Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Curse of the Changeling

The Crimean Peninsula now belongs to Vladimir Putin, and Mother Russia. In truth, it always did. Years ago, Putin planned his taking of Ukraine and Georgia , knowing that it would be easy. , since the pipeline that supplies most of Europe with its energy,..runs right under the heart of the Ukraine. 30% of Gas and Oil to Europe comes from Russia. This is why England, Germany, and France have refused to participate in the new sanctions strategem that is finally being put forth by President Obama. Amazingly enough , after much red line posturing reminiscent of the Syrian standoff, the President has broken with his standard Foreign Policy strategy ;...he has decided to do something. However, it's an empty gesture that will not be supported by our Nato Allies , despite the fact that we have sent F-16's to aid them at the Crimean border;...and most likely the sanctions will not really be implemented by Obama . Most likely , it's just another empty threat by our reluctant Commander in Chief , just as empty as the outrage Secretary of State John Kerry has shown over the brazen impudence of Putin's actions.At a press conference, Kerry explained that Putin's actions are some sort of outdated holdover from 19th Century  Foreign Policy strategems , and Kerry felt the need to remind Putin that this is, after all, the 21st Century;..and the Bush Cheney Cowboy aggression is a thing of the past.Now the Democrats are in charge . Now , Kerry postulates, there is no further need for aggression from Putin, or any of our enemies;...since the cause of it;.. American Imperialism, has now been neutralized and neutered, by the Obama Administration 's ,"Change America", agenda.
Of course, this is all nonsense . The left has always believed that the United States is the cause of the Tyrannical violence in the world , and if the United States is diminished, and its superpower status weakened, then,..all these nations that regard us as an enemy to be defeated, ..would then regard us as a friend , who wants nothing more than peace, free trade,,..and mutual cooperation on foreign policy issues. Again, total nonsense. Putin, you see, is not acting like a 19th Century Barbarian, as Kerry believes. No,..Putin is just acting like Putin. He has never changed . Nor will he. His military invasion of the Ukraine was always his goal, just as his taking of Georgia was . He accomplished the Georgia takeover, surprisingly,.. while Bush was President, and now, he has the Ukraine as well. This is all part of Putin's plan to restore the Soviet Union to its former glory. That has always been, and always will be Putin's only goal , and he will never vary, never waiver,....from that goal. 
No, Putin has not changed . Russia has not changed . Both Sarah Palin , in 2008, and Mitt Romney ,in  2012,predicted that this move by Putin would take place, if Obama became,..and remained,...President. And now, their right wing predictions have come true , just as they said it would.For you see, both Palin and Romney understand that our enemies ,..will always be our enemies ,...not because of of false liberal claims of U.S. military aggression, but simply because these tyrannical nations are the enemies of freedom and liberty , and,...America is, after all, the Leader of the Free World,emphasis on the word,"Free."Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Venezuela,...none of these Nations has changed. None of them has become more aggressive , more brazen, more tyrannical . No,...We have Changed. The simple reality is that the America that once was,...has vanished ,..and a Changeling has been left in its place. A Changeling that, on the surface , may look similar , but is extremely , almost dangerously,.. different . The Obama rhetoric often sounds very right wing indeed, but it is, in reality, illusion. In 2008 Obama promised to" Fundamentally Change America."And , he has. Wealth re-distribution , insure Democrat votes, and a weakening of our military , has indeed produced the change that Obama has sought. America is no longer what it used to be.Certainly, even the hollow shell of the U.S., is still formidable, and, no doubt,,..we still hold the number one superpower status ;..and the title , Leader of the Free World, may also still apply . For,..if not us ,...who then? We have no competitors , really, in either category. But, the policies of our President , and the withdraw of our military forces around the globe,..have sent a clear message to our enemies." Now" , they think, "is the time to strike".Military plans and agendas , long put on hold while Bush Cheney held a Cowboy grip on Foreign Policy, have now been given the green light by our enemies ,...Putin , in particular. Obama is weak in Putin's eyes as well as the eyes of all those  tyrants and despots ,..who still receive billions of our tax dollars in subsidies,...while they plot to destroy us. 
The simple reality is ;...a weak economy and a weak military will embolden our enemies every time. Putin now knows that he can do what he wants in the Ukraine, with impunity. And, not only has Obama weakened his own Nation deliberately, but he has also weakened the freedom hungry Ukrainian nation as well, by brokering a deal , in 2009, that called for the Ukrainians to dismantle their military and weapon systems , exchange for America's promise ,...Obama's promise, defend them, and their freedom ,..from all who might threaten it. That was our promise . That was Obama's promise. And, like most of Obama's promises, it has proven worthless. Apparently, the disarm deal was done more to placate and appease Putin , than to assure the Ukrainians of America's protection. Obama, in the end, really sees nothing wrong with Russia wanting to conquer other nations . After all, who is Imperialist America to say they shouldn't? Who is America to dare impose its will ,..its imperialist freedom,...upon other nations? 
Who is America to claim so called superpower status , claim superiority ,..military or otherwise,..that is designed to bully and oppress other nations and make them feel inferior? 
Well,...Obama got his wish. America is now equal with other nations ,.at least , in our enemy's eyes. 
We will not be the world's policeman .
We will not impose liberty upon other nations that suffer under tyrants and despots. 
We will not use our superior military to liberate nations , and then use our treasure to help them rebuild , and restore. 
We will do now, what all the other nations , around the globe do. These nations that occupy NATO , and the U.N.We will do exactly what they do, when freedom is threatened ,..anywhere in the world.
We will do nothing. 
Like other nations , we will now posture , and pontificate .We will give speeches filled with outrage . We will call upon the transgressors to stop acting like 19th Century Barbarians, Kerry did. We will give lip service to sanctions that will , the end,. either .never happen , or will never be fully implemented. And, in the end, we will bow before our enemies ,..before Putin,..who will continue to take advantage of our reluctant President, a President who will never come to realize that, in the end, there is only one thing that will make Putin, ..or any of our enemies ,..retreat and agree to peace talks. Force. Pure , naked, military power. "Peace through strength" , Reagan said. Bush achieved it by destroying Saddam Hussein , and his evil sons. There were no terror attacks on our soil, for all eight years after 911, and Libyan Dictator Momar Gaddafi voluntarily gave up his nuclear weapons , avoid the fate of the Iraqi dictator. 
Reagan achieved it also. His mere presence forced an end to the Israeli hostage standoff and he  brought the Russians into peace talks with mere threats of a so-called,"Star Wars" defense system.The Berlin Wall came down under Reagan ,..not  because of  peace talks with the Russian premiere Gorbachev,..but because Reagan refused to give up plans for the Star Wars program,..and this forced the Russians to spend themselves into financial bankruptcy , trying to keep up with the U.S. ,..militarily. Reagan and Bush's mere threats of force backed by the will to carry the threats out,brought about the peace Obama seeks,...but will never achieve,..with his methods. The bottom line is this;..military aggression ,..and war,... are the only ways peace can ever be achieved against the enemies of freedom and liberty .History proves this. The United States of America,..uses force to liberate ,...not to conquer. That is the difference , between us, ..and our enemies. And that , is what makes us ,..even with our power diminished , , ..and always,..the Leaders of the Free World.    
For again,..if not us,..then who? No one, that's who. The world will watch, and wait...for this changeling America , return from whence it  came , and for this changeling President , to be replaced by another changeling ,..who will understand that you cannot have peace, you cannot have freedom, you cannot have liberty,..unless you are ready,..willing ..., and able , to fight for it, defend it,..and ,..if necessary ,..die for it. 
Kennedy understood this. Reagan understood this . Bush , senior and junior,...understood this.And Russia,..was well aware of it.
The game, as Putin has said, not chess,'s poker,..and Putin does indeed have a good poker face . To beat him , we need a President who can convince him that our threat of force is no bluff ,...and that this dangerous game Putin is now playing , is a game we play to win. 
Can Putin be beaten without the use of force? of course , but again, ..we must play to win. Our changeling President must impose strict sanctions that will shut down the Russian Banking system completely,..and destroy the value of their ruble. It can be done ,...if ,..again,...we play to win. Will Putin shut down the gas pipeline that fuels Europe in retaliation? Perhaps. But ,we must show him, that nothing he does ,..nothing he attempts ,..will make us waiver,..even if he shuts down all of Europe. That's how you beat Putin. And,That's how America played the game,..before the Curse of the Changeling.              

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