Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"This Monster,Unmasked!"

So, the Super Tuesday  Primary votes have been tallied, and the result is an overwhelming five state sweep for Republican front runner,Donald Trump.Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland,Connecticut,all have fallen under the cult-like spell of the reality show star's P.T.Barnum style, populist persona.
But, so what? Big deal, Trump won five extremely blue states that are two or three elections away from being communist anyway.Trump was supposed to win these states. Most conservatives, including Cruz, predicted it,weeks ago, just as his New York win was fait accompli as well. Like I said, No Big Deal. The Liberal Democrat in Republican disguise,wins the support of Liberal Democrat dominated states that see him as easy fodder for Hillary Clinton. Simply not important to Ted Cruz's overall mission to secure the nomination. Cruz won five states in a row as well, right before this election .So, nothing's changed ,and Cruz will win the inevitable second ballot vote,at the Republican Convention in July, guaranteed. Again, Trump's victories are simply not important.
But, what is important, is what occurred as a prelude to the Super Tuesday Elections. Donald J. Trump ,once again,using an endless stream of free  media coverage and endless pundit interviews as a lazy man's substitute for actual grassroots campaigning, announced that , as President,one of his main priorities will be to raise taxes on the so-called rich, in order to boost the economy. In a long series of foolish statements by this faux Republican, this is, by far, the most foolish , for it violates a basic rule of Republican politics. A Republican candidate never announces during a campaign ,that he is going to raise taxes, because , as a Republican, he is presumed to understand that tax and regulation cuts , not increases, are the only way you can ever grow the economy. Corporations and big businesses are the engine of the free market economy, not the government,and the only way to keep that engine running,is to allow these engines to keep the wealth they alone, create,, thereby allowing them to grow and prosper, creating job growth, and a booming economy. All Republicans know this. All, except Trump that is. The simple reality is this, no Republican would ever have criticized Governor Scott Walker for not raising taxes in his state, to grow the economy, and no Republican candidate would ever announce repeatedly , on an endless series of news networks, just prior to a major Primary vote, that he will, as President, raise taxes on the rich, to grow the economy. That, like many things that Donald Trump says, is a Democrat talking point,right from the DNC playbook .No Republican politician worth his salt,, whether conservative or moderate, would ever support , even in jest, that raising taxes would boost any economy, anywhere. All Republicans know , that raising taxes always damages the economy,and costs jobs guaranteed. All real Republicans that is, and therein lies the main problem with the Republican Primary front runner,Donald J.Trump .He is, in fact, not a Republican, never has been, and never will be, in any way, shape, or form.His repeated statements regarding raising taxes to boost the economy, and threatening to punish the rich with higher taxes, proves this, beyond a shadow of a doubt.Trump's tax statements are the final nail, in the coffin of his faux candidacy.Trump is not a Republican.He has been a Liberal Democrat for the past thirty years,funding their elections, seeking their political favors, calling Bush and McCain war criminals, condemning the War in Iraq, while praising Saddam Hussein, , and yes folks, opposing all Republicans that were Anti-Amnesty and Pro-Border control, like Mitt Romney, for instance.Trump attacked Romney viciously,for opposing illegal immigration and Amnesty during Romney's run for the Presidency in 2012. That's a fact Trumpkins. Deal with it.
These are the actions and political stances of a hard core, Democrat,and now, with his brazen call for increased taxes on the rich, Trump's Republican Mask, has finally been ripped away, fully exposing the Democrat monster beneath it.
The purpose of a Republican Primary , is for Republican voters to elect the Republican candidate with the most consistent conservative record, and that is all. A conservative record, Trumpkins, means that you follow the tenants of the Constitution , as written by the Founders, word for word. If you are a Republican voter, and voted for Donald Trump on April 26th, Super Tuesday, then you are no Conservative, and no Republican, because Trump is no Conservative, and no Republican. Trump , the draft dodger, accused both Bush and McCain of war crimes, and called for Bush's impeachment .Trump has called for tax increases on the wealthy,on American businesses,that go overseas,and on all imported goods.That means higher taxes on the American people .Nothing more, nothing less. Trump refuses to support Israel over Hamas, and wants to stay "neutral" , like Obama and the Democrats. Trump wants a mandatory, government imposed, government controlled, Health Care system, similar to Obamacare. Trump opposed Mitt Romney's Anti-Amnesty , Illegal immigrant deportation policy, during Romney's 2012 Presidential run.
Trump has spent decades supporting the destructive Democrat Agenda,and financed not only the Democrat takeover of both Houses in 2006, but also the Democrat Governor campaign of Clinton Operative Terry McCauliffe , who is now giving convicted felons in Virginia, the right to vote, in order to bolster the overall Democrat voting base.
Trump is a lifelong Liberal Democrat, who called Bill Clinton,"Our Greatest President", and Hillary, 'A Great Secretary of State".He, not Cruz or Kasich, has "colluded" with the Democrat Party for over thirty years , and has enthusiastically backed their destructive agenda that has badly damaged our nation , in exchange for personal business favors. That's collusion , Trumpkins, pure and simple.
Trump , like Hillary , and the entire Democrat Party,is an enemy of our Free Republic, and, if you voted for him, you are an enemy of it too.
If, after eight years of Obama and Democrat destruction, you can go to the polls, and vote for another lifelong , tax raising, Liberal Democrat, with a long business record of deception and malfeasance,then, like all Liberal Democrats, you are an enemy of America, an enemy that must be defeated, if the Republic is to survive.
Ted Cruz is the perfect conservative candidate. His record in the Senate is impeccable. He is a strict Constitutional Conservative, who believes in tax and regulation cuts, for all Americans, believes in destroying Obamacare, believes in destroying the I.R.S., believes in standing strong and united, with Israel, against all her enemies, believes in supporting our military and destroying ISIS,  believes in supporting the 2nd Amendment and the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of the Constitution that he lives by.
Senator Ted Cruz, according to Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and me, is the closest thing to Ronald Reagan this nation has ever seen.Only a Liberal Democrat, or a fool, would support Trump over him in the Primaries, and whether fool or Democrat, you must be defeated, if our Free Republic is to endure, and our children to prosper.There is no middle ground.Either you support Reagan style Constitutional Conservatism, like Cruz, or you are an Anti-American Enemy of this Republic , and , as I stated before, all enemies of this Republic must be defeated.
Trump is nothing more than the product of crossover Democrat votes,and misguided , uninformed , disinterested , gullible Republican voters,who are willfully ignorant, and just don't give a damn.
The mission of Primary crossover Democrat voters is clear, elect the weakest Republican Nominee, .The nominee that their Democrat candidate can easily defeat .This year, that candidate is Trump. In 2008, it was McCain. In 2012, it was Romney. Both were defeated by Obama.Both were chosen by crossover Democrat voters, because they could be beaten by Obama, pure and simpleNow, Trump is being chosen by crossover Democrats, for the same reason. The difference this time?Ted Cruz .He is going nowhere, despite Trump's pleas for him to drop out. Cruz will continue to fight, and knows that three things in life are certain; death, taxes, and no one is getting the 1, 237 delegates to secure the nomination. That means the inevitable second ballot, and on that ballot,  Cruz gets the nomination, guaranteed.
That's how Lincoln was nominated,
That's how Eisenhower was nominated,
That's how Reagan was nominated,
And, make no mistake, It's how Cruz will be nominated and go on to crush Hillary Clinton and her corrupt Democrat Party, permanently.
The stakes couldn't be higher, and a conservative line has been drawn in the sand.
As President Bush said in the wake of 9-11, "Either you are with us, or you are against us".
Side with Cruz, and with the Conservatism, that will save the Republic,
Or side with Trump , Hillary, and Liberal Democrat destruction.
Side with Cruz and Conservatism, or be destroyed on the floor of the Republican Convention, along with Trump and his mindless Democrat followers.
And, make no mistake, Trump's criminal threats against Convention Delegates, and threats to riot on the floor of the Convention, will be met strongly, by America's finest, those who swore an oath, to "Protect and Serve".
Only Democrat scum,and Black Lives Matter, would threaten Delegates, and Trump supporters are Democrat scum, pure and simple.
Or, to put it another way,... bring it on Trumpkins,
For, the Battle Lines are indeed clearly drawn,
The choice is clear,
And the inevitable Victory for Cruz, assured,
Because ,Conservatism is the Natural State of Mankind, and in the end, Conservatism must ultimately triumph.
Indiana looms next.The race goes on , the cause endures,the dream,will never die. And one thing is certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
No pretended Republican, will ever win the Crown,
Or the Presidency, of this Shining City,
This Free Republic,...

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