Saturday, December 1, 2012

Battle at the Edge of the Abyss

As the Egyptian people now go into a long , bloody battle with their new President Mohammed Morsi to keep the freedom that their "free democratic election" , was supposed to bring, we here , in America, are facing our own precipice;..our own battle , to keep from falling into the abyss ;..the abyss of socialism .
President Obama was re-elected , by a fair, or foul, narrow margin . Yet, the left feels his victory gives them a mandate to increase their assault on the free market , with ever increasing taxes , spending , and wealth re-distribution ;..all leading to one goal ;...a socialist America and the end of free market capitalism .But , there is one caveat;... the Republicans also feel that they have won a mandate , and unlike the narrow Obama victory , they truly have, with a landslide reelection victory in the House, for Republicans. This is significant to the future of Obama's destuctive agenda. Congress controls the purse strings . No matter what new taxes the President wants , the House has the power to stop the funding of this deliberate attempt to destroy America . Yet, it appears they won't . Many Republicans including John McCain , Lindsay Graham , and House Speaker John Boehner , seem willing to negotiate , and work , with the President , and will not rule out an increse in taxes , provided Obama offsets this with significant cuts in spending . This cannot happen . It will not happen , for one basic reason ;....Democrats will NEVER cut spending . That's not what Democrats do. Tax and spend is their policy . It's their religion . They know that the more they do it, the more power they gain and the more control they have over the free market ;..and the American people.
The Republican House was re-elected for a reason ;...for a specific purpose , and that purpose is simply this ;...cut taxes , cut tax rates ; the bone , for all Americans, so that the free market can prosper. Republican House members all signed the Grover Norquist pledge , not to raise taxes . They should honor that pledge;..or resign immediately.
We don't have to work with Obama and the Democrats . We have to defeat them , for the sake of our country , and our children's future . If , "getting things done", as the President calls it , means giving in to the new entitlement taxes , Obamacare , and the expiration of the Bush tax rates , then , the Republican House's mission is clear ;....gridlock. They must stand strong , and refuse to work with this President on his destructive policies . Gridlock is the mission . That's is their ultimate objective; stop everything Obama wants to do ; cutting off the money flow. For , if not, the Republican House  serves no purpose .
If the Republican Congress sacrifices its principles , to compromise with the enemy, then ;...they become the enemy. This can't happen , if we are to stand a chance of surviving as a Nation .
Socialism is the ultimate goal of Obama and the left . But, what is socialism? It's a word that seems to be thrown around a lot when discussing Obama and the left . But , what is it , really? Well, socialism is ever increasing government . And, how do you increase government?You increase government ; increasing taxes. , which increases control of the free market .This is the left's primary goal. This is Obama's goal.
Great theory , by the left;.......increase control of the market , and you secure the power base , for the Democrat Party , for many generations to come . Why then , does socialism , as a concept, never work ? Why does it always collapse the countries that adopt it?
For this basic reason ;....big government ;.......has NONE. Big government may be the engine that drives the socialist system , but, its the free market 's money that is the fuel for that engine. That's right. The system that wants to endlessly expand government , must , by so doing, drain away the fuel that supplies their engine. To grow government , YOU MUST KILL THE FREE MARKET. But, when you kill the free market, you must also kill the money source that the government needs , to grow.
This is the ultimate paradox , that the left NEVER comprehends . This is the paradox that always forces socialism is destoy itself. This is the paradox that will destroy Obama.
You see, there is no fiscal cliff. This is a political manuever ,a fantasy, manufactured by Obama and the left, to coerce the Republican House into cavinfg to increased taxes , before the Christmas break , that's all.
On this so-called Fiscal Cliff, supposedly hangs the future of the free market economy. Economy. Another buzz word. But, what is the economy?  Well, the economy is nothing more than you, and me, the American citizens , being able to keep the money we earn , and then , using that money , as we see fit , for anything we want to.
That's it . That's called a free market economy. That's what capitalism is. That's what makes us the greatest nation on earth . The concept that, "We the People". , in America, get to keep the money we earn . That is the essense ;...the nuts and bolts definition of Freedom and Liberty ;...simply being able to keep the money you earn . This creates jobs. Jobs create revenue to the government . That, ladies and gentlemen ,; how you end the so-called;....fiscal cliff.
Cut taxes for all Americans .
Allow freedom freedom to grow;...because the alternative , is to allow socialism to grow the government , and , of course , all that does is destroy the very source of its power , namely;...We the People, who are , in reality , the real government ;...the only government that mankind , ever needs. We can win this battle on the edge of the abyss ; long as we never forget this .


Anonymous said...

The republicans actually LOST the popular vote in the house, as well as seats from 2010 levels. Your entire premise is based on a lie. The American people, in poll after poll, support raising taxes on the rich, and your attempt to portray the opposite as the reality is something we see everyday on fox news.

Good job. You should be writing for them!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Stuart. Just a note...Christmas Day, between 12-4, Comic Collection will be having a SALE!!! up to 50% OFF. If I don't see you, have a great holiday!!