Monday, February 5, 2024


 The German Philosopher Frederich Nietzsche once wrote,..:That which does not kill us,..makes us stronger",.. An interesting concept to be sure,..and no mortal man better confirms the validity of that concept,..than the former President of the United States,..Donald J.Trump ,..

Since the day he came down that escalator to announce his first run for the Presidency,..he has been under constant attacks from the Democrat left,..for they knew instinctively,  that this man had the potential to destroy all things Democrat,, Destroy everything begun by Obama, destroy the Democrat dream of an America remade, the Marxist image that they embrace,..

They knew all too well the relentless nature of businessman Trump,..his refusal to back down from any attacks ,..The Democrats knew,..that the one thing that defined Trump beyond all else,..was his love of turmoil,.. mayhem,..and his love of battle,..They knew that Trump in combat,..was when he was most alive,..the battlefield gave him strength,..and made him virtually invincible in all conflicts,..against any opponents,

Their fears are well founded,..for even now, the former President is under heavy Democrat siege,..Trump continues to demonstrate his unbeatable nature,..winning the Iowa caucus by record numbers,..forcing a shocked DeSantis to drop out ,..and immediately start endorsing his relentless opponent,..leaving only Democrat funded RINO Nikki Haley,..who came in third in Iowa,.and lost badly in Democrat leaning New Hampshire as well,...

Haley knows full well she stands no chance in upcoming Nevada,..or even in her home state of South Carolina,..and is clearly staying in the primary fight for no other reason than to take votes away from Trump, sabotage his campaign,..Logical from her point of view,..since she is essentially a Democrat funded RINO..who pushed higher taxes as Governor,..and opposed the Trump border wall as U.N. Ambassador as well...

Trump understands what she is doing,..which explains why he chose to savagely attack her during his victory speech in New Hampshire,..Trump's message was clear,..He will tolerate no more "bullshit" , as he put it,..All those who fund Haley and oppose the MAGA movement,..whether Republican or Democrat,..are targets that he seeks to destroy,..and destroy them he will,..

For,..not only will Trump restore all the principles he put in place during his Presidency,..but he will also target all those radical Democrats within Washington and beyond,..and terminate their positions,..replacing them with Republican conservatives only. Trump will drain the swamp , with extreme prejudice this time. No one will be spared. Long standing Democrat operatives in the FBI..CIA,..NSA..IRS,..ALL..will be eliminated and replaced,..probably on day one,..

Biden says that another Trump Presidency would, "Destroy Democracy",..

What he means is that another Trump Presidency would "Destroy The Democrat Party",.and, in this,..he is quite correct,....

Trump knows he only has four years to accomplish what he must ,..he can waste no time. He must go total MAGA Savage,...punishing all those Democrats who sought his destruction..and consequently,..the destruction of America as well. He will be a dictator on day one,..just as he promised,..unleashing all hell on the Democrat Machine,..while restoring Trumpian level American greatness as well.

The Border will be sealed,..Energy independence will be restored,..the January 6 protestors will be freed,..and the Trump tax and regulation cuts that gave America the greatest economy in history,..will be renewed,....America,..will be the Shining City on a Hill that Reagan envisioned once more,..

Trump will destroy all things Democrat ,..because he now knows,...after Russian and Ukrainian collusion hoaxes..and four indictments for non existent crimes,..They are out to destroy him. He must destroy them first ..for if he falls,..can America long endure at the hands of Biden and a Democrat Majority??

Trump knows,..the open border serves the same purpose as all other Democrat policies,..The Democrat agenda is designed to damage America,..and ensure Democrat power and control over its citizens,..permanently. The endless wave of illegal invaders are to be the new Democrat voting base,..insuring Democrat victory in any and all elections. There is no other reason why the Democrats want that border open. That is the reason,..period.  The Covid virus and shutdown were created for the same purpose , insure Democrat victory over Trump and the Republicans in 2020,..and beyond, creating the excuse for the mail in ballot,..which makes it possible for Democrats to easily cheat in all elections,..

Trump knows this. He knows now that everything the Democrats do serves only one of two purposes, insure Democrst victory in all elections,...And two..To insure Democrat access to the American taxpayers hard earned money,..which they use only to make themselves rich through money laundering Democrat programs ,.. to fund Democrat election campaigns,..and to fund Americas enemies , such as Iran,  China ,..and the U.N..who all have ties to funding terrorism. Thats right folks. America under the control of Biden and the Democrats is funding the terror forces that committed mass slaughter in Israel,..and killed American soldiers in Jordan,....and hundreds in other terror states as well,..with only a weak  military response from Biden so far,..that has only emboldened Iran and the Iran funded  Houti terrorists in Yemen,..

Yes,..Trump knows all this,..and he will stop it,..just as he did defunding all of Americas enemies,...and putting them on notice,...Harm any American soldier or civilian,..and you will be wiped off the face of the earth ,..quickly and easily, the greatest fighting force ever assembled by mortal man,..

Trump knows the deadly threat another four years of Biden and Democrat control will bring,..and he knows he can stop it,.. cold.

How can he be sure?  Simple. Because he did it before.

And,..he also knows he will not be fighting alone,..

Republicans have awakened now,..and are standing stronger than ever against the Biden agenda,..with all Republican controlled states now standing with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, in opposing the Federal catch and release program..and opposing the removal of border protecting razor wire as well,..Republican states have the sovereign authority to protect their borders from invaders,..and they will do it now. And the Republican controlled congress is now standing strong against another Democrat amnesty border bill that is laden with pork,..and does absolutely nothing to seal the border,.

House Speaker Johnson says the bill is "dead on arrival " well it should be.

Is courage contagious? It must be,..for the Republican machine is now standing strong against all things Democrat,..just like their party leader,..Donald J. Trump. 

"That which does not kill us,..makes us stronger",..

Aye, does indeed , apparently,..and one thing more ,..

"That which does not kill us,..makes us,....MAGA!!!

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