Monday, April 1, 2013

The Resurrection

Easter is a time when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.But , this year, there is another resurrection , another rebirth to celebrate ;...the rebirth of the conservative movement , and ;... the rebirth of one of its strongest defenders.A defender , who was seemingly reborn , at the CPAC convention this year.
She endorsed Nikki Hayley for Governor of South Carolina , Nikki Hayley won . She endorsed Marco Rubio for the Senate  . Marco Rubio won . She endorsed Ted Cruz for the Senate. Ted Cruz won .
She is conservative gold. Her endorsement can mean the difference between victory or defeat. She is the purest of conservatives , without guile or pretensions, without the posturing or political maneuvering of the Washington elite. She speaks simply , the truth of conservatism . Period. And, she is back with a vengeance. After a brief stint as a Fox News commentator , Sarah Palin , former Alaskan Governor , and the Angel of Death to the liberal left and the Democrat Party, chose CPAC  to once again spread the message that must be heard ;..the message of constitutional conservatism . The message that made our Nation the greatest on earth. As President Obama was preparing for his run for re-election , I predicted that , if Sarah Palin chose to run for President , she would win , handily. And indeed , she would have. There was nothing that could have stopped it.
The popularity of this woman is astounding .  Book signings for her autobiography showed record turnouts. A few lines of commentary on a tweet , or a Facebook page, still generate tremendous response from both friend and foe alike.
In fact, no political figure in History, including G.W. Bush, can generate more love;...or more hatred, from the left, than former Governor Sarah Palin . Why? Why such strong reactions towards a woman who , at the moment , has no platform , no agenda;..other than speaking the truth of conservatism. Sarah holds no political office , having resigned as Governor of Alaska midway through her second term in office . Apparently, the left's constant attacks on her left little time to govern properly , and with focus. Her stint on the Fox News team has ended abruptly as well, leaving the former governor nothing more than a private citizen , with no current political ambitions. For herself , anyway. Still, the fear and hatred of the left remains , as does the determination to destroy her. In fact, if Barack Obama had to endure the attacks that Palin has , he would be in a rubber room right now , and , in a straight jacket.
The basic reason why Sarah Palin inspires such love from the right;..and such hate from the left , has nothing to do with her hard core conservativism . There are other extreme conservatives , many of whom Sarah helped get elected , who don't receive the same level of attention .The reason the left fears her is her personality. Sarah has what Reagan had;...only more so. Many conservatives  know the message, and  believe the message , but they cannot effectively convey the message. Sarah can . Sarah has personality. Sarah has humour. Sarah has that rare ability in politics to simply be herself, always , both on and off camera , without pretentions , but, with plenty of grace, and humour. Kennedy had it. Reagan had it .Lincoln had it.  And, yes indeed , Sarah has it , perhaps more so , than all the others combined.
Does Obama have it? Seemingly. But his was based on a false mask that he maintained throughout the 2008 campaign,. The mask fell away , however , as one campaign promise after another proved to be a lie , and, as a darker , meaner , less tolerant Obama emerged as his second political term began , he found that he no longer needed the mask, or the lies, to fool anyone. Now , his true nature is revealed . In truth, his second term campaign showed the erosion of the charm mask , and Palin;...if she had been the Republican candidate, would have crushed him .
Reagan defeated Walter Mondale in a record setting landslide re-election .That means many Democrats voted for the hard core , tax cutting , conservative extremeist Presidential candidate. Why? Humor and personality. Reagan's joke about his age during his second debate with Mondale turned the tide , and gave him the platform to preach his conservative message to a people now willing to listen . Not to a politician . But, to a human being , with faults and foibles and frailities , just like themselves. Reagan , with that one joke, became human , and , at that moment , became one of the greatest messengers of conservative values that our Nation has ever seen .
Sarah can do this too. Perhaps easier than Reagan . Reagan , after all, lost the first debate with Mondale. No politician has a more off the cuff ability to express herself and her ideas than Sarah . Look at CPAC for example. By simply pulling out a Big Gulp from under the podium she spoke at, she conveyed the threat of big government more effectively, than any other speaker there ;...and they all had good speeches. Even Freshman Texas  Senator Ted Cruz recognized Sarah's abilities and insisted on introducing the former Governor before her speech. Ted , without hesitation , attributed his election victory to Sarah's endorsement , and nothing else. He could be right , and Ted is proving quite  worthy of Sarah's faith in him , as he has wasted no time in casting himself as an aggressive , confrontational conservative firebrand , unafraid to take on the Democrat establishment , much like his fellow conservative Senators Rand Paul and Marco Rubio.
Yes, Sarah has returned. The Angel of Death is once more casting a shroud of fear over the Democrat Party . And, there was a sense of urgency in her speech, at CPAC. Why? What is Gov. Palin's real reason , real motive , for her triumphant, return ? 2014. The 2014 elections. We have both House and Senate seats coming up for grabs, and Republicans have a chance to seize control of the Senate , and even pick up seats in Congress . In other words , Sarah Palin well understands that 2014 is the year we can potentially take back America from the socialist President that is leading it down the path of destruction . This is it. There's no turning back , no second chances. Republicans must win , and win big , in 2014 , or else , it's potentially all over for America as we know it.
Sarah Palin , the private citizen , , who doesn't even have her own reality show anymore, has but one agenda ;,,,the same agenda of all those who spoke at CPAC; save the Nation .
SarahPac has released a new , powerful video advertisment outlining the looming threat we now face that could destroy us in but a few years , perhaps sooner. SarahPac is not about a politician running for office . Nope. It's about a highly charismatic , down to earth , self described . "Hockey mom" , , recognizing a threat to the America her children must inherit , and , like a "mama grizzly', , has acted to defend her children , and the Nation , that they , must ultimately live in .
Who is Sarah Palin? Just an American citizen , who understands  that a system of self-government , if it is to survive, requires but one thing;...the participation of the citizens who govern . Sarah , like all the conservatives who are willing to endure the attacks from both the left and the right , recognizes that those who fail to govern will soon find themselves governed ;...against their will.
The left will continue to view Sarah Palin's return with much apprehension , for they know , she has that rare gift. She not only believes in , and understands conservatism , but , she has the Reagan like ability to get others to believe and understand it too. And, perhaps there is another reason for the left to fear this former Governor's resurrection . Perhaps , as 2016 looms closer, , Sarah's thoughts may turn to a Presidential run . The left is praying this doesn't happen ;..because they know, they have always known ;....she will win.

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