Monday, January 1, 2024

"The Spirit Of Christmas Past!!"

 With Christmas now over,..the New Year upon us,..and the Biden-Democrat created nightmare of 2023 now a part of history,...there is now time for reflection..on what the season has meant to us personally,....and, more importantly,..what was missing from it,..

Why does Christmas, longer feel like Christmas,..for many  Americans? The Democrat stolen election no doubt is part of it . as we watched in shocked disbelief,..while the Trump America vanished before our eyes under a tsunami wave of Biden -Democrat Marxist destruction,...

But for me personally,..a big part of it was also the loss three years ago of conservative icon,..Rush Limbaugh ,.. in February of 2021,..

The loss was felt by all of us,..almost  immediately..and especially by me on Christmas day itself, of that year, I realized there would be no more Rush Christmas Show , more Rush playing Manheim Steamroller Christmas music, more of Rush's good wishes and prayers for a Merry Christmas ..and a Better New Year,... This Christmas tradition,..was truly gone forever,..

Then,..of course ..when the shock wore off,.and the months passed,..the full implication of Rush's passing hit me,...

We no longer had access to one of the finest conservative minds in existence,..No longer could we benefit from his accurate analysis of all things political,..No longer would we be able look to Rush for his interpretation of the latest Democrat outrage,..and that is what stings the most,..No one understood the Democrat mind better than Rush,..He was like a sorcerer,..reading the Democrats thoughts,..anticipating their every move,..long  before they made it,...As Rush often said,.."I live inside the Democrats heads,..totally rent free!"

No one understood the nature of the Democrat,..better than Rush,...although Mark Levin and Donald Trump do share this God Given ability, doubt,..

And after every Christmas broadcast,..we couldnt wait for the New Year,..and Rush's new interpretations of the battles to come ,..

A loss. such as this, bound to have an effect on ones Christmas Spirit,..and it certainly did in my case,..The Manheim Steamroller Christmas show always finished out the year,..with the ever positive Rush reminding us , that matter what,..we , as a free republic,.. shall endure,..

Yet,..there were moments when even Rush's steadfast resolve wavered slightly,..especially after his cancer diagnosis became reality,..and Rush, doubt,..began to feel his own mortality,..began to realize,..he was running out of time,..Rush let his feelings be heard one day, he began to wonder if his work on his show had really made an impact ,..Had he really moved conservatism forward? Had he really converted enough minds to his noble cause,..for it to matter,..and translate into overwhelming Republican Victories at the election polls? 

Had his many years of good work,..really mattered? 

But these moments of doubt were fleeting in the Rush psyche,..and rarely surfaced,..for , deep down..I'm sure he knew the truth,..and knew that his show had not only mattered,..but had created countless new generations of conservatives,..of all ages,..His children's books were incredibly popular,..and the children reading them..even to this day,..will be the future generations that will carry his torch,..and keep Anerica Great,..Always,..

Yes..despite momentary doubts caused mostly by his illness and fatigue,..Rush knew the truth,..He Had Mattered,..and will continue to matter,.as his legacy of conservative brilliance will live on,..

His voice, words,..wit,...and wisdom will always be with us,..and that Spirit he brought to Christmas Past, doubt,..return, Trumpian MAGA Republican Victory brings an end to Biden- Democrat destruction, this New Year 2024,..

A Year of,..rebith,.. a year of Trumpian Retribution for past Democrat crimes,..

A Year when America shall be restored to her former glory,..

A Year of Republican Victory,..and permanent Democrat defeat,..

Rush always used his humor to calm worried listeners,..who looked to him for assurance during the worst periods of Democrat destruction ,..Rush would simply say,.."Folks..Do Not Panic!" "There is no need to panic!" "I, will tell you when it's time, panic!" He would use the catchphrase the Democrat destruction continued,..unabated,..with no end in sight,..

Naturally, Rush sensed his time was running out,..he felt compelled to follow up on that catchphrase,...

"Folks,..I've always told you in the past,..that I will tell you when it's time to panic,..I will let you know,..when it's time,.." 

"But folks,..the truth is,..there will never be a time to panic,..because We Will Never Stop Fighting Back!" 

And Rush was right. There will never be a time to  panic..because , the American people will never surrender,..never stop fighting back ,..never admit defeat,..Never allow this Shining City On A Hill , fall to Democrat forces,..

And that is the legacy of Rush Limbaugh ,...

A legacy that will never die,..

His Spirit of Christmas Past ,..Shall endure!

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