When freedom is threatened anywhere in the world, freedom is threatened everywhere. Is man to be ruled by leaders , or is he to rule himself? This is the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King.Self -rule . Freedom for all. The Restoring Honor Rally in Washington today, overlooking the Reflecting Pool , and the stoney stare of Abraham Lincoln, reflected on these things today. We need to continue to reflect and learn from our true history ,and finally fulfill the dream , here , now, today, and, forever. America, this shining city on a hill , as Ronald Reagan called it, is the only time , the only place , in the history of the earth, that man has lived truly free. Let's make sure that Glenn Beck's efforts today were not wasted. Let's keep this , "blessed plot, this earth , this realm , this America". |
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Reflections by the Reflecting Pool
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
"Behold, a God that Hates"
While contemplating the Mosque at Ground Zero, contemplate this also, The Prophet Muhammed stated that all non-believers in Islam are to be shunned, and considered Infidels; and, as Infidels, are deserving of death. Being a Judeo-Christian Nation, America is considered by Islam as the" Great Satan", that must be defeated . Muslim tradition dictates that on the site of a great Jihadist victory over the infidels, a Mosque is to be built. Imam Abdul Faisal Raeuf is head of the Cordoba Initiative, , named after a city in Mexico that was conquered by the muslims . A mosque was built on this site. The purpose of the proposed Ground Zero mosque is clear, it is to be a trophy, put on display to celebrate the great Islamic victory over the Great Satan, us. It's building would serve no other purpose, since Islam cannot "come together" with other faiths . The Prophet Muhammed made it very clear; there can be no tolerance for any other religions. Even converts to Islam are still considered Infidels, deserving of death. We have only the word of Imam Raub that he is a bridge building moderate. His actions and statements in the past, blaming the U.S. for 9-11 , speak otherwise. Always remember, under Islam , it is permitted to use deception against Infidels in order to gain victory. A perfect example is Iran's President Mmoud Amadenejad. He has stated, quite clearly and repeatedly, that their nuclear program would be for peaceful energy purposes only. Yet , the day after the fuel rods were activated , a new missile weapon was unveiled , with the provocative name ,"The Ambassador of Death". All the while, the citizens of Iran chanted in the streets, "Death to America" , and "Death to Israel".Can America afford to stand idlely by, and continue to believe the proclamations of peace from men who worship a God that teaches hate? |
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Temple of Intolerance
President Obama says the Mosque should be built on Ground Zero to "promote religious tolerance"..Religious Tolerance. Where? Where is this religious tolerance? Every Christmas stores are told not to use the phrase, "Merry Christmas" to customers. Schools ban Christian symbols. The Cross is banned across the country on public land displays. The Ten Commandments was removed from the lobby of a court house by court order. "One Nation Under God" is a phrase that has been attacked and banned from schools along with the "Pledge of Allegiance". The phrase "In God we Trust" has been attacked by the left because it's on our currency. There is no religious tolerance. For Christians that is. And, muslims do not want religious tolerance. They want religious dominance. We have to remember, that under Islamic rule, by the teachings of the Koran, all those who do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed are considered infidels, and are deserving of death, even if they convert. There it is, pure and simple. All this talk of coming together and religious freedom is nonsense to the practicing Muslim. Their goal is a one religion America, and that one religion must be Islam. America is regarded by the practicing Muslim as the"Great Satan" , that must be crushed and brought under Sharia Law , no exceptions. Ground Zero is considered Muslim territory , the sight of their great victory , and tradition demands that a Mosque is built to commemorate that victory over the "infidels" that must submit to the will of Allah. Religious Tolerance? Try to build a Catholic Church near Mecca, and see the reaction. How laughable that Imam Abdul Faisal Rauf calls for tolerance while supporting a religion that has never shown any. |
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Mosque of Mockery
There are a myriad of reasons for not allowing a mosque to be built on Ground Zero.The Imam behind the project is a terrorist supporter who blames America for 911 and Bin Laden's existence.Also, where is the money coming from? The fact that it is a mystery clears up the mystery.It is most assuredly coming from Al Queda and the Taliban . Guaranteed. The question isn't should we allow it to be built, but, why does this Imam Faisal Abdul want to build it there? He knows the reaction he's getting. He knows the reason for outrage and opposition. He's doing it anyway,for one simple reason; to tick us off , and to thumb his nose at America in general. Remember, this man wants Sharia Law introduced into our courts. This law would call for the execution of Homosexuals , women , and non-believers for any infractions against the teachings of the prophet Muhammed. How much longer are we gonna bend over for these people who simply regard us as infidels ?Muslim law has always called for the building of Mosques on the sight of a great military victory. There is the reason for this in a nutshell. They are establishing their territory at the sight of their triumph over the Great Satan; us!, and that is all. So if you're racking your brain for a good reason to prevent the Ground Zero Mosque , here's the only one you need. Spite. It will really aggravate them. It will enrage them. I can't think of a better reason.Ticking off terrorists and their supporters should always be the goal of every American. Why?Cause it's fun1, and fun is the one thing that separates us from the terrorists . They have no sense of humour at all . Why not exploit that by enraging them at every opportunity?They are seeing how far they can push us . It's time to push back , just for good ol" spite!Mayor Bloomberg wants to protect their 1st Amendment rights, but is a strong opponent of the second amendment , which defends the first amendment. So much for what Bloomberg thinks. But, Iam willing to make a deal with Imam Abdul. He can build his mosque on Ground Zero, but we get to build a Catholic Church at Mecca. That's a fair deal , right ? |
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Republican Maneuver
Representative Anthony Weiner melts down in front of Congress , accuses Republicans of blocking another spending bill, and, in the same rant, brags about getting 95% of the Democrat vote which still , for some reason , is not enough to get the bill passed. Somehow, it's still the Republicans fault. Meanwhile, Rep. Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters and Alan Grayson, all Democrats , face pending ethics charges, for tax evasion , a banking scam , and of all things a DVD scam! The Democrat meltdown is in full swing, and the looming November elections are the reason They know they can't win. They know they are about to lose every seat up for grabs ; including the 40 in the House, and they have no strategy to stop it, except to pull out the ol' race card against their main nemises ; The Tea Party.Andrew Breitbart of Big Government. com, has offered quite a bit of cash to anyone who can produce video evidence to support these charges. So far, he has not lost his money, and he never will. The Democrat Party is done, and for a very basic reason. Their secret has been exposed. They will not , under any circumstances , cut taxes , ever . Their slight of hand tricks with so-called 'tax credits" has not fooled anyone with a brain who knows the difference. A tax credit is an Arby's coupon, and an insult to a business owner's intelligence. A tax cut is a permanent reduction , and that is simply not in the Democrat's playbook. They will not cut taxes , ever, and now, the American people have caught on to that fact, finally. The Bush tax cuts will be allowed to expire, as planned, and yes , everyone's taxes are , indeed going up. The Republican maneuver from now till November is a simple strategy based on a simple game; Poker. Pending voter fraud charges in the Obama election is the card that Republicans are playing very close to the vest at this moment, but it will be used very soon , to seal the fate of the Democratic Party and the Obama regime, in November. Poker master Andrew Breitbart, has many cards up his sleeve , and he's been saving them for the right moment . That moment is here, now, and it may spell doom for Obama's dream , once and for all. |
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