Wednesday, September 20, 2023

"By This Image,.Shall Come,..Victory!!"

 In the early days of World War II,..British Prime Minister Winston Churchill recruited well known Occultist , Alistair Crowley , aid in the war effort, creating a symbol,..a counterspell, the Nazi Swatstika,..A war standard,..that would inspire the British troops and citizens alike, ..and give them one solid image to rally behind during the Blitzkrieg and beyond,..

Crowley cane up with the "V" for Victory hand  sign,..a sign that Churchill flashed constantly during the dark days of the war,..A sign that gave the citizens hope,...A symbol that would ultimately crush the power of the Nazi Swatstika indeed,...

Now, the present day,..with the threat of a  new World War looming,..former President Trump was also looking for his symbol,..his standard,..his War Banner to carry into battle, this last stand against Biden and the corrupt Democrats,..

A symbol greater than even the MAGA Hat,....One visual symbol that would further inspire his loyal Army,...while also bringing new recruits on board,..who may have been reluctant previously to support the controversial President,..

He got it,.. .with his fourth indictment,..and , in a way ,..Trump predicted that he would,..if the fourth indictment became reality,..

For Trump knew , that radical leftist Georgia DA Fanni Willis,. unlike the three others who had indicted him previously,..would indeed make the Trump Mugshot a reality during his arrest and booking,..

And this Mugshot,..would most certainly prove to be the perfect counterspell to all things Democrat,..For this image said what words and political rhetoric could not,..

There was Trump,..stripped bare ,..Fierce dark gaze,..A grim..determined scowl ,..No smiling mugshot here,..Trump's laser like , savage look into the camera lens , seemed to say,.."I'm Coming!""I'm coming for all of you,..soon,..and MAGA HELL, coming with me!!  And yes,...there shall be final retribution for the many crimes and sins that Biden and the Democrats have committed against the American people,.."..

The Mugshot immediately brought forth new MAGA recruits,..especially in the African American and Hispanic communities, that were previously lifelong Democrat voters,...

Aye,..Democrat voters,..who now saw,..the Truth,..The Truth .of Trump,..

They saw that this man will battle from the depths of Hell,..dethrone the Devil,..and drive his flaming Chariot right down the Democrats throats,..Nothing will stop him,..Tbose who once thought Trump was just a rich, spoiled blowhard, knew better,.. The words of conservative pundits may not have convinced them,..but the Trump Mugshot said all that words could not,..

Trump will not be stopped,..he will not be defeated,..He is coming to destroy all things Democrat,..and nothing of this earthian realm can stop him,...Nothing,..

Trump's poll numbers since the Mugshot have hit 60%,..while his primary opponents numbers continue to dwindle,..including DeSantis,..DeSantis is a good man...a good Governor,..but Trump will be the nominee,..nothing can stop that from becoming reality,,..It was preordained,..and now the Mugshot has made it an unalterable reality,..

For now,..Trump's MAGA Army is expanding,..with many hard core Democrats now abandoning their Party,...They see now the true nature of the Democrats they have blindly supported for decades,..They see the destruction they have wrought ,..And they see Biden exposed by the Republican Congressional Commitee as well,..

Their investigation has revealed the truth,..Biden has been selling America and its assets for a profit,..for decades,..with his whole family receiving money from these transactions with America's enemies,..The evidence is there,..irrefutable, the Hunter Laptop,..and in bank transactions that link foreign payments to Biden's  fake LLC accounts,..And now House Speaker McCartby has announced an impeachment inquiry to come,.. soon,..

The Republican machine is doing its job well,..while Biden,..addled and corrupt,..continues to expose his true nature as well, failing to attend any 911 Anniversary Ceremonies , is the solemn duty of any President,..A disgrace on level with his purposely botched withdraw from Afghanistan ,..Equally as shameful,..equally proving this false President"s hatred for this Nation and its citizens that he brazenly profited off of,..for decades now,..

Biden will attempt to stop the inevitable,..with another Covid shutdown, facilitate another mail in ballot election steal,..

But, will not happen ,..this time,..

For the American people have had enough ,..and are now ready,..enmasse, embrace their heritage,.. their American born instinct , disobey all pretended Democrat authority,..and obey no will,..accept no rule,..But their own,...

So Be It,..

The beating Biden and the Democrats shall receive in the rapidly approaching election will be merciless indeed,.. A record setting landslide that will crush all Democrat attempts to steal another one,..Republicans will use early voting,..mail in ballots,..ballot harvesting ,..ballot drop boxes,..all the tricks that Democrats used,..will now be used by Reoublicans as well,..Republicans will fight to win,..and their greater numbers will reduce the Democrat Machine to nothingness indeed,..

And leading the battle shall be Trump,..carrying his new War Banner,..The symbol..the standard thst defines his determination,..his defiance,..his relentless will,...The Mugshot,..

The Mugshot,..foolishly provided by Georgia DA Fanni Willis,.has given Trump that visual weapon....that counterspell that shall bring final destruction and defeat to the Democrat Machine,..A carry into battle,..A battle ,..that has already been won,..

The Trump Mugshot,..shall be the Democrats final legacy, they are being reduced to political nothingness,.....For by allowing it,..they have unleashed the full  power of a Demon , far beyond their control,..

A Demon that even Occultist Alistair Crowley,...would, doubt regret summoning forth from the depths,..

For this Demon,..and his MAGA Army ..cannot be stopped,..cannot be controlled,..will not obey,..and cannot be defeated,...

Retribution is coming,..and the Democrats shall, doubt,..tremble in its wake,..

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