Sunday, February 3, 2019

"The Pandora Maneuver !!"

As the New Year hath dawned, there came the brazen blare of battle trumpets, signaling that the war for the soul of the Free Republic, hath well and truly begun. And within the war, the fierce battle for the Trumpian Wall has become an Olympian struggle for the ages, with both Republican and Democrat forces refusing to give even an inch, of battlefield advantage. Yet now, one question doth hang over the carnage,..a question,..that now gives pause to even the staunchest of Trumpian soldiers, ...a question, poised in the air !ike the blade of a guillotine,..waiting to fall,...
Did the President cave to Democrat pressure? By ending the government shutdown, ..has the President conceded battlefield advantage to the Democrat Legions of Pelosi and Schumer?
In a word,
The President has not re-opened the government. The President has merely paused to regroup, replenish ,..and re-arm his Republican Legions , for the next strike to come. A strike, ...that will, no doubt, gain the Republican victory,..with the Wall, his  ultimate prize.
The President has  temporarily re-opened the government, in order to pay government employees who have now missed two paychecks, thanks to  Democrat refusal to allow the President's proposed bill to secure that pay, to pass through the Democrat cobtrolled congress. The President knew, that if the Democrats refused all Republican attempts to pay government operatives, then,..the shutdown must stop, in order to accomplish this goal.
A critical goal,..for a President that is perceived as a bitter tyrant  willing to starve his subjects, to gain battlefield advantage, is one who may put his  chances of reelection in 2020, grave jeopardy.
But, while Schumer may crow in perceived triumph over the President,..even  to the point of warning him against any future attempts to thwart Pelosi-Schumer -Democrat will, by declaring before the gathered press,.. "The President,..has now learned his lesson" ,...the President,..was already planning his next counterstrike.
Aye,..the President ,..has,..learned ,..much,...long before he became President, ..and his 3-Dimensional Chess skills are now honed to a fine edge,.and this does not bode well for Pelosi-Schumer ,who, apparently in the grip of Democrat arrogance and willful ignorance,..have not "learned their lesson" , all,..and have once again fallen into an inescapable  Trumpian Trap, by once again, underestimating the battle skills and strategems of this conservative force of nature, call Trump.
With pay for federal  employees now secured, and crises averted, ...the President has now  doubled down on his wall stance ,..
The steel slats of  Trumpian will,..once more locking into place,..immovable,..impenetrable,....the very heart and soul,..of his savage political psyche.
 "Three Weeks",..the President proclaimed before the gathering press,..the Democrats now have three weeks, contemplate all that has transpired thus far,..
Three weeks, give the President and his  Republican Legions all that they want,..
The 5 billion,..
The Wall,...
A Sealed Border,..
A Nation,..Secured,..
Give the President what he wants,..what We the People have demanded for decades,...
Give him every single aspect  of his anticipated victory, with golden laurel leaves of victory, lain at the feet of Trumpian Triumph,..
Or,...once again,..the  Government will be no more,..and ,with Democrat senses still reeling from this revelation,..
Then the President will execute his final strike ,..
Hammer will meet Anvil,..with deadly intent, the  President unleashes his master 3-Dimensional stroke,...
 Declaring a  National Emergency, and  securing government funds for the Trumpian Wall,..
A risk? No doubt, for this final strike to end all Democrat shadowplay comes with an ominous threat for the future as well, should Democrats ever seize power again. For they too,.. would no doubt,..use Emergency  Declaration powers to further their own twisted agenda,..
Aye,..a Pandora's box, opened,..
For far more sinister purposes,..
Aye,.under Democrat rule,National Emergency Declaration may be employed to,..
End the Second Amendment,..
 Increase taxes and  reguations to an almost communistic level,..
Aye,..its a risk indeed,.
But it is a  risk that the President  must take, gain his Wall.
He must take the risk, for the Democrat controlled congress will never give him the Wall,..or anything else for that matter,..for one simple reason,..
He is Republican,..and therefore, must be destroyed.
So Be It.
The President will have his Wall, three weeks hence. The already drafted Trump -McConnell Emergency Declaration will indeed be employed ,...
Giving final lesson to Pelosi -Schumer,..
The President will have his victory, and will destroy any and all Democrats who would dare stand in the way of it.
And,..there is a final lesson for the American people as well,..
Once this Pandora's Box of National  Emergency is opened,...
It can  never be sealed again,...
And therefore,...never again can We the People allow the Democrat Party to hold the reigns of Government Power,...
For,..on that day,..
There shall come final requiem,...
For this Shining City,...
This Earthbound Olympus,..

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