As the world prepared to celebrate the birth of the Holy Child,..the Son of Man, whose coming would alter mankind's grim, preordained destiny,..the diabolical Democrat Machine continued it's own march to an equally grim destiny,..Preparing for stranger celebrations, as the deadly gauntlet of Impeachment continued on,..unabated,..lacking in any true substance,..perhaps,. but certainly not lacking in hate filled intensity ,..and variety of attack methods.
Indeed, since the inception of the impeachment strategem,..started in 2015, before Trump even became the Republican Presidential nominee,. the attack has constantly shifted its focus,..first starting as Collusion with Russia,..the Fusion GPS -Steele Dossier providing the opening needed for one fraudulent FISA warrant after another,..used to spy on the Trump campaign,..starting with campaign aids Carter Page, and George Papadopolous, ..then came the the Democrat claims that Trump had conspired with Ukraine to bring down the Biden campaign,..
Then came charges of a quid pro quo, bribery scenario,..with the President supposedly withholding much needed Ukrainian monetary relief,..and weapons as well,..unless the new Ukrainian President initiated an investigation into Biden and son's connection to the corrupt Ukrainian Oil Company,..Burisma,..
Then came the Shiff -Nadler charges that Trump had obstructed the congressional inquiry, instructing administration staff to not cooperate with Democrat subpoenas to testify ,..
Then , finally charges of treason,..bribery,..abuse of power, and overall Un-Presidential behavior, .by the Commander in Chief,..
All have failed,..for the President has done nothing wrong . Indeed,..the crimes that the Democrats have charged the President with,.have in fact,.been committed by the Democrats themselves. To be certain,..if projection were declared an Olympic sport, doubt the Democrat Machine would take home the gold,..every year,..
Yet,..the impeachment hoax goes on,. unabated,..with no indication of an end in sight,..for even though the House vote is now part of history,..with impeachment passing with not a single Republican vote,..and three Democrat defections as well,..Speaker Pelosi has steadfastly refused to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial,..thereby leaving impeachment in political limbo,..non existent,..yet still there,..a spectral stain on the Trump Presidency,..yet,..not a stain at all,..
For what is it based on? Charges of obstruction,..bribery,..extortion,..quid pro quo,..collusion,..are all mere phantoms,..with no substance,..for there is no evidence , to support Democrat accusations,..
But, in the place of evidence, the Democrats produced an endless parade of Democrat operatives, to pass as so called witnesses,..
All loudly proclaimed their hatred of the President,..their outrage over his treasonous conduct with the Ukrainian President ,as well as the Russians,..all claiming impeachment must happen,. must be as inevitable as the rising sun,..because the next election brings assured Trump Victory again, and prolongs the Democrat National Nightmare,..
Trump is going to win ,..
Win by overwhelming Trumpian level landslide,..if the Democrats do not act to impeach,..Now,..
That is the Democrat admission,..they know that Trump and his Republican Legions have beaten them,..
Beaten them by three dimensional chess rules,..attacking them from all angles,..Tweet and Rally remaining constant , formidable weapons of choice,..
Attacking the Democrats relentlessly,..while also producing the results that the President swore by all the gods,..that he would produce,..
An economy unsurpassed in American History,..for growth and prosperity,.all based on the President's savage tax and regulation cuts,...
Cuts that lift all economic boats,..and made America energy independent as well,..
A Military restored to full power,..and unleashed at its peak,..on the Terror Forces of ISIS,..
The result? ISIS vaporized within a few months,..and a terror world driven back into the shadows,..trembling at the mere thought of the Trumpian wrath yet to come,..
Our Allies in freedom,..Israel and beyond,..supported as never before,..
Our veterans treated like the heroes they are,..and always will be,..
Our Second Amendment rights secured fully,..
Our Trade system revitalized,.. and made over to benefit American economic interests,..finally,..
NATO reworked , so that all Allies contribute equally,..
Our enemies now fear and respect us,..
Our Allies, .now embrace us, as never before,..
And yet,..the grim gauntlet of impeachment goes on,..with a rogues gallery of Democrat witnesses, ...ultimately making House Impeachment,..if nothing else,..a reality,..
Ambassador Sundland ,..the only direct witness,..who was forced to admit that the President stated,.."No quid pro quo,.."with Ukraine,..The President said,.."I want nothing in exchange for aid",..
And the President released the text of the phone call to the Ukrainian President,..and the audio of the phone call itself,..proving all that needed to be proven,..
Clearly illustrating one, simple truth,..The President,..has done nothing wrong,..
And,..even if he had withheld money from Ukraine,..there would still be no crime,..
The President has the undisputed right,..and duty, withhold money from any nation suspected of corruption,..and has the right,..and duty, ask that nation to investigate corruption,..
Aye,..even if it involves a former American Vice President,..and his son,..
Yet,..despite this truth,..there came Colonel Vindman,..a Democrat operative and Ukrainian liason,.. who used the time tested Democrat strategem of using a military uniform, bolster more third person heresy non evidence,..
Then came the Ukrainian Ambassador,of long standing ,. Maria Yovanovich,..who claimed Trumpian mistreatment most foul,. as the President fired her unceremoniously, is his right to do so with any member of his administration that he feels is working against his agenda,..
Then came Professor Patricia Karlen,..a hard core Democrat activist , and Trump hater,..who offered nothing more in her lengthy testimony before Congress,..than a clear window into her twisted soul,..
Filled with hate for all things American,..and the President, particular,..
One after another,..
Day after day,..
A parade of Democrat operatives with no evidence, direct witness, any Presidential malfeasance,..
But,..they all agree,..
This man,..must be impeached,..purged from their version of Washington, and their and their corrupt essence, .
Now,. before it is too late.
So Be It.
But,..even as Speaker Pelosi continues to block the articles of impeachment from the inevitable Senate trial ,..and Presidential acquittal,.
They know,..nevertheless,..deep within their blackened souls, .
That it is already too late.
For, the impeachment spectacle has served to expose Democrat evil even more fully to the American populace,..and at the same time, it has strengthened the bond the Republican Legions have with their Commander in Chief,..
Aye,..all Republican representatives have risen to the challenge admirably,..attacking Shiff,.. Nadler,..and the entire farce of the proceedings fiercely,.. relentlessly,...showing a spirit ,..a force of pure energy, not seen in the Republican Machine ,..for many years,..
All are to be commended,..Representatives, Trey Gowdy,..Lindsay Graham, Louis Gohmert,..Doug Collins,..Elise Stefanik, .Matt Bevin,..John Ratcliffe,.and many,..many more,...
All will be remembered as heroes who stood against evil this day,..and ,..despite the impeachment vote passing,..they triumphed.
Not since the Republican congress rejection of Obamacare,..has the Party been this United in purpose and resolve,.
And,..never before has the Republican approval rating been higher,..
For Trump and Republicans have now merged,..and become one and the same indestructible ,unbeatable entity,..
This Scourge of God and his Legions smell the blood of the wounded Democrat enemy,..and are now prepared to finish it ,..once and for all,..
On the next battlefied,..
The Senate.
For the President has refused to back down from the challenge of the Diabolical Democrats,..
He will not call for an end to impeachment madness,..but instead,.he will wade into it, keeping the three dimensional chess strategem in operation,..insisting that impeachment go on,..forever,..allowing the Democrats to destroy themselves publicly, on a daily basis in the McConnell controlled Senate trial,..with Trump using his Tweet and Rally weapons to attack each and every second,..minute, .hour,..of this farce, attack relentlessly,..and expose, without fear, each and every Democrat participant in it as well,..
Never has the true nature of the Democrat Machine been more publicly exposed for what they truly are,..even while the Horowitz IGA report exposes the Democrat controlled FBI as well,.for the Comey McCabe FISA abuses most myriad indeed.
And at the same time,..Attorney General Barr and special U.S. prosecutor John Durham continue to amass more and more evidence each passing day,..on seemingly endless Democrat crimes related to the Trump -Russia hoax,..and beyond,.
The result of all this inevitably?
Massive Trumpian-Republican Victory in 2020,..and Democrat Death,..
There can be no other outcome,..
To this end,.the President will not relent,..
The President knows,..instinctively, .that when an enemy is weakened, the attack must go on,..until the enemy is not only defeated,..but destroyed permanently as well,..
The impeachment trial will now be the new Trumpian weapon of choice,..
It will go on,..and on,..and on,..whether Pelosi moves it to the Senate or not,..Perhaps even starting again in the Trump second term,..
All the while the Democrats will expose more and more , of their madness,..their corruption,..their mindless hatred,..
And the President and his Republican Legions,..will be there to mock them,..each and every day,..
"Let them rave on,..that men shall know them mad",..the President seems to say,..even as he looks forward to the Senate phase of this battle,..
A McConnell-Republican controlled Senate,..that will expose the Impeachment hoax quickly,..with subpoened Democrat witnesses,..and give this Savage President a victory most unorthodox indeed,..
Impeachment will be the final spoil of war that the President will wear like the Lionskin of Hercules,..a badge of courage , flaunt,..right up to his inevitable 2020 Victory ,..
Aye,..woe unto you O' Democrats,..
For if this sceptre, to be wrested from this President's grasp,...
It will take more than mortal man,..
Or Democrat, take it,..
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Sunday, November 3, 2019
"Reflections, On The Eve,..Of Battle!!!"
The President, has, no doubt, read Homer's epic, "The Iliad,and the Odyssey,..for he has conjured a masterpiece of military strategem,..that seems torn directly from this timeless classic's pages. Trump's sudden,..baffling withdraw of all American troops from terror stained Syria,..has ultimately revealed itself to be nothing more than the Greek Hero Ulysses, Trojan Horse maneuver reborn,...
In both scenarios,..soldiers are abruptly in mysterious retreat, the heart of the battlefield,..leaving a hidden enemy to contemplate,..and finally come out of the shadows of their secured embattlements,..leaving themselves exposed,..and unprepared,..for a sudden counter strike from the special forces, ...of an enemy, like a coiled spring,.. ready to slaughter these bewildered sheep , so carefully drawn from their dark realm face their grim fate,..
A Triumph for Ulysses and the Greeks, against the Trojan hoards,.
And, .now,..another Trumpian Triumph,..against the diabolical forces of ISIS,....for the President has now, not only left ISIS,..a charred ..defeated ruin ..but he has also taken the ultimate prize as well,..the head of ISIS ,...Supreme Leader ..Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi,...and Baghdadi's heir presumptive as well, two,..swift precisely executed, special forces strikes ,,..and then,..the other, swift,.. and deadly,.. as a flashing ninja blade .
Another Trumpian Triumph indeed this Age of Miracles,..and ..a triumph,..that still leaves one, singular question .yet,...unanswered ..
Aye, question exists, that now consumes all others , in the minds of earthian mortals.
One question,..that hangs in the air , like a gleaming guillotine. One question,..that confounds and perplexes the demonic pestilence called Democrat.
One question,..that seems insoluble, those dedicated to the destruction of the Shining City,..
Why does this man-devil called Trump,..keep winning? He seems to effortlessly stalemate and countercheck every diabolic Democrat strategem ,..and transform these attacks into Trumpian Triumph, each and every time.
The answer simple.
Trump wins,..because he is Trump.
He wins, because the very essence of Trump truth.
He wins because he is truth,..personified.
Truth, fashioned into mortal form, no doubt, by gods and demons who found a need for him,..on this troubled earthian sphere,..
And, as living truth,..he can also perceive the truth of events and mortals he encounters, every single day, during his never ending war, with the Democrat Machine.
He sees the truth of the new Democrat Ukrainian strategem to bring about his impeachment, and now knows that Ukraine was always the source of the Russian Dossier that Clinton Democrat forces bought and paid for,...
A Dossier, ..that became the root of the diabolical strategem to destroy Trump,.the Candidate,..and later,..Trump the President,.
He knows now that it was always Obama and Biden that put the plan into motion,..with Biden installing his wayward rogue of a son , Hunter,..on the board of directors of a corrupt, Ukrainian gas company called Burisma .which,.. in essence is nothing more than a money laundering front,..A way for the Ukrainian government to trade cash,..for political favor with the United States president,..Barack Hussein Obama,..
In truth, Burisma served the same function as the Clinton Foundation,..
A way for criminal regimes around the globe, to pay for political leverage and favor with the Democrats. ..while they still held the reigns of power in Washington.
No quid pro quo on the President's behalf. That particular transgression , was committed by Obama and Biden,..all around the globe,..with many of America's enemies.
Indeed, .if projection was an Olympian Sport, doubt the Democrats would take the gold for eternity.
Trump sees the truth as well,..of the Syrian withdraw controversy,. The hypocrisy of the Democrats who now oppose U.S. Troops being removed from the terror torn region,..An endless Infinity War between Turkey, the Kurds,..Syria ,.Iraq ,..and Iran,..A ten thousand year war pitting one tyrannical terror force against another,..and another..and another,....
The Middle Eastern lust for blood and combat will never be sated,..for the evil God they all worship , demands the horror,..demands eternal armageddon, the price those who worship him,..
Must pay,...
The President will no longer waste the lives of the extraordinary men and women who comprise our military forces ,..
Trump knows,..they are valuable,..highly skilled , living weapons of war,..weapons,.. of death,.. ..that must be used for the purpose of destroying any evil that threatens the free world,..or the Shining City itself,..And then,.. once done,..they must come home,..and leave their crushed enemies to ponder, eternal fear and apprehension,..Wondering when these Trumpian Agels of Death,..will return, humble them again,..
Aye,..Trump knows our soldiers are not policemen, to be planted in the midst,..of Middle Eastern madness,..
In the midst,..of thousand year wars ..
Waiting to lose limbs,..and ultimately, itself, the hands of a cowardly enemy , that , like the false god they worship, ..has no honor on the battlefield,..or anywhere else,..
And our Kurdish allies,..who helped rout the scourge of ISIS?
The Turkish peace treaty is written in Trumpian stone,..the oil fields of Syria will be guarded against all terror forces that covet them,..And,..should the treaty be violated, Turkish or Kurdish forces,..
The Wrath of Trump,..shall no , bounds,..heavy sanctions shall befall all responsible,..and the American Military,..shall return,..
With A Vengeance,.
Aye,..and the President knows,. many more truths,..
Taxes and Regulations,..cut to the bone,..for all Americans,..this is the only way to create a prosperous economy ,..and only Republicans in power,..will implement these cuts,..
A Strong Military , vital to United States security , and it must be unleashed fully,..and allowed to do what it does better than any other force in the Universe,..
Destroy Evil,..
Aye,..and more Truths,..
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, sacrosanct for mortals born into freedom,. For a man who cannot defend his freedom, against forces who will always seek to take it from him, not truly free,..
Truth again,..
Trump knows the truth of Deep State Democrat corruption,..
Corruption,..that Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham , are uncovering,..
All will be revealed,..inevitably ..
All Democrat malfeasance will be exposed,..
And, the end,..there shall come a reckoning,..
Trump knows ,..even more truths as well,.
He knows that his epic rallys,..and endless tweets,..and now ..also his constant,..impromptu press conferences ..are destroying all things Democrat,..for the Trumpian word itself, truth, and when that truth attacks constantly,..relentlessly against any and all Democrat strategems,..eventually they must crumble into nothingness ,..leaving Trump standing supreme, in the wake, of every skirmish,..
The President knows the truth of Border Security,..
The Wall is the Key,..the Rosetta Stone of a secure nation,..and it is now going up like the sails of a ship,..and already is proving quite effective in all regions where it stands,..
Trump knows the truth of our trade system,..that America paying heavy taxes and tariffs on goods that we ship to other lands ..while leaving imported goods with virtually no tariffs,.is insanity,..
Now those who benefitted most from this insanity,.. will pay heavy tariffs on their own imported goods as well,..until they submit to the President's will,..and admit that they need the American economy , far more than it needs them,.
And,..once done ..then agree to finally make free trade ,..fair trade as well, Alexander Hamilton envisioned it ..when he designed our system,..
A system,..that made America,..the leader of the free world,..and the last, hope,..for humanity itself,..
More Truths,..
Trump knows that an energy independent nation, a nation to be feared by its enemies ..and respected by its allies,..
One that need not bend to the will of any other nation,..especially when that energy independence is buttressed with the greatest fighting force,..ever assembled by mortal man ..
And,..finally, Trump knows the truth of impeachment,.. that it is nothing more than a desperate act of a Party that now knows ..
They cannot win in 2020,..
Or ..ever again,..
Aye, defeat Trump, they must destroy Trump,..break his will,.with constant political pressure in the Democrat controlled Congress ..
They will fail ..
It will all fail,..
For the most recent Trump rallies in Dallas, Texas,..and Minnesota,..have proven,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..
Trump,..Is Legion,..
For He Is Many,..Indeed,..
And, with the Republican Machine now solidly backing him,..and campaign donations already reaching miraculous levels,..Trumpian Victory seems assured indeed,..
Leaving the Democrats ,..self crucified,..lost,..with no task to occupy them,..nothing to do,..except wait,..for final execution ,..
Wait,..for the falling blade,..
Wait ,..and reflect,..on the final battle to come,..
A battle,..that the Democrats now know,..
They Cannot Win,...
In both scenarios,..soldiers are abruptly in mysterious retreat, the heart of the battlefield,..leaving a hidden enemy to contemplate,..and finally come out of the shadows of their secured embattlements,..leaving themselves exposed,..and unprepared,..for a sudden counter strike from the special forces, ...of an enemy, like a coiled spring,.. ready to slaughter these bewildered sheep , so carefully drawn from their dark realm face their grim fate,..
A Triumph for Ulysses and the Greeks, against the Trojan hoards,.
And, .now,..another Trumpian Triumph,..against the diabolical forces of ISIS,....for the President has now, not only left ISIS,..a charred ..defeated ruin ..but he has also taken the ultimate prize as well,..the head of ISIS ,...Supreme Leader ..Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi,...and Baghdadi's heir presumptive as well, two,..swift precisely executed, special forces strikes ,,..and then,..the other, swift,.. and deadly,.. as a flashing ninja blade .
Another Trumpian Triumph indeed this Age of Miracles,..and ..a triumph,..that still leaves one, singular question .yet,...unanswered ..
Aye, question exists, that now consumes all others , in the minds of earthian mortals.
One question,..that hangs in the air , like a gleaming guillotine. One question,..that confounds and perplexes the demonic pestilence called Democrat.
One question,..that seems insoluble, those dedicated to the destruction of the Shining City,..
Why does this man-devil called Trump,..keep winning? He seems to effortlessly stalemate and countercheck every diabolic Democrat strategem ,..and transform these attacks into Trumpian Triumph, each and every time.
The answer simple.
Trump wins,..because he is Trump.
He wins, because the very essence of Trump truth.
He wins because he is truth,..personified.
Truth, fashioned into mortal form, no doubt, by gods and demons who found a need for him,..on this troubled earthian sphere,..
And, as living truth,..he can also perceive the truth of events and mortals he encounters, every single day, during his never ending war, with the Democrat Machine.
He sees the truth of the new Democrat Ukrainian strategem to bring about his impeachment, and now knows that Ukraine was always the source of the Russian Dossier that Clinton Democrat forces bought and paid for,...
A Dossier, ..that became the root of the diabolical strategem to destroy Trump,.the Candidate,..and later,..Trump the President,.
He knows now that it was always Obama and Biden that put the plan into motion,..with Biden installing his wayward rogue of a son , Hunter,..on the board of directors of a corrupt, Ukrainian gas company called Burisma .which,.. in essence is nothing more than a money laundering front,..A way for the Ukrainian government to trade cash,..for political favor with the United States president,..Barack Hussein Obama,..
In truth, Burisma served the same function as the Clinton Foundation,..
A way for criminal regimes around the globe, to pay for political leverage and favor with the Democrats. ..while they still held the reigns of power in Washington.
No quid pro quo on the President's behalf. That particular transgression , was committed by Obama and Biden,..all around the globe,..with many of America's enemies.
Indeed, .if projection was an Olympian Sport, doubt the Democrats would take the gold for eternity.
Trump sees the truth as well,..of the Syrian withdraw controversy,. The hypocrisy of the Democrats who now oppose U.S. Troops being removed from the terror torn region,..An endless Infinity War between Turkey, the Kurds,..Syria ,.Iraq ,..and Iran,..A ten thousand year war pitting one tyrannical terror force against another,..and another..and another,....
The Middle Eastern lust for blood and combat will never be sated,..for the evil God they all worship , demands the horror,..demands eternal armageddon, the price those who worship him,..
Must pay,...
The President will no longer waste the lives of the extraordinary men and women who comprise our military forces ,..
Trump knows,..they are valuable,..highly skilled , living weapons of war,..weapons,.. of death,.. ..that must be used for the purpose of destroying any evil that threatens the free world,..or the Shining City itself,..And then,.. once done,..they must come home,..and leave their crushed enemies to ponder, eternal fear and apprehension,..Wondering when these Trumpian Agels of Death,..will return, humble them again,..
Aye,..Trump knows our soldiers are not policemen, to be planted in the midst,..of Middle Eastern madness,..
In the midst,..of thousand year wars ..
Waiting to lose limbs,..and ultimately, itself, the hands of a cowardly enemy , that , like the false god they worship, ..has no honor on the battlefield,..or anywhere else,..
And our Kurdish allies,..who helped rout the scourge of ISIS?
The Turkish peace treaty is written in Trumpian stone,..the oil fields of Syria will be guarded against all terror forces that covet them,..And,..should the treaty be violated, Turkish or Kurdish forces,..
The Wrath of Trump,..shall no , bounds,..heavy sanctions shall befall all responsible,..and the American Military,..shall return,..
With A Vengeance,.
Aye,..and the President knows,. many more truths,..
Taxes and Regulations,..cut to the bone,..for all Americans,..this is the only way to create a prosperous economy ,..and only Republicans in power,..will implement these cuts,..
A Strong Military , vital to United States security , and it must be unleashed fully,..and allowed to do what it does better than any other force in the Universe,..
Destroy Evil,..
Aye,..and more Truths,..
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, sacrosanct for mortals born into freedom,. For a man who cannot defend his freedom, against forces who will always seek to take it from him, not truly free,..
Truth again,..
Trump knows the truth of Deep State Democrat corruption,..
Corruption,..that Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham , are uncovering,..
All will be revealed,..inevitably ..
All Democrat malfeasance will be exposed,..
And, the end,..there shall come a reckoning,..
Trump knows ,..even more truths as well,.
He knows that his epic rallys,..and endless tweets,..and now ..also his constant,..impromptu press conferences ..are destroying all things Democrat,..for the Trumpian word itself, truth, and when that truth attacks constantly,..relentlessly against any and all Democrat strategems,..eventually they must crumble into nothingness ,..leaving Trump standing supreme, in the wake, of every skirmish,..
The President knows the truth of Border Security,..
The Wall is the Key,..the Rosetta Stone of a secure nation,..and it is now going up like the sails of a ship,..and already is proving quite effective in all regions where it stands,..
Trump knows the truth of our trade system,..that America paying heavy taxes and tariffs on goods that we ship to other lands ..while leaving imported goods with virtually no tariffs,.is insanity,..
Now those who benefitted most from this insanity,.. will pay heavy tariffs on their own imported goods as well,..until they submit to the President's will,..and admit that they need the American economy , far more than it needs them,.
And,..once done ..then agree to finally make free trade ,..fair trade as well, Alexander Hamilton envisioned it ..when he designed our system,..
A system,..that made America,..the leader of the free world,..and the last, hope,..for humanity itself,..
More Truths,..
Trump knows that an energy independent nation, a nation to be feared by its enemies ..and respected by its allies,..
One that need not bend to the will of any other nation,..especially when that energy independence is buttressed with the greatest fighting force,..ever assembled by mortal man ..
And,..finally, Trump knows the truth of impeachment,.. that it is nothing more than a desperate act of a Party that now knows ..
They cannot win in 2020,..
Or ..ever again,..
Aye, defeat Trump, they must destroy Trump,..break his will,.with constant political pressure in the Democrat controlled Congress ..
They will fail ..
It will all fail,..
For the most recent Trump rallies in Dallas, Texas,..and Minnesota,..have proven,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..
Trump,..Is Legion,..
For He Is Many,..Indeed,..
And, with the Republican Machine now solidly backing him,..and campaign donations already reaching miraculous levels,..Trumpian Victory seems assured indeed,..
Leaving the Democrats ,..self crucified,..lost,..with no task to occupy them,..nothing to do,..except wait,..for final execution ,..
Wait,..for the falling blade,..
Wait ,..and reflect,..on the final battle to come,..
A battle,..that the Democrats now know,..
They Cannot Win,...
Sunday, September 15, 2019
"A Savage Called,..America!"
And so it came to pass, that in the days following the Mueller testimony, there began a gathering of Trumpian-Republican forces within the hallowed halls of Washington,..
A gathering,..that now perceived the truth.
There was no Trump-Russian conspiracy,..and with the unredacted Mueller report revealed,..and Robert Mueller's own stumbling, incoherent testimony now part of history,...
That truth was now the singular weapon that would finish the Democrat Machine, ..and virtually assure the prophesized landslide 2020 Trump-Republican Victory,..
For now, all the world can see that the substance of Trump -Russian conspiracy had evaporated in the corporeal mist of deception and diabolical coup,...
Aye,..all true substance lay only with the Democrats themselves,..
This was created to destroy the Demon Trump, and assure the election of Hillary Clinton,..
Nothing more,...
Nothing less,..
And, ..with the coming light of this new Republican dawn,..there comes new Republican strategems as well,..For with the ever increasing number of Justice seats now favoring the Republican Machine,..Attorney General William Barr has gained the leverage to enact the President's agenda,..
Expose all files regarding this attempted coup,..and find the root of it ,..where it all started,..and who was the singular , Master Sinister, who put the wheels in motion to destroy this man known only as Trump,..and his Republican Legions as well,..
Aye,..Republicans now control key aspects of the DOJ ..and that control, ever growing indeed.
And because of this,..we now have the documents that prove James Comey did indeed leak classified files to the press,..
A treasonous offence indeed ..
And, we also now have the origins of all things Russian Conspiracy,..
Indeed, is now revealed that ex British MI-5 Agent Richard Steele was the source of all this madness,..His ever increasing .irrational hatred of the Man-Demon Trump, drove him to seek Russian disinformation files depicting false Trumpian scenarios designed to tarnish the would be President's image,...
Files,...that this former Fusion GPS employee then sold to the Clinton Campaign,..
Files,...that were then laundered through the FBI,..CIA ...NSA,...and ..beyond, by Fusion GPS agents Bruce and Nellie Ohr,..who then made the push for the FISA warrants that were implemented by FBI Director James Comey ..and Assistent Director Andrew McCabe,..
Aye, the weeks to come,..more will indeed be exposed ,..inevitably, Attorney General William Barr,...for thanks to Trumpian pressure, and the relentless tenacity of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,..Republicans now control the machine that tried to destroy a Republican candidate,..a Republican President,..a Man,..and his family as well ..
And Republican control,..of all things on a State and Federal level,..has always been the key to final Trumpian-Republican Victory,..over all things Democrat,..
And, that victory seems now, inevitable,..looming ever nearer,..with each passing second.
Will there be jail for the conspirators?
Perhaps,..but for the diabolic demon called Democrat ..there is a far greater punishment,..and that is assured now , indeed,..for the year 2020.
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..and Permanent Democrat Defeat,....
Permanent loss of Democrat power,..
That is the ultimate punishment for this rogues gallery of conspirators,..and their evil Party.
And ..for their part, the Democrats know they are doomed,..for their actions reveal this, with each passing day ..
The lunatic Marxist rants of the Democrat Primary debates,..
The calls for ever increasing taxes and regulations,... demand for an open border,..and the abolishment of ICE,..
The call for voting rights to be given to criminals,..and illegals,..for, in the end,..they will be the only viable Democrat voting base,..
Aye,...all they say and do now,..indicates one thing,..
The Democrats know that Trump has beaten them,..and the Age of Trumpian Miracles ,..will be the final epitaph, requiem,..for the Democrat Machine,..
They know it ..and so,..with now even the endless wails of racism ringing hollow within their own ranks,...
With Mueller defeated,...
The Democrats now play their last,..most deadly card,..
The Anti-Gun Agenda,..and the Democrat created Gun-Free Zones,..that are engineered to create mass slaughter of innocent children, virtually ringing the dinner bell ,for any and all madmen,..with a need to kill,..
You do not strip guns away from citizens,..schools ..and public venues,..advertise the fact that you have done this,..and expect a peaceful, violence free result,..
Nay,..quite the opposite,..and the Democrats are well aware of this.
They know that a killer will go where he can kill, without retaliation, ...and that is the essence of the Democrat , "Gun Free Zones",..
The mass slaughter that resulted most recently in Dayton, Ohio,..and ElPaso , Texas ..serve the purpose of pushing the Democrats last political card that they have to play,..
Use mass shootings to push for ever increasing gun control legislation, with the final goal being nothing less than gun confiscation, and ultimate banning of all gun ownership by freeborn citizens.
An ambitious goal indeed,..for the nearly defeated Democrats ,..but a logical stratagem as well,..for them,..or any would be Socialist Ruling Force,..
For all Tyrants begin at the same point of origin,..
Strip the God-Given freedom from the citizens, by stripping them of their ability to defend that freedom, with the weapon of their choice,..
For that is the natural law that needs no 2nd Anendment to make it reality. A man who cannot defend his freedom, not truly free,..
A simple truth, others..
The money a man earns with the sweat of his brow, his to keep,..
His health? He maintains this working out,..exercising regularly,..
Health Insurance? He buys it, needed,..if he chooses to the free market,..
A man is born to be self -ruled,..self-governed,..operating in a self governed free market,..with no King, Queen,..Dictator,..or Tyrant, impose his will upon his fellow man,..whom he deems,..inferior,..
Simple, basic, savage rules, that We the People, and this President , live by,..
Man is free,..and will remain free , only as long as he can defend that freedom .
The Democrats ..even while facing bitter, everlasting defeat,..still know this,..and will now push for more violence ,..more attacks,.on Republicans at their homes..
More assaults on MAGA Legions ..
More Gun Free Zones ..that create slaughter,..
For now, the Democrats know they can only win ..if they kill Republicans,..and their Savage, Demon-Like Leader ..who seems to grow stronger with each Democrat attack,..stronger,..and more relentless with each passing day,...
And, as for Beto O'Rourke's mindless strategem to destroy this free republic through gun confiscation?
It will fail, all their stratagems must,..
For one, simple reason,.
Man born into freedom, will not relinquish it,..or the weapon that keeps him free,..
And men such as this, do not need a Constitution, ..or a 2nd Amendment, tell them this ..
Or to tell them the solution to the mass shootings, for that matter,..
The solution is simple,..and every member of the Trumpian-Republican Legions knows it,..instinctively ..
Arm yourselves,.
Arm your schools ..
Arm your public venues,..
Arm everywhere,..
Arm everywhere,..
You have the God Given right to defend yourselves arm yourselves,..
So all the gods ..use it,.
And when the forces of Democrat evil shoot at you,..?
Shoot back,..
Arm all citizens ..
All Venues ....
Destroy evil,..before it destroys you.
You need only look at the battle scars of Republican representatives Steve Scalise,..and Rand Paul, understand that the threat , real,..
For the Democrats are now desperate, recent events have shown,..and will kill to hold their power,..
But, their efforts, will be all for naught,..
For their power will be reduced to scorched earth nothingness,..with the coming of the 2020 elections..
Unless,..the Democrats can perform an almost Trumpian level miracle,..and convince the Republican voting legions of Trump, abandon all ..
The President,..
The NRA,..
The Republican Party itself,..
Demonize all,.as murderous savages who do not have the right to freedom,..
For We the People know better,..
And we know that freedom may be God given,..
But, is not for the weak,..
Or,..the Democrat ..
In this self governed Republic, of Spartan Savages ..Noble Barbarians,....
Called America,...
A gathering,..that now perceived the truth.
There was no Trump-Russian conspiracy,..and with the unredacted Mueller report revealed,..and Robert Mueller's own stumbling, incoherent testimony now part of history,...
That truth was now the singular weapon that would finish the Democrat Machine, ..and virtually assure the prophesized landslide 2020 Trump-Republican Victory,..
For now, all the world can see that the substance of Trump -Russian conspiracy had evaporated in the corporeal mist of deception and diabolical coup,...
Aye,..all true substance lay only with the Democrats themselves,..
This was created to destroy the Demon Trump, and assure the election of Hillary Clinton,..
Nothing more,...
Nothing less,..
And, ..with the coming light of this new Republican dawn,..there comes new Republican strategems as well,..For with the ever increasing number of Justice seats now favoring the Republican Machine,..Attorney General William Barr has gained the leverage to enact the President's agenda,..
Expose all files regarding this attempted coup,..and find the root of it ,..where it all started,..and who was the singular , Master Sinister, who put the wheels in motion to destroy this man known only as Trump,..and his Republican Legions as well,..
Aye,..Republicans now control key aspects of the DOJ ..and that control, ever growing indeed.
And because of this,..we now have the documents that prove James Comey did indeed leak classified files to the press,..
A treasonous offence indeed ..
And, we also now have the origins of all things Russian Conspiracy,..
Indeed, is now revealed that ex British MI-5 Agent Richard Steele was the source of all this madness,..His ever increasing .irrational hatred of the Man-Demon Trump, drove him to seek Russian disinformation files depicting false Trumpian scenarios designed to tarnish the would be President's image,...
Files,...that this former Fusion GPS employee then sold to the Clinton Campaign,..
Files,...that were then laundered through the FBI,..CIA ...NSA,...and ..beyond, by Fusion GPS agents Bruce and Nellie Ohr,..who then made the push for the FISA warrants that were implemented by FBI Director James Comey ..and Assistent Director Andrew McCabe,..
Aye, the weeks to come,..more will indeed be exposed ,..inevitably, Attorney General William Barr,...for thanks to Trumpian pressure, and the relentless tenacity of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,..Republicans now control the machine that tried to destroy a Republican candidate,..a Republican President,..a Man,..and his family as well ..
And Republican control,..of all things on a State and Federal level,..has always been the key to final Trumpian-Republican Victory,..over all things Democrat,..
And, that victory seems now, inevitable,..looming ever nearer,..with each passing second.
Will there be jail for the conspirators?
Perhaps,..but for the diabolic demon called Democrat ..there is a far greater punishment,..and that is assured now , indeed,..for the year 2020.
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..and Permanent Democrat Defeat,....
Permanent loss of Democrat power,..
That is the ultimate punishment for this rogues gallery of conspirators,..and their evil Party.
And ..for their part, the Democrats know they are doomed,..for their actions reveal this, with each passing day ..
The lunatic Marxist rants of the Democrat Primary debates,..
The calls for ever increasing taxes and regulations,... demand for an open border,..and the abolishment of ICE,..
The call for voting rights to be given to criminals,..and illegals,..for, in the end,..they will be the only viable Democrat voting base,..
Aye,...all they say and do now,..indicates one thing,..
The Democrats know that Trump has beaten them,..and the Age of Trumpian Miracles ,..will be the final epitaph, requiem,..for the Democrat Machine,..
They know it ..and so,..with now even the endless wails of racism ringing hollow within their own ranks,...
With Mueller defeated,...
The Democrats now play their last,..most deadly card,..
The Anti-Gun Agenda,..and the Democrat created Gun-Free Zones,..that are engineered to create mass slaughter of innocent children, virtually ringing the dinner bell ,for any and all madmen,..with a need to kill,..
You do not strip guns away from citizens,..schools ..and public venues,..advertise the fact that you have done this,..and expect a peaceful, violence free result,..
Nay,..quite the opposite,..and the Democrats are well aware of this.
They know that a killer will go where he can kill, without retaliation, ...and that is the essence of the Democrat , "Gun Free Zones",..
The mass slaughter that resulted most recently in Dayton, Ohio,..and ElPaso , Texas ..serve the purpose of pushing the Democrats last political card that they have to play,..
Use mass shootings to push for ever increasing gun control legislation, with the final goal being nothing less than gun confiscation, and ultimate banning of all gun ownership by freeborn citizens.
An ambitious goal indeed,..for the nearly defeated Democrats ,..but a logical stratagem as well,..for them,..or any would be Socialist Ruling Force,..
For all Tyrants begin at the same point of origin,..
Strip the God-Given freedom from the citizens, by stripping them of their ability to defend that freedom, with the weapon of their choice,..
For that is the natural law that needs no 2nd Anendment to make it reality. A man who cannot defend his freedom, not truly free,..
A simple truth, others..
The money a man earns with the sweat of his brow, his to keep,..
His health? He maintains this working out,..exercising regularly,..
Health Insurance? He buys it, needed,..if he chooses to the free market,..
A man is born to be self -ruled,..self-governed,..operating in a self governed free market,..with no King, Queen,..Dictator,..or Tyrant, impose his will upon his fellow man,..whom he deems,..inferior,..
Simple, basic, savage rules, that We the People, and this President , live by,..
Man is free,..and will remain free , only as long as he can defend that freedom .
The Democrats ..even while facing bitter, everlasting defeat,..still know this,..and will now push for more violence ,..more attacks,.on Republicans at their homes..
More assaults on MAGA Legions ..
More Gun Free Zones ..that create slaughter,..
For now, the Democrats know they can only win ..if they kill Republicans,..and their Savage, Demon-Like Leader ..who seems to grow stronger with each Democrat attack,..stronger,..and more relentless with each passing day,...
And, as for Beto O'Rourke's mindless strategem to destroy this free republic through gun confiscation?
It will fail, all their stratagems must,..
For one, simple reason,.
Man born into freedom, will not relinquish it,..or the weapon that keeps him free,..
And men such as this, do not need a Constitution, ..or a 2nd Amendment, tell them this ..
Or to tell them the solution to the mass shootings, for that matter,..
The solution is simple,..and every member of the Trumpian-Republican Legions knows it,..instinctively ..
Arm yourselves,.
Arm your schools ..
Arm your public venues,..
Arm everywhere,..
Arm everywhere,..
You have the God Given right to defend yourselves arm yourselves,..
So all the gods ..use it,.
And when the forces of Democrat evil shoot at you,..?
Shoot back,..
Arm all citizens ..
All Venues ....
Destroy evil,..before it destroys you.
You need only look at the battle scars of Republican representatives Steve Scalise,..and Rand Paul, understand that the threat , real,..
For the Democrats are now desperate, recent events have shown,..and will kill to hold their power,..
But, their efforts, will be all for naught,..
For their power will be reduced to scorched earth nothingness,..with the coming of the 2020 elections..
Unless,..the Democrats can perform an almost Trumpian level miracle,..and convince the Republican voting legions of Trump, abandon all ..
The President,..
The NRA,..
The Republican Party itself,..
Demonize all,.as murderous savages who do not have the right to freedom,..
For We the People know better,..
And we know that freedom may be God given,..
But, is not for the weak,..
Or,..the Democrat ..
In this self governed Republic, of Spartan Savages ..Noble Barbarians,....
Called America,...
Sunday, July 21, 2019
"The Scourge,...Of God?"
While the victories of Trumpian Legions are myriad,..almost too numerous to be counted,..the war,..nevertheless,...goes on,..with the Diabolical Democrat Machine still plotting new blasphemies, to unleash upon this President,...upon the Republican Legions he commands,...and upon We the People,..who rule this sovreign land, by Godly decree,..
So be it.
But,..this President is far from idle,..and never been one to rest on the scattered laurel leaves of victory 's past,..
No,..this savage President has little time for victory feasts,..for there still remains ,..the mission,..
The one, noble task, that he has pledged his life,..and blood, completing,...
To this end, the space of a mere few weeks,..this Sorceror in Chief has indeed conjured extremely effective counterspells to the diabolic Democrat attacks,..forever keeping them, a Party, balance,..with constant Trumpian counter-pressure,..forcing them to stay endlessly on the defensive,..helpless before the Trumpian onslaught.
First, there came the G-20 Summit of Nations, held in Japan, where the President made history once again, becoming the first sitting American President to cross the DMZ,..and set foot on North Korean soil,...moving that one step closer, a world devoid of nuclear threat,..
Aye,..and one step closer, a Nobel Peace Prize, well deserved indeed.
Then came the highly touted, much anticipated, Independence Day Celebration,..again,..a Trumpian miracle in its own way,..and unique ,..not only for its Olympian military display of American power,..but also for the President's stirring speech,..that took us on an Odyssey through American History,..
A speech,..that left no doubt, to the greatness of this Shining City,..
And finally,..a wrathful hurling of Trumpian thunderbolts, four, well deserving targets, ..Rashida Talib,..Ilan Omar,..Alexandria Occasio Cortez,..and Ayana Pressly,..all newly elected congresswomen,..possessed of a uniquely disturbing hatred for the nation they swore an oath, to represent , and defend,..
A hatred, ..often on display by all of them, they spew their anti -American venom,..every hour,..every minute,..every second of the day, as though it were the sole purpose of their being,..
The sole reason Lucifer conjured them, and set them upon hallowed American soil,..
The President has finally had enough of this nonsense,..and,..swift as a ninja strike,..called a press conference in the Rose Garden,..denouncing all four of these sinister witches,..not just as Anti-American,..but as anti-capitalist as well,..
Communists,..the President called them, directly,..
Communists,..who seek nothing less,..than the destruction of America as founded,..
Communists,..who were now finally,..the direct targets of a wrathful Commander in Chief,..who told all of them, no uncertain terms,..
If you do not love this Shining City,..this greatest system of self government, yet devised by man,..
Then leave,..
Return to the failed socialist nations to whom you owe allegiance,..and give them the benefit of your enlightened Marxist strategems,..
And leave America, him,..and his Republican Legions.
So Be It.
Three Trumpian Miracles coming swiftly,..and with the deadly intent,..of an assassins strike,..and then,..another Trumpian Victory Rally as well,..with the President continuing his savage, ..unrelenting attacks,..on these Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse,..the so called "Squad",..that the President has skillfully maneuvered, into becoming the hideously twisted , face,..of the Democrat Party,..
Aye,..and in the wake of all this,..the Democrats reel,..bewildered, a fatally wounded animal,..
That cannot comprehend,..this fatal thrust,..that hath brought them, the brink of,..the abyss,..
And complete annihilation,..
And ,..even with all this,..the President will not rest, will not vary,..will not waiver,..will not stop,....
Until this one, grim task is completed,..
Destroy the Democrat Machine,..
Level it,..reduce it to the eternal abyss of,..
And then,..and only then,..
Drink a Victory Toast at the very Gates of Olympus itself,..
Aye,..only then,..
But for now, President Trump smells the blood of a mortally wounded enemy, ..and will do now what is necessary, finish it.
For there is much of a savage barbarian in this President,..and he knows instinctively , that an enemy is never more dangerous,..than when he is wounded,..for that breeds ,..desperation,..
And, make no mistake,..the Democrats have become,..desperate indeed,..
The Fusion GPS strategem to destroy the Trump Candidacy and Presidency,..has failed spectacularly,..and is now fully exposed, a manufactured coup,..with no real substance,..and Attorney General Barr, is now turning the tables on the Democrat conspirators, beginning investigations into all involved in this treasonous, attempted coup,....
Attempted grasp,..for Democrat power,..
Aye,..the Democrat Machine has reason to fear indeed,..even beyond this coming counter- attack by the Attorney General,..
They fear the Trumpian economy,..for it is unsurpaags in its Olympian sucess,..
They fear his support for the military,..that has restored its power to full,..and then unleashed that power upon the now vaporized forces of ISIS,..
They fear Trumpian support for the 2nd Amendment right of a free man to defend that freedom, force if arms,..
They fear this one right,..that makes all other human rights possible,..
They fear a new Judicial push, turning leftist dominated courts into strongholds of Conservative Republican based,..common sense rulings,..
They fear the Trumpian support for our Allies in Freedom,..a support that transformed Jerusalem into the Capital of Israel,..finally,..and brought old Allies closer,..through new trade policies that make it clear,..
America will no longer bow to foreign nations ,that hold this Shining City, in contempt,..
They fear new Trumpian energy independence, that forces our enemies to re-think anti-American policies that serve no purpose against an America that now says,..
"We need no one, sustain our greatness,.."
They fear much,..these Democrats, the 2020 elections loom ever nearer,..for they know, that the basic laws of political reality,..cannot be altered,...and a sitting President,..whose economy prospers,....
Cannot be De-Throned,....
Especially when that President is a savage, unrelenting counter-attacker,..who has but one goal,..
Win, at all costs,...
Win, destroying the one enemy that has always threatened the very existence of this Shining City on a Hill,..
Win, destroying all things Democrat,..
And the Democrats have no weapons to counter with, leftist rallies obsessively calling, for this President's impeachment.
A weak response indeed,.against a man who has now assumed a new mantle, heard of before,..down through the ages,..and countless centuries,....
"The Scourge ,..Of God," .....
Aye, centuries past, was first the Assyrians who,..according to Holy Scripture,..would be used by the Almighty as his earthian weapon, strike down most blasphemous,..most irreverent Israel,..who had defied heavenly will,..and corrupted itself,..
The All-Father would send the barbarian hoards of the savage,..unrelenting,..merciless,..Assyrians ,..against Israel,..and they would level his chosen people,..reduce them to the dust from whence they came,..and then,..once again,..return to thrir desert kingdom, p!ot new conquests, loot, plunder,..until the day when the Almighty would call upon them , once again, be his Scourge on Earth,..his wrathful hand, strike down all those who would date to thwart his unbreakable will,...
Then ,..centuries later,..came Attila,..leader of the Barbarian Huns,..who would sweep across ancient Europe reducing all nations they encountered, plundered dust,..
And yes,..even decadent,..much corrupted Rome itself,..woulddt eventually fall to the savage Attila ,...who, Trump himself,..had no interest in Kingdoms or Crowns,..and would simp!y destroy all things Rome before him,..and then, if almost by Heavenly decree,..return to the desert wilds from whence he came,..
To plot new conquests,..
New p!unders,..
Aye, stand ready, the newly crowned Scourge of God,..
Ready to strike down his earth- bound enemies,..
When the time would again come,..and he was once again summoned by the one, true God, unleash his blood-stained hoard of Huns,..upon a corrupted humanity,...
So Be It.
And then, came to pass one day,... that with the Assyrians and Huns now lost to the sands of time,..
There would come a new "Scourge of God",....
A Savage,..Hellbent Scourge,..who would be unleashed upon a corrupt pestilence,..called "Democrat",..and , Attila ,..!ike the Huns, the Assyrians before him,..Trump has but one,..heaven-sent,..holy mission,..
Reduce the Democrats,..
To the nothingness from whence they came,..
Aye,..and to this end, Trumpian plans to release all once classified documents regarding the Mueller -FBI-CIA conspiracy,..are part of this savage President's new battleplan,..designed to end this Infinity War against the Democrat forces,.....once and for all,..long before the inevitable landslide Republican victory, the 2020 elections,..
Aye,..release all classified information,..once and for all,..
The truth exposed,..finally,..laid bare,..before We the People,..who rule this Free Republic,..
A Trumpian scorched earth strategem indeed,..
Worthy of Attila himself,..
The message is clear,..
In the wake of Trumpian triumph over the Mueller coup,..Democrats have called for,..and recently put to a House vote ,..a failed attempt to impeach the President,..
And House Speaker Pelosi has called for the actual imprisonment of the President,..for no crime greater than simply being a force of nature,..that the Democrats cannot defeat,..
Or control,.....
And , response to this,..and a host of other Democrat offenses,..
The President's savage wrath has increased,..
And, consequently,..the Trumpian pressure being applied, all levels,..has increased as well,..
Tweets,..Rallys,..constant interviews and press conferences,..
Ice border enforcement and raids,..
Borcer Wall construction,..
All Trumpian 3-Dimensional strategems will now be more intense,..more savage,..
More unrestrained,..
For now,..the President knows,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..
The Democrats will never work with him,..on his MAGA agenda,..
And,..they will never stop,.. never surrender,....
They want the President destroyed,..
They want the Republican Party ,..destroyed,..
And out of power,..forever,..
Nothing less,..will satisfy them,..
So Be It.
For now,..a new,..more Savage Trump, emerging indeed.
More focused,..more determined,..than ever before,..
To accomplish his grim task,..
America ,..Will Be Great Again,..indeed,..
And, its Greatness,..will be built on the crushed and blooddtained corpses of the conquered Democrats,..
For,..the past, is prelude,..
And, the Democrat threat,..clear,..
Can this new Scourge of God,..
Do less?
So be it.
But,..this President is far from idle,..and never been one to rest on the scattered laurel leaves of victory 's past,..
No,..this savage President has little time for victory feasts,..for there still remains ,..the mission,..
The one, noble task, that he has pledged his life,..and blood, completing,...
To this end, the space of a mere few weeks,..this Sorceror in Chief has indeed conjured extremely effective counterspells to the diabolic Democrat attacks,..forever keeping them, a Party, balance,..with constant Trumpian counter-pressure,..forcing them to stay endlessly on the defensive,..helpless before the Trumpian onslaught.
First, there came the G-20 Summit of Nations, held in Japan, where the President made history once again, becoming the first sitting American President to cross the DMZ,..and set foot on North Korean soil,...moving that one step closer, a world devoid of nuclear threat,..
Aye,..and one step closer, a Nobel Peace Prize, well deserved indeed.
Then came the highly touted, much anticipated, Independence Day Celebration,..again,..a Trumpian miracle in its own way,..and unique ,..not only for its Olympian military display of American power,..but also for the President's stirring speech,..that took us on an Odyssey through American History,..
A speech,..that left no doubt, to the greatness of this Shining City,..
And finally,..a wrathful hurling of Trumpian thunderbolts, four, well deserving targets, ..Rashida Talib,..Ilan Omar,..Alexandria Occasio Cortez,..and Ayana Pressly,..all newly elected congresswomen,..possessed of a uniquely disturbing hatred for the nation they swore an oath, to represent , and defend,..
A hatred, ..often on display by all of them, they spew their anti -American venom,..every hour,..every minute,..every second of the day, as though it were the sole purpose of their being,..
The sole reason Lucifer conjured them, and set them upon hallowed American soil,..
The President has finally had enough of this nonsense,..and,..swift as a ninja strike,..called a press conference in the Rose Garden,..denouncing all four of these sinister witches,..not just as Anti-American,..but as anti-capitalist as well,..
Communists,..the President called them, directly,..
Communists,..who seek nothing less,..than the destruction of America as founded,..
Communists,..who were now finally,..the direct targets of a wrathful Commander in Chief,..who told all of them, no uncertain terms,..
If you do not love this Shining City,..this greatest system of self government, yet devised by man,..
Then leave,..
Return to the failed socialist nations to whom you owe allegiance,..and give them the benefit of your enlightened Marxist strategems,..
And leave America, him,..and his Republican Legions.
So Be It.
Three Trumpian Miracles coming swiftly,..and with the deadly intent,..of an assassins strike,..and then,..another Trumpian Victory Rally as well,..with the President continuing his savage, ..unrelenting attacks,..on these Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse,..the so called "Squad",..that the President has skillfully maneuvered, into becoming the hideously twisted , face,..of the Democrat Party,..
Aye,..and in the wake of all this,..the Democrats reel,..bewildered, a fatally wounded animal,..
That cannot comprehend,..this fatal thrust,..that hath brought them, the brink of,..the abyss,..
And complete annihilation,..
And ,..even with all this,..the President will not rest, will not vary,..will not waiver,..will not stop,....
Until this one, grim task is completed,..
Destroy the Democrat Machine,..
Level it,..reduce it to the eternal abyss of,..
And then,..and only then,..
Drink a Victory Toast at the very Gates of Olympus itself,..
Aye,..only then,..
But for now, President Trump smells the blood of a mortally wounded enemy, ..and will do now what is necessary, finish it.
For there is much of a savage barbarian in this President,..and he knows instinctively , that an enemy is never more dangerous,..than when he is wounded,..for that breeds ,..desperation,..
And, make no mistake,..the Democrats have become,..desperate indeed,..
The Fusion GPS strategem to destroy the Trump Candidacy and Presidency,..has failed spectacularly,..and is now fully exposed, a manufactured coup,..with no real substance,..and Attorney General Barr, is now turning the tables on the Democrat conspirators, beginning investigations into all involved in this treasonous, attempted coup,....
Attempted grasp,..for Democrat power,..
Aye,..the Democrat Machine has reason to fear indeed,..even beyond this coming counter- attack by the Attorney General,..
They fear the Trumpian economy,..for it is unsurpaags in its Olympian sucess,..
They fear his support for the military,..that has restored its power to full,..and then unleashed that power upon the now vaporized forces of ISIS,..
They fear Trumpian support for the 2nd Amendment right of a free man to defend that freedom, force if arms,..
They fear this one right,..that makes all other human rights possible,..
They fear a new Judicial push, turning leftist dominated courts into strongholds of Conservative Republican based,..common sense rulings,..
They fear the Trumpian support for our Allies in Freedom,..a support that transformed Jerusalem into the Capital of Israel,..finally,..and brought old Allies closer,..through new trade policies that make it clear,..
America will no longer bow to foreign nations ,that hold this Shining City, in contempt,..
They fear new Trumpian energy independence, that forces our enemies to re-think anti-American policies that serve no purpose against an America that now says,..
"We need no one, sustain our greatness,.."
They fear much,..these Democrats, the 2020 elections loom ever nearer,..for they know, that the basic laws of political reality,..cannot be altered,...and a sitting President,..whose economy prospers,....
Cannot be De-Throned,....
Especially when that President is a savage, unrelenting counter-attacker,..who has but one goal,..
Win, at all costs,...
Win, destroying the one enemy that has always threatened the very existence of this Shining City on a Hill,..
Win, destroying all things Democrat,..
And the Democrats have no weapons to counter with, leftist rallies obsessively calling, for this President's impeachment.
A weak response indeed,.against a man who has now assumed a new mantle, heard of before,..down through the ages,..and countless centuries,....
"The Scourge ,..Of God," .....
Aye, centuries past, was first the Assyrians who,..according to Holy Scripture,..would be used by the Almighty as his earthian weapon, strike down most blasphemous,..most irreverent Israel,..who had defied heavenly will,..and corrupted itself,..
The All-Father would send the barbarian hoards of the savage,..unrelenting,..merciless,..Assyrians ,..against Israel,..and they would level his chosen people,..reduce them to the dust from whence they came,..and then,..once again,..return to thrir desert kingdom, p!ot new conquests, loot, plunder,..until the day when the Almighty would call upon them , once again, be his Scourge on Earth,..his wrathful hand, strike down all those who would date to thwart his unbreakable will,...
Then ,..centuries later,..came Attila,..leader of the Barbarian Huns,..who would sweep across ancient Europe reducing all nations they encountered, plundered dust,..
And yes,..even decadent,..much corrupted Rome itself,..woulddt eventually fall to the savage Attila ,...who, Trump himself,..had no interest in Kingdoms or Crowns,..and would simp!y destroy all things Rome before him,..and then, if almost by Heavenly decree,..return to the desert wilds from whence he came,..
To plot new conquests,..
New p!unders,..
Aye, stand ready, the newly crowned Scourge of God,..
Ready to strike down his earth- bound enemies,..
When the time would again come,..and he was once again summoned by the one, true God, unleash his blood-stained hoard of Huns,..upon a corrupted humanity,...
So Be It.
And then, came to pass one day,... that with the Assyrians and Huns now lost to the sands of time,..
There would come a new "Scourge of God",....
A Savage,..Hellbent Scourge,..who would be unleashed upon a corrupt pestilence,..called "Democrat",..and , Attila ,..!ike the Huns, the Assyrians before him,..Trump has but one,..heaven-sent,..holy mission,..
Reduce the Democrats,..
To the nothingness from whence they came,..
Aye,..and to this end, Trumpian plans to release all once classified documents regarding the Mueller -FBI-CIA conspiracy,..are part of this savage President's new battleplan,..designed to end this Infinity War against the Democrat forces,.....once and for all,..long before the inevitable landslide Republican victory, the 2020 elections,..
Aye,..release all classified information,..once and for all,..
The truth exposed,..finally,..laid bare,..before We the People,..who rule this Free Republic,..
A Trumpian scorched earth strategem indeed,..
Worthy of Attila himself,..
The message is clear,..
In the wake of Trumpian triumph over the Mueller coup,..Democrats have called for,..and recently put to a House vote ,..a failed attempt to impeach the President,..
And House Speaker Pelosi has called for the actual imprisonment of the President,..for no crime greater than simply being a force of nature,..that the Democrats cannot defeat,..
Or control,.....
And , response to this,..and a host of other Democrat offenses,..
The President's savage wrath has increased,..
And, consequently,..the Trumpian pressure being applied, all levels,..has increased as well,..
Tweets,..Rallys,..constant interviews and press conferences,..
Ice border enforcement and raids,..
Borcer Wall construction,..
All Trumpian 3-Dimensional strategems will now be more intense,..more savage,..
More unrestrained,..
For now,..the President knows,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..
The Democrats will never work with him,..on his MAGA agenda,..
And,..they will never stop,.. never surrender,....
They want the President destroyed,..
They want the Republican Party ,..destroyed,..
And out of power,..forever,..
Nothing less,..will satisfy them,..
So Be It.
For now,..a new,..more Savage Trump, emerging indeed.
More focused,..more determined,..than ever before,..
To accomplish his grim task,..
America ,..Will Be Great Again,..indeed,..
And, its Greatness,..will be built on the crushed and blooddtained corpses of the conquered Democrats,..
For,..the past, is prelude,..
And, the Democrat threat,..clear,..
Can this new Scourge of God,..
Do less?
Sunday, May 19, 2019
"Daggers On A Chessboard!!"
Overwhelming Republican Victory, and Permanent Democrat Defeat.
Aye,..once considered an impossible feat, but now, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles, it seems as inevitable, the coming dawn.
The President's masterful 3-D Chess Strategem of constant counter attacks against the Democrat Machine from all angles, and varying levels, has paid huge dividends indeed, in the first 2 1\2 years of the Trump Presidency, and has perhaps been more effective than even the most ardent MAGA supporters could have imagined.
With the Mueller Report now fully exposed for the Democrat conjured hoax that it has always been, and the President, completely exonerated, there only lies the task of Republican counter-attack against this failed Democrat attempt to depose a duly elected President. And, to this end, a new, dagger-like chesspiece was put into play, with the Trump appointment of former Attorney General William Barr, as his new Attorney General. Unlike his predecessor Jeff Sessions, Barr is a no nonsense, hard hitting administrator, who, like Trump himself, will suffer no Democrat fools, and has no patience with endless Democrat subpoenas and obstruction.
Nay, this Attorney General will now implement the President's Blitzkreig of counter-attacks against all those who dared to threaten the very heart of our Free Republic, by attempting to use the power of the Federal government, to destroy a sitting President, and secure Democrat Power.
Aye,..Attorney General William Barr,..and newly appointed, relentless, hard charging, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, will now examine and expose each and every one of the co-conspirators involved in this attempted coup, and will also finally expose the most vital aspect of all this Democrat madness ,..the root of it all,..
Barr will finally answer the one question that has hung over the entire Trump-Russia Dossier Hoax, a gleaming guillotine,...
When did all this,..truly begin?
What is the origin of this conspiracy?
And,..even more important,..who was the prime mover of this Democrat Madness ?
Who was the Master Sinister, that put all this,..into motion?
There is, of course, the usual Rogues Gallery of Democrat Suspects, and each will now be subjected to the same unrelenting scrutiny that the President and his Administration have had to endure, for well over 2 1/2 years now.
Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, all,....
Will be exposed by Barr, ..and the sheer hatred, thst all of these Democrat rogues have for this man Trump,..and the Republican Machine,..will now be laid bare,....
For all the Universe to see,..
Aye,..and more shall be revealed as well,..
Their hatred for America as founded,..
Their hatred for God -Given Freedom,...
Their hatred for the greatest system of self-government ,..yet devised by man,..
Their hatred for a system that takes the power to rule away from them,..and puts it in the hands of We The People,..whom they despise,..perhaps even more than Trump himself.
For it was We The People who created this Savage Man-Devil called Trump,..out of our deepest psychic needs,..and made him our President.
All indeed will now be exposed ,..even going back to Benghazi,..and Fast and Furious as well,...and no doubt, there will come a -reckoning, ..
Prison for Many?,..
But Earthian History has shown how difficult it is, to prosecute Democrat Political Power,..especially when it is well rooted, in all levels of both State and Federal government,....
But now,..the tide of battle hath indeed turned,..and Republicans have the Presidency, and the Senate,..the DOJ , and Supreme Court,..
And, ever growing number of State level Justice seats, and Governorships as well,...
Aye, this,..the Trumpian Age of Miracles,..
The Balance of Power is slowly , but surely, ..shifting, the Republicans the political leverage necessary to see that Justice ,..this time, well and truly served on those who sought to destroy this Free Republic,..and the Savage President who leads it.
But the question still remains,...
Will there be ultimate justice for those who perpetrated this treasonous hoax??
Time will tell the tale,..and the wheels of justice, in Washington turn agonizingly slow indeed,..
Perhaps all Democrat Rogues will be held accountable , and the vengeance of Trump,..will finally, the end,..
Be made complete,..
But, in the meantime, there is a far better way to truly punish all,...
Truly a better way to bring the Democrat Machine to the edge of the abyss,..and final ,..everlasting oblivion,..
The 2020 Elections loom ever nearer,..and therein lies the final, dagger-like chesspiece, ..that must be put in place on the Trumpian 3-D Chessboard,....
Aye,.. The,..Final,...Dagger,...
Republican Victory,..that creates Super Majorities in the House and Senate,..
That secures Trumpian re-election by landslide as well,....
And brings grim finality, ....
To the diabolical pestilence,....
Aye,..once considered an impossible feat, but now, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles, it seems as inevitable, the coming dawn.
The President's masterful 3-D Chess Strategem of constant counter attacks against the Democrat Machine from all angles, and varying levels, has paid huge dividends indeed, in the first 2 1\2 years of the Trump Presidency, and has perhaps been more effective than even the most ardent MAGA supporters could have imagined.
With the Mueller Report now fully exposed for the Democrat conjured hoax that it has always been, and the President, completely exonerated, there only lies the task of Republican counter-attack against this failed Democrat attempt to depose a duly elected President. And, to this end, a new, dagger-like chesspiece was put into play, with the Trump appointment of former Attorney General William Barr, as his new Attorney General. Unlike his predecessor Jeff Sessions, Barr is a no nonsense, hard hitting administrator, who, like Trump himself, will suffer no Democrat fools, and has no patience with endless Democrat subpoenas and obstruction.
Nay, this Attorney General will now implement the President's Blitzkreig of counter-attacks against all those who dared to threaten the very heart of our Free Republic, by attempting to use the power of the Federal government, to destroy a sitting President, and secure Democrat Power.
Aye,..Attorney General William Barr,..and newly appointed, relentless, hard charging, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, will now examine and expose each and every one of the co-conspirators involved in this attempted coup, and will also finally expose the most vital aspect of all this Democrat madness ,..the root of it all,..
Barr will finally answer the one question that has hung over the entire Trump-Russia Dossier Hoax, a gleaming guillotine,...
When did all this,..truly begin?
What is the origin of this conspiracy?
And,..even more important,..who was the prime mover of this Democrat Madness ?
Who was the Master Sinister, that put all this,..into motion?
There is, of course, the usual Rogues Gallery of Democrat Suspects, and each will now be subjected to the same unrelenting scrutiny that the President and his Administration have had to endure, for well over 2 1/2 years now.
Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, all,....
Will be exposed by Barr, ..and the sheer hatred, thst all of these Democrat rogues have for this man Trump,..and the Republican Machine,..will now be laid bare,....
For all the Universe to see,..
Aye,..and more shall be revealed as well,..
Their hatred for America as founded,..
Their hatred for God -Given Freedom,...
Their hatred for the greatest system of self-government ,..yet devised by man,..
Their hatred for a system that takes the power to rule away from them,..and puts it in the hands of We The People,..whom they despise,..perhaps even more than Trump himself.
For it was We The People who created this Savage Man-Devil called Trump,..out of our deepest psychic needs,..and made him our President.
All indeed will now be exposed ,..even going back to Benghazi,..and Fast and Furious as well,...and no doubt, there will come a -reckoning, ..
Prison for Many?,..
But Earthian History has shown how difficult it is, to prosecute Democrat Political Power,..especially when it is well rooted, in all levels of both State and Federal government,....
But now,..the tide of battle hath indeed turned,..and Republicans have the Presidency, and the Senate,..the DOJ , and Supreme Court,..
And, ever growing number of State level Justice seats, and Governorships as well,...
Aye, this,..the Trumpian Age of Miracles,..
The Balance of Power is slowly , but surely, ..shifting, the Republicans the political leverage necessary to see that Justice ,..this time, well and truly served on those who sought to destroy this Free Republic,..and the Savage President who leads it.
But the question still remains,...
Will there be ultimate justice for those who perpetrated this treasonous hoax??
Time will tell the tale,..and the wheels of justice, in Washington turn agonizingly slow indeed,..
Perhaps all Democrat Rogues will be held accountable , and the vengeance of Trump,..will finally, the end,..
Be made complete,..
But, in the meantime, there is a far better way to truly punish all,...
Truly a better way to bring the Democrat Machine to the edge of the abyss,..and final ,..everlasting oblivion,..
The 2020 Elections loom ever nearer,..and therein lies the final, dagger-like chesspiece, ..that must be put in place on the Trumpian 3-D Chessboard,....
Aye,.. The,..Final,...Dagger,...
Republican Victory,..that creates Super Majorities in the House and Senate,..
That secures Trumpian re-election by landslide as well,....
And brings grim finality, ....
To the diabolical pestilence,....
Sunday, April 21, 2019
"The Shifting Tides,..Of Battle!!"
Now that the Mueller Report has been unleashed, for all the world to see, there is a growing unease in the battle camps of the Democrat Legions, and rightly so.
For newly appointed Attorney General William Barr, and Special Investigator Robert Mueller ,have become unlikely allies, and joined forces in reviewing page after page of the long awaited , infamous "Mueller Report", redacting where legally necessary, and securing what must be secured, if America is to survive,..and, now done, one inescapable conclusion , has, beyond a shadow of a doubt, been confirmed, set in stone, and it is indeed, the only conclusion there could ever have been, in a universe governed by logic, and reason.
There was no significant Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign, nor was there any conspiracy between Trump and Russian forces.
Nay, in the end, the Barr released report has laid waste to this Democrat spawned fantasy, and finally revealed the grim truth that lurked beneath ,..
The Democrat Party , in collusion with the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOJ conspirators, sought to destroy the Trump candidacy, and if failing this, the Trump Presidency, by FBI spying and wiretapping of Trump Towers Headquarters, and an insidious Fusion GPS Dossier, bought and paid for by Clinton -Democrat forces, that served to plant the seed of the Trump -Russia Conspiracy,..
A Conspiracy, that even Hans Christian Anderson would now dismiss , as a mere Children's Fable,..
Trump threatened the the Democrat hold on power and government control over We the People,..
Trump threatened to return that power, We the People,..
And that alone, in the minds of Hillary Clinton,..Loretta Lynch,..James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates , Susan Rice, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, John Brennan, James Clapper, and the Democrat Legions themselves, was reason enough to seek his destruction.
They have failed,..fortunately, large part due to a Trumpian strategem of relentless counter -attack , rooted in a three dimensional chess battle technique, that assaults the enemy from all sides, from all levels, relentlessly, unwaiveringly, turning the force of the opponents attack against themselves, literally using the enemy's own strength, to break its own back.
The Trumpian Age Of Miracles was founded on this sorceror's strategem, and it has but one, singular purpose,...
To Win.
To Win, all costs,...
To Win every battle,.every skirmish, matter how small, insignificant,..or petty,..
To Win everything, and anything,.. all battles,..thereby
denying the Democrat Machine any momentum,..
To Win by mercilessly leveling the Democrat Enemy, crushing them in every election,..state or federal,..create unbreakable Republican Super Majorities, in the House ,Senate,and Supreme Court,....and then drink a toast of Victory, from their crushed skulls,..
For they seek an end to this Free Republic, this Shining City,..this Miracle of Self Government ,..
And therefore,..
Democrat existence cannot be tolerated,..
Not in this Universe,..
For even in the wake of this two year long defeat at the hands of Trumpian Republican Legions,..the Democrats have regrouped, and begun plotting new, even stranger ,diabolical strategems of attack against Trump, ..and all things Republican.
They seek a new socialist push, in the form of a Green Deal, ..that is nothing more than thinly veiled Marxist Spawned Communism,..
They seek to make the evil of infanticide , the law of the land, so as to enact a Nazi-like control, over even the reproduction rights, of the hated, Freeborn Americans,..
They seek to expose the President's tax returns to the light of day, desperately hoping to find some hidden malfeasance, that would lead to the much sought after Trump Impeachment,..
They seek new subpeonas , faux investigations, into every member of the Trump Administration,..including family ,..
They even seek to destroy newly apppointed Attorney General Willaim Barr, who they now perceive to be nothing more than another Trumpian Acolyte, ..doing the bidding of his dark master, by refusing to reveal the full, unredacted Mueller report, lest it bring harm to the man-devil Trump, or his MAGA Agenda.
No matter,..for while Democrats have dreded this final release of the Mueller Report,..dreded it like the coming executioner's blade,....
Like inevitable death itself,..
Trump has had little time for dossiers, reports, contemplations,.. musings, ..reflections,..or even Trumpian Celebrations,..
Nay,..for he still has grim work to do, ...
And a task,..still left unfinished,..
A Life's Mission, complete,..
Destroy all things Democrat.
And, to this end, the Trumpian strategems are vast, varied,..and myriad indeed,..
First, Attorney General Barr led investigations into all sources of Democrat- FBI spying,.and all sources of the Trump Dossier itself,..
Increased financial pressure on America's enemies,.foreign and domestic,.including Mexico,..and an end of tax subsidies to Democrat controlled college campuses that demonize Conservative -Republican speech and presence,..
Senate Majority Leader McConnell's forced vote on the so called 'Green Deal",..and "Medicare for All" proposal,..that exposed Democrat hypocracy,..once and for all, as not one Democrat voted in favor of either,..
A reordering of Border Security priorities, ..a new push that will tolerate no one,..that does not support the Wall,..and MAGA Agenda,..1000%,..and move it forward at the speed of Trumpian light, as demanded by the Commander in Chief,..
The Trump Ax will fall on many in his Administration, that do not measure up ,..with grim finality,..and the rise of Trump Advisor, and ultra conservative Stephen Miller, Administration prominence, a clear indication of this,..
And , most recently, the Trumpian Masterpiece of 3-D Chess Strategem , the President, Barr,..Miller,..McConnell,..all contemplate the ultimate physical and psychological attack on the Democrat Machine , ...
Take the massive overflow of Illegal Invaders,..and transport them all to the Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities and States,..that defy ICE,..and all Federal immigration laws,..
Aye,..a stroke of political genius,..that even in the planning stage, has the Democrats reeling in stunned, hypocritical outrage, this man devil of a President's latest checkmate maneuver, that, once again, them for what they truly are.
Aye,..truly a stunning stroke of political genius,..that, forces the opponent to destroy themselves,..
A Masterpiece of Three Dimensional Trumpian battle play, that , no doubt, leaves the stunned Democrats to now ponder , what kind of devil they have pitted themselves against,..
Yet, in the end, they still cannot define this enemy,..
And therefore,..cannot defeat him,..
How best to define the Man-Devil Trump?
Occam's Razor tells us that the simplest answer,.is always the correct one,..
So Be It.
Trump is a double bladed war-ax,..
Whose murderous edge is honed,..
On the necks,..of Democrats,..
For newly appointed Attorney General William Barr, and Special Investigator Robert Mueller ,have become unlikely allies, and joined forces in reviewing page after page of the long awaited , infamous "Mueller Report", redacting where legally necessary, and securing what must be secured, if America is to survive,..and, now done, one inescapable conclusion , has, beyond a shadow of a doubt, been confirmed, set in stone, and it is indeed, the only conclusion there could ever have been, in a universe governed by logic, and reason.
There was no significant Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign, nor was there any conspiracy between Trump and Russian forces.
Nay, in the end, the Barr released report has laid waste to this Democrat spawned fantasy, and finally revealed the grim truth that lurked beneath ,..
The Democrat Party , in collusion with the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOJ conspirators, sought to destroy the Trump candidacy, and if failing this, the Trump Presidency, by FBI spying and wiretapping of Trump Towers Headquarters, and an insidious Fusion GPS Dossier, bought and paid for by Clinton -Democrat forces, that served to plant the seed of the Trump -Russia Conspiracy,..
A Conspiracy, that even Hans Christian Anderson would now dismiss , as a mere Children's Fable,..
Trump threatened the the Democrat hold on power and government control over We the People,..
Trump threatened to return that power, We the People,..
And that alone, in the minds of Hillary Clinton,..Loretta Lynch,..James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates , Susan Rice, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, John Brennan, James Clapper, and the Democrat Legions themselves, was reason enough to seek his destruction.
They have failed,..fortunately, large part due to a Trumpian strategem of relentless counter -attack , rooted in a three dimensional chess battle technique, that assaults the enemy from all sides, from all levels, relentlessly, unwaiveringly, turning the force of the opponents attack against themselves, literally using the enemy's own strength, to break its own back.
The Trumpian Age Of Miracles was founded on this sorceror's strategem, and it has but one, singular purpose,...
To Win.
To Win, all costs,...
To Win every battle,.every skirmish, matter how small, insignificant,..or petty,..
To Win everything, and anything,.. all battles,..thereby
denying the Democrat Machine any momentum,..
To Win by mercilessly leveling the Democrat Enemy, crushing them in every election,..state or federal,..create unbreakable Republican Super Majorities, in the House ,Senate,and Supreme Court,....and then drink a toast of Victory, from their crushed skulls,..
For they seek an end to this Free Republic, this Shining City,..this Miracle of Self Government ,..
And therefore,..
Democrat existence cannot be tolerated,..
Not in this Universe,..
For even in the wake of this two year long defeat at the hands of Trumpian Republican Legions,..the Democrats have regrouped, and begun plotting new, even stranger ,diabolical strategems of attack against Trump, ..and all things Republican.
They seek a new socialist push, in the form of a Green Deal, ..that is nothing more than thinly veiled Marxist Spawned Communism,..
They seek to make the evil of infanticide , the law of the land, so as to enact a Nazi-like control, over even the reproduction rights, of the hated, Freeborn Americans,..
They seek to expose the President's tax returns to the light of day, desperately hoping to find some hidden malfeasance, that would lead to the much sought after Trump Impeachment,..
They seek new subpeonas , faux investigations, into every member of the Trump Administration,..including family ,..
They even seek to destroy newly apppointed Attorney General Willaim Barr, who they now perceive to be nothing more than another Trumpian Acolyte, ..doing the bidding of his dark master, by refusing to reveal the full, unredacted Mueller report, lest it bring harm to the man-devil Trump, or his MAGA Agenda.
No matter,..for while Democrats have dreded this final release of the Mueller Report,..dreded it like the coming executioner's blade,....
Like inevitable death itself,..
Trump has had little time for dossiers, reports, contemplations,.. musings, ..reflections,..or even Trumpian Celebrations,..
Nay,..for he still has grim work to do, ...
And a task,..still left unfinished,..
A Life's Mission, complete,..
Destroy all things Democrat.
And, to this end, the Trumpian strategems are vast, varied,..and myriad indeed,..
First, Attorney General Barr led investigations into all sources of Democrat- FBI spying,.and all sources of the Trump Dossier itself,..
Increased financial pressure on America's enemies,.foreign and domestic,.including Mexico,..and an end of tax subsidies to Democrat controlled college campuses that demonize Conservative -Republican speech and presence,..
Senate Majority Leader McConnell's forced vote on the so called 'Green Deal",..and "Medicare for All" proposal,..that exposed Democrat hypocracy,..once and for all, as not one Democrat voted in favor of either,..
A reordering of Border Security priorities, ..a new push that will tolerate no one,..that does not support the Wall,..and MAGA Agenda,..1000%,..and move it forward at the speed of Trumpian light, as demanded by the Commander in Chief,..
The Trump Ax will fall on many in his Administration, that do not measure up ,..with grim finality,..and the rise of Trump Advisor, and ultra conservative Stephen Miller, Administration prominence, a clear indication of this,..
And , most recently, the Trumpian Masterpiece of 3-D Chess Strategem , the President, Barr,..Miller,..McConnell,..all contemplate the ultimate physical and psychological attack on the Democrat Machine , ...
Take the massive overflow of Illegal Invaders,..and transport them all to the Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities and States,..that defy ICE,..and all Federal immigration laws,..
Aye,..a stroke of political genius,..that even in the planning stage, has the Democrats reeling in stunned, hypocritical outrage, this man devil of a President's latest checkmate maneuver, that, once again, them for what they truly are.
Aye,..truly a stunning stroke of political genius,..that, forces the opponent to destroy themselves,..
A Masterpiece of Three Dimensional Trumpian battle play, that , no doubt, leaves the stunned Democrats to now ponder , what kind of devil they have pitted themselves against,..
Yet, in the end, they still cannot define this enemy,..
And therefore,..cannot defeat him,..
How best to define the Man-Devil Trump?
Occam's Razor tells us that the simplest answer,.is always the correct one,..
So Be It.
Trump is a double bladed war-ax,..
Whose murderous edge is honed,..
On the necks,..of Democrats,..
Monday, March 25, 2019
"And The Witches Shall Lead Them!!"
Time, often meanders in circles, even in this, the Trumpian Age of Miracles, ..and to this point,..even as the sands of time hath now run out on the Mueller-Russian Probe ,..leaving the President vindicated,...victorious,...and undestroyed,.after two years of enduring the diabolical daggers of Democrat conspirators,....
New, stranger strategems ,..more demonic Democrat plots,....are being formulated ,..
Plots,..that, beyond all doubt,..will serve the exact same purpose as the Fusion GPS Dossier fueled probe,..
That purpose?
Destroy this Man-Devil called Trump,...
Destroy his Presidency,..
Bring articles of Impeachment,..
Attack every aspect of his administration,.his staff,..his family,..his friends,..use the Democrat controlled Congress, for one singular purpose,..
Launch endless congressional investigations into this man calling himself Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,..sustain this witch-hunt that, even if failing to expose and destroy the target ,..will , least, cast doubts in the minds of Republican-MAGA Legions, the 2020 election looms , ever nearer.
In truth, this is the only strategem that the Democrats can possibly use at this point. They must demonize this President and his Party, relentlessly,..
They must never vary,..never waiver, on their standard Democrat talking points,..
Trump and his Republican Legions are ,..
Steeped in anti -humanity evil,..just as the white ,slave owning founders of this abomination of a nation were.
Aye,..the Democrats only path now, in the face of almost assured Trumpian Victory in 2020, to convince the American voter that the Republicans are all these things that, in fact, are the essense of not the Republican Machine,..but the Democrat Machine,..
Always have been,..and always will be.
In truth,..the Democrats,..from the time of this nation's founding, have always been the Party of Racism, the Party of Infanticide,..the Party of ever increasing taxes and regulations, ..the Anti-Gun Party,..the Party that opposes and defunds our Military,..
The Party that has contempt for our soldiers, our police, our firefighting and emergency personnel,..our Veterans and Allies in Freedom,..and most especially,..Israel,..
The Party that supports our terror enemies ,..
The Islamo-Facists, and Muslim Extremists, who, like the Democrats, seek power by imposing the iron boot of subjugation on a humanity that they consider ,..inferior,..and born to serve their self appointed superiors ,..
The Ruling Elite,..
The Democrat Party,..
A Party,..that has always been exactly what they are now ,..but with one, slight difference now,....
For now the mask of pretended moderation and restraint,..hath been fully ripped away,..and discarded,..for it no longer serves any purpose . The mask was created to deceive the center right voters of America, ..
The Democrat Mask existed, serve only one end,..
To Win Elections,..for Democrats.
So Be It.
But now, having endured overwhelming Trumpian assault for over two years and beyond,..
A 3-Dimensional chess strategem,..that attacks at all levels and from all angles,..relentlessly,..unwaiveringly,..
The State of the Union and CPAC attacks, in particular, were Trumpian skirmishes that struck down the Democrats like a thunderbolt from Olympus,..
A wrath filled,..twin bladed assaultassault on all things Democrat , that has now forced the Democrats to face one , grim reality,..
"They Cannot Win."
In 2020,..or possibly ever again , in any National Election.
They know now, that the Midterm Congressional Victory was merely a political fluke, aided by the retirement of 45 House Republicans , and a Democrat re-districting strategem on a local level, ..and even then they barely took the House ,...and left Republicans still gaining a record number of seats in the Senate,.to offset their House victory as well,..
Aye,..the Democrats now know, beyond all shadow of doubt,..
They know,..
They have looked into the darkest shadows of their craven, tax grabbing hearts, and saw their fear, their corruption,..their hate,..staring back at them,..through a glass darkly,..
Aye,..they have been forced, by the man-devil Trump, to look into their own souls, ..
And found nothing more,..than ever growing despair,..desperation,..and madness.
Aye,..Trumpian triumph has forced them to see,..
Their destiny,..
The Death of their Party,..
The Death of their Power,..
The Death of their Dream of utopian socialist glory,..
Death at the hands of the Pale Horseman called Trump, whose reapers scythe hath fallen upon them now, with grim finality,...
And,..forced them into nuclear option desperation,..
Forced them, adopt a stategem of the doomed.
The result?
The Democrat madness of endless subcommittees , seeking Trumpian collusion crimes that simply do not exist,...
The banning of Fox News from all Democrat Primaries,..
And the physical manifestation of their hate, madness, and despair,in the form of Three Macbethuan Witches ,...
Democrat Congresswomen all,..
Ilhan Omar,..of Minnesota,..
Rashida Tlaib,..of Michigan,..
And Alexandria Ocasio Cortez,..of New York,..
Aye,..the Democrat Witch-Hunt did not fail,..for the Democrats have found what they sought, their own Party.
Three Witches,..of Democrat Congressional Death,...Despair,..and Doom,..
Witches that have looked into their bubbling , Macbethian cauldron of hate,..and conjured forth a multitude of Democrat demons, sins,..and abominations,..
The New Green Deal,..a" Mein Kampf" of Democrat evil,..a diabolical wish list of Marxist oppression, that ,if ever implemented, would destroy America as founded,..destroy its econony,..destroy everything,..with ever increasing taxes and reguations that would cement Democrat ruling power over a conquered America,..
Aye,..and the bubbling cauldron of the three witches hath produced even more to threaten humanity,..for they have summoned forth the demon of anti-semitism as well,..
A Demon,..that has plagued mankind at other times in earthian history,...
And left a trail of blood and tears across centuries,..
A crimson trail,..that even the sands of time,.. can never wash away,..
And now, in the Heart of Congress,..
The People's House,...
The Engine of a Self Ruled, Free Republic,..
This Demon from the Depths,..
Hath returned.
Summoned forth, three members of Congress, ..
A New Generation of Democrats , longer concerned with winning ,..
Nay,..they seek only destruction, of all that is America,..
And have no patience with Democrat Leaders Pelosi,..Schumer,...or any other of the Democrat Old Guard,..who may perceive differently.
Aye,..Cortez,..Omar,..and Tlaib, nothing about winning elections, ..political strategems,..and realities.
They seek only the destructuon of hated America, by traditional communist means,..
The ways of Pol Pot,...Stalin,..Mao,.Hitler,..Castro,...Maduro,..
All infamous figures in history,..that these three witches admire,..
Ever increasing taxes and regulations that subjugate the free market to government control,..
An end to gun ownership by citizens,...
An end, to the scourge of Christianity,..
An end, freedom itself,..
An end, the Shining City,..
An end, the last, best hope for humanity,..
Aye,..this is the mad vision of this new coven of Democrat witches,...
A Mad Dream, the dreams of other would be Dictators, Despots,..Tyrants,..who learned long ago,..that they can make themselves appear taller, standing on the backs of their fellow man,..
A Mad Dream,..that,..will,,...
In fact, it has already been crushed, by a grim, inescapable reality,..
Called Trump.
And, whether he be man, god,..devil,..or hell spawned demon,..
He has no time or patience for socialist dreams or Marxist fantasies,..
For this man-demon, summoned forth from his dark realm,..
Has work to do,..
And,..has already accomplished much,..
An end to the scourge of Obamacare, destroying its very heart,..the dreaded tax penalty,..
An end to burdensone taxes and regulations, that are the engine of tyranny,..
Support for the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..the one right,..that makes all other rights possible.,..
Energy Independence , for the first time in American History, independence that makes America the leading energy exporter in the world now,..
Unwaivering support for our Military,.. a support,..that has produced a result once thought impossible,...the complete destruction of the terror forces of ISIS , the hands of the greatest fighting force yet assembled by mortal man,..
Unwaivering,..unconditional support for our Veterans and Allies,...that have risked all, that the Shining City,..may yet endure,...
And,..A Summit,..between Patriot and Boy Tyrant,..
A Summit, ..that has averted nuclear holocaust, strengthened Liberty,..and perhaps secured the Nobel Prize for the Son of Patriots , men call Trump.
And finally,..a coming 2020 Republican Victory, overwhelming, glorious,..that even the Gods of Olympus shall drink a toast in its honor,...
And,..against all this,..
A crumbling, defeated, ..failing Democrat Party, of socialist, communistic madness.
A madman's failed dream, held aloft by a Party that is,..
No More,...
A Party, led by a Dark Coven,..on an endless witch-hunt,..
A Witch-Hunt,..that has indeed produced results,..
For the Denocrat Party has indeed found their witch,..
Three in all,..and many more to come,...
Three who have looked deep into their bubbling cauldron ,...and conjured forth demons of a dark, dystopiab future,..
One other,..
A Demon,..that has no master,...
A Demon,..that obeys no will,..except his own,..
A Demon, poised to destroy all,..
The Witches,..
The Faux Collusion,..
The Democrat Party,..
All the Left has dreamed of,..or ever will dream of,..
And rightly so,..
For it was Democrat Madness that created the Demon called Trump,..
And only fitting then, the Frankenstein tradition,..
That the creation,..destroy the creator.
The Lesson?
Before Summoning Demons,..
Be certain,..first, whom they owe allegiance,...
New, stranger strategems ,..more demonic Democrat plots,....are being formulated ,..
Plots,..that, beyond all doubt,..will serve the exact same purpose as the Fusion GPS Dossier fueled probe,..
That purpose?
Destroy this Man-Devil called Trump,...
Destroy his Presidency,..
Bring articles of Impeachment,..
Attack every aspect of his administration,.his staff,..his family,..his friends,..use the Democrat controlled Congress, for one singular purpose,..
Launch endless congressional investigations into this man calling himself Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,..sustain this witch-hunt that, even if failing to expose and destroy the target ,..will , least, cast doubts in the minds of Republican-MAGA Legions, the 2020 election looms , ever nearer.
In truth, this is the only strategem that the Democrats can possibly use at this point. They must demonize this President and his Party, relentlessly,..
They must never vary,..never waiver, on their standard Democrat talking points,..
Trump and his Republican Legions are ,..
Steeped in anti -humanity evil,..just as the white ,slave owning founders of this abomination of a nation were.
Aye,..the Democrats only path now, in the face of almost assured Trumpian Victory in 2020, to convince the American voter that the Republicans are all these things that, in fact, are the essense of not the Republican Machine,..but the Democrat Machine,..
Always have been,..and always will be.
In truth,..the Democrats,..from the time of this nation's founding, have always been the Party of Racism, the Party of Infanticide,..the Party of ever increasing taxes and regulations, ..the Anti-Gun Party,..the Party that opposes and defunds our Military,..
The Party that has contempt for our soldiers, our police, our firefighting and emergency personnel,..our Veterans and Allies in Freedom,..and most especially,..Israel,..
The Party that supports our terror enemies ,..
The Islamo-Facists, and Muslim Extremists, who, like the Democrats, seek power by imposing the iron boot of subjugation on a humanity that they consider ,..inferior,..and born to serve their self appointed superiors ,..
The Ruling Elite,..
The Democrat Party,..
A Party,..that has always been exactly what they are now ,..but with one, slight difference now,....
For now the mask of pretended moderation and restraint,..hath been fully ripped away,..and discarded,..for it no longer serves any purpose . The mask was created to deceive the center right voters of America, ..
The Democrat Mask existed, serve only one end,..
To Win Elections,..for Democrats.
So Be It.
But now, having endured overwhelming Trumpian assault for over two years and beyond,..
A 3-Dimensional chess strategem,..that attacks at all levels and from all angles,..relentlessly,..unwaiveringly,..
The State of the Union and CPAC attacks, in particular, were Trumpian skirmishes that struck down the Democrats like a thunderbolt from Olympus,..
A wrath filled,..twin bladed assaultassault on all things Democrat , that has now forced the Democrats to face one , grim reality,..
"They Cannot Win."
In 2020,..or possibly ever again , in any National Election.
They know now, that the Midterm Congressional Victory was merely a political fluke, aided by the retirement of 45 House Republicans , and a Democrat re-districting strategem on a local level, ..and even then they barely took the House ,...and left Republicans still gaining a record number of seats in the Senate,.to offset their House victory as well,..
Aye,..the Democrats now know, beyond all shadow of doubt,..
They know,..
They have looked into the darkest shadows of their craven, tax grabbing hearts, and saw their fear, their corruption,..their hate,..staring back at them,..through a glass darkly,..
Aye,..they have been forced, by the man-devil Trump, to look into their own souls, ..
And found nothing more,..than ever growing despair,..desperation,..and madness.
Aye,..Trumpian triumph has forced them to see,..
Their destiny,..
The Death of their Party,..
The Death of their Power,..
The Death of their Dream of utopian socialist glory,..
Death at the hands of the Pale Horseman called Trump, whose reapers scythe hath fallen upon them now, with grim finality,...
And,..forced them into nuclear option desperation,..
Forced them, adopt a stategem of the doomed.
The result?
The Democrat madness of endless subcommittees , seeking Trumpian collusion crimes that simply do not exist,...
The banning of Fox News from all Democrat Primaries,..
And the physical manifestation of their hate, madness, and despair,in the form of Three Macbethuan Witches ,...
Democrat Congresswomen all,..
Ilhan Omar,..of Minnesota,..
Rashida Tlaib,..of Michigan,..
And Alexandria Ocasio Cortez,..of New York,..
Aye,..the Democrat Witch-Hunt did not fail,..for the Democrats have found what they sought, their own Party.
Three Witches,..of Democrat Congressional Death,...Despair,..and Doom,..
Witches that have looked into their bubbling , Macbethian cauldron of hate,..and conjured forth a multitude of Democrat demons, sins,..and abominations,..
The New Green Deal,..a" Mein Kampf" of Democrat evil,..a diabolical wish list of Marxist oppression, that ,if ever implemented, would destroy America as founded,..destroy its econony,..destroy everything,..with ever increasing taxes and reguations that would cement Democrat ruling power over a conquered America,..
Aye,..and the bubbling cauldron of the three witches hath produced even more to threaten humanity,..for they have summoned forth the demon of anti-semitism as well,..
A Demon,..that has plagued mankind at other times in earthian history,...
And left a trail of blood and tears across centuries,..
A crimson trail,..that even the sands of time,.. can never wash away,..
And now, in the Heart of Congress,..
The People's House,...
The Engine of a Self Ruled, Free Republic,..
This Demon from the Depths,..
Hath returned.
Summoned forth, three members of Congress, ..
A New Generation of Democrats , longer concerned with winning ,..
Nay,..they seek only destruction, of all that is America,..
And have no patience with Democrat Leaders Pelosi,..Schumer,...or any other of the Democrat Old Guard,..who may perceive differently.
Aye,..Cortez,..Omar,..and Tlaib, nothing about winning elections, ..political strategems,..and realities.
They seek only the destructuon of hated America, by traditional communist means,..
The ways of Pol Pot,...Stalin,..Mao,.Hitler,..Castro,...Maduro,..
All infamous figures in history,..that these three witches admire,..
Ever increasing taxes and regulations that subjugate the free market to government control,..
An end to gun ownership by citizens,...
An end, to the scourge of Christianity,..
An end, freedom itself,..
An end, the Shining City,..
An end, the last, best hope for humanity,..
Aye,..this is the mad vision of this new coven of Democrat witches,...
A Mad Dream, the dreams of other would be Dictators, Despots,..Tyrants,..who learned long ago,..that they can make themselves appear taller, standing on the backs of their fellow man,..
A Mad Dream,..that,..will,,...
In fact, it has already been crushed, by a grim, inescapable reality,..
Called Trump.
And, whether he be man, god,..devil,..or hell spawned demon,..
He has no time or patience for socialist dreams or Marxist fantasies,..
For this man-demon, summoned forth from his dark realm,..
Has work to do,..
And,..has already accomplished much,..
An end to the scourge of Obamacare, destroying its very heart,..the dreaded tax penalty,..
An end to burdensone taxes and regulations, that are the engine of tyranny,..
Support for the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..the one right,..that makes all other rights possible.,..
Energy Independence , for the first time in American History, independence that makes America the leading energy exporter in the world now,..
Unwaivering support for our Military,.. a support,..that has produced a result once thought impossible,...the complete destruction of the terror forces of ISIS , the hands of the greatest fighting force yet assembled by mortal man,..
Unwaivering,..unconditional support for our Veterans and Allies,...that have risked all, that the Shining City,..may yet endure,...
And,..A Summit,..between Patriot and Boy Tyrant,..
A Summit, ..that has averted nuclear holocaust, strengthened Liberty,..and perhaps secured the Nobel Prize for the Son of Patriots , men call Trump.
And finally,..a coming 2020 Republican Victory, overwhelming, glorious,..that even the Gods of Olympus shall drink a toast in its honor,...
And,..against all this,..
A crumbling, defeated, ..failing Democrat Party, of socialist, communistic madness.
A madman's failed dream, held aloft by a Party that is,..
No More,...
A Party, led by a Dark Coven,..on an endless witch-hunt,..
A Witch-Hunt,..that has indeed produced results,..
For the Denocrat Party has indeed found their witch,..
Three in all,..and many more to come,...
Three who have looked deep into their bubbling cauldron ,...and conjured forth demons of a dark, dystopiab future,..
One other,..
A Demon,..that has no master,...
A Demon,..that obeys no will,..except his own,..
A Demon, poised to destroy all,..
The Witches,..
The Faux Collusion,..
The Democrat Party,..
All the Left has dreamed of,..or ever will dream of,..
And rightly so,..
For it was Democrat Madness that created the Demon called Trump,..
And only fitting then, the Frankenstein tradition,..
That the creation,..destroy the creator.
The Lesson?
Before Summoning Demons,..
Be certain,..first, whom they owe allegiance,...
Sunday, March 3, 2019
"Objective : Viet-Nam!!"
President Trump's 2nd State of the Union Address before Congress, is now part of History, and has virtually assured his re-election in 2020,..and perhaps secured a Repubican House resurgence as well. Once again, the President used his 3 Dimensional Chess Strategem of attacking the enemy from various levels and angles, while never relenting, never waivering, on the offensive push,...keeping constant Trumpian level pressure on the Democrats, thousand pounds per square inch,..every minute,...every second,...of every day.
A formidable attack mode to be certain,..and when combined with the overall structure of the State of the Union, which virtually assured Trump a captive Democrat audience, forced to endure over two hours of his Trumpian barrage, proved to be game changing indeed,...fully exposing the Democrats to all the world, for what they truly are.
Their mask finally ripped away fully, revealing their true nature,...
Who they truly are,..and have always been,..
Promoters of Infanticide,..
Haters of the American Military,.
Haters of Capitalism,..
Haters of Christianity,..
Haters of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..
Haters of Freedom,....
Haters,..of America,..
Embracers of the Evil of Marxism,..where the self appointed elite rule over the common citizen whom they despise, and consider ,..inferior.
They want the Presidency and Both Houses back, so they can finally crush all aspects of contemptuous American decadence,..
Nothing speaks louder of this, than the madness of the so called "New Green Deal",..which is nothing more than another "Mein Kampf",...A madwoman's vision of a world under the iron boot of tyrannical despots, who have learned long ago, ..that they can always make themselves appear taller,.by standing on the backs of their fellow man.
And, make no mistake, the Mueller Probe will never "wrap up",....never end, as long as the man called Trump is President, and the Republicans still hold the Senate and Judicial reigns of power. Nothing will end,..until the Repubican Machine, no more.
This, however,...will not happen,...
For the unexpected, hath intervened.
The unexpected , the form of a savage, unrelenting demon of a man, who trapped his enemies within the walls of their own newly won chamber called,.." Congress", and gave them the merciless beating they richly deserved.
A humiliating beating, that exposed the full nature of the evil called "Democrat". A beating, that drew its Republican energy from one Trumpian Warcry,..that reverberated throughout the Halls of Congress,..during the two hour slaughter,..
" America,..Will Never Be A Socialist Nation,. "
And,.in the wake of this Democrat slaughter that secured the 2020 Trumpian Second Coming,..
A Rally, of massive Trumpian proportions , that gave birth to another warcry,..that seemed to serve one,..grim,..purpose,..
Drive the Democrat Machine, ever deeper..into the abyss of rage,..and madness,...
"Finish The Wall",...
And now, with the 2020 well and truly secured by this Sorceror Supreme and his Republican Legions ,..
The President now turned away from Democrat madness for a moment, address other matters,..of global importance,..
The Mission: ,....Avert the threat of nuclear armageddon,..and turn an atomic fueled, North Korean Madman, into a peace loving ally,..and partner in freedom,..
North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un , has not launched any missiles since before the First Summit, and claims he will disarm , and de-nuclearize,..
To this end,..the Mission goes on,..
This is Trump's task,..
His Objective: ....Use his greatest weapon,..his unrelenting , unbreakable will, to turn despot into Trumpian disciple,..
To turn Armaggedon, at the heart of a splitting atom,..into an ever growing alliance of peace loving nations, ..
Allies in Freedom,..ever expanding around the globe,..
With North Korea joining Trump and South Korea in miraculous rebirth,..
A New Dawn,...Of Hope,..For Humanity,....
Impossible? For mere mortals,..perhaps,..
But not so for this Child of the Gods, whose strength is the strength of " We The People",..who form his invincible legions,..
Not so for this Conservative Force of Nature called Trump,..who has crushed his Democrat enemies on their own battlefield,..called,.. "The People's House",..and forced them into ever growing madness and desperation,..that has resulted in Fake Hate Crime Strategems, that have, for months now, been exposed , one after another, Republican Legions that are now fighting back,..hard,...following the lead of their Commander in Chief,..
Fighting back,..exposing the Democrats to the light of day, ..
The Light Of Truth,..
A Light,..that always destroys Democrat pestilence.
Republicans,..fighting back,..
And Winning,..
And now,..another Trumpian miracle seems on the verge of becoming reality.
In the Heart of Viet-Nam,..
In the City of Hanoi,..
Trump and Kim met again ,..and shall meet,..
Again,..and again,.and again,...
The President will not relent ,..until the Nuclear Boy Tyrant , no more ,..
Transformed,..into an ally,.dedicated to a Trumpian future ,..where man finally moves that one step closer to fulfilling his cosmic destiny,..
Moving ever closer, the day when Man,..and God,..
Become One,....
Not in this Trumpian Age of Miracles, where such words as fear,..and impossible,..
Do Not Exist.
And,..with the Viet Nam Objective now part of History, with hope for a future deal still in the realm of possibility,..
There are other Leaders,..of other nations, such as the President of Japan, ..who are now speaking of Nobel Prize triumph for Trump as well,..if he can suceed in this noble task , where all others have failed.
And, despite another stalemate with Kim Jong Un on Sanctions versus Disarmament,..
There still remains a glimmer of hope, as the personal bond between Patriot,..and Boy Tyrant,...remains strong.
So Be It,..
If the fates,..shall make it so,..
If the Mission suceeds,..
If Nobel Prize, secured,..
Trump will, no doubt, brandish his hard won award like a new battleax,....
A new weapon,..that will ,almost certainly, drive Democrats to new levels of rage, depair,..and madness, even as their 2020 hopes vanish,.in the coming Trumpian Dawn,..
It 's been written,. that Whom the Gods would Destroy,..
They would first make mad,.
Aye,....and if true,..
Can this Child of the Gods, called Trump,..
Do any less?
A formidable attack mode to be certain,..and when combined with the overall structure of the State of the Union, which virtually assured Trump a captive Democrat audience, forced to endure over two hours of his Trumpian barrage, proved to be game changing indeed,...fully exposing the Democrats to all the world, for what they truly are.
Their mask finally ripped away fully, revealing their true nature,...
Who they truly are,..and have always been,..
Promoters of Infanticide,..
Haters of the American Military,.
Haters of Capitalism,..
Haters of Christianity,..
Haters of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..
Haters of Freedom,....
Haters,..of America,..
Embracers of the Evil of Marxism,..where the self appointed elite rule over the common citizen whom they despise, and consider ,..inferior.
They want the Presidency and Both Houses back, so they can finally crush all aspects of contemptuous American decadence,..
Nothing speaks louder of this, than the madness of the so called "New Green Deal",..which is nothing more than another "Mein Kampf",...A madwoman's vision of a world under the iron boot of tyrannical despots, who have learned long ago, ..that they can always make themselves appear taller,.by standing on the backs of their fellow man.
And, make no mistake, the Mueller Probe will never "wrap up",....never end, as long as the man called Trump is President, and the Republicans still hold the Senate and Judicial reigns of power. Nothing will end,..until the Repubican Machine, no more.
This, however,...will not happen,...
For the unexpected, hath intervened.
The unexpected , the form of a savage, unrelenting demon of a man, who trapped his enemies within the walls of their own newly won chamber called,.." Congress", and gave them the merciless beating they richly deserved.
A humiliating beating, that exposed the full nature of the evil called "Democrat". A beating, that drew its Republican energy from one Trumpian Warcry,..that reverberated throughout the Halls of Congress,..during the two hour slaughter,..
" America,..Will Never Be A Socialist Nation,. "
And,.in the wake of this Democrat slaughter that secured the 2020 Trumpian Second Coming,..
A Rally, of massive Trumpian proportions , that gave birth to another warcry,..that seemed to serve one,..grim,..purpose,..
Drive the Democrat Machine, ever deeper..into the abyss of rage,..and madness,...
"Finish The Wall",...
And now, with the 2020 well and truly secured by this Sorceror Supreme and his Republican Legions ,..
The President now turned away from Democrat madness for a moment, address other matters,..of global importance,..
The Mission: ,....Avert the threat of nuclear armageddon,..and turn an atomic fueled, North Korean Madman, into a peace loving ally,..and partner in freedom,..
North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un , has not launched any missiles since before the First Summit, and claims he will disarm , and de-nuclearize,..
To this end,..the Mission goes on,..
This is Trump's task,..
His Objective: ....Use his greatest weapon,..his unrelenting , unbreakable will, to turn despot into Trumpian disciple,..
To turn Armaggedon, at the heart of a splitting atom,..into an ever growing alliance of peace loving nations, ..
Allies in Freedom,..ever expanding around the globe,..
With North Korea joining Trump and South Korea in miraculous rebirth,..
A New Dawn,...Of Hope,..For Humanity,....
Impossible? For mere mortals,..perhaps,..
But not so for this Child of the Gods, whose strength is the strength of " We The People",..who form his invincible legions,..
Not so for this Conservative Force of Nature called Trump,..who has crushed his Democrat enemies on their own battlefield,..called,.. "The People's House",..and forced them into ever growing madness and desperation,..that has resulted in Fake Hate Crime Strategems, that have, for months now, been exposed , one after another, Republican Legions that are now fighting back,..hard,...following the lead of their Commander in Chief,..
Fighting back,..exposing the Democrats to the light of day, ..
The Light Of Truth,..
A Light,..that always destroys Democrat pestilence.
Republicans,..fighting back,..
And Winning,..
And now,..another Trumpian miracle seems on the verge of becoming reality.
In the Heart of Viet-Nam,..
In the City of Hanoi,..
Trump and Kim met again ,..and shall meet,..
Again,..and again,.and again,...
The President will not relent ,..until the Nuclear Boy Tyrant , no more ,..
Transformed,..into an ally,.dedicated to a Trumpian future ,..where man finally moves that one step closer to fulfilling his cosmic destiny,..
Moving ever closer, the day when Man,..and God,..
Become One,....
Not in this Trumpian Age of Miracles, where such words as fear,..and impossible,..
Do Not Exist.
And,..with the Viet Nam Objective now part of History, with hope for a future deal still in the realm of possibility,..
There are other Leaders,..of other nations, such as the President of Japan, ..who are now speaking of Nobel Prize triumph for Trump as well,..if he can suceed in this noble task , where all others have failed.
And, despite another stalemate with Kim Jong Un on Sanctions versus Disarmament,..
There still remains a glimmer of hope, as the personal bond between Patriot,..and Boy Tyrant,...remains strong.
So Be It,..
If the fates,..shall make it so,..
If the Mission suceeds,..
If Nobel Prize, secured,..
Trump will, no doubt, brandish his hard won award like a new battleax,....
A new weapon,..that will ,almost certainly, drive Democrats to new levels of rage, depair,..and madness, even as their 2020 hopes vanish,.in the coming Trumpian Dawn,..
It 's been written,. that Whom the Gods would Destroy,..
They would first make mad,.
Aye,....and if true,..
Can this Child of the Gods, called Trump,..
Do any less?
Sunday, February 17, 2019
"Within These Walls,..Dwells A Demon!!"
Sorceror, Strategist Supreme, Miracle Worker, Three Dimensional Chessmaster, ..The President of the United States is all this, and more,..
The Trumpian Age of Miracles, is well and truly upon us indeed.
The latest proof of this? None other than the long awaited State of the Union Address, which was indeed a miracle to behold, with the President giving his finest public speech to date, easily surpassing his first State of the Union appearance. In fact, it may have been one of the finest State of the Union address, ever given, by any President.
And yet, almost didn't happen.
For with the Trump imposed shutown still in effect, House Speaker Pelosi rescinded her invitation to let the President speak, in the People's House, citing, "security concerns" , that had no basis in reality,..but spoke volumes of the Speaker's apprehension at the thought of the coming event. Indeed, she seemed to sense the carnage that could potentially be unleashed on the Party, that she tenuously leads, if this malevolent demon of a President, were to be unleashed within the House Chamber Walls, with the Democrat Majority , his captive target.
Speaker Pelosi's fears, would prove to be well founded, for with the President ending the shutdown in order to pay government employees, House Speaker Pelosi had little choice, but to allow the President 's Address to the Nation ,to go on within the House Chambers as originally planned. Indeed, the President would not have had it any other way. Although initially contemplating different venues to replace the off-limits House,..ultimately, the President knew this State of the Union Address had to happen in the House, if the next phase of his battleplan to take down the Democrat Party, was to succeed.
Aye,..the State of the Union was a master stroke of political maneuvering,..for the President had essentially forced the House Democrats to attend a Trump Rally,...the ultimate rally,..with the greatest speech to date,..and the most radical elements of the Democrat Party,..a helpless, captive audience,..even forbidden by the House Speaker from creating any verbal disturbance. Pelosi may have no no respect for this President, but she seemingly does for the office he holds,..and under her Speakership, that dignity would be upheld,..apparently.
And, with that final assurance ,..the President now had the doomsday weapon he needed, to destroy the Democrats completely, and end their mad dream, of 2020 Victory.
The President's speech was indeed, one for the ages.
He spoke of the massive tax and regulation cuts that have created a record setting ,booming economy, with unempoyment at an all time low.
He spoke of an America now energy independent, and now the leading energy exporter as well,..
He spoke of a revitalized military, that has left the terror forces of ISIS nearly vaporized, ..and how our allies and veterans are now given the respect and support they deserve,..
He praised the Greatest Generation of World War II Vets in attendence,...reminding all of us,..that our freedom only exists,..because of their sacrifice on that Normandy Beach,..and beyond,..
He praised the courage of a young girl with brain cancer, who while battling her own illness, fought to raise money for St.Jude and cancer research, save others like her,..
He defended the sanctity of life,..proclaiming that all children are made in the Image of God,..and that all life is sacred,..and must be protected against the evil abomination of late term abortion,..
An evil,..that has now seemingly become a trademark of Democrat legislative policies, with New York Governor Cuomo passing a law, making infanticide legal,..while the Governor of Virginia,..simultaneously attempting the same evil legislative coup,..
He spoke of the need to end the endless Russia hoax investigations,..and the need to begin bipartisanship cooperation,..
He spoke of the Wall that will be built,..regardless of Democrat obstruction ,...
He spoke of the Greatness of America ,...the Spirit of America,..
A Spirit that was born free,..and will stay free,..and the evil of socialism will never exist in this Shining City,..this Earthbound Olympus,..this,..America,...
"We were born free,..and we will stay free",..the President proclaimed,..
And,..through it all.. amist thundrous Republican applause,....
The Democrat Congress,....sat grimly silent,..angry,...their hatred of this man calling himself Commander in Chief, great,..that it had blinded them to the fact that, once again, the President had beaten them,..
This time,..on their home ground.
The Mask of the Democrat Party had now been fully ripped away,..and the true, ugly monster beneath that mask, now fully revealed,..for all the nation,..all the world,.. to see,..
Aye,..evil indeed,..for as the President spoke of preventing late term abortion ,..protecting unborn and new born life as well, from the evil of Democrat legislated infanticide,..
Senator Schumer sat,...staring intently at the President,..unblinking,..with an evil smirk playing across his stone-like features,..
And when the President proclaimed that America would always be a Nation of Free Born Citizens,..and that it would never embrace the evils of socialism,..
The Democrats sat in angry silence,..with only Pelosi and Schumer nervously standing to applaud weakly, at the ladt moment,..
Aye,..throughout the President's soaring speech, that praised all things that Make America Great,..and the Last, Best Hope,..for Humanity,..
The Democrats sat,..grimly silent, in the grip of ever growing anger, madness ,....despsir,..and abysmal ignorance,..
And, as well they shoud be, for this President has dared challenge them ,..on their battleground, and has soundly defeated them, on all levels,..
A savage, merciless beating,..while they sat resplendent, in matching socialist white,..their true Marxist nature, now exposed for all the world to see,..
And they clapped and stood ,..only once,.when the President praised the House for electing more women to congress, than any time in history.
Aye,.there it is,..
They sat for America,..
But stood for themselves,..
Nothing could speak more clearly, of the true nature of the Democrat Machine,..
So Be It.
And, the Aftermath?
A CBS poll, declaring that 75% of viewers supported the President's speech,..and agenda,..and a Trumpian Victory Rally in San Antonio as well,.. competing against Ted Cruz's vanquished nemises Beto O'Rourke,..whose counter rally was a mere handful of miles away,..and crushing him soundly,..with a massive Trumpian level turnout,...that made a dwarfian mockery of the shocked and stunned O'Rourke's rally.
Aye, a Trumpian Victory Rally indeed,..that even further enraged the Democrat Machine,..with its war banner,...and battlecry,..
"Finish The Wall",....
So Be It.
The Trump strategem has not only exposed the Democrats for what they truly are,..for all America to see,..but it has also accomplished something even more important,..
It has isolated them,..and contained them,..there, that House Chamber,..
Contained,..and isolated, a deadly virus,
A virus,..for which there is only one vaccine, cure,..
The Conservative Force Of Nature,..
Known only as Trump,..
The Trumpian Age of Miracles, is well and truly upon us indeed.
The latest proof of this? None other than the long awaited State of the Union Address, which was indeed a miracle to behold, with the President giving his finest public speech to date, easily surpassing his first State of the Union appearance. In fact, it may have been one of the finest State of the Union address, ever given, by any President.
And yet, almost didn't happen.
For with the Trump imposed shutown still in effect, House Speaker Pelosi rescinded her invitation to let the President speak, in the People's House, citing, "security concerns" , that had no basis in reality,..but spoke volumes of the Speaker's apprehension at the thought of the coming event. Indeed, she seemed to sense the carnage that could potentially be unleashed on the Party, that she tenuously leads, if this malevolent demon of a President, were to be unleashed within the House Chamber Walls, with the Democrat Majority , his captive target.
Speaker Pelosi's fears, would prove to be well founded, for with the President ending the shutdown in order to pay government employees, House Speaker Pelosi had little choice, but to allow the President 's Address to the Nation ,to go on within the House Chambers as originally planned. Indeed, the President would not have had it any other way. Although initially contemplating different venues to replace the off-limits House,..ultimately, the President knew this State of the Union Address had to happen in the House, if the next phase of his battleplan to take down the Democrat Party, was to succeed.
Aye,..the State of the Union was a master stroke of political maneuvering,..for the President had essentially forced the House Democrats to attend a Trump Rally,...the ultimate rally,..with the greatest speech to date,..and the most radical elements of the Democrat Party,..a helpless, captive audience,..even forbidden by the House Speaker from creating any verbal disturbance. Pelosi may have no no respect for this President, but she seemingly does for the office he holds,..and under her Speakership, that dignity would be upheld,..apparently.
And, with that final assurance ,..the President now had the doomsday weapon he needed, to destroy the Democrats completely, and end their mad dream, of 2020 Victory.
The President's speech was indeed, one for the ages.
He spoke of the massive tax and regulation cuts that have created a record setting ,booming economy, with unempoyment at an all time low.
He spoke of an America now energy independent, and now the leading energy exporter as well,..
He spoke of a revitalized military, that has left the terror forces of ISIS nearly vaporized, ..and how our allies and veterans are now given the respect and support they deserve,..
He praised the Greatest Generation of World War II Vets in attendence,...reminding all of us,..that our freedom only exists,..because of their sacrifice on that Normandy Beach,..and beyond,..
He praised the courage of a young girl with brain cancer, who while battling her own illness, fought to raise money for St.Jude and cancer research, save others like her,..
He defended the sanctity of life,..proclaiming that all children are made in the Image of God,..and that all life is sacred,..and must be protected against the evil abomination of late term abortion,..
An evil,..that has now seemingly become a trademark of Democrat legislative policies, with New York Governor Cuomo passing a law, making infanticide legal,..while the Governor of Virginia,..simultaneously attempting the same evil legislative coup,..
He spoke of the need to end the endless Russia hoax investigations,..and the need to begin bipartisanship cooperation,..
He spoke of the Wall that will be built,..regardless of Democrat obstruction ,...
He spoke of the Greatness of America ,...the Spirit of America,..
A Spirit that was born free,..and will stay free,..and the evil of socialism will never exist in this Shining City,..this Earthbound Olympus,..this,..America,...
"We were born free,..and we will stay free",..the President proclaimed,..
And,..through it all.. amist thundrous Republican applause,....
The Democrat Congress,....sat grimly silent,..angry,...their hatred of this man calling himself Commander in Chief, great,..that it had blinded them to the fact that, once again, the President had beaten them,..
This time,..on their home ground.
The Mask of the Democrat Party had now been fully ripped away,..and the true, ugly monster beneath that mask, now fully revealed,..for all the nation,..all the world,.. to see,..
Aye,..evil indeed,..for as the President spoke of preventing late term abortion ,..protecting unborn and new born life as well, from the evil of Democrat legislated infanticide,..
Senator Schumer sat,...staring intently at the President,..unblinking,..with an evil smirk playing across his stone-like features,..
And when the President proclaimed that America would always be a Nation of Free Born Citizens,..and that it would never embrace the evils of socialism,..
The Democrats sat in angry silence,..with only Pelosi and Schumer nervously standing to applaud weakly, at the ladt moment,..
Aye,..throughout the President's soaring speech, that praised all things that Make America Great,..and the Last, Best Hope,..for Humanity,..
The Democrats sat,..grimly silent, in the grip of ever growing anger, madness ,....despsir,..and abysmal ignorance,..
And, as well they shoud be, for this President has dared challenge them ,..on their battleground, and has soundly defeated them, on all levels,..
A savage, merciless beating,..while they sat resplendent, in matching socialist white,..their true Marxist nature, now exposed for all the world to see,..
And they clapped and stood ,..only once,.when the President praised the House for electing more women to congress, than any time in history.
Aye,.there it is,..
They sat for America,..
But stood for themselves,..
Nothing could speak more clearly, of the true nature of the Democrat Machine,..
So Be It.
And, the Aftermath?
A CBS poll, declaring that 75% of viewers supported the President's speech,..and agenda,..and a Trumpian Victory Rally in San Antonio as well,.. competing against Ted Cruz's vanquished nemises Beto O'Rourke,..whose counter rally was a mere handful of miles away,..and crushing him soundly,..with a massive Trumpian level turnout,...that made a dwarfian mockery of the shocked and stunned O'Rourke's rally.
Aye, a Trumpian Victory Rally indeed,..that even further enraged the Democrat Machine,..with its war banner,...and battlecry,..
"Finish The Wall",....
So Be It.
The Trump strategem has not only exposed the Democrats for what they truly are,..for all America to see,..but it has also accomplished something even more important,..
It has isolated them,..and contained them,..there, that House Chamber,..
Contained,..and isolated, a deadly virus,
A virus,..for which there is only one vaccine, cure,..
The Conservative Force Of Nature,..
Known only as Trump,..
Sunday, February 3, 2019
"The Pandora Maneuver !!"
As the New Year hath dawned, there came the brazen blare of battle trumpets, signaling that the war for the soul of the Free Republic, hath well and truly begun. And within the war, the fierce battle for the Trumpian Wall has become an Olympian struggle for the ages, with both Republican and Democrat forces refusing to give even an inch, of battlefield advantage. Yet now, one question doth hang over the carnage,..a question,..that now gives pause to even the staunchest of Trumpian soldiers, ...a question, poised in the air !ike the blade of a guillotine,..waiting to fall,...
Did the President cave to Democrat pressure? By ending the government shutdown, ..has the President conceded battlefield advantage to the Democrat Legions of Pelosi and Schumer?
In a word,
The President has not re-opened the government. The President has merely paused to regroup, replenish ,..and re-arm his Republican Legions , for the next strike to come. A strike, ...that will, no doubt, gain the Republican victory,..with the Wall, his ultimate prize.
The President has temporarily re-opened the government, in order to pay government employees who have now missed two paychecks, thanks to Democrat refusal to allow the President's proposed bill to secure that pay, to pass through the Democrat cobtrolled congress. The President knew, that if the Democrats refused all Republican attempts to pay government operatives, then,..the shutdown must stop, in order to accomplish this goal.
A critical goal,..for a President that is perceived as a bitter tyrant willing to starve his subjects, to gain battlefield advantage, is one who may put his chances of reelection in 2020, grave jeopardy.
But, while Schumer may crow in perceived triumph over the President,..even to the point of warning him against any future attempts to thwart Pelosi-Schumer -Democrat will, by declaring before the gathered press,.. "The President,..has now learned his lesson" ,...the President,..was already planning his next counterstrike.
Aye,..the President ,..has,..learned ,..much,...long before he became President, ..and his 3-Dimensional Chess skills are now honed to a fine edge,.and this does not bode well for Pelosi-Schumer ,who, apparently in the grip of Democrat arrogance and willful ignorance,..have not "learned their lesson" , all,..and have once again fallen into an inescapable Trumpian Trap, by once again, underestimating the battle skills and strategems of this conservative force of nature, call Trump.
With pay for federal employees now secured, and crises averted, ...the President has now doubled down on his wall stance ,..
The steel slats of Trumpian will,..once more locking into place,..immovable,..impenetrable,....the very heart and soul,..of his savage political psyche.
"Three Weeks",..the President proclaimed before the gathering press,..the Democrats now have three weeks, contemplate all that has transpired thus far,..
Three weeks, give the President and his Republican Legions all that they want,..
The 5 billion,..
The Wall,...
A Sealed Border,..
A Nation,..Secured,..
Give the President what he wants,..what We the People have demanded for decades,...
Give him every single aspect of his anticipated victory, with golden laurel leaves of victory, lain at the feet of Trumpian Triumph,..
Or,...once again,..the Government will be no more,..and ,with Democrat senses still reeling from this revelation,..
Then the President will execute his final strike ,..
Hammer will meet Anvil,..with deadly intent, the President unleashes his master 3-Dimensional stroke,...
Declaring a National Emergency, and securing government funds for the Trumpian Wall,..
A risk? No doubt, for this final strike to end all Democrat shadowplay comes with an ominous threat for the future as well, should Democrats ever seize power again. For they too,.. would no doubt,..use Emergency Declaration powers to further their own twisted agenda,..
Aye,..a Pandora's box, opened,..
For far more sinister purposes,..
Aye,.under Democrat rule,National Emergency Declaration may be employed to,..
End the Second Amendment,..
Increase taxes and reguations to an almost communistic level,..
Aye,..its a risk indeed,.
But it is a risk that the President must take, gain his Wall.
He must take the risk, for the Democrat controlled congress will never give him the Wall,..or anything else for that matter,..for one simple reason,..
He is Republican,..and therefore, must be destroyed.
So Be It.
The President will have his Wall, three weeks hence. The already drafted Trump -McConnell Emergency Declaration will indeed be employed ,...
Giving final lesson to Pelosi -Schumer,..
The President will have his victory, and will destroy any and all Democrats who would dare stand in the way of it.
And,..there is a final lesson for the American people as well,..
Once this Pandora's Box of National Emergency is opened,...
It can never be sealed again,...
And therefore,...never again can We the People allow the Democrat Party to hold the reigns of Government Power,...
For,..on that day,..
There shall come final requiem,...
For this Shining City,...
This Earthbound Olympus,..
Did the President cave to Democrat pressure? By ending the government shutdown, ..has the President conceded battlefield advantage to the Democrat Legions of Pelosi and Schumer?
In a word,
The President has not re-opened the government. The President has merely paused to regroup, replenish ,..and re-arm his Republican Legions , for the next strike to come. A strike, ...that will, no doubt, gain the Republican victory,..with the Wall, his ultimate prize.
The President has temporarily re-opened the government, in order to pay government employees who have now missed two paychecks, thanks to Democrat refusal to allow the President's proposed bill to secure that pay, to pass through the Democrat cobtrolled congress. The President knew, that if the Democrats refused all Republican attempts to pay government operatives, then,..the shutdown must stop, in order to accomplish this goal.
A critical goal,..for a President that is perceived as a bitter tyrant willing to starve his subjects, to gain battlefield advantage, is one who may put his chances of reelection in 2020, grave jeopardy.
But, while Schumer may crow in perceived triumph over the President,..even to the point of warning him against any future attempts to thwart Pelosi-Schumer -Democrat will, by declaring before the gathered press,.. "The President,..has now learned his lesson" ,...the President,..was already planning his next counterstrike.
Aye,..the President ,..has,..learned ,..much,...long before he became President, ..and his 3-Dimensional Chess skills are now honed to a fine edge,.and this does not bode well for Pelosi-Schumer ,who, apparently in the grip of Democrat arrogance and willful ignorance,..have not "learned their lesson" , all,..and have once again fallen into an inescapable Trumpian Trap, by once again, underestimating the battle skills and strategems of this conservative force of nature, call Trump.
With pay for federal employees now secured, and crises averted, ...the President has now doubled down on his wall stance ,..
The steel slats of Trumpian will,..once more locking into place,..immovable,..impenetrable,....the very heart and soul,..of his savage political psyche.
"Three Weeks",..the President proclaimed before the gathering press,..the Democrats now have three weeks, contemplate all that has transpired thus far,..
Three weeks, give the President and his Republican Legions all that they want,..
The 5 billion,..
The Wall,...
A Sealed Border,..
A Nation,..Secured,..
Give the President what he wants,..what We the People have demanded for decades,...
Give him every single aspect of his anticipated victory, with golden laurel leaves of victory, lain at the feet of Trumpian Triumph,..
Or,...once again,..the Government will be no more,..and ,with Democrat senses still reeling from this revelation,..
Then the President will execute his final strike ,..
Hammer will meet Anvil,..with deadly intent, the President unleashes his master 3-Dimensional stroke,...
Declaring a National Emergency, and securing government funds for the Trumpian Wall,..
A risk? No doubt, for this final strike to end all Democrat shadowplay comes with an ominous threat for the future as well, should Democrats ever seize power again. For they too,.. would no doubt,..use Emergency Declaration powers to further their own twisted agenda,..
Aye,..a Pandora's box, opened,..
For far more sinister purposes,..
Aye,.under Democrat rule,National Emergency Declaration may be employed to,..
End the Second Amendment,..
Increase taxes and reguations to an almost communistic level,..
Aye,..its a risk indeed,.
But it is a risk that the President must take, gain his Wall.
He must take the risk, for the Democrat controlled congress will never give him the Wall,..or anything else for that matter,..for one simple reason,..
He is Republican,..and therefore, must be destroyed.
So Be It.
The President will have his Wall, three weeks hence. The already drafted Trump -McConnell Emergency Declaration will indeed be employed ,...
Giving final lesson to Pelosi -Schumer,..
The President will have his victory, and will destroy any and all Democrats who would dare stand in the way of it.
And,..there is a final lesson for the American people as well,..
Once this Pandora's Box of National Emergency is opened,...
It can never be sealed again,...
And therefore,...never again can We the People allow the Democrat Party to hold the reigns of Government Power,...
For,..on that day,..
There shall come final requiem,...
For this Shining City,...
This Earthbound Olympus,..
Sunday, January 20, 2019
"Irresistible Force,..Immovable Object!!"
The President's first prime time Address to the Nation, from the Oval Office, is now a part of History. It was short, blunt, direct like a laser,..and powerful, a hammer striking an anvil. It's impact , the impact of the Trump- Pelosi shutdown standoff,..or the Mueller debunking of the Buzzfeed-Cohen Fairytale,..will be felt by the Democrat Party, for decades to come.
For the President made crystal clear his position on the Wall debate. He is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States. Security of the Nation is his prime responsibility.
The President will have his wall, any means necessary,..and all those who oppose this mission,..
Will be destroyed.
For the Wall is already a fait accompli,..and ,in an ever changing, ever expanding Universe,..there shall remain one constant, unalterable reality,..
Long after the Pyramids themselves have returned to dust,..after the Sands of Time , are scattered to the cosmos,.....
Trump's Wall,..Shall Endure,...
For Trump is the Wall. All that he has been,..or ever will be, reflected in the very concept of the Wall,..
The Wall is the unbreakable will of Trump,..his very mortal essense,..
The steel slats,..impenetrable,..indestructible,..yet transparent as well,..
The menacing spikes at the top?,..
A warning to all who would dare to thwart the will of the man who built it,..
A savage, primordal, barbarian of a man, who suffers no fools, and will tolerate no interference in achieving this one goal, that has defined his Candidancy, and Presidency as well,..
The Wall made him the Republican nominee, ....
The Wall elected him President in a massive landslide,...
And the Wall, shall now become grim reality, to all illegal invaders and the Democrat Party that supports them.
The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States has but one task, beyond all others,..
To defend the Security of the Nation, protect this Free Republic,.from all enemies , foreign or domestic, who seek its destruction.
And, by the Bristing Beard of All Father Zeus,..defend it , Trump will,..
No Power in the Universe , can stop him,..
The Democrats may now control the House of Representatives , with House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer refusing to give even one dollar towards funding the Trump Wall.
The Democrat Machine may now be accelerating their destructive agenda, ..with Impeachment proceedings looming ever nearer,..
The Democrat Party itself, a whole, may refuse to entertain any Republican proposal, and may indeed have only one goal now,..
Destroy the President,..and Destroy the Republican Party.
But, ..nevertheless,..the Wall will be built,..the Wall is coming,..slowly,. almost imperceptably, it is already being built, the steel will of Trump becoming tangible , solid reality, with each passing second,.... and no force of man, god,..demon , or Democrat,..can stop it.
For the Republicans still control the Senate, and the Presidency ,and therefore can stop all Democrat strategems consistently , as long as they remain united behind this President and his savage agenda.
Indeed, the Midterms were, in many ways, a portent of the Democrat slaughter to come in 2020,..for the Republicans lost fewer seats in the House, than any administration in the last 50 years, and actually gained seats in the Senate, for the first time in Midterm History.
Indeed, the 2018 Midterms were yet another Trumpian Miracle, serving to set the stage for the coming Republican glory of 2020,...
For the next two years will be nothing more than the President and his Republican Legions displaying their mastery of the 3D Chess strategem that has, up to this point, all but comp!etely dismantled the Democrat Machine, and left them in the grip of ever growing madness , despair,..and desperation.
They will try to raise taxes and regulations , and resurrect Obamacare, as well,....
They will fail,..
They will try to defund the military, ....they will fail.
They will try to destroy the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..they will fail.
They will intensify the Mueller Probe,..and try to Impeach this President,...and destroy the Republican Machine that backs him,...
They Will Fail,...
They will try to end the eternal government shutdown, without conceding Trumpian Victory,..without conceding the 5 billion for the Wall,...
They Will Fail,..
They will seek to stop the private funding for the Wall, and thwart the President's executive threat to bypass Congress altogether,..
The Government will remain shut , until the Wall is reality.
Tax and Regulation cuts will remain,..
The 2nd Amendment will remain,...
Our Military will remain invincible, and feared by our enemies,..
Obamacare,...will never rise again,...
For the President and his Republican Legions are at one with each other now,..with even Trump nemises , newly elected Utah Senator Mitt Romney strongly supporting the President's vision for the Wall,...and the MAGA Agenda in general. Therefore, Romney's personal distaste for the President's savage style is of no consequence.
Two Senate seats of Utah, now belong to the Republican Legions, and that is all that truly matters,...
All that has ever mattered, every level of government,..
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..
And Permanent Democrat Defeat,...
That is always the only goal, matter what rogue may lurk in the Republican ranks,..
The Republican Machine must remain supreme, and ultimately gain Super Majorities, House and Senate, if Trumpian will is to remain supreme in 2020,...and beyond.
And, the Repubicans will remain triumphant, in the coming second Trumpian term,....for the President has seen real fear in the eyes of the Democrats, as the government shut down endures,..
The President knows , that as !ong as the shutdown remains,..infinite,..never ending,...
He has them.
Right where he wants them.
This Government will obey Trumpian commands,..
Or the President,..will destroy it,...
And the Democrat Party, with it.
But, that is another Battle,..
For another day,.
Now, the Wall is all there is,..
All that there will ever be,...for the next two years of Repubican -Democrat battle,....
A Battle that Trumpian Forces will win,...handily,..with gleaming steel spikes , the symbol of their triumph,..
For, the Irresistible Force of Nature, call Trump,..
Has now become,.....
Immovable Object.
For the President made crystal clear his position on the Wall debate. He is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States. Security of the Nation is his prime responsibility.
The President will have his wall, any means necessary,..and all those who oppose this mission,..
Will be destroyed.
For the Wall is already a fait accompli,..and ,in an ever changing, ever expanding Universe,..there shall remain one constant, unalterable reality,..
Long after the Pyramids themselves have returned to dust,..after the Sands of Time , are scattered to the cosmos,.....
Trump's Wall,..Shall Endure,...
For Trump is the Wall. All that he has been,..or ever will be, reflected in the very concept of the Wall,..
The Wall is the unbreakable will of Trump,..his very mortal essense,..
The steel slats,..impenetrable,..indestructible,..yet transparent as well,..
The menacing spikes at the top?,..
A warning to all who would dare to thwart the will of the man who built it,..
A savage, primordal, barbarian of a man, who suffers no fools, and will tolerate no interference in achieving this one goal, that has defined his Candidancy, and Presidency as well,..
The Wall made him the Republican nominee, ....
The Wall elected him President in a massive landslide,...
And the Wall, shall now become grim reality, to all illegal invaders and the Democrat Party that supports them.
The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, of the United States has but one task, beyond all others,..
To defend the Security of the Nation, protect this Free Republic,.from all enemies , foreign or domestic, who seek its destruction.
And, by the Bristing Beard of All Father Zeus,..defend it , Trump will,..
No Power in the Universe , can stop him,..
The Democrats may now control the House of Representatives , with House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer refusing to give even one dollar towards funding the Trump Wall.
The Democrat Machine may now be accelerating their destructive agenda, ..with Impeachment proceedings looming ever nearer,..
The Democrat Party itself, a whole, may refuse to entertain any Republican proposal, and may indeed have only one goal now,..
Destroy the President,..and Destroy the Republican Party.
But, ..nevertheless,..the Wall will be built,..the Wall is coming,..slowly,. almost imperceptably, it is already being built, the steel will of Trump becoming tangible , solid reality, with each passing second,.... and no force of man, god,..demon , or Democrat,..can stop it.
For the Republicans still control the Senate, and the Presidency ,and therefore can stop all Democrat strategems consistently , as long as they remain united behind this President and his savage agenda.
Indeed, the Midterms were, in many ways, a portent of the Democrat slaughter to come in 2020,..for the Republicans lost fewer seats in the House, than any administration in the last 50 years, and actually gained seats in the Senate, for the first time in Midterm History.
Indeed, the 2018 Midterms were yet another Trumpian Miracle, serving to set the stage for the coming Republican glory of 2020,...
For the next two years will be nothing more than the President and his Republican Legions displaying their mastery of the 3D Chess strategem that has, up to this point, all but comp!etely dismantled the Democrat Machine, and left them in the grip of ever growing madness , despair,..and desperation.
They will try to raise taxes and regulations , and resurrect Obamacare, as well,....
They will fail,..
They will try to defund the military, ....they will fail.
They will try to destroy the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..they will fail.
They will intensify the Mueller Probe,..and try to Impeach this President,...and destroy the Republican Machine that backs him,...
They Will Fail,...
They will try to end the eternal government shutdown, without conceding Trumpian Victory,..without conceding the 5 billion for the Wall,...
They Will Fail,..
They will seek to stop the private funding for the Wall, and thwart the President's executive threat to bypass Congress altogether,..
The Government will remain shut , until the Wall is reality.
Tax and Regulation cuts will remain,..
The 2nd Amendment will remain,...
Our Military will remain invincible, and feared by our enemies,..
Obamacare,...will never rise again,...
For the President and his Republican Legions are at one with each other now,..with even Trump nemises , newly elected Utah Senator Mitt Romney strongly supporting the President's vision for the Wall,...and the MAGA Agenda in general. Therefore, Romney's personal distaste for the President's savage style is of no consequence.
Two Senate seats of Utah, now belong to the Republican Legions, and that is all that truly matters,...
All that has ever mattered, every level of government,..
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..
And Permanent Democrat Defeat,...
That is always the only goal, matter what rogue may lurk in the Republican ranks,..
The Republican Machine must remain supreme, and ultimately gain Super Majorities, House and Senate, if Trumpian will is to remain supreme in 2020,...and beyond.
And, the Repubicans will remain triumphant, in the coming second Trumpian term,....for the President has seen real fear in the eyes of the Democrats, as the government shut down endures,..
The President knows , that as !ong as the shutdown remains,..infinite,..never ending,...
He has them.
Right where he wants them.
This Government will obey Trumpian commands,..
Or the President,..will destroy it,...
And the Democrat Party, with it.
But, that is another Battle,..
For another day,.
Now, the Wall is all there is,..
All that there will ever be,...for the next two years of Repubican -Democrat battle,....
A Battle that Trumpian Forces will win,...handily,..with gleaming steel spikes , the symbol of their triumph,..
For, the Irresistible Force of Nature, call Trump,..
Has now become,.....
Immovable Object.
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