Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Operation : MAGA Storm!!""

 With America and the world now firmly in the grip of a Biden-Democrat created madness,..there is one hold on sanity that remains,..One hold that keeps the world from plunging fully into Final World War,..and that is the Republican controlled House of Representatives,..that can stand as a counter offensive to everything Democrat,..the only viable way this nation now has , to negate the Democrat's destructive agenda.   It is vital that Republicans retain this hold on power in the congress,..until the inevitable re-election of President Trump,..and the election of a Republican majority in both houses that his re-election ticket will no doubt bring,..

This Trumpian rebirth is a year away,...and, until then,..the Republican controlled Congress must hold the Biden-Democrat machine in check,..or there will be no America left, for Trump to restore to its former greatness,..Republicans must stand United in the House against all things Democrat,..That is the vital mission at hand,..yet despite the obvious importance of this GOP mission,..the Republican House has chosen this time in history to remove one congressional representative,..New York's George Santos,.. .on charges that he falsified his professional and personal resume,..and misappropriated campaign funds for personal use. 

Now,..Santos is a deceptive rogue no doubt,..but he has not been convicted of any of the charges leveled against him,..and therefore only his constituents have the right to remove him from his seat in congress,.in the next election cycle,..And, from a political strategem point of view,..this move is foolish, for the Republicans have now reduced their 3 seat advantage in the House to 2,..and with former Speaker McCarthy's recent announcement of resignation at the end of the year,..that will leave the Republican majority at a mere one seat advantage, this critical time in history,..

Enough of this nonsense.  Republicans must unite,..and stop attacking their own Party,..or face responsibility for the final fall of America,..,..The Democrat Party is the enemy,..period. No one else.  The Democrat agenda destroys America. The Republican agenda restores it. It's as simple as that. And, despite Santos questionable resume and behaviour ,..his voting record in the House has been 100%  in favor of positive Republican legislation,.. and he hasnt missed any votes,..his attendance has been perfect,..and that is what counts most.  Republican representatives are votes,..that is their primary function,..They are votes that help Republicans pass legislation that moves the country forward,..and that is all,.. The more Republican votes we have,..the more Republican agenda gets passed,,..and that is the key to restoring America ,..simple as that,..

There was no reason to oust Speaker McCarthy,..he was accomplishing the same things that the new speaker Mike Johnson is accomplishing with the limited majority, difference. Now,..a bitter McCarthy is resigning,.and the reliable Santos vote is gone as well,..and his seat will,.no doubt, filled in his corrupt New York district, a Democrat. The  New York Democrats..and Governor Kathy Houcul,..will make sure of that. Those 8 Republicans in the Freedom Caucus who caused this strategic blunder need to ask themselves a question,...Are their actions in the name of, "conservative purity"..helping the Republican Party,..or helping the Democrats?  The answer is obvious,..and demonstrates the uselessness of conservatism as a concept,..If you are not beating Democrats in elections with conservatism,..then you are not doing what the Republican voters expect you to do,..

Definition of a conservative?? Someone who doesn't mind losing to Democrats, long as they maintain their smug sense of conservative purity,..Enough of this nonsense.  Republicans must unite now,..or face the reality that they have sabotaged President Trump's re-election,..long before it becomes reality,.....For though Trump remains way ahead in all polls,..even in matchups with Biden,..a Trump Presidency without a strong Republican House and Senate majority  to back him,..would be doomed to failure,..and leave Trump forced to endure more investigative committees,..for four more years,..seeking to destroy him and remove him from office ,.Democrat history..repeating itself indeed,..

This Must Not Happen.

Therefore, is up to We the People, prevent this unthinkable disaster,  by turning out in a massive Red Wave,..and electing not only Trump,..but every single Republican on Trump's ticket as well,..We must vote early,..ballot harvest,..use ballot drop boxes,..use every trick that the Democrats use,..

There is no time for conservative purity,..We are at war.  And to win a war, must become war,..You must have a strong and United Army,...An Army of MAGA Republicans that will not stop the Democrats with conservative purity,..but with sheer numbers ,..a Republican Agenda that moves the country forward,...and a President who will not rest,..will not relent,..will not stop,..until he has reversed the destruction Biden and the Democrats have unleashed,...Restored America to her greatness,..and reduced the Democrat Party to a powerless,..minority party,......permanently.

So Be It.

Trump is not a perfect man,..but he is a perfect,.. unstoppable force of nature,...

We must make the Republican Party a perfect,..unstoppable force of nature as well,...Not by electing perfect candidates,..but by electing sheer , overwhelming numbers,  that negate all RINOS ,..destroy all Democrat Agendas,..and  make American Rebirth,..a Trumpian reality,  as inevitable as the rising of the sun,..

There are no perfect Republicans,..nor will there ever be,...

But, Republican Super Majorities, in both Houses,..will create the perfect MAGA Storm,..that will give President Trump the unstoppable weapon that will indeed  Make America Great Again,.. and crush the diabolical Democrats,..once and for all,....

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