Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Wrath of the Man-God

CPAC is, once again ,in full motion, with many conservatives like Sen. Rand Paul ,Sen. Marco Rubio, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Ted Cruz, and former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin giving great speeches , but , perhaps tinged with a greater sence of urgency in their words this year.
Why are National Parks being closed to the Public?
Why is the WhiteHouse now closed to all tours?
Why are aircraft carrier deployments being delayed?
And , last, but not least, Why are illegal immigrants , convicted of felonies , now being release from federal prisons, at the same time that Senator Diane Feinstein is trying to disarm the American public, by introducing a new Gun Ban Bill?
Revenge. Pure and simple. This is President Obama's revenge on Republicans , in the House and Senate , for refusing to let him increase tax rates on the so -called rich.
The Sequester was designed as a bluff, to force the Republicans to agree to new taxes, simply because the alternative of the loooming disaster of the sequester , was simply unthinkable.
But, that's where President Obama has miscalculated.
At least , for the moment, the Republicans appear to be standing their ground on the issue of new taxes. They, apparently, will not budge, and in return , the man who would be God, President Obama, is throwing a temper tantrum . For the most part, his endless list of looming disasters is all bluster and bully, with no real substance, Obamacare offers far more real menace. But, two issues are quite real, namely, the release of dangerous illegals , and the renewed assault on our Second Amendment Rights.
Ther purpose is clear;..create a crises situation , while disarming the citizens at the same time, , and then , as Americans citizens begin to panic, ...blame it all on the Republicans.
Ultimately, this is all about 2014 and the Senate Elections. If the Republican Congress won't give the President the tax increases he wants, then , the disaster, misery ,. and pestilence unleashed on America, is all the fault of the Republicans . How then , in good conscience, can the American citizens , vote for Republicans in the Senate Race , when it was their stubborn inflexibility that led to this disaster?
At least, that's the theory that the President has put forth.
In reality, Americans are beginning to wake up. They have seen their dwindling paychecks , and remember that  the President promised that his Health Care program would not raise taxes on anyone;...except the evil rich. It has, of couse , increased taxes on everyone, as predicted , and , it would seem our only hope now is Conservative Republican Congressman Paul Ryan 's new Budget proposal , which, if passed, will repeal the massive tax known as Obamacare.
Less money in your check is a great way to awaken people to the reality of the Obama agenda, and ,apparently , it's working . Slowly, but surely.
Now , the reality of Obama's campaign promises in 2008 become clear. He lied . The President just flat out lied ;...on everything. He sais that Bush was irresponsible for increasing the debt limit . Yet, he too has increased it, and tripled it, at the same time.
You see, all the President has done , in reality, is tax and spend , and he has no intention of stopping;...ever. Unless;.....the unexpected intervenes. That unexpected , is none other than the Republican Congress and Senate , that has decided to say no , to new Obama taxes. And , there seems to be a growing strength in the GOP , mostly because of conservative tea party members such as Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas , who dared to challenge Senator Dianne Feinstein , on the issue of the Second Amendment .Senator Cruz could not get Senator Feinstein to admit that , having the right to change the Second Amendment, means that other items in the Bill of Rights , should be open for debate as well. Senator Cruz' objective  was clear; ram home the point that, regardless of gun tragedies, it changes nothing about the phrase, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed". Especially at a time , when the President has decide to unleash a plague of illegal criminals upon us.
This is our secret weapon . Conservative Senator's  like  Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio , Ron Paul, and Tim Scott, refuse to bend to Obama and his agenda , in any way. Especially, on the one thing that was designed , specifically, to protect us from the madness that is Obama. That one thing is the right to keep and bear arms . It exists to protect our freedom from a  tyrannical government. A government that is now becoming reality, in Obama's second term .
President Obama claims not to be a dictator. Yet , his socialist nature must force him into the role , regardless of what he perceives himself to be.
But , fortunately , we have our weapon . A weapon in the form of constitutional conservatives , that will , stand and fight, and defend that constitution , and its principles , with their lives. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio , Pat Toomey, Rand Paul, Tim Scott , Allen West Micelle Bachmann, an yes , Sarah Palin , who gave the one of the best speeches , of the entire convention ;.and others , who understand that now, more than ever,our right to keep and bear arms, "Shall not be Infringed".
Not if we are to survive as a self-governed Republic , that is.
And , as the Man -God continues to unleash his ever increasing number of plagues and pestilence upon humanity, survive we must.
For, if America falls;.....can the world be far behind?
We will survive. We , as a Nation , will prevail against an administration determined to diminish us. But, our survival cannot depend solely on those congressman and Senators we send to Washington to represent us. No, it must depend on 'We the People" , and our greatest asset and strength;...our will to disobey, and defy;...authority , that would take away our freedom .


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