Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Endurance War

Did the twelve hour filibuster by Senator Ron Paul accomplish anything? Actually , yes. It accomplished three very important things. One;..It exposed the hypocrites . The Democrat Party , for eight long years, bashed everything that President Bush did regarding Gitmo Bay, waterboarding , the Patriot Act, the Bush Doctrine of preemptive strike, and the War on Terror in general. All were condemned by the left as violations of human rights , and the constitution . Yet, the idea put forth by the Obama administration having the right to target American citizens , on American soil , with Drone strikes, without a trial or due process is completely ignored by the Party. Not only that, but the Paul marathon protest of such proposed strikes , as unconstitutional, is ignored as well , not just by the Party as a whole, but also by the main stream media as well. The reason for this sudden apathy towards pre-emptive strike techniques is clear   the left is protecting the President , and refuses to attack him or his administration ;...on anything. It's as simple as that. Remember, the left really has no core values , other than protecting their members and holding on to their power ; destroying the Republican Party.
The number two reason that Senator Paul's stance was effective was that it exposed the traitors in the Republican Party. It came as a shock, but no surprise , that the usual suspects , Senator Lindsay Graham , and Senator John McCain, after being wined and dined by President Obama, viciously attacked the Paul filibuster as a cheap political stunt ;...that accomplished nothing. They are wrong. It accomplished something very important. It exposed McCain and Graham as nothing more than country club politicians , more interested in preserving their own status and position , than in defending the constitution,and a fellow Republican. Make no mistake about it. All those Republicans who opposed Paul are now exposed;...forevermore, as traitors to the cause of freedom . Just political opportunists and hacks with little interest in supporting a fellow Republican's just cause. No, their interest is in political maneuvering , in order to gain the favor of the Democrat Party. This is the core reason the Republican Party is struggling to regain the upper hand . It is a Party divided, and those in it, are like vicious piranha, that eat their own . The Republican Party has egregiously broken the 1st commandment , set down by President Reagan ;......'Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican . "
The Democrats never attack each other . Ever. No matter what the offense , they back each other , unwaiveringly, with no exceptions.
This is why we now have a President Obama in his second term, and a Democrat controlled Senate. No other reason. A Party united will always defeat, a Party divided. Even if the Party divided has the constitution on its side. Especially, if the Party united has the media in its pocket. Senator Paul did the Nation a service , by completely exposing  the traitors, and hypocrites ,. on both sides .
The bottom line is this;...if the Republicans want victory in the upcoming Senate races, and beyond, they can no longer tolerate any division in its ranks , and , all those Republicans trying to work with the Democrats ;..on anything;.....must be voted out of office;... forever. Senator McCain and Senator Graham still don't understand . A Democrats idea of working with Republicans is simply getting them to give in to Democrat demands;....while giving up nothing on their end of the bargain . Who knows this better than Reagan himself, who , during his Presidency, agreed to raise taxes , only because House Speaker Tip O'Neill agreed to massive spending cuts. Those cuts , of course , .....never came.
In other words; never work with a Democrat ;...ever. You defeat him .
You never compromise on your ideals;...because there's no need to. Republicans have the Constitution on their side . No compromise on this is ever necessary, or tolerable.
This is an endurance war, and , to win this war , the Republicans must unite under one basic concept;...the destruction of the Democrat Party. And, all those Republicans who don't see it that way, must be voted out of existence. Thanks to Senator  Paul,s filibuster, we now have a much clearer idea of who these betrayers of the Party are.
Now, the third , and most important thing that Senator Paul accomplished  ; showed us the path to victory. And , it showed how effective that path truly is. OPPOSE. That's all it takes. Simply stand on the side of the constitution ;..on the side of truth. And, like Senator Paul, never flinch, never vary, never waiver, and , in the end, you will win , every time. Truth , you see, always wins, but it requires one thing, the one thing that Senator Paul showed us. In order to win ;...the truth, must be heard over, and over , again , utilizing the most effective weapon that any Congressman , Senator, or American citizen posesses;.....his voice. His ability to speak out , loudly, clearly, and often , for the constitution ;...and the truth. That , is the American citizen's most powerful weapon . It's the weapon that Americans died for. It's the weapon that finally, after twelve hours of filibuster , forced Attorney General Eric Holder , and the Obama Administration , to admit that targeting American citizens , on American soil, with Drone strikes , without due process, when there's no imminent threat of danger, is simply now, and forevermore, Unconstitutional, and beyond the reach of any American President's power.And, Senator Paul forced the Obama regime, to admit this.
Has Senator Rand Paul's stand inspired others ?We can only hope, because there are other wars to be waged, and, other victories to win , for both Senator;...and citizen.
The spoils of victory? nothing less ;...than the future of our Nation.

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