Sunday, April 17, 2016

"A Crown Won, A Kingdom Lost!"

America has the greatest system of government yet devised by man. It's a system where We the People rule,with no King, Queen, Dictator, Tyrant,or Despot,to impose his will upon us. It is a system that is unique in history.Since the dawn of time,man has lived in subjugation,forced to toil and labor, for those who claimed a divine right to rule over them. Until the birth of Freedom, the birth of America. Our Founding Fathers decided that it was time to end all Monarchies,and finally live free,because we were created that way. The Founders devised a Constitution,that , like the Magna Carta  before, finally put down on parchment a system of government that was not based on a Tyrant's whims,but on the basic Judeo-Christian that changed the civilized world forever. Man was created free, and should live free,it's as simple as that. The People are the Government,and only their will as individuals, and as a collective,shall determine their fate .The Ancient Greeks speculated on it, as theory. Christ's message was based on it. But, it was not until America came to be, that this system of government would finally take substance, and make no mistake, that system is the reason that America is the leader of the Free World, the number one superpower , and the last best hope for humanity.
Even unto the 21st Century, this day, this hour, there is still no other nation that has achieved this system. America still stands alone, above all, like Mount Olympus itself, a Shining City , that all other nations can only gaze upon, in wonder and awe.We have the greatest Free Market system in the world, because of Self-Government.We have the greatest military, because of Self-Government.We are the only nation where the citizen has an unalterable right, to Keep and Bear Arms,because of  Self Government.
We are the first nation on earth,to create a law that would end slavery, and still the only nation on earth that enforces that law. Imagine that.In this, the 21st Century, every other nation on earth, in one way or another,still suffers under the scourge of slavery, except the Nation called America., whose system of self government , a system of free will,demanded that it be eliminated, and so it was. The only nation whose system of self-government gave man the right to keep and bear arms, because self -government demands that a free man be given the means to defend that freedom , from those who would seek to destroy it.
We have freed more nations, brought more liberty to the oppressed around the globe, and destroyed more terrorists, than any other nation on earth, because of self-government.
If America did not exist,the world would be a very dark, dismal, despair ridden place indeed, because only America has the greatest system of self-government yet devised by man, and other nations never have, and never will.This is the reason our borders , are being flooded, every year, with thousands of refugees from other nations, seeking to flee a world under an oppressive iron boot, and find sanctuary in this Shining City , This Camelot,
This New Olympus,
Called America.
And yet, despite all this , in the wake of now five straight state victories , including most recently Wyoming, by Ted Cruz, Donald Trump says our system is broken,corrupt, and yes, even rigged,for the so called "establishment elite".
Rigged,against an outsider,
Rigged against the common man, and the America voter , in particular, who, according to Trump, has been disenfranchised, and their votes negated, in Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming as well. All states that Ted Cruz has campaigned hard in, and won, in succession. In fact, Trump seems to believe that any state , whether it be caucus, or election based, that he has not won, has conspired against him,subverted the will of the people, and are determined to deny him his rightful place as the Republican Party Nominee.
What utter nonsense.
Despite the mad ravings of Trump and his minions, the system is not corrupt, not broken, not controlled by the Republican Elite, who according to Trump, manipulate Kings and Kingdoms as the corrupt power behind such thrones.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with our system.
This is a Free Republic, not a Democracy, as Trump seems to believe. And, in a Republic, State Rights are Sovreign. Every single state has the right to run their Primary , and use whatever system they choose to.
It's called Free Will.
It's called Self Government.
It's called the Constitution.
Donald Trump and his followers should read this document sometime, and while they're at it, they should read the basic caucus, and delegate rules of each primaqry state,that were posted , many months ago, by Reince Priebus, the head of a private organization that represents our Free Republic, an organization  called the Republican Party.
The rules for each state, were clearly posted months ago, and it was left to each candidate running , to campaign in each state, according to these rules. Since the first votes cast in Iowa, Donald Trump and his staff,have chosen to blatantly ignore all rules and forgo the basic grassroots groundgame campaigning that is the key to victory , in favor of simply using the free press that has promoted and protected him, and an endless series of abusive , headline grabbing tweets that kept him in the news and kept his followers on the offensive against all those who would dare criticize him, or deny him his "divine right" to the nomination.
The RNC is using 'dirty tricks" to deny Trump his rightful victory, they say.
Ted Cruz is a liar who cheats to win states, they say.
But, like their orange hued leader,there is little that the Trumpkins say, that is based on political reality.
The truth is, as the field of Republican Primary competition has narrowed,Ted Cruz has been winning states consistently,because of his strong grassroots groundgame and a willingness to campaign hard in each and every state to achieve those victories.
Trump has run a comparatively lazy campaign by contrast,relying on free media snippets to promote his cause, and it has begun to cost him dearly. Ted Cruz's campaign team has been professional ,hardworking, strategically on target,and most importantly,knowledgeable on the details of the delegate and caucus voting system, that our nation has used, since 1865.
There is nothing wrong with the delegate, or caucus system of voting.
There is nothing corrupt about this system.
There is nothing disenfranchising about this system, despite what Trump and his supporters may believe.
In a Free Republic, every state has sovreign rule, and can impose the voting system that they feel best suits their individual needs. There is no Federal Government control of this system.
There is no Republican establishment scheme or manipulations behind it. On the contrary,if you're looking for a rigged system, look no further than the Democrat Party's "Super Delegates", who are pledged to Hillary Clinton, even if the voters from their districts favor Bernie Sanders. Now, that's corruption. But, that's the Democrat system, not the Republicans, and what else can be expected from Democrats, besides corruption?
Now, by contrast, whichever Republican candidate wins the majority of votes, in a state's district, gets the delegate votes, for that district.It's as simple, and fair,as that.
The Republican Delegate system was, in fact, developed to make sure that each and every state had a fair representation in every major election.If the Trump campaign had its way, the election would now be over, because its results would solely depend on the popular vote , but this is a system best reserved for Democratic Socialist Governments,not Free Republics.If the Primary voting season were decided by the Popular Vote alone, that would mean that large states with small populations would have virtually no say in determining who the next President shall be. Compared to heavily populated states,, like California, Florida, New York, or Texas, their votes would be virtually non-existent, their states almost completely shut out of the political process. In effect, the Popular vote system would be the system that would indeed disenfranchise the voters of entire states,and make a mockery of a system of self-government where the will of the individual, the will of We the People, is sacrosanct, and shall not be infringed, by the whims of a freshman politician who feels that he should be Commander in Chief, for no other reason than he simply wants it, and is therefore, entitled to it.
Not an unusual attitude to have really. History is replete with men who felt ,"entitled" to rule other men, who felt that is was their birthright, who felt that elections were nothing more than an annoyance , a mere formality,done simply for appearance sake, to make the common man think , they have a say in their government. Down through History, every Dictator , Tyrant, or Despot, has held these fraud elections, knowing full well the outcome in advance.Like Trump, they too felt it was their "birthright" ,to rule.
They too, felt "entitled" to ultimate victory.
And, like Trump, they too ,were dead wrong.
The birth of America , and its system of self-government , make a lie of their entitlement rule mentality, and puts the true power,in the hands of We the People , alone.
And our delegate system makes sure that each and every free, sovreign state, a Kingdom unto itself, has equal say in determining the men and women who would represent our rule, on a state and federal level.
The Greatest System on Earth?
You Bet.
But, with one caviat,
A system of self government, requires self-participation.
We the People must remain engaged fully in the process, or tyranny or tyranny will be the inevitable result.
80% of registered Republican voters still do not show up at the polls , and vote, in any elections, either on a state or federal level.
That is a disgrace, and offends the memory of our Founding Fathers,who sacrificed everything to give us this right, and it is also the main reason our nation is in collapse .
Republicans must win, in all elections, on a state or federal level, because our nation runs best, when it is controlled by the Republican Party.
So, for those who believe our system broken, our politicians corrupt, our elections rigged, and like Trump, you are looking for someone to blame, look no further than your own mirrored reflection.
For, a King who no longer bothers to sit upon his Throne, and impose his Rule,
Is no longer a King,
And a Free People, no longer Free,
Their Crown Usurped,
Their Kingdom Lost,
And the boot of tyrannical oppression once more, firmly upon their necks.
Ted Cruz is the Republican Candidate with the most consistent record as a Constitutional Conservative.Therefore, he should be , and will be,..the Republican Nominee.
But, one man alone cannot summon the future, and save America.
No, to accomplish that task, Republicans must be elected on a constant, consistent basis, by Super Majorities, at all levels of government.
For, only Republicans obey the will of We the People,
And honor the Constitution , that is the Rock, upon which,
Our Republic was built.

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