Friday, April 1, 2016

"Fall Of The Saboteur!"

And, it is written, that Jesus of Nazareth, standing on a hill in First Century Judea,didst put forth what would become known as the Sermon on the Mount,a message of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man, a message that would change the world.A multitude had gathered to hear his words, to hear this message,in the hopes that this man of miracles could replace their despair with joy, and their hopelessness, with a renewed spirit, and a cleansed soul.
But, among the gathered,there were those who still doubted the man and his message.First Century Judea had seen false prophets before.How did they know that this young miracle worker from Galilee wasn't one of them?"We've heard the words of false messiahs before', said one of the gathered,"How do we know you are not sent by Satan? Jesus replied,"If a Kingdom be divided against itself, it cannot stand"."If Satan's Kingdom be divided against itself, how can his Kingdom stand?" "How can Satan cast out Satan?"Indeed. Christ's message was clear; his three year mission,his words, his deeds, healing the sick, the blind, the crippled, feeding the hungry, while at the same time,spreading a message of peace and love, told all that needed to be told, about who this man was,and who had sent him. 
As always, the words of Jesus had the ring of truth to them.How could Satan,cast out Satan,and for three years, spread a message that urges us to love our enemies, and pray for those who despise and persecute us?
Answer, he couldn't, and certainly not for three years. It would go against his nature to do so.Such a ruse could not be sustained, even by the Master Deceiver, and would certainly be quickly exposed , to the light of truth. But, the message of Jesus was clear, and he was true to that message.Whose Son could he be, if not the Son of God?Still, many doubted,and ultimately condemned Jesus as a False Messiah, scorned and mocked him,and ultimately, called for his trial, and crucifixion. A history of false prophets in a Judea under Roman occupation, had hardened the hearts of God's chosen. 
And now, in this 21st Century, there has come another prophet of sorts, a man, running for the title, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, a man who, like prophets before him,claims that he is the one the world has been waiting for,the one who will heal the nation, reverse the destruction and despair of the Obama Legacy, and make America Great Again,A man who claims to believe in conservatism.A man who claims to believe in a free Republic. A man who asks us to follow him, believe in him, ignore the doubters and critics,and bring him to victory, in the Republican Primary. 
Do not doubt him, do not question him, just believe ,and vote,and America will indeed be made great again. 
Sounds good, except that, this time, there is reason to doubt. For this time, the message and the man,seem to be often in conflict.His words may often inspire,his words may often have the ring of truth to them,but, they stand in stark contrast , to his words and deeds,from many years past. 
We the People have heard the words of False Messiahs before,and hearing,now question this man,Donald J. Trump, on the truth, of his mission and his message. For you see,Trump is no new Messiah, upon the political scene.No, Trump has been spreading his message and flirting with the Presidency for many years, and while his message has always been forceful, and loudly trumpeted, it has also been wildly inconsistent,changing with the winds,year to year, day to day,  hour to hour,  and sometimes, even minute to minute. For many years,Trump had cast himself as a Liberal Democrat,supporting the Clinton's and the Democrat Party financially, in exchange for political favors, and, at one point, even joining the Democrats in denouncing the Iraq War, while accusing President Bush of War Crimes. "Bush Lied, and Boys died",went the refrain from the Democrat Party during eight years of the Bush Presidency,and Donald J. Trump , Republican Presidential Candidate, was one of the most vocal, calling not only for the Impeachment of Bush, but blaming 911 on him as well. 
Trump called for an assault weapons ban. 
Trump called for government controlled Health Care. 
Trump was staunchly pro- choice.
Trump called for tax and regulation increases on the wealthy. 
Trump called for tariffs on foreign imports,and increased taxes and regulations on American businesses that move their base of operations overseas. 
Trump says he will be neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Trump attacked ADFI President Pamela Geller,.calling her "disgusting", for holding a Draw Muhammed contest, and provoking terrorists in the process. 
Are these the beliefs of a Conservative Republican ?
Are these the beliefs of a man who will make America Great Again?
Or, are they the beliefs of just another Liberal Democrat, a false Republican Prophet, who says what he must, in order to win the Republican Primary and Ultimately,the Presidency?
As Christ said, "A House divided against itself, cannot stand", and the Trump Presidential Campaign, is the living embodiment of these words. Since last summer, when his bid for the Presidency had begun, Donald Trump's agenda and message has been both vague and varied, with Trump not only lacking any serious conservative credentials,but also lacking a detailed agenda,foreign policy knowledge, or even a consistent conservative message,from day to day,  hour to hour,or even minute to minute. 
His run for the Presidency seems to be just another reality show opportunity for Trump, just another notch in his belt, another accomplishment to tout in future business dealings. Real Estate mogul. Entrepeneur. Presidential Candidate. The Democrat Party that Trump had been part of, had all but destroyed itself during the nearly eight year Obama reign. Republicans , however, had won back the House, the Senate, and most state governments as well. Trump sensed the shifting tide, and decided that he would run as a Republican, for no other reason,than they were winning,and the Democrats were losing. Trump doesn't associate with losers, ever. 
So, the Trump campaign would capitalize on the shifting balance in power. Trump would become conservative.He would demand a sealed border, and all illegal immigrants ousted. 
He would demand an end to Obamacare. 
He would demand new tax and regulation  cuts for businesses, and demand tariffs that would punish foreign nations and defecting American businesses, that were stealing American jobs. 
Trump would channel Lincoln, endlessly, and compare himself to  Reagan, tirelessly,and, like Obama before him, even cast himself in the role of Reagan, as a catalyst of fundamental change and rebirth,that would use his own unique brand of honest, direct, brutal conservatism,to restore America , and make her Great Again.
He would seal the border, build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it. 
He would round up all illegals,
He would rebuild our military,
He would destroy ISIS,
He would restore our economy,and Health Care System. .
He would defeat Hillary. 
And, all who would oppose him , 
Question him,
Or doubt him,
Would be destroyed , and cast aside in his grim march to the Presidency, a march that seemed impervious to bad press, or conservative Republican attacks on his character or credibility. 
His followers were unwaiveringly loyal, as he won State after State Primary, as one combatant after another fell to his blistering personal attacks and ever expanding legion of worshippers that would have Trump as President, and would tolerate no criticism or rivals that try to stop him. 
With Trump now leading in delegate count, Cruz right behind, and Kasich a distant third, the Trump Train seems unstoppable. His multitudes ever increasing, gathering on that hill, to hear this Republican Prophet put forth his own Sermon on the Mount, to his loyal disciples,gathering to hear him,in stadium after stadium, all across the nation. 
But, as with Christ before him, amongst his followers were those who doubted, those who dared question, those who heard the inconsistencies, those who heard the conflicting, contradictory agenda,those who remembered the Liberal Democrat Trump, quite clearly, from a few years before,those who now indeed see another false prophet, sent to deceive them. 
The signs became glaringly apparent, as the Republican Primary field slowly whittled down, from seventeen to three,, with only the pure conservatism of Cruz, and the practical, experienced , pragmatic conservatism of Kasich able to challenge, and endure. 
The reason they remain is clear; their conservative message is genuine,and rooted in solid conservative voting records and legislation, that prove who they really are. 
Cruz and Kasich speak the words of  conservatism,but their actions back up their words as well. 
And Trump,the False Messiah, the Kingdom Divided?
Trump may unleash an endless refrain of pseudo-conservative bluster and blarney, but his actions speak of other things besides conservatism, especially recently, as the increased pressure and scrutiny of a narrowing Primary field,has forced Trump to articulate the substance  behind his blustering style, to confront the issues  of the day, in detail, , issues that any potential President must master, if he is to stand any chance of capturing the Presidency. 
But now, with 20 states still to be decided between the three remaining Republican Candidates, and Cruz slowly , but surely gaining in polls and delegate count,the cracks in the Trump Conservative Facade, are ever increasing, exposing more and more of the liberal Democrat hiding beneath. 
Trump continues his personal twitter attacks on Megan Kelly, just like a Democrat would. 
Trump attacked the physical appearance of Heidi Cruz,again, on twitter, just like a Democrat would. 
Annoyed by his endorsement of Ted Cruz, Trump criticized Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, for failing to increase taxes , in order to boost his state's lagging economy,just like a Democrat would. 
Trump called for the United States to withdraw from NATO,on the grounds that it was "too expensive",just like a Democrat. 
Trump feels that other nations, like China and Japan, should have nuclear weapons as well, just like a Democrat. 
Trump stated that women should be "punished" for violating anti-abortion laws.Who but a Democrat, would seek to punish the woman, rather than the doctor performing the abortion procedure?
Trump now admits that he wants to replace Obamacare with a mandatory, government controlled,Health Care program ,
Just like a Democrat. 
Trump continues to defend campaign staff and followers who have been responsible for violence on the campaign trail, including  Campaign Manager Cory Lewandowski, who assaulted Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields,and then denied it ever happened,..and a seventy eight year old Trump supporter who assaulted a protestor at a Trump rally, 
Just like a Democrat. 
Trump continues to encourage his rally supporters to beat the hell out of protestors , just like another Presidential candidate, George Wallace, another liberal Democrat. 
Trump attacks Rep House and Senate Leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, while promising to "get along" with and work with, Pelosi Reid and Schumer, just like a fellow Democrat. 
Trump now brazenly denounces conservatism completely, as a failed , outmoded concept, that has now been replaced by him and his rabid followers , with the concept of "Populism"which is, in reality, just another fancy word for Liberalism. 
Just like a Democrat. 
Now, in the final stretch of the Republican Primary campaign season, the Trump skeptics suspicions have been confirmed,as the mask of Conservative Republicanism has fallen away, to reveal, the truth, 
About him, and his followers as well.Even Trump's image as a Putin style strong man now seems in doubt, as he appeared flustered ,confused,and woefully unprepared, during his MSNBC  inteview with Chris Matthews
Trump is indeed a False Prophet, a Democrat Saboteur, whose plan may not be to actually win the Presidency, but to execute a political coup on the Republican Party, a  takeover of the Party , and its principles as well. 
A hostile takeover, that seeks to replace the obsolete,failed principles of constitutional conservatism, with a restructured version of liberalism, concealed neatly under the shallow mask of a new political facade called Populism.
If Obama and the Democrats have destroyed Trump's Democrat Party, then Trump will simply take the other Party as his own, and make it over ,into his own Liberal Democrat,
"Populist" image., and the image of his Liberal Democrat Union backed followers as well. An ambitious plan, A daring coup, to be sure. 
But, one, from the beginning,doomed to failure, for as Trump 's lack of real substance and core principles continues to be exposed,on all networks, his mask of conservatism continues to crumble ,
His true nature, continues to be revealed. 
Cruz. The only true pure, Reagan style conservative, continues to rise in the poll and delegate count and, in the wake of the Trump attacks on Heidi Cruz, is now poised to take the State of Wisconsin, by a comfortable, commanding margin, indeed. 
The people are awakening.
The Truth of Conservatism is now steadily gaining over the false mask of Populism. 
This is,the way it had to be, for in the end, for the False Prophet,..
Always destroys  himself.
For, just as a House divided against itself, cannot stand,
Just as Satan cannot cast out Satan, 
Just as Trump, cannot cast out Trump,..
So too, is Conservatism ,
The Natural State of Mankind, 
And, in the End, Conservatism always triumphs.
The battle goes on, the race goes on, and it is a race, about one thing, and one thing alone,..
Republican Victory, complete, and permanent. 
For, you see, contrary to all  the Trump Circus antics and abuses, the purpose of a Republican Primary, is to nominate the most consistently conservative candidate, and then to support the eventual nominee 100% , in order to defeat the Democrat Party and its destructive agenda. 
Nothing else matters.
The Republican Party , must be victorious, and the Democrat Party, defeated.
That is the only way, 
To make America Great Again.

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