Sunday, April 21, 2019

"The Shifting Tides,..Of Battle!!"

Now that the Mueller Report has been unleashed, for all the world to see, there is a growing unease in the battle camps of the Democrat Legions, and rightly so.
For newly appointed Attorney General William Barr, and Special Investigator Robert Mueller ,have become unlikely allies, and joined forces in reviewing page after page of the long awaited , infamous "Mueller Report", redacting where legally necessary, and securing what must be secured, if America is to survive,..and, now done, one inescapable conclusion , has, beyond a shadow of a doubt, been confirmed, set in stone, and it is indeed, the only conclusion there could ever have been, in a universe governed by logic, and reason.
There was no significant Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign, nor was there any conspiracy between Trump and Russian forces.
Nay, in the end, the Barr released report has laid waste to this Democrat spawned fantasy, and finally revealed the grim truth that lurked beneath ,..
The Democrat Party , in collusion with the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOJ conspirators, sought to destroy the Trump candidacy, and  if   failing this, the Trump Presidency, by FBI spying and wiretapping of Trump Towers Headquarters, and an insidious Fusion GPS Dossier, bought and paid for by Clinton -Democrat forces, that served to plant the seed of the Trump -Russia Conspiracy,..
A Conspiracy, that even Hans Christian Anderson would now dismiss , as a mere Children's Fable,..
Trump threatened the the Democrat hold on power and government control over We the People,..
Trump threatened to return that power, We the People,..
And that alone, in the minds of Hillary Clinton,..Loretta Lynch,..James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates , Susan Rice, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, John Brennan, James Clapper, and the Democrat Legions themselves, was reason enough to seek his destruction.
They have failed,..fortunately, large part due to a Trumpian strategem of relentless counter -attack , rooted in a three dimensional chess battle technique, that assaults the enemy from all sides, from all levels, relentlessly, unwaiveringly, turning the force of the opponents attack against themselves, literally using the enemy's own strength, to break its own back.
The Trumpian Age Of Miracles was founded on this sorceror's strategem, and it has but one, singular purpose,...
To Win.
To Win, all costs,...
To Win every battle,.every skirmish, matter how small, insignificant,..or petty,..
To Win everything, and anything,.. all battles,..thereby

denying  the Democrat Machine  any momentum,..
To Win by mercilessly leveling the Democrat Enemy, crushing them in every election,..state or federal,..create unbreakable Republican Super Majorities, in the House ,Senate,and Supreme Court,....and then drink a toast of Victory, from their crushed skulls,..
For they seek an end to this Free Republic, this Shining City,..this Miracle of Self Government ,..
And therefore,..
Democrat existence cannot be tolerated,..
Not in this Universe,..
For even in the  wake of this two year long defeat at the hands of Trumpian Republican Legions,..the Democrats have regrouped, and begun plotting new, even stranger ,diabolical strategems of attack against Trump, ..and all things Republican.
They seek a new socialist push, in the form of a Green Deal, ..that is nothing more than thinly veiled Marxist Spawned Communism,..
They seek to make the evil of infanticide , the law of the land, so as to enact a Nazi-like control, over even the reproduction rights, of the hated, Freeborn Americans,..
They seek to expose the President's tax returns to the light of day, desperately hoping to find some hidden malfeasance, that would lead to the much sought after  Trump Impeachment,..
They seek new subpeonas ,  faux investigations, into every member of the Trump Administration,..including family ,..
They even seek to destroy newly apppointed Attorney General Willaim Barr, who they now perceive to be nothing  more than another Trumpian Acolyte, ..doing the bidding of his dark master, by refusing to reveal the full, unredacted Mueller report, lest it bring harm to the man-devil Trump, or his MAGA Agenda.
No matter,..for while Democrats have dreded this final release of the Mueller Report,..dreded it like the coming executioner's blade,....
Like inevitable  death itself,..
Trump has had little time for dossiers, reports, contemplations,.. musings, ..reflections,..or even Trumpian Celebrations,..
Nay,..for he still has grim work to do, ...
And a task,..still left unfinished,..
A Life's Mission, complete,..
Destroy all things Democrat.
And, to this end, the Trumpian  strategems are vast, varied,..and myriad indeed,..
First, Attorney General Barr led investigations into all sources of Democrat- FBI spying,.and all sources of the Trump Dossier itself,..
Increased financial pressure on America's enemies,.foreign and domestic,.including Mexico,..and an end of tax subsidies to Democrat controlled college campuses that demonize Conservative -Republican speech and presence,..
Senate Majority Leader McConnell's  forced vote on the so called 'Green Deal",..and "Medicare for All" proposal,..that exposed Democrat hypocracy,..once and for all, as not one Democrat voted in favor of either,..
A reordering of Border Security priorities, ..a new push that will tolerate no one,..that does not support the Wall,..and MAGA Agenda,..1000%,..and move it forward at the speed of Trumpian light, as demanded by the Commander in Chief,..
The Trump Ax will fall on many in his Administration, that do not measure up ,..with grim finality,..and the rise of Trump Advisor, and ultra conservative Stephen Miller, Administration  prominence, a clear indication of this,..
And , most recently, the  Trumpian Masterpiece of 3-D Chess Strategem , the President, Barr,..Miller,..McConnell,..all contemplate the ultimate physical and psychological attack on the Democrat Machine , ...
Take the massive overflow of Illegal Invaders,..and transport them all to the Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities and States,..that defy ICE,..and all Federal immigration laws,..
Aye,..a stroke of political genius,..that even in the planning stage, has the Democrats reeling in stunned, hypocritical outrage, this man devil of a President's latest checkmate maneuver, that, once again, them for what they truly are.
Aye,..truly a stunning stroke of political genius,..that, forces the opponent to destroy themselves,..
A Masterpiece of Three Dimensional Trumpian battle play, that , no doubt, leaves the stunned Democrats to now ponder , what kind of devil they have pitted themselves against,..
Yet, in the end, they still cannot define this enemy,..
And therefore,..cannot defeat him,..
How best to define the Man-Devil Trump?
Occam's Razor tells us that the simplest answer,.is always the correct one,..
So Be It.
Trump is a double bladed war-ax,..
Whose murderous edge is honed,..
On the necks,..of Democrats,..

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