Should Mitt Romney comment on the Middle East attacks against American Embassies? Of course. This man will be President of the United States after November. That means he will be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He needs to be bold, brash, decisive, and aggressive , in his stance against our enemies in the War on Terror. And, make no mistake. The countries , where these events are occuring, are our enemies, not our allies. In Libya , who we freed from Qaddafi's evil rule, our ambassador, and two special ops agents, have been killed, in a planned jihadist uprising against our embassy there. Egypt, who we give billions of dollars to every year, has also allowed Islamic radicals to attack our embassy there , as well , who condemned America,and desecrated our flag , while screaming , "We are all Bin Laden". We helped Egypt gain Democracy and freedom from the rule of Mubarek by funding their military, and the Egyptian people paid us back; electing Muhammed Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, as their new President . So much for freedom and democracy. And what of Pakistan?They hid Bin Laden, while pretending to be our ally in the war on terror.Yes , Pakistan too seems to hate America, but still accepts billions of our tax dollars each year. Afghanistan? Of course the people there hate us. After all, we freed them from the murderous Taliban Rule, and gave them back their country, and their freedom ;.... not to mention the billions of American dollars each year.Can you blame them for hating us? But, in all seriousness , the question remains;.....'Why do they hate us?"Is it the You Tube Prophet Muhammed video? Is it President Obama's bragging about the Bin Laden sanction and terror leader drone strikes? Or, was it President Bush's cowboy diplomacy and the "Bush Doctrine " , of striking first against all who sponsor terror? Nope. None of our actions inspire their hate. Being diplomatic , or insulting , matters little to their attitude regarding our Nation. No. They would hate us just the same. The reason? We are Infidels. According to the Prophet Muhammed , all those who do not follow Islam and its teachings , are , in fact, infidels, and, as such, deserving of death. That's all it is , folks. All it ever was. And , they will , in fact, always hate us. Always. They will never be our allies in the war on terror .They will always hate us, but;....can hate be combined;...with fear and respect? Of course. These attacks did not occur under Bush,. but did occur under Clinton and Obama. They may have hated Bush, but they also respected Bush, as a man who would indeed kill those who kill our citizens in the name of a false god. The destruction of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and his evil sons sent a message to our enemies across the middle east;....'If you are not with us, then, you are against us".Saddam didn't cause 9-11, but , he was a sponsor of terror, paying and training those who would attack us , in the name of Jihad. That's why he is a dust ridden , fading memory now, That's why Al Zawahiri Bin Lade, and other terror leaders, are now dead, or behind bars at Gitmo Bay. And, that is why , under Bush, there were no terror attacks on our soil. Zero. The Middle Eastern Islamic mentality respects only one thing;....strength. President Bush showed it. Clinton and Obama did not. This is why, on the anniversary of 9-11, this year, these planned, coordinated attacks on our embassy soil, are occuring across the middle east, and;....the world. This was planned for the 9-11 anniversary, long ago. Al Queda waited for the right time to gain their revenge with these attacks . They waited , plotted , and planned , for the right time. And, of course, for the right President. Barack Hussein Obama ;......a President who will never be respected , like Bush , despite his Drone War on the terrorist leaders. Al Queda still perceives him as weak. ;...because , unlike Bush, he bows and scrapes before Nations that sponsor them , and therefore the source of their threat remains;...unchallenged. The solution? It's three part. First, we must kill all those who were responsible for these attacks ;...immediately. Sound crazy and extreme? These are character traits that may seem negative to Americans, but to Islamic Extremists ;...they are greatly respected , and almost sacred. Second, we must cut off all, I repeat, all of our money that currently goes to all of these enemies of freedom . For, without our money, none of these nations that sponsor terror;....could long survive at all. We support the world ;...economically , and militarily. . Without us;...they are all out of business , permanently. And, it's time we let them know it. And Third? Elect Mitt Romney for President , in November. Romney was not out of line with his statements regarding attacks on our Embassies . He should speak out ; despite what the Obama Administration, and the liberal press , might think. He should be bold , loud , agressive , and decisive , in attitude when dealing with our enemies . The things he says should anger our enemies ;...while reassuring our allies. Should he have waited for Obama to comment first? no. Mitt wants to be President . Nobody 's going to just hand him the job. He's got to take it ;...BY SEIZING THE MOMENT. And;.........he did. Yes, it is , indeed, a time for "Change". We need a President whose main function is not to campaign all year, or to appear on Jay Leno , or hang out with Jay Z;....BUT, .....To be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces , of the United States of America. And to reaffirm the Bush Doctrine , in our War against the World 's terror sponsors;...."Those who do not stand with us, stand against us". |
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