of touch with reality. The 7 million is a fictional number, and , even if it weren't all that would mean is that the 7 million who lost their existing health insurance , due to Obamacare , simply registered with Obamacare out of desperation , because the program's mandates had left them completely uninsured. In other words they had no choice. Obamacare had bullied them out of their policies that they were perfectly happy with.
The Obama administration , for months now, has been unable , or unwilling, to give any firm numbers regarding registration for this law. But now, on the eve of the deadline,suddenly a miracle has come to pass,and the Obama Administration has snatched victory from the looming jaws of defeat, and come up with the exact number of registrees needed. This stretches credibility to the breaking point . After all, so far , there has been nothing really credible or believable about the law whatsoever. We were told we could keep our Doctor,and our Insurance plan, and the only difference would be better , more comprehensive coverage that would be far less expensive than our current plan. None of this has proven to be true. In addition , those who have managed to register and be counted are hardly covered for anything, really. Doctors and Hospitals , in droves, are running from Obamacare. It costs them money. And, after all, if they can't make money, why would they even want to be a Doctor? Insurance companies also, are refusing to play along and have been dropping their customers for the same, basic, economic reason . They can no longer afford to cover them . This has left Obamacare customers stranded in an uncovered limbo, with no evidence of Obamacare's presence, except for the taxes that have already been eroding our free market economy.
There is also no evidence that anyone who has managed to register has paid for their coverage. And, if they haven't paid, then what is the point of a victory lap over a fictional number of 7 million? Well, the 7 million lie was necessary to give credibility to a law , and to a President ,....who were sorely lacking in this area. After all, if the deadline registration number was not reached, how then could the Democrat's petition the Republican controlled House for the necessary tax increases to pay for Obamacare? Of course they hit the 7 million mark . There was never any doubt. The Obama administration was not about to let the reality of this failed law interfere with its true purpose , which is to force ever increasing taxes and regulations upon the American people. And , the reality of this failed law was also not about to stop the President from taking his victory lap in the Rose Garden either. Like all the other crises, scandals , and deceptions that have occurred during the Obama Administration's reign, all the President needed to do, is wave his arm and say ,.".it does not exist ", and so , therefore , it does not. And , if the President wishes something to be, he again , need only wave that arm and say,.."it is so".Imperius is the arrogant and prideful rule of Barack Hussein Obama. Reality be damned. As he has proven , for six years now, the President rejects your reality, and substitutes his own , anytime it pleases him. As Joseph Goebbels , the Nazi Minister of Propaganda once said, "A lie, repeated often enough , will gradually gain acceptance. Except that now, those words are no longer holding true. The American people are waking up,..and the reason is their wallets. Obamacare is costing people not only their Health Insurance, their Doctors, their Hospitals , and their peace of mind,but its also costing them a whole truck load of their hard earned loot. That is the ultimate wake up call for even the disinterested and uninformed voter. Nothing will open your eyes to the fact that, you've been conned faster than an empty wallet.
But, the President is oblivious to this reality , and the reality of other looming scandals , including Benghazi , which , like Obamacare , is now effectively destroying his Administration's credibility. Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morrell has now been thrown under the Obama Midterm Election Campaign Bus, and has been nominated to take a bullet for his team , by testifying that is was he,...and he alone, that altered the CIA Benghazi field reports to eliminate any connection to terrorism , or Al-Queda, and instead substituted a fictional organized protest , inspired by a YouTube video that no one , at that time, had even seen , or heard about. Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann led the grilling of Morrell ,determined to get him to admit that what he did,..was by special orders from the Obama Administration , or the State Department. In other words ,according to Bachmann ,either Obama or Hillary authorized this. Morrell, a rabid Obama supporter , denied any influence by the administration , claiming that he did what he did, the name of "fairness" , and that his report was based strictly on the intel that he had received , ..not from agents on the ground in Libya,that told him it was indeed a terror attack by Al Queda forces,..but from CIA Headquarters in Virginia. He did it on his own. No one influenced him ..And incredibly, he claims he didn't do it for any "political reasons ".Yet, he did it with the help of other CIA officials He's taking the fall, yet, he's not willing , apparently, to go down alone. He's clearly protecting the administration. He's clearly the chosen fall guy for the Obama Administration,Hillary Clinton, and the Democrat Party. And, Morrell's a necessary fall guy, as Benghazi , in addition to Obamacare, looms as a credible threat to the Democrat Party's bid to win the November Midterms. What's his reward? Well, if he avoids jail, a plush position working for Hillary on her Presidential Campaign Team.
Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann put forth a herculean effort to get the truth from this man, but that truth may have to wait until after the Democrats are defeated and dethroned in November. Morrell's refusal to answer specific questions , much like Lois Learner in the IRS hearings ,..speaks volumes. Avoiding direct questions, and pleading the fifth, do nothing except make you look like a guilty liar. Morrell was ordered , by Hillary , or Obama, or both, cover up the terror attack in Benghazi, because the President had said that he had defeated Al-Queda. His re-election campaign was centered around his success at routing this terror organization. Therefore the terror attack could not, would not,...exist ,...and Morrell could make that happen. All it took was the altering of a few CIA memos and a clever YouTube video ploy that former Obama puppet Ambassador Susan Rice was more than willing to promote on every Sunday News Program.
The bottom line is this,....all that was done in the Benghazi scandal , was done to protect the Obama Presidential Campaign , and to protect Hillary Clinton's Presidential ambitions. Political ambition. Political power.In the end, that is all that motivates the Democrat mind. And, they will stop at nothing to acheive that power , no matter what the lie , matter what the deception. And now, as the President basks in the glory of his fictional Obamacare Victory, and continues to tout the seven million facade as a reason for celebration,...there was another who was planning a stranger,..more malevolent celebration. A soldier ,by the name of Sergeant Ivan Lopez, stationed at the American Army base in Fort Hood, Texas ,..opened fire on his fellow soldiers , killing three and wounding sixteen. This is the same base that , five years ago, Major Nidal Hassan, a Muslim Extremist ,unleashed a similar massacre upon his fellow soldiers . Both Hassan and Gomez were under scrutiny for mental health reasons, at the time of their shooting sprees. But, the blame for this tragedy , like other recent shooting incidents , does not fall on evil guns, deranged men or the lack of proper mental health care .The fault lies with the Democrat Party, and their Anti-Gun Agenda. For, you see, Fort Hood, an Army base in the heart of Texas, is an advertised Gun Free Zone. No guns are allowed on the base. None. Yes, much like our schools , that teach our children, our movie theaters that entertain us,...our malls that we shop in, ..this military base , that houses our soldiers,...has a strict no gun policy. Incredible. I guess no one learned their lesson from the Hassan Massacre. Apparently, soldiers that are permitted to carry weapons into combat to defend our freedom , are not allowed to carry these same weapons to protect themselves on American soil. Outrageous. These killings will continue if this Administration , and this military,..that serves under it,..does not wake up to reality. You are soldiers .You should be carrying a gun at all times. Police Officers do .So why not those that we entrust the safety of our Nation to? We are at war. Both from within, and without. We, as a Nation, must accept this. The Obama Administration must accept this. The Democrat Party, must accept this. No soldier , during a time of war, or otherwise, should be unarmed either in the field, or at home. Nor should our schools , malls , or theaters , that we entrust the safety of our children to , unarmed and "gun free" either . End of Story. Why has the basic concept of self defense , become so alien, so extreme , the minds of free born Americans?
And, as President Obama continues his hollow victory lap, crowing that the debate over repealing healthcare is over,he should be careful not to rest too easy on those fictional laurels , that his admirers gather in his honor. The debate is far from over , and it will , inevitably ,be repealed. For, like our Doctors , Hospitals , Insurance companies , Corporations , Small Businesses , Schools ,Malls, Movie Theaters , Army Bases, and yes, the American citizens themselves,....the President has been disarmed. , by his own Anti-America machinations and agenda. He is unarmed and helpless , before the onslaught of political reality that is about to overwhelm him and his Party , in the Midterm Elections, as the Republican Party seizes control of this diminished Republic that has been stripped bare of the one thing that keeps us free , the ability to defend that freedom and to defend ourselves. This victory lap by Obama, will be a short one,..and his last.
Years ago, in 2004, after the landslide re-election victory by President Bush , the left accused the 2nd Term President of pride and arrogance ;...what the Greeks called , "Hubris" , for daring to declare his victory a virtual mandate to accomplish his political goals. This is ironic , however, since pride, arrogance , hubris, are traits that his successor, Barack Obama ,has made a way of life.
President Barack Hussein Obama strode into the Rose Garden , resplendent in the trappings of his high office , and proceeded to take a victory lap , while basking in the reflected glory of the newly ordained 7 million plus Obamacare enrollees .Time for the Commander in Chief to rest on his well earned laurel leaves . Time for him to unleash a well deserved ,"I told you so", scolding upon his enemies who dared to doubt the wisdom of his crowning achievement , The Affordable Care Act. Time for his critics, those damnable Republicans ,to swallow their pride and admit that he was right all along and they were wrong.
Or,...perhaps not. The President's so-called victory lap may be a little premature , and a lot out of touch with reality. The 7 million is a fictional number, and , even if it weren't all that would mean is that the 7 million who lost their existing health insurance , due to Obamacare , simply registered with Obamacare out of desperation , because the program's mandates had left them completely uninsured. In other words they had no choice. Obamacare had bullied them out of their policies that they were perfectly happy with.
The Obama administration , for months now, has been unable , or unwilling, to give any firm numbers regarding registration for this law. But now, on the eve of the deadline,suddenly a miracle has come to pass,and the Obama Administration has snatched victory from the looming jaws of defeat, and come up with the exact number of registrees needed. This stretches credibility to the breaking point . After all, so far , there has been nothing really credible or believable about the law whatsoever. We were told we could keep our Doctor,and our Insurance plan, and the only difference would be better , more comprehensive coverage that would be far less expensive than our current plan. None of this has proven to be true. In addition , those who have managed to register and be counted are hardly covered for anything, really. Doctors and Hospitals , in droves, are running from Obamacare. It costs them money. And, after all, if they can't make money, why would they even want to be a Doctor? Insurance companies also, are refusing to play along and have been dropping their customers for the same, basic, economic reason . They can no longer afford to cover them . This has left Obamacare customers stranded in an uncovered limbo, with no evidence of Obamacare's presence, except for the taxes that have already been eroding our free market economy.
There is also no evidence that anyone who has managed to register has paid for their coverage. And, if they haven't paid, then what is the point of a victory lap over a fictional number of 7 million? Well, the 7 million lie was necessary to give credibility to a law , and to a President ,....who were sorely lacking in this area. After all, if the deadline registration number was not reached, how then could the Democrat's petition the Republican controlled House for the necessary tax increases to pay for Obamacare? Of course they hit the 7 million mark . There was never any doubt. The Obama administration was not about to let the reality of this failed law interfere with its true purpose , which is to force ever increasing taxes and regulations upon the American people. And , the reality of this failed law was also not about to stop the President from taking his victory lap in the Rose Garden either. Like all the other crises, scandals , and deceptions that have occurred during the Obama Administration's reign, all the President needed to do, is wave his arm and say ,.".it does not exist ", and so , therefore , it does not. And , if the President wishes something to be, he again , need only wave that arm and say,.."it is so".Imperius is the arrogant and prideful rule of Barack Hussein Obama. Reality be damned. As he has proven , for six years now, the President rejects your reality, and substitutes his own , anytime it pleases him. As Joseph Goebbels , the Nazi Minister of Propaganda once said, "A lie, repeated often enough , will gradually gain acceptance. Except that now, those words are no longer holding true. The American people are waking up,..and the reason is their wallets. Obamacare is costing people not only their Health Insurance, their Doctors, their Hospitals , and their peace of mind,but its also costing them a whole truck load of their hard earned loot. That is the ultimate wake up call for even the disinterested and uninformed voter. Nothing will open your eyes to the fact that, you've been conned faster than an empty wallet.
But, the President is oblivious to this reality , and the reality of other looming scandals , including Benghazi , which , like Obamacare , is now effectively destroying his Administration's credibility. Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morrell has now been thrown under the Obama Midterm Election Campaign Bus, and has been nominated to take a bullet for his team , by testifying that is was he,...and he alone, that altered the CIA Benghazi field reports to eliminate any connection to terrorism , or Al-Queda, and instead substituted a fictional organized protest , inspired by a YouTube video that no one , at that time, had even seen , or heard about. Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann led the grilling of Morrell ,determined to get him to admit that what he did,..was by special orders from the Obama Administration , or the State Department. In other words ,according to Bachmann ,either Obama or Hillary authorized this. Morrell, a rabid Obama supporter , denied any influence by the administration , claiming that he did what he did, the name of "fairness" , and that his report was based strictly on the intel that he had received , ..not from agents on the ground in Libya,that told him it was indeed a terror attack by Al Queda forces,..but from CIA Headquarters in Virginia. He did it on his own. No one influenced him ..And incredibly, he claims he didn't do it for any "political reasons ".Yet, he did it with the help of other CIA officials He's taking the fall, yet, he's not willing , apparently, to go down alone. He's clearly protecting the administration. He's clearly the chosen fall guy for the Obama Administration,Hillary Clinton, and the Democrat Party. And, Morrell's a necessary fall guy, as Benghazi , in addition to Obamacare, looms as a credible threat to the Democrat Party's bid to win the November Midterms. What's his reward? Well, if he avoids jail, a plush position working for Hillary on her Presidential Campaign Team.
Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann put forth a herculean effort to get the truth from this man, but that truth may have to wait until after the Democrats are defeated and dethroned in November. Morrell's refusal to answer specific questions , much like Lois Learner in the IRS hearings ,..speaks volumes. Avoiding direct questions, and pleading the fifth, do nothing except make you look like a guilty liar. Morrell was ordered , by Hillary , or Obama, or both, cover up the terror attack in Benghazi, because the President had said that he had defeated Al-Queda. His re-election campaign was centered around his success at routing this terror organization. Therefore the terror attack could not, would not,...exist ,...and Morrell could make that happen. All it took was the altering of a few CIA memos and a clever YouTube video ploy that former Obama puppet Ambassador Susan Rice was more than willing to promote on every Sunday News Program.
The bottom line is this,....all that was done in the Benghazi scandal , was done to protect the Obama Presidential Campaign , and to protect Hillary Clinton's Presidential ambitions. Political ambition. Political power.In the end, that is all that motivates the Democrat mind. And, they will stop at nothing to acheive that power , no matter what the lie , matter what the deception. And now, as the President basks in the glory of his fictional Obamacare Victory, and continues to tout the seven million facade as a reason for celebration,...there was another who was planning a stranger,..more malevolent celebration. A soldier ,by the name of Sergeant Ivan Lopez, stationed at the American Army base in Fort Hood, Texas ,..opened fire on his fellow soldiers , killing three and wounding sixteen. This is the same base that , five years ago, Major Nidal Hassan, a Muslim Extremist ,unleashed a similar massacre upon his fellow soldiers . Both Hassan and Gomez were under scrutiny for mental health reasons, at the time of their shooting sprees. But, the blame for this tragedy , like other recent shooting incidents , does not fall on evil guns, deranged men or the lack of proper mental health care .The fault lies with the Democrat Party, and their Anti-Gun Agenda. For, you see, Fort Hood, an Army base in the heart of Texas, is an advertised Gun Free Zone. No guns are allowed on the base. None. Yes, much like our schools , that teach our children, our movie theaters that entertain us,...our malls that we shop in, ..this military base , that houses our soldiers,...has a strict no gun policy. Incredible. I guess no one learned their lesson from the Hassan Massacre. Apparently, soldiers that are permitted to carry weapons into combat to defend our freedom , are not allowed to carry these same weapons to protect themselves on American soil. Outrageous. These killings will continue if this Administration , and this military,..that serves under it,..does not wake up to reality. You are soldiers .You should be carrying a gun at all times. Police Officers do .So why not those that we entrust the safety of our Nation to? We are at war. Both from within, and without. We, as a Nation, must accept this. The Obama Administration must accept this. The Democrat Party, must accept this. No soldier , during a time of war, or otherwise, should be unarmed either in the field, or at home. Nor should our schools , malls , or theaters , that we entrust the safety of our children to , unarmed and "gun free" either . End of Story. Why has the basic concept of self defense , become so alien, so extreme , the minds of free born Americans?
And, as President Obama continues his hollow victory lap, crowing that the debate over repealing healthcare is over,he should be careful not to rest too easy on those fictional laurels , that his admirers gather in his honor. The debate is far from over , and it will , inevitably ,be repealed. For, like our Doctors , Hospitals , Insurance companies , Corporations , Small Businesses , Schools ,Malls, Movie Theaters , Army Bases, and yes, the American citizens themselves,....the President has been disarmed. , by his own Anti-America machinations and agenda. He is unarmed and helpless , before the onslaught of political reality that is about to overwhelm him and his Party , in the Midterm Elections, as the Republican Party seizes control of this diminished Republic that has been stripped bare of the one thing that keeps us free , the ability to defend that freedom and to defend ourselves. This victory lap by Obama, will be a short one,..and his last.
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