Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Eve of:....Annihilation !!

Will a deal be reached?Or,will America go over the fiscal cliff?
There is no Deal.
There is no Cliff.
There is only the plan , Obama's ultimate plan , which is about to reach fruition , ...on January 1st.
No compromise, No capitulation by Speaker Boehner to the President, will change what is about to happen . This is the culmination , the final piece of the plan that Obama put into motion , the day he took office , in 2008.
Any deal that is made about so-called taxes on the rich , is a fraud , a blatant lie , designed to bend the Speaker  to Obama's will, and start the chain reaction of taxes , that will , in the end, destroy the free market , and place it under government control;...permanently.
Here are the facts;....if you raise taxes on businesses making 250,000, or more, that is a tax;.....on everyone. The businesses will simply lay off employees , and raise the prices on their products to compensate . The result? Increased taxes on everyone. Obamacare goes into effect January 1st, at least financially. Obamacare is nothing more than a tax . That is all it ever was . A tax;...on everyone.
There is no middle class. There is only one class , to Obama and the Democrats , and that is a class of Americans that can be forced to pay more money to the government . And , on January 1st, that includes;...EVERYONE.
The so-called middle class cannot survive , if those who employ them ;...cannot hire them . The so-called middle class cannot survive , if higher prices and the Obamacare tax take more cash from their paychecks, every week. The so-called middle class cannot survive , if the Bush tax cuts expire , as they will ;..on January 1st. When they expire, more taxes will be taken from the paychecks , of the so-called , middle class.
All, I repeat, All, taxes are going up;...on everyone. And, Obama has planned this, .....all along.
Speaker Boehner and the Republicans will be blamed for it, as planned , regardless of how they vote. But, Boehner will, indeed , cave, and Obama will point to him and say, the plan ;..was a Republican plan , all along. Yep, once again , the Republicans are the destroyers . They are now, once again , responsible , likev Bush was , forv destroying the economy. Nothing will stop this from happening . Once Obama was re-elected, it was over; that moment. Obamacare would not be repealed. The Bush tax cuts would be allowed to expire. And, the tax increase on the wealthy ,job creating Americans , will go forward as planned. Nothing can be done to stop this. Nothing. Except; simple, thing. Do your job. All Republican representatives in Washington have a job to do, and, it's quite simple . Oppose . Never waiver. Never bend . Never vary. Never deal. OPPOSE . Oppose all things Obama . That is their job . That is their mission . That is why;...they were re-elected. No other reason . Whether House Speaker, Congressman , or Senator, if you are a Republican Party Representative, your job is to refuse to do anything that this President wants to do. You can filibuster . You can propose legislation. You can vote. Vote no . Always.
The Benghazi Scandal may be the instrument that , ultimately, brings Obama down , soon , as those State dept. weasels are inevitably, forced to testify on why a United States Embassy was left unprotected, and defenseless ;..on the anniversary of 9-11. Secretary of Stare Clinton , and all those state dept. officials who pretended to resign , while still receiving a govt. paycheck, can , as the great Joe Louis once said;..."Run , but they can';t hide".They will all , eventually, be forced to testify, and the end result will be exposing the one individual who is truly behind this tragedy , the man who sat, and watched , on closed circuit, as our embassy was attacked , for seven hours , and yet;.....did nothing. Barack Hussein Obama ; that man . This will , indeed , bring him down ;...and end his Presidency.
But;...until then ;...the mission is simple , and clear;...for Boehner ,Republicans in   Congress, and the Republicans in the  Senate ;....and, "We the People', as well. Oppose all things Obama, for all things Obama are nothing more than a tax ;, huge , deadly tax ;..designed to do one thing, and one thing only;...give government control , complete control;...over free market capitalism . And, by so doing;...end America; we know it.
'We the People" , must oppose . Without flinching, without blinking , without waivering, ever. Oppose. Or, ....back down ;...and be damned, in the eyes of future generations;...forever.
Here is the simple reality;...Democrats will never cut spending;..except on the military.
Democrats will never cut taxes .
Democrats will never cut entitlements . Ever;...not one penny.
We must oppose. Force tax cuts, for all Americans. . Bend the Democrats , and Obama; our will. Or, America, as we know it, ; over.
Shakespere's Hamlet once asked the question ;..Whether it is nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune, or, by opposing;...end them .
Hamlet knew the answer . Just as we do. OPPOSE . End them . For , if not , we shall indeed suffer the slings and arrows ;...and , so will our grandchildren ;...for many generations to come.

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