Friday, January 27, 2012

The Savage God

In his State of the Union address , President Obama spoke of energy independence, transportation and infrastructure innovation , investment in education , investment in new energy sources , and , a coming together of Democrats and Republicans in a united effort to, 'solve our Nations problems."He also spoke of equal opportunity for all Americans ,  equal chance for sucess , and of course, equal outcome. Yes , the President spoke of all these things , and demanded that the wealthy be taxed more , to pay for it.
He spoke of Warren Buffet's secretary paying more in taxes than her boss. Why then , is Obama's solution to raise Buffet's taxes , instead of simply lowering hers?The President spoke of many things regarding taxing the wealthy to fund his plans for his second term , and insisted the middle class will not see their taxes go up one dime. However , he didn't mention anything about cutting their taxes one dime either. He can't. Liberal Democrats do not cut taxes for anybody;...ever.
His plan for taxing the rich , however , cannot work . The rich are the job investors and creators. . Punish them with higher taxes and regulations and you destroy the economy;...guaranteed. But then , he should know this already. You see, this man Obama was not giving a campaign speech to run for President . He already is President. , and has been for three years. He seems to forget that. But, fortunately, .....we haven't.
The President has passed everything he wanted to, taxed and regulated and entitled everything he wanted to , and invested in education and energy alternatives , as he wanted to;.......and, it has all failed .
It's time for a new plan . Time for the man who can turn our nation around. Time for the man who also speaks of many things , some practical, some implausible , some outrageously arrogant , some truly brilliant . And , mostly all, conservative. The man who speaks abrasively. The man who speaks simply and directly. The man who speaks , the truth. The man who speaks for conservative values , and the reality of implementing them.
A flawed man.
An arrogant , savage, grandiose man . A man of dreams and  visions ;...some practical , some implausible, but, a man who Reagan entrusted with the future of conservatism , after a forty year absence in Washington.
A man who reversed the socialist downward spiral of Clinton and made our Nation the 'shining city on a hill', that President Reagan evnvisioned.
Slash, cut, rip , and gut taxes , regulations, welfare and entitlements. A simple, brutal, savage prescription for what ails our Nation , and Newt Gingrich IS  the savage god of politics that did it before , and ......will do it again;....this time as Commander in Chief.
Romney had mandatory healthcare in his State of Massachusettes. He said it worked . He still says it worked. He refuses to admit it was a mistake. He forced citizens of his State to buy Health Insurance, or, a fine. You cannot force an American citizen to buy anything ;....and then claim to be a conservative,
Let's vote smart this time. Let's save the Nation.Don't vote for the man who says he 'll turn this country around; his second term ;...or the man who says who says he'll repeal Obamacare ;...and yet implemented it in his State , as governor.
Let's vote for the man who actually did turn this country around, during the dark days of Clinton. The man with the proven record of conservative results;...not talk , not promises;....RESULTS.
Some jobs require a butcher. Some jobs require destruction , in order to create , ...11 million jobs; Newt has . Newt is the Savage god , the butcher , who will do the job , that no one else has the stomach for.
Let's remember , Conservatism , as it is today, would not exist , if not for Gingrich, and his Contract with America.
Lets get the job done.
Lets vote for Newt , the Savage, pure, force of nature, who may not always be right, or accurate, in his words;......but his results certainly are. .
Ultimately, it may not matter who is nominated as our Republican Candidate;..since Obama's State of the Union address assured his defeat. For, you see, no President , can be re-elected , by promising to the American people ; raise their taxes ;.....NO PRESIDENT.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Second Coming

Newt Gingrich has won the South Carolina Primary; telling the truth. That's all it took. When asked thursday night by a CNN reporter about his ex-wife's allegations,he angrily told that reporter that the issue was being brought up to protect Pres. Obama from defeat at his hands . That was the truth. The applause and standing ovations, agreed. When asked about taxes;..Romney hesitated, stammered, and then said we should pay whatever the rate is, but he would probaly cut taxes to 25%.
Newt said he would cut taxes to 15%;...guaranteed. He did it before, as Speaker of the House under Clinton.Again, that's just the truth.
Romney panicked over the issue of releasing his tax returns.Newt had already released his, the day before. The truth , again.
Newt also, most importantly, sees the truth about the so-called issue of, "creating jobs"He knows that jobs are not created by tax payer funded programs . In fact; cannot be created at all., Jobs are merely a by-product of that dreaded entity;.......corporate greed.You see, businesses do not exist to create jobs. Businesses exist to make a profit, for the owner of that business. If the businesses owner is sucessfull at making that profit, then , he hire people ;...not to get them off their couches, but to help him make even more money;...for himself. Newt knows that, without greedy businessmen, there are no jobs. And , if heavy taxes and regulations on the business free market continue;...then the business owners will not hire anyone;..ever. That , would eliminate their profit margin, you see.
Newt Gingrich understands this;...and that's why he'll be our next President . As Speaker of the House under Clinton;..he cut taxes , cut regulations, forced Pres. Clinton to sign Welfare reform , slashed entitlements, cut the deficit in half , and a booming economy and balanced budget were the results.
This isn't rocket science. You simply let the people who earn the money;....keep the money. That's how it works in a free market systyem.Newt gets it, and used these principles to save a rapidly failing Clinton economy and Presidency;...and also to usher in a new era of Conservative Republican dominance;..after 40 years of Democrat destruction.
Now , We the People, must continue this era , by following Newt's formula of tax cuts , regulation cuts , and entitlement cuts. If we do this , jobs will follow;...guaranteed.
The plan is clear
The man is here.
The time is now.
We may have to wait for the second coming of Christ;....but the second coming of Newt ; upon us;;;.....Newt,2012.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Catalyst of Doom

Newt Gingrich is gaining on frontrunner Mitt Romney in the South Carolina Polls. Not surprising, since Newt has accomplished what Mitt Romney, and all the other candidates , are mearly talking about. As Speaker under President Clinton , he took an economy comparable to Obama's , and through tax cuts , regulation cuts ,and welfare reform , he cut the deficit in half, grew the economy, and , in the process , created eleven million jobs. He did it before;...he can , and will; it again . That's why he's gaining on Romney. And, while the Bain's Capital attack may have seemed like dirty pool, unworthy of a conservative, it was , in fact , a mere political ploy, from  political master Gingrich. Romney's refusal to stop the negative attacks forced Newt's hand . He decided to attack Romney 's greatest strength , his business acumin;...and turn it into a weakness.Newt understands that, he can easily handle Obama in any debate , but , what of Romney? Could he stand up to Obama's attacks on his persona as a greedy , predatory, capitalist? Newt decided to test him , with the Bain's Capital attack;......and Romney failed the test. Y'see Newt doesn't really believe what Romney did at Bain's was wrong . On the contrary, he knows that private sector capitalism is always good ;...period. But, Newt wants to win , and he knows that negative ads, though unpleasant, always work.
Newt also knows that Romney's biggest weakness, is in fact , the reason the liberal press has been ramming him down our throats as the favorite for months now;....the weakness known as Romneycare. Romney's flip flops , tax increases , and anti-2nd Amendment legislation are bad enough , but to try to beat a man who calls for govt. healthcare ;...with a man who imposed govt. healthcare on his state as governor; political suicide;....and Newt knows it. The bottom line is;.. the attack on Mitt worked ;..and Newt Gingrich, the logical, thinking man's choice for commander in chief, is now gaining ground rapidly. Truth and facts , you see, always win in the end, and the simple truth here is; Romneycare, Obamacare , or any kind of govt, controlled health care mandate is just flat out wrong , for any free market society , and is , in fact the liberal left's catalyst, that ultimately leads to socialism , and the govt . control of the free market.
Y'see , the private sector is the only place for health insurance.
We currently have, as a Nation , over 1, 700 private health insurance companies in this country, yet Federal Law permits citizens access to only one  or two per state. In a free market , capitalist society;....this is absurd. Choice and competition is the answer.
Companies that know the consumer can choose from any of the existing firms , will compete to keep their business . Pricing and Quality, will be controilled by one factor;........fear of losing business to competitors. That's how the free market works. All you have to do is let it work, keep the government out of it, and all is well. What creates high prices , poor service , and general incompetence?Answer:the knowledge that, no matter how shoddy your service is; cannot go out of business.
That, my friends, is the nature of govt. health care They don"t need to make a profit , or provide quality service ;...because it's funded, by force, by us, the the taxpayers.The money to run a govt. operation , you see, never runs out. They cannot go bankrupt. , because ,we the taxpayers , are the magic money tree, that keeps getting picked by them . So, you can have long waiting lists to be treated, crappy service , incompetent doctors and nurses. Because, as I said , the realization that the bailout never ends creates an arrogant minded monopoly that is the very root of a socialist society.
Government exists for one thing;.....securing our Nation's freedom from the enemies of freedom ;...foriegn or domestic;....and that is all our tax dollars were meant for. End of Story .
The constitution says so. The concept of a self-governed, free country , says so. And , most importantly, I say so. Who am I?  I am a Reagan -Conservative , and , as such , know fully well that Government Mandated Healthcare ; the catalyst that will surely bring doom and destruction to the great experiment in self government , the shining city on a hill;...known only as America.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The New Gods

'The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee , thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rocks, whose habitation is high, that saith in his heart, who shall bring me down to the ground?"  OBADIAH  verse 3
This passage from the bible's book of Obadiah seems to now apply to conservative Republicans , as they desperately search through the field of Presidential candidates , still vying for the title;...commander in chief. The Tea Party , in particular, seems to want the perfect conservative, the Reagan -style conservative, and will settle for nothing less. In fact, Tea Party leaders have actually said that, unless the acceptable conservative wins the primaries, they will not vote . They will stay home. This, of course, is asisine, moronic, and exactly how we got stuck with Barack Obama as President.
The Reagan style , perfect conservative is the standard to pursue , but there's just one problem ;...there is no perfect , Reagan -style conservative . He simply doesn't exist . Even Reagan at one time was a Democrat , with less than perfect conservative values. Here's the basic reality, all of the candidates are mearly human , with human flaws and weaknesses. All of them have flip flopped on issues at one time. All of them have misspoke at times. And most importantly, all of them would be better Presidents than Obama. Even Ron Paul, whose foreign policy stance borders on flat out dangerous, is like Reagan , compared to Obama
Any Republican will do;.. for one simple reason ;...if you wish to keep more of the money you earn , if you want tax cuts for businesses and cuts in regulations; better vote Republican.
As the history of our nation has shown ;..only Republicans cut taxes and regulations . Democrats only increase taxes and regulations. Tax cuts and regulation cuts are the way Newt Gingrich created 11 million jobs as Speaker of the House under Clinton. Simply put, tax cuts and regulation cuts are the only things that can ever improve our economy.
But, strangely enough , these are the two things that a Democrat will never , never, never, give you .Obama nedeed only three years to destroy our economy . Why? Because the liberal stars were perfectly alined.  He had the Presidency, the congress, and the Senate, all under Democrat control. Without  a Republican majority, in the House or Senate, there could be no tax cuts , regulation cuts , or even spending cuts , except , of course , for the military , the one thing a liberal will agree to cut.Other than that , the liberal left , unchecked, can only tax and spend our country into oblivion . It is, after all , their nature.They cannot help themselves .
A bankrupt nation means more govt. power. More govt. power means more of the free market under their control . More control of the market means more dependents . More dependents mean ; the end,.....more Democratic voters .
Let's be smart this time. Vote for a Republican . Any Republican. A vote for a Republican is a tax cut vote.
A vote for a Republican is a regulation cut vote.
A vote for a Republican is a free market vote .
Let's replace this false liberal god Obama with one of the new gods , the Republican Conservative gods. The gods that believe our freedom comes from the one true god, and part of that freedom , is getting to keep the money that you earned, in the greatest free market on earth .

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Iron Maiden

In the aftermath of the Iowa Caucus, who will be left standing to battle Obama for the soul of the country?The caucus itself, matters little. Caucus wins do not win elections;..proven records do. Ultimately, whoever is at the finish line must receive our total support . There can be no , "stay home independents" this time , as there were for McCain -Obama . The stakes are, simply too high . Obamacare must be destroyed , or the nation as we know it, is done.
"Anyone but Obama", is a fine slogan , but , why settle? Why not pick the candidate best to lead ;..the most conservative? Conservatism is, always right. Conservatism, when practiced faithfully, always wins. Always. Conservatism is in essence;...truth.Conservatism is the natural state of mankind , and conservatism will, ultimately triumph. No settling this time . We support the nominee, no doubt, no matter who , but we don't have to put ourselves in that position , this time. The country has awakened . The Tea Party , and the November 2nd 2010, proves this. "We the People" want the country back. Obamacare must die , and tax reform ; permanent tax reform , must be put into effect, so that those Americans that earn the money, in our free market, get to keep that money.
Who best to do this? Paul is out. He is an anti-military isolationist , Neville Chamberlain -like appeaser who believes that we, as a nation , caused 9-11 ;...we caused it. And this man wants to be our commander in chief? Not very likely. This man is dangerous for this country and makes Obama look like George W. , on foreign policy.
Newt Gingrich is the logical choice , as is Michelle Bachmann. Newt did all that we must donow, before, as Speaker under Clinton. Taxes , deficit, spending, welfare entitlements; all were slashed ; no thanks to President Clinton, and prosperity reigned, thanks to Newt, and Newt alone.
Michelle Bachmann , is quite literally, Winston Churchill, in a skirt. She is the steel willed , Iron Maiden of conservatism , and , has never flinched in her pursuit of its perfections in congress, despite being , at times, like a conservative Captain Ahab ; desperately slashing a giant , liberal white whale. She's proved herself , the most consistent conservative in the race. She has consistently fought against earmarks and spending increases. She , and she alone, created the Tea Party caucus in Washington. She has national security experience. She never flinched, never waivered, even against overwhelming odds in congress , long before the Tea Party and Nov. 2nd victories last year. She , like Churchill, never, never, never, gives up. Michelle is , a good solid, logical, conservative choice.
Newt Gingrich is a political wunderkind , an expert on practical policy and political history, whose main flaw may simply be , that he is so multi-faceted , that it may , in fact , be confusing , even to him , as his mind seems to wander; and outrageous statements are , like a bodily function to him. But, the man's policies and proven record speak louder than mis-statements , and do indeed, have the ring of true conservatism . After all, experience , political skill, and cold , hard results, speak for themselves.
So too, for Bachmann , who , unlike fellow Washington conservative Rick Santorum , never cut deals with Democrats for earmark favors , and indeed , was the lone Republican holdout who refused to vote for an increase in the debt ceiling.
The choice is clear;....conservative experience in Washington ;...and consistent proven conservative records and results.
Lets save our Nation . Let's make the only choices possible;...Gingrich or Bachmann ;..the Wunderkind , and the Iron Maiden. And , hopefully, when the dust settles , one of them will choose the other , as a fellow soldier in the war to beat Obama;...and destroy Liberalism.