Sunday, February 17, 2019

"Within These Walls,..Dwells A Demon!!"

Sorceror, Strategist Supreme, Miracle Worker, Three Dimensional Chessmaster, ..The President of the United States is all this, and more,..
The Trumpian Age of Miracles, is well and truly upon us indeed.
The latest proof of this? None other than the long awaited State of the Union Address, which was indeed a miracle to behold, with the President giving his finest public speech to date, easily surpassing his first State of the Union appearance. In fact, it may have been one of the finest State of the Union address, ever given, by any President.
And yet, almost didn't happen.
For with the Trump imposed shutown still in effect, House Speaker Pelosi rescinded her invitation to let the President speak, in the People's House, citing, "security concerns" , that had no basis in reality,..but spoke volumes of the Speaker's apprehension at the thought of the coming event. Indeed, she seemed to sense the carnage that could potentially be unleashed on the Party, that she tenuously leads, if this malevolent demon of a President, were to be unleashed within the House Chamber Walls, with the Democrat Majority , his captive target.
Speaker Pelosi's fears, would prove to be well founded, for with the President ending the shutdown in order to pay government employees, House Speaker Pelosi had little choice, but to allow the President 's Address to the Nation ,to go on within the House Chambers as originally planned. Indeed, the President would not have had it any other way. Although initially contemplating different venues to replace the  off-limits House,..ultimately, the President knew this State of the Union Address had to happen in the House, if the next phase of his battleplan to take down the Democrat Party, was to succeed.
  Aye,..the State of the Union was a master stroke of political maneuvering,..for the President had essentially forced the House Democrats to attend a Trump Rally,...the ultimate rally,..with the greatest speech to date,..and the most radical elements of the  Democrat Party,..a helpless, captive audience,..even forbidden by the House Speaker from creating any verbal disturbance. Pelosi may have no no respect for this President, but she seemingly does for the office he holds,..and under her Speakership, that dignity would be upheld,..apparently.
And, with that final assurance ,..the President now had the doomsday weapon he needed, to destroy the Democrats completely, and end their mad dream, of 2020 Victory.
The President's speech was indeed, one for the ages.
He spoke of the massive tax and regulation cuts that have created a record setting ,booming economy, with unempoyment at an all time low.
He spoke of an America now energy independent, and now the leading energy exporter as well,..
He spoke of a revitalized military, that has left the terror forces of ISIS nearly vaporized, ..and how our allies and veterans are now given the respect and support they deserve,..
He praised the Greatest Generation of World War II Vets in attendence,...reminding all of us,..that our freedom only exists,..because of their sacrifice on that Normandy Beach,..and beyond,..
He praised the courage of a young girl with brain cancer, who while battling her own illness, fought to raise money for St.Jude and cancer research, save others like her,..
He defended the sanctity of life,..proclaiming that all children are made in the Image of God,..and that all life is sacred,..and must be protected against the evil abomination of late term abortion,..
An evil,..that has now seemingly become a trademark of Democrat legislative policies, with New York  Governor Cuomo passing a law, making infanticide legal,..while the Governor of Virginia,..simultaneously attempting the same evil legislative coup,..
He  spoke of the need to end the endless Russia hoax investigations,..and the need to begin bipartisanship cooperation,..
He spoke of the Wall that will be built,..regardless of Democrat obstruction ,...
He spoke of the Greatness of America ,...the Spirit of America,..
A Spirit that was born free,..and will stay free,..and the evil of socialism will never exist in this Shining City,..this Earthbound Olympus,..this,..America,...
 "We were born free,..and we will stay free",..the President proclaimed,..
And,..through it all.. amist thundrous Republican applause,....
The Democrat Congress,....sat grimly silent,..angry,...their hatred of this man calling himself Commander in Chief, great,..that it had blinded them to the fact that, once again, the President had beaten them,..
This time,..on their home ground.
The Mask of the Democrat Party had now been fully ripped away,..and the true, ugly monster beneath that mask, now fully revealed,..for all the nation,..all the world,.. to see,..
Aye,..evil indeed,..for as the President spoke of preventing late term abortion ,..protecting unborn and new born life as well, from the evil of Democrat legislated infanticide,..
Senator Schumer sat,...staring intently at the President,..unblinking,..with an evil smirk playing across his  stone-like features,..
 And when the President proclaimed that America would always be a Nation of Free Born Citizens,..and that it would never embrace the evils of socialism,..
The Democrats sat in angry silence,..with only Pelosi and Schumer nervously  standing to applaud weakly, at the ladt moment,..
Aye,..throughout the President's soaring speech, that praised all things that Make America Great,..and the Last, Best Hope,..for Humanity,..
The Democrats sat,..grimly silent, in the grip of ever growing anger, madness ,....despsir,..and abysmal ignorance,..
And, as well they shoud be, for this President has dared challenge them ,..on their battleground, and has soundly defeated them, on all levels,..
A savage, merciless beating,..while they sat resplendent, in matching  socialist white,..their true Marxist nature, now exposed for all the world to see,..
 And they clapped and stood ,..only once,.when the President praised the House for  electing  more women to congress, than any time in history.
Aye,.there it is,..
They sat  for America,..
But stood for themselves,..
Nothing could  speak more clearly, of the true nature of the Democrat Machine,..
So Be It.
And, the Aftermath?
A CBS poll, declaring that 75% of viewers supported the President's speech,..and agenda,..and a Trumpian  Victory Rally in San Antonio as well,.. competing  against Ted Cruz's vanquished nemises Beto O'Rourke,..whose counter  rally was a mere handful of miles away,..and crushing him soundly,..with a massive Trumpian level turnout,...that made a  dwarfian mockery of the shocked and stunned O'Rourke's rally.
Aye, a Trumpian Victory Rally indeed,..that even further enraged the Democrat Machine,..with its  war banner,...and battlecry,..
 "Finish The Wall",....
So Be It.
The Trump strategem has not only exposed the Democrats for what they truly are,..for all  America to see,..but it has also accomplished something even more important,..
It has isolated them,..and contained them,..there, that House Chamber,..
Contained,..and isolated, a deadly virus,
A virus,..for which there is only one vaccine, cure,..
The Conservative Force Of Nature,..
Known only as Trump,..

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