Monday, December 17, 2012

The Evil Among us

Why? Why does this keep happening? Another school massacre? This one is in Newtown , Connecticut , at a grade school . 20 children and six teachers will not be celebrating Christmas with their families this year, or , ever again. They don't get to grow up and experience life. All because of some cowardly little worm who, after commiting this evil, took his own life. How many times will this be repeated? How can this be stopped?
The solution is simple. Those in Washington say we shouldn;t politicize this tragedy, but then , they always say that , don't they?And then, the left proceeds to do just that with their call to ban guns agenda. Enough of this nonsense. Our children are dying . Your damn right I'll politicize it; presenting the solution; the simple, nuts and bolts answer to this re -occuring  nightmare. We arm ourselves. That's all.Nothing more, nothing less. Gun bans , background checks , stricter gun laws , will do nothing.
We must arm ourselves, and be prepared to destroy evil, when it attempts to destroy us;....or, our children . We send our kids to these schools , with the understanding that , they will be supervised, and protected. They are not being protected. We are putting our children in the hands of people who , mean well, but are willingly allowing themselves to be powerless to protect them . Not only are they helpless, but they advertise the fact , by proudly declaring their schools , "gun free zones", all in the name of the liberal left's political agenda , to do away with the Second Amendment. Apparently, this is more important to these people than the safety of our children . Imagine that. A victory over their political enemies, is more important , than human lives.
Here is the solution , and , make no mistake, it's the only solution ; arm the school . Armed guards , armed teachers , an armed staff, that, recognizes the evil that dwells among us, and is willing, and able; destroy it; that our kids get to grow up , have kids of their owen , experiance life, and ;...have a chance for happiness.
Every school in this Nation should take heed. The time for silly liberal games, is over. "We the People" , have had enough. No more of this nonsense. Arm the schools that we send our kids to , or we pull our kids out of these schools ;...permanently. That's it. Don't tell me any nonsense about armed citizens creating more problems . Brave as the teachers of this school were , they could not stop this madman , from killing those 20 children , and , six of them , as well. Enough! If a madman is walking through a school , randomly shooting unarmed children , a school staff member , who is armed, can shoot him , and end the threat. And, a school that has a fully armed staff, including armed security guards;...can kill him even quicker. That is not speculation . That is a fact. One gunman , versus 5, 10, 15, gunman , will be killed , long before he has a chance to kill 20 of our kids. That's not speculation. That is a living, working, realty.
The Second Amendment gives all, law abiding citizens the absolute right to keep and bear arms. So, ....arm yourself , dammit. You are a teacher. You are a principle. You are a campus security guard. Part of your job is to protect those kids who were entrusted to you, by their parents. Let this be the final tragedy . Let this be the last time our kids don't come home from school , ever.
Shove the political agendas. If you run a school , if you teach at a school, or if you act as security for a school , you arm yourselves. Right now. For, if not, this will indeed keep on happening. You see, evil always wins , when good ;.........does nothing.
We , as a people united , need to stand up to evil, and strike back. It will work . We already have proof that it works , in the form of a law called;..Right to Work, which is enabling, State after State , to take back their economies  from the brink of destruction brought on by the public unions. Why else would public unions in Michigan be turning violent? Their violence at a recent rally against the opposition is the result of their realization , that, they are losing. They are losing their power base, and their control over our workforce , and our free market economy. The right to work laws that are now being passed in many States across our Nation are , not the result of a political agenda, but , like the Connecticut school tragedy, simple , basic reality. The States whose businesses are controlled by unions are going bankrupt. States that now have the right to work law, are prospering , To survive, the Governor of Michigan has passed the right to work bill, because he sees , what the left never sees;...reality. He sees things as trhey are , in the real wqorld, not in the fantasy world of the liberal left. And, in the real world, States that allow workers to choose for themselves, whether or not they want to join a union , are States that prosper . They are States that attract businesses . They are States that suceed . That's not spin;....that's the reality, that all States in our union , will eventually wake up to, as they go bankrupt , under the weight of the Public Union money laundering machine. A machine that, exists simply to take money from its members , and use it to fund Democrat campaigns. Unions are parasites that destroy businesses , for no other reason than to secure the liberal left's power base;..namely, the Democrat Party . The country now, State by State, is waking up to this . They have to . Like the Governor of MMichigan , they now realize that in order to survive, they must pass , "Right to Work".
Now, let's hope there will be a much more important wake up call, for our United States. A wake up call long overdue. A wake up call that , God willing, finally puts to rest politically motivated nonsense, and gives us the moral clarity to finally protect our children ; arming our schools; that evil can be stopped , before it harms another innocent child, and erodes a little more, of our survival instinct.
I don't care about the shooter, Adam Lanza's motives, or whether he had asbergers , autism , or any other malady. I don't give a rat's ass about this scum . What I care about is this one , simple fact;...Adam Lanza was not buzzed in the school, as previously believed. He forced his way in . He probably shot his way in . If the school was armed ;...this should have been loud enough to alert security , and enable them to neutralize the intruder . Even one teacher , with a gun , could have ended it, or , at least made it harder for this madman to carry out his mission of madness.
No more excuses , no more debates. The time for talk is over . Armed schools are the only answer. Good can always defgeat evil, except when good , fails to act. Contemplate this, while our neighbors in connecticut , bury their children , at Christmastime

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