Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Indestructable Savage

The Feinstein -Obama Anti -Gun Bill has failed to pass. In truth, it had no chance at all . Even Senator Harry Reid , whose left wing agenda is evident in everything he does , predicted the bills downfall . In fact, Senator Reid was hoping it would fail. As left leaning as he is, he also understands that the entire gun issue crosses party lines and has brought down many a Democrat politician . President Clinton found this out , when his attempted assault weapons ban became the issue that cost him both the House and the Senate , and gave Republicans control of Washington for the first time in fifty years. Clinton, to this day , lays the blame for his Party's defeat squarely on the shoulders of the NRA. The Clinton anti-gun agenda also was the catalyst that made Newt Gingrich Speaker of the House . Gingrich , a no -nonsense conservative , forced Clinton to sign the Welfare Reform Act, , and introduced new corporate tax cuts and spending cuts , that led to a booming economy, that President Clinton , ironically, still brags about at his college speaking engagements. , as if he had anything to do with it.
The simple truth is , a restriction  on our Second Amendment rights can never work , because the American people recognize the hypocracy in it. You see , the left is not really anti-gun . They are only anti- you having a gun . Senator Feinstein herself has had a conceal carry permit for years, and in fact bragged about it at a Senatorial hearing back in the mid-nineties. Senator Harry Reid, too, is a gun owner and is, in fact, an active member of the NRA promoting the building of new shooting ranges , ....with our tax dollars , of course.
In fact, until the Newtown massacre , even President Obama shied away from pursuing an overly aggressive anti-gun agenda.The reason is clear;....Democrats who do not support the constitutional right of the people to keep and bear arms ;...wil lose come election time . American political history has proven it, and the Democrat party , is well aware of it. Yet. Obama  is now willing to pursue the gun ban agenda more aggresively , despite the failure of the Fenstein Bill . Why? Because,unlike other members in the Democrat Party,  Obama is a pure idealogue. Despite his constant campaigning, and his recent"charm offensive", which , apparently, has failed to impress the people of Israel, and their prime minister,  Bebe Netanyahu.. Despite hi good intentions, President Obama  seemingly just couldn't resist giving a speech before a gathering of Israeli youth ,in which he essentially blamed Israel for the Palestinian situation . The boos that followed these comments did not speak well of the effectiveness of the President's  "charm offensive".
The simple truth is, despite political backlash for such statements back home, the President just can't help himself. Obama remains a true believer in the socialist agenda. And;......Gun Bans are a key part of that agenda. Despite whatever it may have cost him , or his Party politically, Obama will continue to push this issue , even if it means his own destruction in 2014, when the Republicans will most likely retain control of the House , and seize control of the Senate  ;... All because of the Obama dream ;...a false dream of a socialist utopia , founded on an  American public stripped of their guns , and helpless before the ever increasing government control of their lives.
This is why Obama will fail. His anti gun push defies a basic human instinct;...the will to survive. Only a Nation born into oppression  could tolerate being disarmed and helpless before a tyrannical government.
Americans were born into freedom, and part of that freedom is the right to keep and bear arms. Obama supporters may want entitlements , free healthcare , and the government control that goes with it, but the line is , apparently drawn at guns , for no other reason than the fact that those born into freedom. cannot be taught to willingly relinquish the survival instinct . And . unfortunately, for the Obama-Feinstein socialist utopia , that will to survive, is one American trait that cannot be broken .
Congressman Paul Ryan's new budget proposal passed sucessfully through congress, only to be rejected , in the Democrat controlled Senate. But, thanks to Obama's obsession with disarming America;.... the 2014 Senate race will most likely be a Republican sweep, and the Ryan Budget that would eliminate Obamacare will, indeed, pass, eliminating Obamacare , and restoring a large chunk of freedom to the  indestructible savage known as the American citizen.

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