Thursday, October 26, 2023

"World War Zero!!"

 With world war now a  grim reality, question hangs in the air like a guillotine,..Why is this happening during the Biden administration,..and not under the Trump administration? For one , very simple reason,..Biden and the Democrat machine actively fund terror states with American tax dollars ,..but President Trump and the Republicans did not. This has always been the root of the problem. Dictators,  tyrants despots ,..and the terror states they control,.. do not have free market economies that are self sustaining. They are essentially Marxist in nature,..and left to their own devices,..they will simply collapse economically,...That is the inevitable end that all communist governments must eventually face ,..Yet,..most do not,..thanks to the cash handouts and trading of goods and services ,..from Western Democracies,..America in particular,..especially when Democrats hold the reigns of power in Washington,..

Terror States survive , and prosper, the billions of dollars foolishly provided by free market capitalist states,..and America is the chief offender in this respect,..all around the globe,..Obama and Biden have given billions to Iran over the years, and Biden is now preparing to send billions more directly to the Hamas terrorist in Gaza,..who have commtted mass genocide against the Jewish people in Israel,..and, no doubt ,..Biden will eventually release the 6 billion in frozen Iranian dollars,..when he feels the time is right,....The reason is clear,..

Israel is America in the Middle East,..surrounded by terror states on all sides,..and Democrats do not like America as founded...Never have,..Never will,....The damage Biden and the Democrats have done to our nation in two and a half years is proof enough of that,....they have collapsed our economy,..while continuing to to fund all of Americas enemies,..including Russia,..China ,.Ukraine ,...and drug cartel controlled Mexici as  well,.. corrupt nation that has been trafficking drugs,..criminals,..rapists,.. murderers ..and terrorists across an American border that Biden and the Democrats simply refuse to close,..

The Ukraine War was created by Biden-Democrat policies as well, .for Biden immediately reopened the Nordstream two oil pipeline to Russia ,..the pipeline that Trump had closed,..and Biden lifted all other Trump economic sanctions against Russia as well, Putin the economic green light to do what he never would have done with Trump in office,..Namely,..invade Ukraine,..and begin a war that would send this message to all other America hating terror states,...America is a weak appeaser under Biden,..and now is the time to strike ,..and carry out long planned terror strikes and invasion ambitions,..

The Ultimate Result? World War , of course,..but not World War Three,..for that implies it's just the next one in a series ,..But World War Zero,..for this will be the final war,..the war that will leave the planet a burnt out cinder,..A war of highly advanced weapon technology stolen from America by China and Russia,..and weapons  that were abandoned by Biden in Afghanistan,...A war that,..if left unchecked,..will be the end of the planet itself, ..

Final Armaggedon as prophesized, becoming reality,..

The Way To Stop It?? 

President Trump must be reelected,..and a Republican Majority in both Houses must be elected as well,..A Republican Super Majority,..that will no longer be divided and diminished by a Freedom Caucus that apparently exists only to weaken the Republican Party,..and embolden the Democrats destructive agenda,..Republican leaders in both Houses must be supported one thousand percent,...No more games by so called conservatives,..McCarthy was doing his job,..and then..thanks to eight Freedom Caucus obstructionists , led by McCarthy hating Matt Gaetz ,..the Republican House was shut down, this critical time in American History,..

Definition of a Conservative? Someone who doesnt mind losing to Democrats, long as they maintain their smug sense of conservative purity ,..and that defines Matt Gaetz and the seven other Republicans who ousted McCarthy ..with the support of every single Democrat in Congress as well,..which  tells you all you need to know about who the Freedom Caucus is really working for,..

Enough of this nonsense ,..World War Zero is here,..We must unite as one Republican Party in congress,..and support our new Speaker,..conservative Mike Johnson,..who  was finally chosen after weeks of rejection of other top contenders,.such as Jim Jordan,.Steve Scalise...and Tom Emmer,....And We The People must use all means,..Early voting,..mail ballots,..drop boxes ,..and massive Republican voter turnout at the polls as elect Trump and an unbreakable  Republican Super Majority,..

That is the only solution to the nightmare that is transpiring now,....The only thing  that can save the world from Biden and the destructive Democrats,...

Trump,..on day one,..will cut funding to all terror states,..close the Nordstream Two pipeline again,...reopen our domestic oil production,.....cut all taxes and regulations,..strengthen our military,..and unleash them on all terrorists without let or hindrance ,..He will seal the border,..cut off all funding to Mexico again,..and unleash our military on their drug cartels,..wiping them off the face of the earth,..once and for all,.. Trump will stand with Israel one thousand percent,...cut off Gaza , Hamas, and Iran , financially,..and give Israel whatever military aid it needs to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth,..

On his first day in office,..Trump will put all terror states on notice,...They will receive not one penny of American money,..or trade in  goods or services,..or American aid of any kind, long as you threaten America and its interests,..and pose a threat to world peace in general,..

Trump can do it. Hes proven that he can,..

The four years of Trump created the greatest economic growth,..and most peaceful time in American History,.and World History as well,...Peace through Trumpian Strength,..A proven ,..working ..reality,..

But now,..its up to We The People,..

World War Zero is upon us, Trump predicted it would be,..and it must be stopped,..if the world is to endure,..

Israel has its mission,..destroy Hamas completely,..Wipe it off the face of the earth,..and, under the leadership of Bebe Netanyahu,...they will do it,..

We the People have our mission as well,..Elect Republican Majorities at all levels of government,.and .elect President Trump and a Republican Super Majority in both Houses in 2024,....

That is our mission,.

The time for political rhetoric is over,.

For,..we have a war to win ,..

A world to save,..

And,..a Democrat Party, destroy,..

And Failure,..Is Not An Option,..


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