Friday, July 24, 2015

The Kobayashi Maneuver

Is Donald Trump working as an agent of Hillary Clinton? Perhaps not, but, if he were, what he's doing in his campaign for President could definitely be considered beneficial to Hillary and the Democrat Party in general. Trump is right on the issue of the border. No doubt about that. A wall , or fence is the only solution .We must stop the flow of illegal criminals into our country and force those already here to self deport by cutting them off permanently from their native land. Illegals simply do not like this country, and certainly do not want to be trapped here with a sealed border. They will leave if they see that the border is being sealed permanently,guaranteed. Yes, Trump is outspoken, unapologetic, and absolutely right on this issue.But, what else is right about Trump? Is this really the man to lead the Republican Party? Sure, he sounds conservative now, but a few short years ago , he was a financial supporter of Hillary Clinton's Senate Campaign, a supporter of Obamacare, and a firm believer in taxing the wealthy heavily, order to grow the economy. He also supported Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Charles Schumer, two of of the biggest leftist Democrats in America. Two men who were instrumental in pushing the Obama Agenda. Yet, Trump backed them,and donated to their political campaigns. Trump also spent eight years bashing President Bush , the Iraq War, and was, believe it or not,in favor of Amnesty for illegals .He was also pro-choice on abortion. Sounds like a Democrat. In fact, if this was the background of Senator Ted Cruz, or Governor Scott Walker,..would any Republican support them? Why then, the blind support for Trump? Well, his refusal to play politi-speak is one reason. Trump says exactly what he's thinking and refuses to apologize for it. That, however, has begun to expose some other Trump beliefs , perhaps not as admirable. He's attacked Senator John McCain's work on behalf of the Veterans Administration,unjustly so, and in the process, attacked McCain's war record as well. Trump, at first, said, quite clearly, that McCain was not a war hero, then compounded the insult by admitting finally, that he was a hero , but only because he was captured. Trump, apparently, only likes war heroes,..who weren't captured,.. and he said so.Trump also admitted to Christian faith based audience that he has never prayed to God for forgiveness.Hmmmm...attacking war records ,and dismissing religious faith. Again,..sounds like a Liberal Democrat. Again, attacking POW's and religious faith does not sound conservative. Trump has also over the last few weeks systematically attacked virtually every Republican Candidate currently running for President, calling them "Dummies", and "Losers",..among other things. By doing this, he has violated the 11th Commandment set down by President Reagan,.."Thou Shalt Not Attack Thy Fellow Republicans".Trump, however, does this routinely , and with the ferocity of a Democrat ,..which he used to be.
Trump has also attacked Pamela Geller, head of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, for her strong stance against Islamic Extremism. Trump savaged this courageous woman, because she dared to provoke the wrath of Muslim Terrorists, by holding a "Draw the Prophet Muhammed "contest, in order to expose the Sharia Agenda of muslim extremists in America. Trump sided with the terrorists over Geller.Simple as that. Again, this sounds like a Liberal Democrat,..not a Conservative Republican.
Senator Ted Cruz, is the only Republican Candidate that has not attacked Trump for his obvious flaws, saying only that he likes Trump's bold, brash style. , and admits that he is indeed, right on the border issue. Cruz's conservative record , is impeccable,..making him a worthy contender for the Presidency, unlike Trump's conservative record, which simply,..does not exist. Cruz is smart enough to avoid attacking Trump , not only because of the Reagan rule,..but also because he knows the danger in doing so.Cruz knows that if Trump is rejected by the Republican Party , he may decide to "go rogue". You see, Trump has  finally admitted that, if he does not get the Republican nomination, he may consider running Third Party. Trump refuses to honor the Reagan code,..and support the inevitable Primary winner. Again,..this sounds suspiciously like a Democrat,..not a Republican.In 1992, millionaire businessman Ross Perot ran Third Party, against Bush Sr. and Clinton,for the Presidency,..sounding , like Trump,fairly conservative during his campaign,but, after losing,..and assuring a Clinton Victory by splitting the Republican vote,..Perot went back to sounding like a typical Liberal Democrat, which, he really was.
History may be repeating itself, with Trump. Trump will not get the nomination ,especially after his attacks on Pow's, and Christian Faith. Trump will not support any other Republican candidate. Why would he,when he declared them all losers and dummies? Trump , like Perot before him,..will run third party , guaranteed.
Is Donald Trump working for Hillary? Hillary and Bill were at Trump's wedding .If Trump is an agent of Hillary,his plan seems to be working perfectly so far. He has divided the Republican base,..quite effectively, and virtually assures a Hillary Victory. What a coup,..for the Democrat Party.
Think about it. The most conservative collection of Republican nominees ever assembled,..and they will be brought down by a lifelong Democrat supporter , playing Conservative Republican.
There seems to be no resolution, no way to avoid Republican defeat. Trump has effectively sabotaged a Party that seemed ,..months ago,..poised for an easy victory over a Party that has given nuclear weapons, terror sponsoring Iran. Truly, a no-win scenario for the Republicans .No way out.If Trump loses the nomination,..he runs third party,...and Hillary wins. If Trump gets the nomination,..he still divides the Republican Party,..and Hillary wins again.It's the No-Win Scenario,....the "Kobayashi Maru".
In the Film, "Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan",...Starfleet cadets are subjected to a test,..a computer simulated battle scenario, ... attempting a rescue  in the dreaded "neutral zone",..they are surrounded by Klingon battleships, way to win, no way to surrender, way to rescue the stranded ship.A complete "no win scenario", with no resolution,...designed to test the character of the Starfleet Cadets...with no chance of winning,...until one cadet ,..does win,..and does beat the Kobayashi Maru,..the "No-Win Scenario".That cadet's name, the film,..was James T. Kirk,..future Captain of the Enterprise. Kirk beat the no win scenario, simply changing the rules, refusing to accept the very concept,..of the no win scenario. Kirk reprogrammed the computer,..and by so doing,..beat the no win scenario. He essentially cheated. But,..he did it for one reason,..and one reason alone,...he didn't like losing,...ever,....and refused to accept any scenario ,..any situation ,..that was,.."No-Win". He found a way to win. That's what winners do. They always find a way, win. They find a way to beat the "Kobayashi Maru".They find a way to win,..even in a so called,"no win" situation.
Sure, it's only a movie,..but that is precisely what the Republican Party must do now,to overcome the no win scenario that Trump has now presented to their Party. There's too much at stake to lose .There's too much at stake to let this false conservative ,who will run Third Party,..destroy the Republican Party's chance at victory. They must, Kirk,..refuse to lose,..refuse to accept the no-win scenario,..and do what is necessary , win, reprogramming the political computer ,. and.the political rules that they are bound by. They must essentially,..cheat, breaking all political restrictions and sticking to one, ultimate goal. Whoever wins the Republican Primary,..all Republicans must violate every established political rule,..and simply show up at the polls,..and pull that lever for that candidate,..whoever he is,..and the straight Republican ticket as well. The political  game can no longer be one of strategy and political maneuvering .The Trump anomaly has taken away that luxury, possibly for good.The threat of his Third Party run must force all conservative Republican voters to reprogram  themselves, order to achieve one goal,..Victory. Beating the Democrats is the only thing that matters. It must be achieved this time.America cannot endure another 4 years of Democrat rule. Republicans must win , matter what. We must refuse to lose, no matter what the odds .The "No-Win Scenario' must be rejected .The Political Computer,..must be reprogrammed.The man who emerges as the Republican nominee ,..must be supported 1000%, every Republican voter , regardless of who it is ,..and that includes Trump.Any third party candidate must be shut down, and rejected,..completely.Third party, means losing.Cannot happen. We will reprogram .We will cheat. We will beat our "Kobayashi Maru" , by simply refusing to lose to a Party that is determined to destroy America. If every Republican voter simply shows up,..and pulls the lever for the Republican nominee, matter who it is,....mathematically,...we cannot lose. Ever. Conservative Republicans are the majority.This is a center right nation.The liberal left is simply outnumbered. It always has been;..and it always will be. All political rules must be discarded now. Republicans need to show up en masse , for every election,..Federal or state level,..and pull the lever for the Republican Party ,..period,..and force the Democrat Party to face the "No-Win" Scenario, and forevermore.

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