Friday, March 14, 2014

The Hall of Heroes

Well, another CPAC gathering has come and gone . What hath been wrought in its wake? Who shall be the pick for the 2016 Presidential run? Sarah Palin? Ted Cruz? Rick Perry? Straw Poll winner Rand Paul? Or, perhaps the Republican Prodigal Son himself,..Chris Christie?All gave rousing speeches espousing the virtues of conservative principles . All oppose all things Obama. All believe in the free market principles that make America great . Who shall it be? Who shall be the leader that will save America from the grim fate that Obama has imposed upon the nation?  The Answer;...none of them. To paraphrase Ted Cruz;... these are all good men ,and women,..but there is not one of them that can save the Nation . No one individual can. We've had rousing, hard core conservative leaders before . Reagan is still the template , the icon, upon which all budding conservative activists base their political strategems on. Yet, despite a landslide 2nd term election for the man, the Nation eventually, many years later,  elected his polar opposite ,Barack Obama..almost an Anti Christ to Reagan's conservative savior image. Why? If the Nation was strong and the economy booming under President Reagan's conservative command, why then , would the American people reverse course and vote for someone like Obama? If the Nation was strong , and the economy booming under the reign of both Bush senior, and junior,...why then, elect Obama? Surely, the American people , by now, can see what is plainly obvious ;..the States , in our Nation, that are run by Republicans have strong growing economies . The States run by Democrats are bankrupt , with only  high taxes and Federal Government bailouts to sustain them .
Surely, We the People can see this. Surely, We the People now understand what works , ..and what doesn't.No, we don't. Greed, envy of the wealthy , and a innate sense of entitlement , have been the character flaws that sway many Americans into voting Obama,.... into voting Democrat.They want the entitlements. They want the free stuff,...even though they must, by now, know that there is simply no such thing as a free lunch. No,.they don't .At least ,  until the birth of  Obamacare , that is. Obamacare has had an effect on Americans that, I'm sure the President never counted on , and certainly, never intended. It has finally exposed Liberalism for the government controlled con job that it is. And, the President knows it. That's why he has altered and delayed the law 38 times now. He knows that delay is his only chance to prevent massive Democrat loss in the November Midterms. He must delay ,..and make America forget the threat of Obamacare , least until after the November elections ,..that is.
It was apparent to anyone who was paying attention , in 2008,..who Obama was , and what Obamacare would do to the country.  Yet , America , elected him President.The question remains;..why can't any of these great conservative leaders that our history has given us , turn this Nation permanently to the direction and purpose that our Founders intended? Because;....we have forgotten the lesson that our first Commander in Chief taught us . After the Revolution,America had won its independence , and General Washington was hailed as almost a god.This system of self government,the first in history,...this new Republic, called for General Washington , be crowned their New  King.Washington wisely refused , and had to remind the people that Kings, Queens,..Dictators,...and Tyrants , not work . When one man imposes his will ,..upon other men,..and subjugates them to his will ,...disaster results. Washington understood that America,a Nation that had broken from the Tyrannical Monarchy of England. ,...must be self governed ,...self ruled . We the People must rule ourselves . We the People must make the laws , and run our own lives as we choose ,..not as a Monarchy chooses. That , Washington realized, the true nature of man. Man, at his best, man,..created by God , to be free,...must rule himself,...or die. And, only by living that way, according to his God-given nature,...could he hope to excel , achieve,..and reach his full potential. Only by living free could man be happy. Yet, these newly freed Americans sought another King in Washington . Why? Because,....freedom isn't easy. Freedom is hard. Running your own life is hard. A system of self government is hard. But, in the end, it's always worth the struggle, the pain,...the sacrifice. Yes, Freedom isn't easy,...but, it's the only way for man to truly live .
However, laziness is also part of man's nature and laziness has always made us forget and elect yet another liberal con artist who promises everything , and yet, delivers nothing but more government control of our lives. We Americans keep falling for it , because we keep making the same mistake that the colonists made with General Washington. We keep trying to elect our Conservative King. That's what the Straw Poll at CPAC is all about. We look upon this Hall of Conservative  Heroes and choose the one who best represents conservative virtue, and who, therefore is best suited to lead us, as our Conservative King.
It's time to end this repeated mistake. Obama won a second term,...because of this mistake.  We the People saw the Republican alternative to Obama, an inadequate , imperfect, conservative and heir presumptive . It's time to stop looking for leaders ,..perfect or otherwise. No Republican Conservative , perfect. All have their flaws . Whether Reagan, Cruz, Bachmann , Lee , Paul, Rubio, Gohmert,..all are flawed and lacking in some way , and all lack conservative values, some way. How could they not?Like even Washington, they're all human , and therefore,...all flawed. And,..therefore,...none are suited, rule us. That's what Washington and our Founders understood. Only when the people unite , and rule together , as one, in a system of self government,...can a nation prosper, and its people reach their full potential.That's why it really doesn't matter which CPAC Patriot we pick to run in 2016. This is not a game. Our Party must must win . The Republican Party must win in November , because it is this Party, that is the direct representative of the people's rule.
The Republican Party united, or a Nation divided. That is the choice. To end this madness of Obama, we need only unite and decide,..omce and for all,if we really want our freedom ,...or not. For, if we do want it,...We Must Lead. No one else can do it for us. We the People,...must be the Leaders. Paul, Bachmann , Palin, Cruz, Lee , Rubio,..and others,..they will always be there to inspire us , give voice to our conservative values that must survive ,..if America is to survive. But,..they cannot lead u7s . They can only ,...join us,..and wait for us to lead, participating fully in our system of self government. For , if we do not,..then,...a President Cruz , Palin, Bachmann, or Lee,..will not matter at all. For ,when that President 's time in office ends, too, will prosperity and security that he brought vanish too. Only we can create the Shining City on a Hill that Reagan spoke of . Reagan,..for all his worth,..couldn't do it. No, he could only show us the way, and point us to the path . But , in the end, it is a path that we must freely choose,..and it is a path ,that is never easy,..this path to freedom.
A special election was held this week in Florida's 12th District , due to the death of Republican Congressman Bill Young, who served an incredible 43 years in office. Young's aide , Republican David Jolly, defeated former Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink , a Democrat dominated district, a narrow margin. And he did it without much effort ,..without Tea Party rhetoric or massive advertising campaigns. No, he won simply because he opposed all things Obama. He opposed Obamacare. He won, because he is a Republican,..and that was , apparently enough. We as Republicans need to realize that we do not need to redefine ourselves as a Party. We are already defined. We are not Democrats . , and do not believe in any of their destructive policies. The success of Republican run States in our Nation,..proves this . Not one Republican voted for Obamacare . Not one. And there have been endless congressional votes, repeal Obamacare, the Republicans.
We are not Democrats .We are not Liberals. We are not the Left. Our policies are the policies of tax cuts , the policies of regulation cuts, the policies that strengthen our military, the policies of limited government and free market independence . What more do we need to define us , than that which our eyes see, or that which our ears hear?What leader at CPAC can define us, as well as the success that America has had operating under a Republican controlled government, at both the State , and Federal level? David Jolly won the Florida special congressional election ,..because he was a Republican,..not a Democrat.That is all we need to be, when the November Midterms roll around. As long as We the People are united in the single fact that we are Republicans. We are the Party that created all the good things that America was,...and could be again. If we can unite , in this way,..then,...we have already won.
Obamacare has bankrupted the Nation, just  as socialism and its tools will do. Our tools ,..the Republican tools ,...will restore it. All we need do is show up. and vote Republican , now and always. Washington did not lead , but instead, moved aside , after his Presidency,...and waited to see if we would lead. For, he knew , if we did not,..then all they had fought for,...would be for naught.
We the People did lead. Now, the Heroes of CPAC watch and wait, Washington did. Will we lead this new revolution , now that they have shown the way? If we do, then, no doubt,..the CPAC  Heroes will follow us into battle this November . A battle to regain the Kingdom . A battle that we must win.
Zeus, Apollo , Hercules , Hermes , Athena,.....these Heroes from the Halls of Olympus did not lead the Ancient Greeks,..but,...their stories and deeds inspired them to achieve and create their own heroic destiny.
Can the Heroes from the Halls of CPAC, any less to inspire us to greatness?

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