When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus , "What is Truth?";...Jesus could have easily answed;...'Truth is Conservatism". And, conservatism, expressed openly and honestly, will win Mitt Romney , or anyone else, the Presidency. Romney has nothing to apologize for. His statements regarding Obama's reaction in the wake of the embassy attacks, and, his comments at a fundraiser regarding entutlements, had one thing in common;...they were both,the truth. We should not have apologized for the youtube video that mocked Muhammed. That is free speech. That is the First Amendment. That is our Constitution ;... Truth. And, as Romney said at the fundraiser, those that spend their lives on the public dole, living off welfare, foodstamps and other assistance provided by the tax payers, those that simply refuse to work,;....will not vote for Romney, or any other Republican . Ever. That, also , is the simple truth. Romney doesn't want to expand government and entitlements , to take care of people. No, he wants to shrink government and cut taxes for all Americans , so that they can take care of themselves , and take care of those in need of their own free will;...as they should be able to;...under a Republic based system of self government. There are simply people who will never accept this as plausible, and will, certainly never vote for Romney, because this is what he believes , and what he will do, as President. Again;...the Truth. Romney made no gaffes , no mispeaks , no blunder , that has cost him the Presidency. Quite the contrary. Romney must do more of this. Just speak the truth. , no matter how painful to some, or , how outraged the liberal left becomes . If Romney can continue to simply express the truth of conservative principles , as Reagan did, he will anger some, outrage others , and infuriate the left. But, in the end, if he stays the course,and speaks the truth, that government entitlements must end, taxes and regulations must be cut, and the military must be strengthened. This, and only this, will save our economy , and our Nation. If Romney can do this, withouyt fear without let , or hindrence, without mercy, or apology to anyone, from now, until November 6th, Then;...Mitt Romney will win the Presidency of the United States by a landslide. The reason? Conservative truth. and truth, no matter how painful , is always in the end , against all odds;...the winner. One must not forget, Polics is a contact sport. Kill or be killed. Romney must go after Obama in the upcoming debates, brutally, attacking all the destructive socialist policies, that the President has enacted, and explain , not only why taking money from those that earn it , and giving it to those that don't, doesn't work, but, he must also explain to the American people why the President is doing it in the first place. Romney must explain that President Obama is diminishing America, on purpose, by weakening our economy, free market , and the military;...in the name of social justice;...for the Nations that the President believes were looted, by the United States, in order to make ourselves rich and prosperous. This is what the President believes . Romney and Ryan must not only explain the conservative principles that will restore our Nation to prosperity. , but they must also explain , in detail , the the Wealth redistribution principles of Obama, that have never worked anywhere;...in any country, at any time;....in the history , for one basic reason ;......When the few, who are prosperous;,must pay for the many;...who are not.....the result is , always .......complete destruction for that Nation. The world is an inferno of hate right now;...thanks to the President's weakness in the face of our enemies and his weakening of our economy ;..and military. The results are clear;....Al Queda organized attacks on our Embassies around the world, on the anniversary of 9-11.A world on fire, a world now trapped in an infernal war;...thanks to the President's weakness in the face of our enemies. , and his weakening of us, as a Nation. The solution is simple;....the solution is Conservatism . Conservatism is truth, and, the truth ;...is Romney , for President in November. For, if not, we will face another , painful , truth . ;......The end , of America, as we know it , forever. |
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The Infernal War
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