Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Armaggedon Summit

The Health Care Summit was a complete sucess. Not as entertaining as the Beer Summit,but a sucess nontheless. The reason? It forced President Obama to finally expose his Hubris; what the Greeks called over-weening pride. The Republicans did their job.By insisting we tear up the bill and start from scratch,they backed Obama into a corner that he can never escape.He, of course, will not do this, and will forge ahead with the bill which was the plan all along. The summit was mearly theater for the masses, but it has backfired, because now "We the People", see that the republicans do have ideas, just not the ideas  that the Democrats want. They want the government to control the lives of it's citizens, while the republicans understand that we must control our own lives.
No government can take away the freedom that was given to us by God. No man can be made to do something by another man. No one man is wise enough to rule a nation of men. History has proven this , time and time again. The health care issue? It's no issue at all. The free market solves everything. Let Americans have acess to the over one thousand Health Insurance companies in this country, and everything is solved. Competition brings prices down. Competition eliminates the pre-existing condition debate. Competition insures quality and honesty. Competition is the only solution for a country whose greatness was fouded on it.
After President Obama spent six hours being petulant and whiney, even scolding  Senator McCain as though he was a disobedient child, he finally let his guard down for a moment, and defied the law of averages.He finally made an accurate statement. The President stated that he will forge ahead and pass Healthcare , and we will see in November who was right and who was wrong. He is correct. The line in the sand has been drawn. The sides have been chosen. Forget Tea Party , Townhalls, or marches on Washington. These are all ephemeral things, just words , with no real substance.  "We will vote you out", is the only slogan that any Tea Party sign needs. 
The battle lines have been drawn. The sides have been chosen. Washington is our Meggido, our final battlefield between the forces of freedom, and oppression. All seats are up for grabs in the House in November. We must vote the Democrats out, or back down and be damned forever.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

To Bask In Reflected Glory

I would like to thank Vice- President Biden for finally admitting that the war in Iraq was not a mistake, not a lie, and not the result of faulty intelligence. No, in fact the Iraq war was the greatest achievement of the Bush-Cheney Administration. After eight years of opposing the war and especially the surge, which both he, and President Obama said would not work, this statement by Vice-President Biden on Fox News Sunday was quite a revelation, and a complete admission that the opposition to a war that overthrew a murderous , torturing , terror sponsoring dictator was, ultimately motivated by partisan politics and a desire by the Democrats to regain their power.
The proof of this has become obvious. By telling Chris Wallace on Fox that the Iraq war will be considered the Obama Administration's  "greatest achievement", and bragging about the sucess of drone attacks in Afghanistan and the recent capture of Taliban leaders, he has not only completely vindicated Bush-Cheney, and their war on terror, but also has shown a strong desire to bask in the glow of Bush administration's reflected glory. And , as Obama-Biden continue to escalate the fight in Afghanistan, reluctantly adding more troops and even recently joining with Afghan forces to stage a surge -like offensive into Taliban strongholds, it becomes more and more apparent that , as Obama's domestic policy of tax and spend to prosperity spins out of control, he will adopt the posture of Bush overseas at least, flexing the muscles of an administration in an attempt to fend off growing assertions by the American people that the Obama administration is weak and anemic, both at home and abroad.
Bill Clinton had his Monica Lewinsky scandal,that created the impetus for the bombing of an aspirin factory in Iraq, and now Barack Obama , faced with the reality that Americans are not the suckers for socialism he originally thought them to be, must do something to stave off the Jimmy Carter, "lame duck "demons that now seek to engulf him. The war on terrror, which he once reviled and voted against as a Senator will now become the crutch that will support his waning Presidential manhood, and will ultimately be waged by him with such fervor as to make George Bush look like Mahatma Gandhi by comparison. As commander-in-chief of the armed forces, he can do no less.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Children of Olympus

The Greek legends say that it was the Demi-God Hercules that created the Olympics as a means of  joining man together in a common bond that athletic competition and individual achievement can create.
The legacy of Hercules still remains , thousands of years later as our Olympians meet in Vancouver to participate in what Wide World of Sports called"The human drama of athletic competition". Hercules understood , in a world torn by war between nations ,that this gathering of exceptional individuals would unite the world by making the free willed individual and his abilities the most important aspect of their lives. The tragic death of Georgian Luger , Nodar Kumaritashvili is a great loss , and a terrible tragedy , as the losses of other Olympians in the past have been. But, we should also remember that the man was doing what he loved, what he was born to do, competing in a sport that only a handful of people could dream of doing. His death, while a great loss and  a time of grief for his family, should also be a reminder of the the great sacrifice and sometimes pain, that these athletes endure to practice their difficult craft.His grieving family should try to remember that Nodar died doing what he loved , and all of his training , skill, and personal sacrifice were not in vain , for all , I repeat, all those who compete every four years in these noble games are, regardless of how they finish are truly heroes in the ancient Greek tradition that Hercules began.
Being both man and god, Hercules , if he truly existed, probably understood the faults and failings of both, and also would have realized that man is always at his best , his noblest, when he is striving to overcome obstacles and challenges that life confronts us with. It is this individual struggle that all of us must endure, that is personified in the Olympic Games, where man dared to challenge the gods, and themselves , in athletic competition.
If those ancient legends are , in fact, true , and The Son of Zeus did create these games that are named after the home of the gods, then I am sure , that Nodar Kumaritashvili and other fallen Olympians of the past, have been greeted at the gates of Heaven warmly , and have taken their place , with their fellow Heroes, in the Halls of Mount Olympus.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Lord of the Flies

Is President Obama's plan to meet with Republicans for a proposed televised "exchange of ideas" for real? Or is it mearly another photo-op to placate his critics who say he's not open to Republican ideas? I think the latter. Why else has would he continue to call Republicans the "Party of No"? This attitude virtually assures that there is no compromise possible , and that nothing is expected of Republicans except complete capitulation to the Obama agenda.
The term,"Party of No" is no doubt meant to put Republicans on the defensive. But what's wrong with that name? We should be proud of it. Saying no to the Obama agenda is, at this moment in history, the most positive political move that could possibly be made. We need to say no to Obama; loudly and often,just like parents to disobedient , wayward children . These children, in particular, are due for a severe spanking in the upcoming November elections , which will be the parental equivalent of taking away a child's allowance, an allowance that has been spent far too recklessly and frivolously, with a teenager's disregard for the value of money , or the hardworking parent that had to earn it.
And President Obama, the"Lord of the Flies" of this band of children gone wild, will no doubt have plenty of time to reflect and ponder his failed socialist mission after the American people have "grounded" his playmates permanently in November .Reflect, and wonder, for his three remaining years in office, where he went wrong. How could this have happened?
Perhaps, like Peter Pan's "Lost Boys" ,Barack Obama , The true, ,"Lord of the Flies", and his administration; are at heart, not Marxists, socialists, Commies, or Idealogues, but simply very naughty children who refuse to grow up.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Prophecy of Aristotle

A word of caution to all Tea Party Members . While Sarah Palin did indeed give a rousing speech at your convention last night, beware what lurks behind the cheers and applause . Remember, ther are many members who were , in fact, Obama supporters.  They voted for him. They only turned on him when they found out that the things he was promising , were , in fact, only more taxes on them, and had no more substance than a shadow in the night.
 But despite their disenchantment with Obama , many of these Tea Party members remain Democrats. Democrats who hated George Bush and all he stood for, and they do still believe they are "entitled" to the things that Obama promised them. They just didn't realize that they would have to pay for them , that all. You see, unfortunately, there are still a lot of Americans that believe that they are "Entitled" to Health Insurance, Jobs, A House, and Education. They are not. Unless they can pay for it themselves , that is.  In America,you are entitled only to freedom. The Government is there to protect us, not to Take care of us. That's our job. Obama is failing miserably because he is doing things that are not his job. His job as President is to secure our nation from attacks, kill terrorists, and cut taxes for all Americans . Not to mention cutting Government spending. Anything else is socialism, and is against our personal freedoms and the Constitution. The interesting thing  is that if everyone who wants to help those
in need would simply get out their checkbooks , and send a check every month to someone in need; problem solved. The Greek Philosopher Aristotle had a phrase to describe people who believe the government should take care of them. He called them; "Natural Slaves". Unfortunately, many Americans fit this description , and are , in fact, the true enemies of our Democracy.Not Obama, not Pelosi, and not Reid.No, we knew who and what they were , and still elected them. Just to get what they thought they were "entitled" to. If the Tea Party is to suceed , it must first recognize the true threat; themselves. Yes we have truly met the enemy, and it is indeed us.