Monday, December 24, 2012

The Praetorian Solution

The Emperors of Ancient Rome had an elite body of soldiers , known as the Praetorian Guard , to protect them from enemies and conspirators, that may have been plotting to destroy them .Do our children deserve, any less?
Wayne La Pierre , Vice President of the National Rifle Assocation , has stated that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun ; a good guy , with a gun . He is correct. New gun laws , assault weapon bans , or mental health legislation , will not prevent this from happening again . No, the only thing that will prevent it is an armed citizen , taking action , to stop evil from destroying our children's futures.
The Liberal left has already condemned LaPierre's statement, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has called it, "Lunacy". That's too bad , because armed schools are the only answer , the only thing , that will stop these massacres.
You see , Wayne La Pierre understands that all of these school killing occur in schools that proudly advertise their anti-gun stance. In other words , the would be killers knew they would face no opposition . They knew , that there would not be a gun , shooting back at them . They knew , they would be; They knew that , everyone , inside these schools , would be sitting ducks.
Even the Batman movie killer deliberately picked a theatre that advertised its anti-gun stance.
It's time for a little common sense, people. Wayne LaPierre is no lunatic .On the contrary, he's the most sane person , in any room , when speaking on this issue. why do liberals oppose using guns to protect our children .? Brad Pitt, George Clooney , , Rosie O'Donnell, and yes , especially our President;...all , I repeat , all, are entitled to armed security , and they get it;...whereever they go. Why then are,  our children being denied what Rosie O Donnell, and our President get on a regular basis? Are they less important? Or, is it that the left 's anti-gun agenda , is simply, more important, than the life of a child?
Enough of this nonsensical  B.S. No fantasy gun free utopia will stop this. Arm all schools ,  so that our children can be protected. If not, ;......expect this to happen again . And, happen again , very soon , indeed.
The liberal left's reason for wanting our children in danger is clear; the left, schools are not just a place of learning , but , also , a place of;..... indoctrination .Public Schools are a place where the left gets to shape young minds , to prepare them ; embrace socialism .
Part of this indoctrination is to program them , even from the age of 5 years old; be anti-gun . This is the cornerstone;........of socialism .  After all, a private, law abiding  citizen who is not permitted to carry a firearm for any reason , is a private citizen , of a Totalitarian regime, which , of course is the ultimate goal, of the liberal left.
A "Gun Free Zone" , is a 'Safe Zone". This is what the left teaches. This is what the left wants our children to believe. Even ,. it seems , if it costs them;...... their lives.
Time to ignore this liberal nonsense , and do what's necessary , to protect our kids.
The only solution ; the Praetorian Solution . An armed guard , designed specifically , to guard our children's lives. Nothing , in this life, can be more important , more vital, than defending our children;..nothing .
In the Gospels , Jesus Christ condemns those who would harm children  with the words;..."It would be better for them , if they had never been born ."I wonder, what would Christ say, of those who would fail;......... to defend them?  

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