So, the Super Tuesday Primary votes have been tallied, and the result is an overwhelming five state sweep for Republican front runner,Donald Trump.Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland,Connecticut,all have fallen under the cult-like spell of the reality show star's P.T.Barnum style, populist persona.
But, so what? Big deal, Trump won five extremely blue states that are two or three elections away from being communist anyway.Trump was supposed to win these states. Most conservatives, including Cruz, predicted it,weeks ago, just as his New York win was fait accompli as well. Like I said, No Big Deal. The Liberal Democrat in Republican disguise,wins the support of Liberal Democrat dominated states that see him as easy fodder for Hillary Clinton. Simply not important to Ted Cruz's overall mission to secure the nomination. Cruz won five states in a row as well, right before this election .So, nothing's changed ,and Cruz will win the inevitable second ballot vote,at the Republican Convention in July, guaranteed. Again, Trump's victories are simply not important.
But, what is important, is what occurred as a prelude to the Super Tuesday Elections. Donald J. Trump ,once again,using an endless stream of free media coverage and endless pundit interviews as a lazy man's substitute for actual grassroots campaigning, announced that , as President,one of his main priorities will be to raise taxes on the so-called rich, in order to boost the economy. In a long series of foolish statements by this faux Republican, this is, by far, the most foolish , for it violates a basic rule of Republican politics. A Republican candidate never announces during a campaign ,that he is going to raise taxes, because , as a Republican, he is presumed to understand that tax and regulation cuts , not increases, are the only way you can ever grow the economy. Corporations and big businesses are the engine of the free market economy, not the government,and the only way to keep that engine running,is to allow these engines to keep the wealth they alone, create,, thereby allowing them to grow and prosper, creating job growth, and a booming economy. All Republicans know this. All, except Trump that is. The simple reality is this, no Republican would ever have criticized Governor Scott Walker for not raising taxes in his state, to grow the economy, and no Republican candidate would ever announce repeatedly , on an endless series of news networks, just prior to a major Primary vote, that he will, as President, raise taxes on the rich, to grow the economy. That, like many things that Donald Trump says, is a Democrat talking point,right from the DNC playbook .No Republican politician worth his salt,, whether conservative or moderate, would ever support , even in jest, that raising taxes would boost any economy, anywhere. All Republicans know , that raising taxes always damages the economy,and costs jobs guaranteed. All real Republicans that is, and therein lies the main problem with the Republican Primary front runner,Donald J.Trump .He is, in fact, not a Republican, never has been, and never will be, in any way, shape, or form.His repeated statements regarding raising taxes to boost the economy, and threatening to punish the rich with higher taxes, proves this, beyond a shadow of a doubt.Trump's tax statements are the final nail, in the coffin of his faux candidacy.Trump is not a Republican.He has been a Liberal Democrat for the past thirty years,funding their elections, seeking their political favors, calling Bush and McCain war criminals, condemning the War in Iraq, while praising Saddam Hussein, , and yes folks, opposing all Republicans that were Anti-Amnesty and Pro-Border control, like Mitt Romney, for instance.Trump attacked Romney viciously,for opposing illegal immigration and Amnesty during Romney's run for the Presidency in 2012. That's a fact Trumpkins. Deal with it.
These are the actions and political stances of a hard core, Democrat,and now, with his brazen call for increased taxes on the rich, Trump's Republican Mask, has finally been ripped away, fully exposing the Democrat monster beneath it.
The purpose of a Republican Primary , is for Republican voters to elect the Republican candidate with the most consistent conservative record, and that is all. A conservative record, Trumpkins, means that you follow the tenants of the Constitution , as written by the Founders, word for word. If you are a Republican voter, and voted for Donald Trump on April 26th, Super Tuesday, then you are no Conservative, and no Republican, because Trump is no Conservative, and no Republican. Trump , the draft dodger, accused both Bush and McCain of war crimes, and called for Bush's impeachment .Trump has called for tax increases on the wealthy,on American businesses,that go overseas,and on all imported goods.That means higher taxes on the American people .Nothing more, nothing less. Trump refuses to support Israel over Hamas, and wants to stay "neutral" , like Obama and the Democrats. Trump wants a mandatory, government imposed, government controlled, Health Care system, similar to Obamacare. Trump opposed Mitt Romney's Anti-Amnesty , Illegal immigrant deportation policy, during Romney's 2012 Presidential run.
Trump has spent decades supporting the destructive Democrat Agenda,and financed not only the Democrat takeover of both Houses in 2006, but also the Democrat Governor campaign of Clinton Operative Terry McCauliffe , who is now giving convicted felons in Virginia, the right to vote, in order to bolster the overall Democrat voting base.
Trump is a lifelong Liberal Democrat, who called Bill Clinton,"Our Greatest President", and Hillary, 'A Great Secretary of State".He, not Cruz or Kasich, has "colluded" with the Democrat Party for over thirty years , and has enthusiastically backed their destructive agenda that has badly damaged our nation , in exchange for personal business favors. That's collusion , Trumpkins, pure and simple.
Trump , like Hillary , and the entire Democrat Party,is an enemy of our Free Republic, and, if you voted for him, you are an enemy of it too.
If, after eight years of Obama and Democrat destruction, you can go to the polls, and vote for another lifelong , tax raising, Liberal Democrat, with a long business record of deception and malfeasance,then, like all Liberal Democrats, you are an enemy of America, an enemy that must be defeated, if the Republic is to survive.
Ted Cruz is the perfect conservative candidate. His record in the Senate is impeccable. He is a strict Constitutional Conservative, who believes in tax and regulation cuts, for all Americans, believes in destroying Obamacare, believes in destroying the I.R.S., believes in standing strong and united, with Israel, against all her enemies, believes in supporting our military and destroying ISIS, believes in supporting the 2nd Amendment and the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of the Constitution that he lives by.
Senator Ted Cruz, according to Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and me, is the closest thing to Ronald Reagan this nation has ever seen.Only a Liberal Democrat, or a fool, would support Trump over him in the Primaries, and whether fool or Democrat, you must be defeated, if our Free Republic is to endure, and our children to prosper.There is no middle ground.Either you support Reagan style Constitutional Conservatism, like Cruz, or you are an Anti-American Enemy of this Republic , and , as I stated before, all enemies of this Republic must be defeated.
Trump is nothing more than the product of crossover Democrat votes,and misguided , uninformed , disinterested , gullible Republican voters,who are willfully ignorant, and just don't give a damn.
The mission of Primary crossover Democrat voters is clear, elect the weakest Republican Nominee, .The nominee that their Democrat candidate can easily defeat .This year, that candidate is Trump. In 2008, it was McCain. In 2012, it was Romney. Both were defeated by Obama.Both were chosen by crossover Democrat voters, because they could be beaten by Obama, pure and simpleNow, Trump is being chosen by crossover Democrats, for the same reason. The difference this time?Ted Cruz .He is going nowhere, despite Trump's pleas for him to drop out. Cruz will continue to fight, and knows that three things in life are certain; death, taxes, and no one is getting the 1, 237 delegates to secure the nomination. That means the inevitable second ballot, and on that ballot, Cruz gets the nomination, guaranteed.
That's how Lincoln was nominated,
That's how Eisenhower was nominated,
That's how Reagan was nominated,
And, make no mistake, It's how Cruz will be nominated and go on to crush Hillary Clinton and her corrupt Democrat Party, permanently.
The stakes couldn't be higher, and a conservative line has been drawn in the sand.
As President Bush said in the wake of 9-11, "Either you are with us, or you are against us".
Side with Cruz, and with the Conservatism, that will save the Republic,
Or side with Trump , Hillary, and Liberal Democrat destruction.
Side with Cruz and Conservatism, or be destroyed on the floor of the Republican Convention, along with Trump and his mindless Democrat followers.
And, make no mistake, Trump's criminal threats against Convention Delegates, and threats to riot on the floor of the Convention, will be met strongly, by America's finest, those who swore an oath, to "Protect and Serve".
Only Democrat scum,and Black Lives Matter, would threaten Delegates, and Trump supporters are Democrat scum, pure and simple.
Or, to put it another way,... bring it on Trumpkins,
For, the Battle Lines are indeed clearly drawn,
The choice is clear,
And the inevitable Victory for Cruz, assured,
Because ,Conservatism is the Natural State of Mankind, and in the end, Conservatism must ultimately triumph.
Indiana looms next.The race goes on , the cause endures,the dream,will never die. And one thing is certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
No pretended Republican, will ever win the Crown,
Or the Presidency, of this Shining City,
This Free Republic,...
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
"Daggers Of The Gods!"
So, finally, after a five state sweep by Senator Ted Cruz, Republican Primary front runner Donald Trump rebounds with a big win in his home State of New York .The Trump Train seems to be ,once again, on a sure path to scoring a majority delegate win. Or, is it?Yes, Trump won New York, but he did it with only 60% of the vote,.Ted Cruz achieved 70% in the state of Utah, the highest percentage yet won by any candidate in any state, and it wasn't even Cruz's home state!Why is it that Trump could not achieve this percentage in his home state, where he is supposedly worshipped, and Ted Cruz reviled,for his 'New York Values",comment.Why couldn't he shut out Kasich, as well as Cruz, in his home town? I'll tell you why; Trump has gradually been exposed by none other than Donald Trump himself.This is a man, now almost seventy years old,who continues to try and convince Republican voters that, after a lifetime of being a Liberal Democrat and supporting them financially as well, Trump has had an awakening and become a Conservative Republican, just in time to run for the Republican Presidential Nomination.
And now,with the field narrowed to three, Trump has still remained vague and ever-changing on the details of his policy platform. Not surprising,really. Trump is, by nature, a Liberal Democrat. That's what he was at birth, and what he remains .Being a Liberal Democrat is in his DNA.He could no more change into a conservative, in his late sixties, than a transgender man can really become a woman. Trump, however, may reject that argument, since he has now announced that these hopelessly confused people have the right to use whatever bathroom they want to. Is that really the position of a Conservative Republican, running for the office of Commander in Chief? A man who imagines he's a woman can use the ladies room, for no other reason , than he wants to?Yes, according to Trump.But, this is not surprising that Trump feels this way.After all, if Trump can imagine himself to be a Conservative Republican, why can't a man imagine himself to be a woman?
Both are absurd points of view, and both should be rejected, by any sensible , thinking human being , who truly does embrace the conservative values that are the foundation of our lives, as citizens of a Free Republic. A man, cannot become a woman. And, a lifetime Liberal Democrat cannot become a Conservative, simple as that. You are,. what you are, and if someone tries to con you into believing otherwise, it's up to We the People,to use our common sense ,and see the truth, that is as glaringly obvious,as the hair on Trump's head. Trump is no Conservative.
Trump is not even a Republican, for that matter.
No other Republican Candidate , whether extreme right wing, or middle of the road moderate, has ever taken as many completely polar opposite stances on issues , than Donald Trump.
Trump has called for tax and regulation cuts, of course, as all Republicans do.Yet now, Trump calls for tax increases on the wealthy,
Calls for tariffs on imported goods,
And, calls for increases on ethanol subsidies,as well.
All of these,amount to nothing more, than increased taxes on the American people, pure and simple.
Trump even recently criticized Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin,for not increasing taxes in his state, in order to boost the economy. No one believes a tax increase improves any economy.No one,except a Liberal Democrat, that is. The History of Trump interviews on YouTube says it all.What ever opinion Trump has on an issue, rest assured, he has had the exact opposite stance ,not long ago,and has proudly pronounced the fact,in interview after interview,down through the years.
Trump is vague on conservative issues because he is not conservative,and does not really understand what conservatism is, or what conservatives really believe. That's why he'll say something, and then, later deny he said it at all. His staff tells him that Republicans don't hold these views,and Trump simply changes that view in the next interview,just to appease his followers.
This is a con job,being carried out by a man who saw an opportunity to run for President, and would have done it in any Party, that gave him his best chance of winning. No constitutional values, just pure opportunism, carried out for typical Trump self- aggrandizement,no other reason. Trump never mentions the Constitution, because he cares nothing about the Constitution, and, like most Liberals , views this document as simply something preventing him from achieving total power, total control. Why else would he continue to call for tariffs on imported goods and continue to blame other nations for the American broken economy?Why would he continue to seek to punish American companies that go overseas , to escape heavy taxes and regulations?Because, like most Liberal Democrats Trump believes that the Federal Government is the source of a great economy.Only the Federal Government can restore lost jobs.
Only the Federal Government can make America, ..Great Again .
And, all it takes, are ever increasing taxes, on the American people.
Trump and his followers claim his skill as a businessman, his ability to make deals, to wheel and deal, will be the key to restoring America.
The government is not a business,
And the President, is not a businessman.
The government exists solely as a representative of We the People, who truly rule this land.
And, the President is nothing more than the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
The government's job is to keep taxes and regulations low,which will allow our Free Market to grow and prosper. And the taxes and regulations that are collected, from these businesses, are to be used to support and strengthen our Military , and secure our nation,at home and abroad,.. period.
And the job of the President? He is, first and foremost, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, pure and simple.
He is not a businessman, and it is not his job, to create jobs, or to use taxes ,regulations, and tariffs, to punish businesses,and block the Free Trade that is a basic principle of our Free Market, Capitalist system.
No, the President's job is to command our military , propose legislation, cut taxes and regulations, appoint Supreme Court justices,..kill terrorists,..and then, get the hell out of the way of We the People who truly run this country.
China is not, "Eating our Lunch"
Japan and Mexico are not stealing our jobs,..
Liberal Democrat taxes and Regulations,..are.
You want jobs and corporations to stay in this country?
You want a growing economy?
Forget the tariff nonsense, which is nothing more than a tax ,the hard working American people.
You grow the economy.
You keep companies in America,..
By cutting all taxes and regulations , at all levels , to the bone,and allow the Free Market ,
To truly be free.
There is nothing wrong with the economy.
The economy is always strong,
Always prosperous,
Always growing,
As long as government, gets out of its way.
Government taxes and regulations are the only thing that can possibly hurt it.
Liberal Democrat taxes and regulations ,
The taxes and regulations that Donald J. Trump ,as President, would surely impose,just as he would surely increase the Federal Government's control of the free market, in general,
Just as he would replace Obamacare with a single payer government system, far worse and even more destructive than Obamacare .He said it. Believe it.
Cruz however,would cut all taxes, impose a flat tax , eliminate Obamacare, eliminate the Iran deal, destroy ISIS, support Israel, defend the 2nd Amendment , and defend the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our Constitution.
Ted Cruz's legislative record , in the Senate, proves , that what he says he will do,..
He will do.
Trump fails to even mention the Constitution, because it simply represents nothing more to him than a restriction,
An obstacle,
That unfairly restricts his power as President ,
Just as our delegate system, has unfairly prevented Trump, from simply taking the nomination.
Trump. cannot be President, ever.
This Nation did not go through 8 years of Obama and the destructive Democrat Agenda, only to elect a man who was instrumental in assuring the Democrat takeover, in 2007, and called Bill Clinton,..Our Greatest President.
No, Republicans now control the House and Senate,and most state governments as well.Republicans are winning at all government levels, and we now have a Presidential Candidate, with an impeccable conservative legislative record in the Senate,
A candidate that is the constitutional equivalent of Ronald Reagan,
Ted Cruz, is that man,and his record as Senator, ias well as the way he lives his life,is all the proof of his conservative credentials you need .
He must be our next President,
And he will be,
History demands it, and our children's future depends on it.
This isn't a game,
The Republican Primary's purpose is to elect the most conservative candidate , pure and simple, because, in the end,
Only Conservatism works,
Only Conservatism strengthens our Nation,
Only Conservatism destroys the Democrat Agenda, permanently.
Trump cannot understand this, since Trump places no faith in anything except his ability to sell his own image, to those gullible enough to buy it.
The Trump Presidency will be nothing more than another Trump University. that promised the world to those that signed up for it, but, in the end, delivered nothing, while asking the American people, to max out their credit cards, to achieve that nothing. It's a con, by a Master Con Man,who cannot truly understand the office he aspires to.
The Proof?
Look no further than Trump's most damning statements , that he has repeated, endlessly, throughout the campaign, and even as far back, as 2004. Donald J.Trump , the man who would be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, accused President George W. Bush of lying about the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction, in Iraq. , and of being directly responsible for 911. Trump then called for his friend , Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to impeach him, for war crimes.
Trump accused Arizona Senator John McCain , of bombing innocent civilians during the Viet Nam war, and then mocked his POW status, during that war.
Trump condemned the Iraq War, as did most Democrats, while praising Saddam Hussein,a sponsor of terrorism .,. for supposedly killing terrorists.
Trump accused ADFI's President Pamela Geller of deliberately provoking terrorists,and offending muslims, with her Draw Prophet Muhammed contest, in Garland, Texas. Geller was called,"disgusting" by Trump, and France's Charlie Hebdo , was condemned by Trump as well, for also mocking the Prophet Muhammed. Apparently, Donald Trump supports the Sharia Law, that both Geller and Charlie Hebdo, risked their lives, opposing.
There it is, pure and simple.
Trump, the man who would be King,accused a former Republican President, and a Republican Senator from Arizona, of War Crimes, and criticized an American citizen, and Patriot, for opposing Sharia, and provoking terrorists.
And this man who condemns the Iraq War , praises Saddam Hussein, for killing terrorists, calls Vladimir Putin, a Great Leader, and calls the Republican delegate system , rigged and corrupt, while benefiting the most from its process, , wants to be our next President.
I think not.
You cannot spew Code Pink , leftist propaganda, and still expect any rational , sane, conservative Republican , to still accept your claims to be a conservative Republican.
For, when you call a Republican President a War Criminal, a liar, and call his war on terror, a lie,
And when you accuse a Senator, a War Hero, and a Pow, of committing a war crime as well, by bombing innocent civilians,
You also mock the soldiers who served voluntarily, who believe in the purpose behind their war,
Believe in the mission,
And know that Saddam Hussein, and all those who sponsored terror , and oppressed their fellow man, were as guilty as those who bombed the Twin Towers on 9-11.
They know that Bush, was right.
Those who are not with us, are against us.,
And know that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were right, and just, and Saddam did have Weapons , that he used on his own people,
And that Justice had to be served, on a cowardly enemy, and its sponsors, who dared attack us on our own soil,
Even if Donald Trump, the Man who would be our Commander in Chief , and the Liberal Left, does not.
And, unfortunately, for Mr. Trump and his Presidential ambitions, most of these soldiers , the best of us, the brightest,the most skilled, and the finest fighting team ever assembled, are Conservative Republican voters as well, and they can see the truth.
And, part of that truth, is that 1,237 delegates , will not be won, by any of the remaining three Republican candidates.
Three into One, won't go.
Another solution, is called for.
The Roman Emperor Gaius, nicknamed,"Caligula", was ultimately dispatched, by his own Praetorian Guard, when his mad ravings, and many debaucheries, had offended both gods and men,and could be tolerated no longer.
Can the Praetorian Guard, of this, the new Rome, poised to strike with their delegate daggers at the Republican Convention,
Do less, to save the Republic?
And now,with the field narrowed to three, Trump has still remained vague and ever-changing on the details of his policy platform. Not surprising,really. Trump is, by nature, a Liberal Democrat. That's what he was at birth, and what he remains .Being a Liberal Democrat is in his DNA.He could no more change into a conservative, in his late sixties, than a transgender man can really become a woman. Trump, however, may reject that argument, since he has now announced that these hopelessly confused people have the right to use whatever bathroom they want to. Is that really the position of a Conservative Republican, running for the office of Commander in Chief? A man who imagines he's a woman can use the ladies room, for no other reason , than he wants to?Yes, according to Trump.But, this is not surprising that Trump feels this way.After all, if Trump can imagine himself to be a Conservative Republican, why can't a man imagine himself to be a woman?
Both are absurd points of view, and both should be rejected, by any sensible , thinking human being , who truly does embrace the conservative values that are the foundation of our lives, as citizens of a Free Republic. A man, cannot become a woman. And, a lifetime Liberal Democrat cannot become a Conservative, simple as that. You are,. what you are, and if someone tries to con you into believing otherwise, it's up to We the People,to use our common sense ,and see the truth, that is as glaringly obvious,as the hair on Trump's head. Trump is no Conservative.
Trump is not even a Republican, for that matter.
No other Republican Candidate , whether extreme right wing, or middle of the road moderate, has ever taken as many completely polar opposite stances on issues , than Donald Trump.
Trump has called for tax and regulation cuts, of course, as all Republicans do.Yet now, Trump calls for tax increases on the wealthy,
Calls for tariffs on imported goods,
And, calls for increases on ethanol subsidies,as well.
All of these,amount to nothing more, than increased taxes on the American people, pure and simple.
Trump even recently criticized Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin,for not increasing taxes in his state, in order to boost the economy. No one believes a tax increase improves any economy.No one,except a Liberal Democrat, that is. The History of Trump interviews on YouTube says it all.What ever opinion Trump has on an issue, rest assured, he has had the exact opposite stance ,not long ago,and has proudly pronounced the fact,in interview after interview,down through the years.
Trump is vague on conservative issues because he is not conservative,and does not really understand what conservatism is, or what conservatives really believe. That's why he'll say something, and then, later deny he said it at all. His staff tells him that Republicans don't hold these views,and Trump simply changes that view in the next interview,just to appease his followers.
This is a con job,being carried out by a man who saw an opportunity to run for President, and would have done it in any Party, that gave him his best chance of winning. No constitutional values, just pure opportunism, carried out for typical Trump self- aggrandizement,no other reason. Trump never mentions the Constitution, because he cares nothing about the Constitution, and, like most Liberals , views this document as simply something preventing him from achieving total power, total control. Why else would he continue to call for tariffs on imported goods and continue to blame other nations for the American broken economy?Why would he continue to seek to punish American companies that go overseas , to escape heavy taxes and regulations?Because, like most Liberal Democrats Trump believes that the Federal Government is the source of a great economy.Only the Federal Government can restore lost jobs.
Only the Federal Government can make America, ..Great Again .
And, all it takes, are ever increasing taxes, on the American people.
Trump and his followers claim his skill as a businessman, his ability to make deals, to wheel and deal, will be the key to restoring America.
The government is not a business,
And the President, is not a businessman.
The government exists solely as a representative of We the People, who truly rule this land.
And, the President is nothing more than the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
The government's job is to keep taxes and regulations low,which will allow our Free Market to grow and prosper. And the taxes and regulations that are collected, from these businesses, are to be used to support and strengthen our Military , and secure our nation,at home and abroad,.. period.
And the job of the President? He is, first and foremost, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, pure and simple.
He is not a businessman, and it is not his job, to create jobs, or to use taxes ,regulations, and tariffs, to punish businesses,and block the Free Trade that is a basic principle of our Free Market, Capitalist system.
No, the President's job is to command our military , propose legislation, cut taxes and regulations, appoint Supreme Court justices,..kill terrorists,..and then, get the hell out of the way of We the People who truly run this country.
China is not, "Eating our Lunch"
Japan and Mexico are not stealing our jobs,..
Liberal Democrat taxes and Regulations,..are.
You want jobs and corporations to stay in this country?
You want a growing economy?
Forget the tariff nonsense, which is nothing more than a tax ,the hard working American people.
You grow the economy.
You keep companies in America,..
By cutting all taxes and regulations , at all levels , to the bone,and allow the Free Market ,
To truly be free.
There is nothing wrong with the economy.
The economy is always strong,
Always prosperous,
Always growing,
As long as government, gets out of its way.
Government taxes and regulations are the only thing that can possibly hurt it.
Liberal Democrat taxes and regulations ,
The taxes and regulations that Donald J. Trump ,as President, would surely impose,just as he would surely increase the Federal Government's control of the free market, in general,
Just as he would replace Obamacare with a single payer government system, far worse and even more destructive than Obamacare .He said it. Believe it.
Cruz however,would cut all taxes, impose a flat tax , eliminate Obamacare, eliminate the Iran deal, destroy ISIS, support Israel, defend the 2nd Amendment , and defend the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our Constitution.
Ted Cruz's legislative record , in the Senate, proves , that what he says he will do,..
He will do.
Trump fails to even mention the Constitution, because it simply represents nothing more to him than a restriction,
An obstacle,
That unfairly restricts his power as President ,
Just as our delegate system, has unfairly prevented Trump, from simply taking the nomination.
Trump. cannot be President, ever.
This Nation did not go through 8 years of Obama and the destructive Democrat Agenda, only to elect a man who was instrumental in assuring the Democrat takeover, in 2007, and called Bill Clinton,..Our Greatest President.
No, Republicans now control the House and Senate,and most state governments as well.Republicans are winning at all government levels, and we now have a Presidential Candidate, with an impeccable conservative legislative record in the Senate,
A candidate that is the constitutional equivalent of Ronald Reagan,
Ted Cruz, is that man,and his record as Senator, ias well as the way he lives his life,is all the proof of his conservative credentials you need .
He must be our next President,
And he will be,
History demands it, and our children's future depends on it.
This isn't a game,
The Republican Primary's purpose is to elect the most conservative candidate , pure and simple, because, in the end,
Only Conservatism works,
Only Conservatism strengthens our Nation,
Only Conservatism destroys the Democrat Agenda, permanently.
Trump cannot understand this, since Trump places no faith in anything except his ability to sell his own image, to those gullible enough to buy it.
The Trump Presidency will be nothing more than another Trump University. that promised the world to those that signed up for it, but, in the end, delivered nothing, while asking the American people, to max out their credit cards, to achieve that nothing. It's a con, by a Master Con Man,who cannot truly understand the office he aspires to.
The Proof?
Look no further than Trump's most damning statements , that he has repeated, endlessly, throughout the campaign, and even as far back, as 2004. Donald J.Trump , the man who would be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, accused President George W. Bush of lying about the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction, in Iraq. , and of being directly responsible for 911. Trump then called for his friend , Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to impeach him, for war crimes.
Trump accused Arizona Senator John McCain , of bombing innocent civilians during the Viet Nam war, and then mocked his POW status, during that war.
Trump condemned the Iraq War, as did most Democrats, while praising Saddam Hussein,a sponsor of terrorism .,. for supposedly killing terrorists.
Trump accused ADFI's President Pamela Geller of deliberately provoking terrorists,and offending muslims, with her Draw Prophet Muhammed contest, in Garland, Texas. Geller was called,"disgusting" by Trump, and France's Charlie Hebdo , was condemned by Trump as well, for also mocking the Prophet Muhammed. Apparently, Donald Trump supports the Sharia Law, that both Geller and Charlie Hebdo, risked their lives, opposing.
There it is, pure and simple.
Trump, the man who would be King,accused a former Republican President, and a Republican Senator from Arizona, of War Crimes, and criticized an American citizen, and Patriot, for opposing Sharia, and provoking terrorists.
And this man who condemns the Iraq War , praises Saddam Hussein, for killing terrorists, calls Vladimir Putin, a Great Leader, and calls the Republican delegate system , rigged and corrupt, while benefiting the most from its process, , wants to be our next President.
I think not.
You cannot spew Code Pink , leftist propaganda, and still expect any rational , sane, conservative Republican , to still accept your claims to be a conservative Republican.
For, when you call a Republican President a War Criminal, a liar, and call his war on terror, a lie,
And when you accuse a Senator, a War Hero, and a Pow, of committing a war crime as well, by bombing innocent civilians,
You also mock the soldiers who served voluntarily, who believe in the purpose behind their war,
Believe in the mission,
And know that Saddam Hussein, and all those who sponsored terror , and oppressed their fellow man, were as guilty as those who bombed the Twin Towers on 9-11.
They know that Bush, was right.
Those who are not with us, are against us.,
And know that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were right, and just, and Saddam did have Weapons , that he used on his own people,
And that Justice had to be served, on a cowardly enemy, and its sponsors, who dared attack us on our own soil,
Even if Donald Trump, the Man who would be our Commander in Chief , and the Liberal Left, does not.
And, unfortunately, for Mr. Trump and his Presidential ambitions, most of these soldiers , the best of us, the brightest,the most skilled, and the finest fighting team ever assembled, are Conservative Republican voters as well, and they can see the truth.
And, part of that truth, is that 1,237 delegates , will not be won, by any of the remaining three Republican candidates.
Three into One, won't go.
Another solution, is called for.
The Roman Emperor Gaius, nicknamed,"Caligula", was ultimately dispatched, by his own Praetorian Guard, when his mad ravings, and many debaucheries, had offended both gods and men,and could be tolerated no longer.
Can the Praetorian Guard, of this, the new Rome, poised to strike with their delegate daggers at the Republican Convention,
Do less, to save the Republic?
Sunday, April 17, 2016
"A Crown Won, A Kingdom Lost!"
America has the greatest system of government yet devised by man. It's a system where We the People rule,with no King, Queen, Dictator, Tyrant,or Despot,to impose his will upon us. It is a system that is unique in history.Since the dawn of time,man has lived in subjugation,forced to toil and labor, for those who claimed a divine right to rule over them. Until the birth of Freedom, the birth of America. Our Founding Fathers decided that it was time to end all Monarchies,and finally live free,because we were created that way. The Founders devised a Constitution,that , like the Magna Carta before, finally put down on parchment a system of government that was not based on a Tyrant's whims,but on the basic Judeo-Christian that changed the civilized world forever. Man was created free, and should live free,it's as simple as that. The People are the Government,and only their will as individuals, and as a collective,shall determine their fate .The Ancient Greeks speculated on it, as theory. Christ's message was based on it. But, it was not until America came to be, that this system of government would finally take substance, and make no mistake, that system is the reason that America is the leader of the Free World, the number one superpower , and the last best hope for humanity.
Even unto the 21st Century, this day, this hour, there is still no other nation that has achieved this system. America still stands alone, above all, like Mount Olympus itself, a Shining City , that all other nations can only gaze upon, in wonder and awe.We have the greatest Free Market system in the world, because of Self-Government.We have the greatest military, because of Self-Government.We are the only nation where the citizen has an unalterable right, to Keep and Bear Arms,because of Self Government.
We are the first nation on earth,to create a law that would end slavery, and still the only nation on earth that enforces that law. Imagine that.In this, the 21st Century, every other nation on earth, in one way or another,still suffers under the scourge of slavery, except the Nation called America., whose system of self government , a system of free will,demanded that it be eliminated, and so it was. The only nation whose system of self-government gave man the right to keep and bear arms, because self -government demands that a free man be given the means to defend that freedom , from those who would seek to destroy it.
We have freed more nations, brought more liberty to the oppressed around the globe, and destroyed more terrorists, than any other nation on earth, because of self-government.
If America did not exist,the world would be a very dark, dismal, despair ridden place indeed, because only America has the greatest system of self-government yet devised by man, and other nations never have, and never will.This is the reason our borders , are being flooded, every year, with thousands of refugees from other nations, seeking to flee a world under an oppressive iron boot, and find sanctuary in this Shining City , This Camelot,
This New Olympus,
Called America.
And yet, despite all this , in the wake of now five straight state victories , including most recently Wyoming, by Ted Cruz, Donald Trump says our system is broken,corrupt, and yes, even rigged,for the so called "establishment elite".
Rigged,against an outsider,
Rigged against the common man, and the America voter , in particular, who, according to Trump, has been disenfranchised, and their votes negated, in Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming as well. All states that Ted Cruz has campaigned hard in, and won, in succession. In fact, Trump seems to believe that any state , whether it be caucus, or election based, that he has not won, has conspired against him,subverted the will of the people, and are determined to deny him his rightful place as the Republican Party Nominee.
What utter nonsense.
Despite the mad ravings of Trump and his minions, the system is not corrupt, not broken, not controlled by the Republican Elite, who according to Trump, manipulate Kings and Kingdoms as the corrupt power behind such thrones.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with our system.
This is a Free Republic, not a Democracy, as Trump seems to believe. And, in a Republic, State Rights are Sovreign. Every single state has the right to run their Primary , and use whatever system they choose to.
It's called Free Will.
It's called Self Government.
It's called the Constitution.
Donald Trump and his followers should read this document sometime, and while they're at it, they should read the basic caucus, and delegate rules of each primaqry state,that were posted , many months ago, by Reince Priebus, the head of a private organization that represents our Free Republic, an organization called the Republican Party.
The rules for each state, were clearly posted months ago, and it was left to each candidate running , to campaign in each state, according to these rules. Since the first votes cast in Iowa, Donald Trump and his staff,have chosen to blatantly ignore all rules and forgo the basic grassroots groundgame campaigning that is the key to victory , in favor of simply using the free press that has promoted and protected him, and an endless series of abusive , headline grabbing tweets that kept him in the news and kept his followers on the offensive against all those who would dare criticize him, or deny him his "divine right" to the nomination.
The RNC is using 'dirty tricks" to deny Trump his rightful victory, they say.
Ted Cruz is a liar who cheats to win states, they say.
But, like their orange hued leader,there is little that the Trumpkins say, that is based on political reality.
The truth is, as the field of Republican Primary competition has narrowed,Ted Cruz has been winning states consistently,because of his strong grassroots groundgame and a willingness to campaign hard in each and every state to achieve those victories.
Trump has run a comparatively lazy campaign by contrast,relying on free media snippets to promote his cause, and it has begun to cost him dearly. Ted Cruz's campaign team has been professional ,hardworking, strategically on target,and most importantly,knowledgeable on the details of the delegate and caucus voting system, that our nation has used, since 1865.
There is nothing wrong with the delegate, or caucus system of voting.
There is nothing corrupt about this system.
There is nothing disenfranchising about this system, despite what Trump and his supporters may believe.
In a Free Republic, every state has sovreign rule, and can impose the voting system that they feel best suits their individual needs. There is no Federal Government control of this system.
There is no Republican establishment scheme or manipulations behind it. On the contrary,if you're looking for a rigged system, look no further than the Democrat Party's "Super Delegates", who are pledged to Hillary Clinton, even if the voters from their districts favor Bernie Sanders. Now, that's corruption. But, that's the Democrat system, not the Republicans, and what else can be expected from Democrats, besides corruption?
Now, by contrast, whichever Republican candidate wins the majority of votes, in a state's district, gets the delegate votes, for that district.It's as simple, and fair,as that.
The Republican Delegate system was, in fact, developed to make sure that each and every state had a fair representation in every major election.If the Trump campaign had its way, the election would now be over, because its results would solely depend on the popular vote , but this is a system best reserved for Democratic Socialist Governments,not Free Republics.If the Primary voting season were decided by the Popular Vote alone, that would mean that large states with small populations would have virtually no say in determining who the next President shall be. Compared to heavily populated states,, like California, Florida, New York, or Texas, their votes would be virtually non-existent, their states almost completely shut out of the political process. In effect, the Popular vote system would be the system that would indeed disenfranchise the voters of entire states,and make a mockery of a system of self-government where the will of the individual, the will of We the People, is sacrosanct, and shall not be infringed, by the whims of a freshman politician who feels that he should be Commander in Chief, for no other reason than he simply wants it, and is therefore, entitled to it.
Not an unusual attitude to have really. History is replete with men who felt ,"entitled" to rule other men, who felt that is was their birthright, who felt that elections were nothing more than an annoyance , a mere formality,done simply for appearance sake, to make the common man think , they have a say in their government. Down through History, every Dictator , Tyrant, or Despot, has held these fraud elections, knowing full well the outcome in advance.Like Trump, they too felt it was their "birthright" ,to rule.
They too, felt "entitled" to ultimate victory.
And, like Trump, they too ,were dead wrong.
The birth of America , and its system of self-government , make a lie of their entitlement rule mentality, and puts the true power,in the hands of We the People , alone.
And our delegate system makes sure that each and every free, sovreign state, a Kingdom unto itself, has equal say in determining the men and women who would represent our rule, on a state and federal level.
The Greatest System on Earth?
You Bet.
But, with one caviat,
A system of self government, requires self-participation.
We the People must remain engaged fully in the process, or tyranny or tyranny will be the inevitable result.
80% of registered Republican voters still do not show up at the polls , and vote, in any elections, either on a state or federal level.
That is a disgrace, and offends the memory of our Founding Fathers,who sacrificed everything to give us this right, and it is also the main reason our nation is in collapse .
Republicans must win, in all elections, on a state or federal level, because our nation runs best, when it is controlled by the Republican Party.
So, for those who believe our system broken, our politicians corrupt, our elections rigged, and like Trump, you are looking for someone to blame, look no further than your own mirrored reflection.
For, a King who no longer bothers to sit upon his Throne, and impose his Rule,
Is no longer a King,
And a Free People, no longer Free,
Their Crown Usurped,
Their Kingdom Lost,
And the boot of tyrannical oppression once more, firmly upon their necks.
Ted Cruz is the Republican Candidate with the most consistent record as a Constitutional Conservative.Therefore, he should be , and will be,..the Republican Nominee.
But, one man alone cannot summon the future, and save America.
No, to accomplish that task, Republicans must be elected on a constant, consistent basis, by Super Majorities, at all levels of government.
For, only Republicans obey the will of We the People,
And honor the Constitution , that is the Rock, upon which,
Our Republic was built.
Even unto the 21st Century, this day, this hour, there is still no other nation that has achieved this system. America still stands alone, above all, like Mount Olympus itself, a Shining City , that all other nations can only gaze upon, in wonder and awe.We have the greatest Free Market system in the world, because of Self-Government.We have the greatest military, because of Self-Government.We are the only nation where the citizen has an unalterable right, to Keep and Bear Arms,because of Self Government.
We are the first nation on earth,to create a law that would end slavery, and still the only nation on earth that enforces that law. Imagine that.In this, the 21st Century, every other nation on earth, in one way or another,still suffers under the scourge of slavery, except the Nation called America., whose system of self government , a system of free will,demanded that it be eliminated, and so it was. The only nation whose system of self-government gave man the right to keep and bear arms, because self -government demands that a free man be given the means to defend that freedom , from those who would seek to destroy it.
We have freed more nations, brought more liberty to the oppressed around the globe, and destroyed more terrorists, than any other nation on earth, because of self-government.
If America did not exist,the world would be a very dark, dismal, despair ridden place indeed, because only America has the greatest system of self-government yet devised by man, and other nations never have, and never will.This is the reason our borders , are being flooded, every year, with thousands of refugees from other nations, seeking to flee a world under an oppressive iron boot, and find sanctuary in this Shining City , This Camelot,
This New Olympus,
Called America.
And yet, despite all this , in the wake of now five straight state victories , including most recently Wyoming, by Ted Cruz, Donald Trump says our system is broken,corrupt, and yes, even rigged,for the so called "establishment elite".
Rigged,against an outsider,
Rigged against the common man, and the America voter , in particular, who, according to Trump, has been disenfranchised, and their votes negated, in Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming as well. All states that Ted Cruz has campaigned hard in, and won, in succession. In fact, Trump seems to believe that any state , whether it be caucus, or election based, that he has not won, has conspired against him,subverted the will of the people, and are determined to deny him his rightful place as the Republican Party Nominee.
What utter nonsense.
Despite the mad ravings of Trump and his minions, the system is not corrupt, not broken, not controlled by the Republican Elite, who according to Trump, manipulate Kings and Kingdoms as the corrupt power behind such thrones.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with our system.
This is a Free Republic, not a Democracy, as Trump seems to believe. And, in a Republic, State Rights are Sovreign. Every single state has the right to run their Primary , and use whatever system they choose to.
It's called Free Will.
It's called Self Government.
It's called the Constitution.
Donald Trump and his followers should read this document sometime, and while they're at it, they should read the basic caucus, and delegate rules of each primaqry state,that were posted , many months ago, by Reince Priebus, the head of a private organization that represents our Free Republic, an organization called the Republican Party.
The rules for each state, were clearly posted months ago, and it was left to each candidate running , to campaign in each state, according to these rules. Since the first votes cast in Iowa, Donald Trump and his staff,have chosen to blatantly ignore all rules and forgo the basic grassroots groundgame campaigning that is the key to victory , in favor of simply using the free press that has promoted and protected him, and an endless series of abusive , headline grabbing tweets that kept him in the news and kept his followers on the offensive against all those who would dare criticize him, or deny him his "divine right" to the nomination.
The RNC is using 'dirty tricks" to deny Trump his rightful victory, they say.
Ted Cruz is a liar who cheats to win states, they say.
But, like their orange hued leader,there is little that the Trumpkins say, that is based on political reality.
The truth is, as the field of Republican Primary competition has narrowed,Ted Cruz has been winning states consistently,because of his strong grassroots groundgame and a willingness to campaign hard in each and every state to achieve those victories.
Trump has run a comparatively lazy campaign by contrast,relying on free media snippets to promote his cause, and it has begun to cost him dearly. Ted Cruz's campaign team has been professional ,hardworking, strategically on target,and most importantly,knowledgeable on the details of the delegate and caucus voting system, that our nation has used, since 1865.
There is nothing wrong with the delegate, or caucus system of voting.
There is nothing corrupt about this system.
There is nothing disenfranchising about this system, despite what Trump and his supporters may believe.
In a Free Republic, every state has sovreign rule, and can impose the voting system that they feel best suits their individual needs. There is no Federal Government control of this system.
There is no Republican establishment scheme or manipulations behind it. On the contrary,if you're looking for a rigged system, look no further than the Democrat Party's "Super Delegates", who are pledged to Hillary Clinton, even if the voters from their districts favor Bernie Sanders. Now, that's corruption. But, that's the Democrat system, not the Republicans, and what else can be expected from Democrats, besides corruption?
Now, by contrast, whichever Republican candidate wins the majority of votes, in a state's district, gets the delegate votes, for that district.It's as simple, and fair,as that.
The Republican Delegate system was, in fact, developed to make sure that each and every state had a fair representation in every major election.If the Trump campaign had its way, the election would now be over, because its results would solely depend on the popular vote , but this is a system best reserved for Democratic Socialist Governments,not Free Republics.If the Primary voting season were decided by the Popular Vote alone, that would mean that large states with small populations would have virtually no say in determining who the next President shall be. Compared to heavily populated states,, like California, Florida, New York, or Texas, their votes would be virtually non-existent, their states almost completely shut out of the political process. In effect, the Popular vote system would be the system that would indeed disenfranchise the voters of entire states,and make a mockery of a system of self-government where the will of the individual, the will of We the People, is sacrosanct, and shall not be infringed, by the whims of a freshman politician who feels that he should be Commander in Chief, for no other reason than he simply wants it, and is therefore, entitled to it.
Not an unusual attitude to have really. History is replete with men who felt ,"entitled" to rule other men, who felt that is was their birthright, who felt that elections were nothing more than an annoyance , a mere formality,done simply for appearance sake, to make the common man think , they have a say in their government. Down through History, every Dictator , Tyrant, or Despot, has held these fraud elections, knowing full well the outcome in advance.Like Trump, they too felt it was their "birthright" ,to rule.
They too, felt "entitled" to ultimate victory.
And, like Trump, they too ,were dead wrong.
The birth of America , and its system of self-government , make a lie of their entitlement rule mentality, and puts the true power,in the hands of We the People , alone.
And our delegate system makes sure that each and every free, sovreign state, a Kingdom unto itself, has equal say in determining the men and women who would represent our rule, on a state and federal level.
The Greatest System on Earth?
You Bet.
But, with one caviat,
A system of self government, requires self-participation.
We the People must remain engaged fully in the process, or tyranny or tyranny will be the inevitable result.
80% of registered Republican voters still do not show up at the polls , and vote, in any elections, either on a state or federal level.
That is a disgrace, and offends the memory of our Founding Fathers,who sacrificed everything to give us this right, and it is also the main reason our nation is in collapse .
Republicans must win, in all elections, on a state or federal level, because our nation runs best, when it is controlled by the Republican Party.
So, for those who believe our system broken, our politicians corrupt, our elections rigged, and like Trump, you are looking for someone to blame, look no further than your own mirrored reflection.
For, a King who no longer bothers to sit upon his Throne, and impose his Rule,
Is no longer a King,
And a Free People, no longer Free,
Their Crown Usurped,
Their Kingdom Lost,
And the boot of tyrannical oppression once more, firmly upon their necks.
Ted Cruz is the Republican Candidate with the most consistent record as a Constitutional Conservative.Therefore, he should be , and will be,..the Republican Nominee.
But, one man alone cannot summon the future, and save America.
No, to accomplish that task, Republicans must be elected on a constant, consistent basis, by Super Majorities, at all levels of government.
For, only Republicans obey the will of We the People,
And honor the Constitution , that is the Rock, upon which,
Our Republic was built.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
'Behold, A Mountain That Moves!"
For those of you who are all aboard the "Trump Train",and will tolerate no rivals, allow me to enlighten you to political reality;..The purpose , ladies and gentlemen, of a Republican Primary,is to choose the Presidential Candidate with the most consistently Conservative record to be the Republican Presidential Nominee, and that is all. Ted Cruz is that candidate,based on his legislative and voting record in the Senate.However, if Cruz does not get the nomination, due to open primary Democrat crossover votes, the inevitable Republican nominee, must nevertheless, still be supported 100%in order to defeat the Democrats and their destructive agenda, and to insure America remains a Self -Governed,Free Republic,for future generations to come. This is the only purpose of the Republican Primary.Nothing more, nothing less. It's not about reality show antics,Twitter insults, genital jokes, or remaking the Republican Party, by abandoning Conservatism in favor of a Liberal Democrat Facade called Populism.No more sitting home for elections because your candidate didn't get the nomination. No more #Never Trump Tweets that let the Democrat enemy know that they are winning.The days for that childish nonsense are over.
The simple reality is; there's nothing wrong with the Republican Party, and there's nothing wrong with Conservatism . Conservatism works every time it is tried, and conservatism wins every time it is nominated.
The problem lies with the Republican voters themselves, who have consistently failed,for decades now, to understand that system of Self-Government requires the Self-Participation of its citizens, or it is doomed to inevitable totalitarian failure. 80%of Registered Republican voters have not participated in this Primary Election Season, despite the grim fate our Republic will face should the Democrats win the Presidency again.Time to wake up my Fellow Republicans, and more importantly, time to grow up. and recognize the fact that your vote, whether informed and educated, or willfully ignorant, shall determine what America your Children shall Inherit.
Grow Up.
Wake Up.
Wise Up,
And always vote Conservative , because Conservatism is the Natural State of Mankind, and Conservatism must ultimately triumph,If America , and the World, is to survive.
A Disciple of Christ once posed the question, "What is Faith?"
Jesus answered, "If you have faith,that is no greater than a grain of mustard seed, and you say to the mountain move, the mountain will move.""Nothing , is impossible."
Ted Cruz has now done the impossible, and won the last four Republican Primaries, in Utah, Colorado, Nevada, and Wisconsin, over the Republican front runner ,Donald Trump.
The political tide has indeed shifted,
And Conservatism, like Faith,
Is moving mountains, and moving Cruz ever closer to the Presidency.
While Trump,in the wake of political fallout over attacks on Heidi Cruz,and the Wisconsin loss, has reverted to form,releasing a statement accusing Cruz of being a Trojan Horse puppet of the RNC, being used to deny him his rightful place as the Republican nominee. So, Cruz, the most hated outsider in the Senate,with the most consistent conservative voting record,is a mere Republican Establisment Puppet.Interesting,and quite absurd. Trump simply cannot understand what is happening to him, cannot see that attacking Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for failing to raise taxes in his State,and attacking Wisconsin Conservative talk radio as well, has raised red flags from that State's Conservative voting base. Wisconsin voters,now know what Trump really is.No Conservative would ever suggest raising taxes as a way of boosting a flagging economy, whether on a State, or Federal level.
No Conservative would ever blame Conservative talk radio for his loss,either.
These are the characteristics of a Liberal Democrat ,merely playing at Conservative,
And they know it.
Yes, Faith can move Mountains, both substinative, and symbolic, but it must be a Faith in Truth,
A Faith, in Conservatism.
Yes, it's Morning in America,
And America is now waking up to the reality that Donald Trump places no faith in anything,
Except his own mirrored reflection
The simple reality is; there's nothing wrong with the Republican Party, and there's nothing wrong with Conservatism . Conservatism works every time it is tried, and conservatism wins every time it is nominated.
The problem lies with the Republican voters themselves, who have consistently failed,for decades now, to understand that system of Self-Government requires the Self-Participation of its citizens, or it is doomed to inevitable totalitarian failure. 80%of Registered Republican voters have not participated in this Primary Election Season, despite the grim fate our Republic will face should the Democrats win the Presidency again.Time to wake up my Fellow Republicans, and more importantly, time to grow up. and recognize the fact that your vote, whether informed and educated, or willfully ignorant, shall determine what America your Children shall Inherit.
Grow Up.
Wake Up.
Wise Up,
And always vote Conservative , because Conservatism is the Natural State of Mankind, and Conservatism must ultimately triumph,If America , and the World, is to survive.
A Disciple of Christ once posed the question, "What is Faith?"
Jesus answered, "If you have faith,that is no greater than a grain of mustard seed, and you say to the mountain move, the mountain will move.""Nothing , is impossible."
Ted Cruz has now done the impossible, and won the last four Republican Primaries, in Utah, Colorado, Nevada, and Wisconsin, over the Republican front runner ,Donald Trump.
The political tide has indeed shifted,
And Conservatism, like Faith,
Is moving mountains, and moving Cruz ever closer to the Presidency.
While Trump,in the wake of political fallout over attacks on Heidi Cruz,and the Wisconsin loss, has reverted to form,releasing a statement accusing Cruz of being a Trojan Horse puppet of the RNC, being used to deny him his rightful place as the Republican nominee. So, Cruz, the most hated outsider in the Senate,with the most consistent conservative voting record,is a mere Republican Establisment Puppet.Interesting,and quite absurd. Trump simply cannot understand what is happening to him, cannot see that attacking Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for failing to raise taxes in his State,and attacking Wisconsin Conservative talk radio as well, has raised red flags from that State's Conservative voting base. Wisconsin voters,now know what Trump really is.No Conservative would ever suggest raising taxes as a way of boosting a flagging economy, whether on a State, or Federal level.
No Conservative would ever blame Conservative talk radio for his loss,either.
These are the characteristics of a Liberal Democrat ,merely playing at Conservative,
And they know it.
Yes, Faith can move Mountains, both substinative, and symbolic, but it must be a Faith in Truth,
A Faith, in Conservatism.
Yes, it's Morning in America,
And America is now waking up to the reality that Donald Trump places no faith in anything,
Except his own mirrored reflection
Friday, April 1, 2016
"Fall Of The Saboteur!"
And, it is written, that Jesus of Nazareth, standing on a hill in First Century Judea,didst put forth what would become known as the Sermon on the Mount,a message of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man, a message that would change the world.A multitude had gathered to hear his words, to hear this message,in the hopes that this man of miracles could replace their despair with joy, and their hopelessness, with a renewed spirit, and a cleansed soul.
But, among the gathered,there were those who still doubted the man and his message.First Century Judea had seen false prophets before.How did they know that this young miracle worker from Galilee wasn't one of them?"We've heard the words of false messiahs before', said one of the gathered,"How do we know you are not sent by Satan? Jesus replied,"If a Kingdom be divided against itself, it cannot stand"."If Satan's Kingdom be divided against itself, how can his Kingdom stand?" "How can Satan cast out Satan?"Indeed. Christ's message was clear; his three year mission,his words, his deeds, healing the sick, the blind, the crippled, feeding the hungry, while at the same time,spreading a message of peace and love, told all that needed to be told, about who this man was,and who had sent him.
As always, the words of Jesus had the ring of truth to them.How could Satan,cast out Satan,and for three years, spread a message that urges us to love our enemies, and pray for those who despise and persecute us?
Answer, he couldn't, and certainly not for three years. It would go against his nature to do so.Such a ruse could not be sustained, even by the Master Deceiver, and would certainly be quickly exposed , to the light of truth. But, the message of Jesus was clear, and he was true to that message.Whose Son could he be, if not the Son of God?Still, many doubted,and ultimately condemned Jesus as a False Messiah, scorned and mocked him,and ultimately, called for his trial, and crucifixion. A history of false prophets in a Judea under Roman occupation, had hardened the hearts of God's chosen.
And now, in this 21st Century, there has come another prophet of sorts, a man, running for the title, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, a man who, like prophets before him,claims that he is the one the world has been waiting for,the one who will heal the nation, reverse the destruction and despair of the Obama Legacy, and make America Great Again,A man who claims to believe in conservatism.A man who claims to believe in a free Republic. A man who asks us to follow him, believe in him, ignore the doubters and critics,and bring him to victory, in the Republican Primary.
Do not doubt him, do not question him, just believe ,and vote,and America will indeed be made great again.
Sounds good, except that, this time, there is reason to doubt. For this time, the message and the man,seem to be often in conflict.His words may often inspire,his words may often have the ring of truth to them,but, they stand in stark contrast , to his words and deeds,from many years past.
We the People have heard the words of False Messiahs before,and hearing,now question this man,Donald J. Trump, on the truth, of his mission and his message. For you see,Trump is no new Messiah, upon the political scene.No, Trump has been spreading his message and flirting with the Presidency for many years, and while his message has always been forceful, and loudly trumpeted, it has also been wildly inconsistent,changing with the winds,year to year, day to day, hour to hour, and sometimes, even minute to minute. For many years,Trump had cast himself as a Liberal Democrat,supporting the Clinton's and the Democrat Party financially, in exchange for political favors, and, at one point, even joining the Democrats in denouncing the Iraq War, while accusing President Bush of War Crimes. "Bush Lied, and Boys died",went the refrain from the Democrat Party during eight years of the Bush Presidency,and Donald J. Trump , Republican Presidential Candidate, was one of the most vocal, calling not only for the Impeachment of Bush, but blaming 911 on him as well.
Trump called for an assault weapons ban.
Trump called for government controlled Health Care.
Trump was staunchly pro- choice.
Trump called for tax and regulation increases on the wealthy.
Trump called for tariffs on foreign imports,and increased taxes and regulations on American businesses that move their base of operations overseas.
Trump says he will be neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Trump attacked ADFI President Pamela Geller,.calling her "disgusting", for holding a Draw Muhammed contest, and provoking terrorists in the process.
Are these the beliefs of a Conservative Republican ?
Are these the beliefs of a man who will make America Great Again?
Or, are they the beliefs of just another Liberal Democrat, a false Republican Prophet, who says what he must, in order to win the Republican Primary and Ultimately,the Presidency?
As Christ said, "A House divided against itself, cannot stand", and the Trump Presidential Campaign, is the living embodiment of these words. Since last summer, when his bid for the Presidency had begun, Donald Trump's agenda and message has been both vague and varied, with Trump not only lacking any serious conservative credentials,but also lacking a detailed agenda,foreign policy knowledge, or even a consistent conservative message,from day to day, hour to hour,or even minute to minute.
His run for the Presidency seems to be just another reality show opportunity for Trump, just another notch in his belt, another accomplishment to tout in future business dealings. Real Estate mogul. Entrepeneur. Presidential Candidate. The Democrat Party that Trump had been part of, had all but destroyed itself during the nearly eight year Obama reign. Republicans , however, had won back the House, the Senate, and most state governments as well. Trump sensed the shifting tide, and decided that he would run as a Republican, for no other reason,than they were winning,and the Democrats were losing. Trump doesn't associate with losers, ever.
So, the Trump campaign would capitalize on the shifting balance in power. Trump would become conservative.He would demand a sealed border, and all illegal immigrants ousted.
He would demand an end to Obamacare.
He would demand new tax and regulation cuts for businesses, and demand tariffs that would punish foreign nations and defecting American businesses, that were stealing American jobs.
Trump would channel Lincoln, endlessly, and compare himself to Reagan, tirelessly,and, like Obama before him, even cast himself in the role of Reagan, as a catalyst of fundamental change and rebirth,that would use his own unique brand of honest, direct, brutal conservatism,to restore America , and make her Great Again.
He would seal the border, build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it.
He would round up all illegals,
He would rebuild our military,
He would destroy ISIS,
He would restore our economy,and Health Care System. .
He would defeat Hillary.
And, all who would oppose him ,
Question him,
Or doubt him,
Would be destroyed , and cast aside in his grim march to the Presidency, a march that seemed impervious to bad press, or conservative Republican attacks on his character or credibility.
His followers were unwaiveringly loyal, as he won State after State Primary, as one combatant after another fell to his blistering personal attacks and ever expanding legion of worshippers that would have Trump as President, and would tolerate no criticism or rivals that try to stop him.
With Trump now leading in delegate count, Cruz right behind, and Kasich a distant third, the Trump Train seems unstoppable. His multitudes ever increasing, gathering on that hill, to hear this Republican Prophet put forth his own Sermon on the Mount, to his loyal disciples,gathering to hear him,in stadium after stadium, all across the nation.
But, as with Christ before him, amongst his followers were those who doubted, those who dared question, those who heard the inconsistencies, those who heard the conflicting, contradictory agenda,those who remembered the Liberal Democrat Trump, quite clearly, from a few years before,those who now indeed see another false prophet, sent to deceive them.
The signs became glaringly apparent, as the Republican Primary field slowly whittled down, from seventeen to three,, with only the pure conservatism of Cruz, and the practical, experienced , pragmatic conservatism of Kasich able to challenge, and endure.
The reason they remain is clear; their conservative message is genuine,and rooted in solid conservative voting records and legislation, that prove who they really are.
Cruz and Kasich speak the words of conservatism,but their actions back up their words as well.
And Trump,the False Messiah, the Kingdom Divided?
Trump may unleash an endless refrain of pseudo-conservative bluster and blarney, but his actions speak of other things besides conservatism, especially recently, as the increased pressure and scrutiny of a narrowing Primary field,has forced Trump to articulate the substance behind his blustering style, to confront the issues of the day, in detail, , issues that any potential President must master, if he is to stand any chance of capturing the Presidency.
But now, with 20 states still to be decided between the three remaining Republican Candidates, and Cruz slowly , but surely gaining in polls and delegate count,the cracks in the Trump Conservative Facade, are ever increasing, exposing more and more of the liberal Democrat hiding beneath.
Trump continues his personal twitter attacks on Megan Kelly, just like a Democrat would.
Trump attacked the physical appearance of Heidi Cruz,again, on twitter, just like a Democrat would.
Annoyed by his endorsement of Ted Cruz, Trump criticized Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, for failing to increase taxes , in order to boost his state's lagging economy,just like a Democrat would.
Trump called for the United States to withdraw from NATO,on the grounds that it was "too expensive",just like a Democrat.
Trump feels that other nations, like China and Japan, should have nuclear weapons as well, just like a Democrat.
Trump stated that women should be "punished" for violating anti-abortion laws.Who but a Democrat, would seek to punish the woman, rather than the doctor performing the abortion procedure?
Trump now admits that he wants to replace Obamacare with a mandatory, government controlled,Health Care program ,
Just like a Democrat.
Trump continues to defend campaign staff and followers who have been responsible for violence on the campaign trail, including Campaign Manager Cory Lewandowski, who assaulted Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields,and then denied it ever happened,..and a seventy eight year old Trump supporter who assaulted a protestor at a Trump rally,
Just like a Democrat.
Trump continues to encourage his rally supporters to beat the hell out of protestors , just like another Presidential candidate, George Wallace, another liberal Democrat.
Trump attacks Rep House and Senate Leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, while promising to "get along" with and work with, Pelosi Reid and Schumer, just like a fellow Democrat.
Trump now brazenly denounces conservatism completely, as a failed , outmoded concept, that has now been replaced by him and his rabid followers , with the concept of "Populism"which is, in reality, just another fancy word for Liberalism.
Just like a Democrat.
Now, in the final stretch of the Republican Primary campaign season, the Trump skeptics suspicions have been confirmed,as the mask of Conservative Republicanism has fallen away, to reveal, the truth,
About him, and his followers as well.Even Trump's image as a Putin style strong man now seems in doubt, as he appeared flustered ,confused,and woefully unprepared, during his MSNBC inteview with Chris Matthews
Trump is indeed a False Prophet, a Democrat Saboteur, whose plan may not be to actually win the Presidency, but to execute a political coup on the Republican Party, a takeover of the Party , and its principles as well.
A hostile takeover, that seeks to replace the obsolete,failed principles of constitutional conservatism, with a restructured version of liberalism, concealed neatly under the shallow mask of a new political facade called Populism.
If Obama and the Democrats have destroyed Trump's Democrat Party, then Trump will simply take the other Party as his own, and make it over ,into his own Liberal Democrat,
"Populist" image., and the image of his Liberal Democrat Union backed followers as well. An ambitious plan, A daring coup, to be sure.
"Populist" image., and the image of his Liberal Democrat Union backed followers as well. An ambitious plan, A daring coup, to be sure.
But, one, from the beginning,doomed to failure, for as Trump 's lack of real substance and core principles continues to be exposed,on all networks, his mask of conservatism continues to crumble ,
His true nature, continues to be revealed.
Cruz. The only true pure, Reagan style conservative, continues to rise in the poll and delegate count and, in the wake of the Trump attacks on Heidi Cruz, is now poised to take the State of Wisconsin, by a comfortable, commanding margin, indeed.
The people are awakening.
The Truth of Conservatism is now steadily gaining over the false mask of Populism.
This is,the way it had to be, for in the end, for the False Prophet,..
Always destroys himself.
For, just as a House divided against itself, cannot stand,
Just as Satan cannot cast out Satan,
Just as Trump, cannot cast out Trump,..
So too, is Conservatism ,
The Natural State of Mankind,
And, in the End, Conservatism always triumphs.
The battle goes on, the race goes on, and it is a race, about one thing, and one thing alone,..
Republican Victory, complete, and permanent.
For, you see, contrary to all the Trump Circus antics and abuses, the purpose of a Republican Primary, is to nominate the most consistently conservative candidate, and then to support the eventual nominee 100% , in order to defeat the Democrat Party and its destructive agenda.
Nothing else matters.
The Republican Party , must be victorious, and the Democrat Party, defeated.
That is the only way,
To make America Great Again.
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