Friday, July 10, 2015

City of the Shadow Dwellers

He was a Democrat most of his life.He voted for Obama, supported Obamacare, and was Pro Choice.He was a strong critic of President Bush and the Iraq War.He donated to the Democrat Party.He donated to the Clintons, and to their Foundation. But, despite all this, Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump is leading the Republican Presidential polls .Why?Because he dared to speak the truth on one specific issue that is destroying our nation from within far more effectively than Al Queda and ISIS ever could.Donald Trump dared to speak the truth about illegal immigration , and because of this he has become both hero and villain simultaneously.A hero to the conservative right, and a villain to the Democrat left , the liberal media, and to the Republican establishment as well. Trump dared to say what no one else is willing to say;..that Mexico is taking their refuse, their criminals, their rapists, their murderers, their drug dealers,..the unwanted of Mexican society ,and , instead of locking them up,they are sending them across the border , to lurk in the shadows of  the American streets known as  Sanctuary Cities.There they will dwell, waiting for the opportunity to strike, murder, rape,to rob, deal drugs,..knowing full well that cities controlled by Liberal Democrats will always protect them and prevent them from being deported or locked up for any length of time, no matter what the crime, no matter what the atrocity.
The reason is obvious, and it has been the Democrat Party's plan since the days of Woodrow Wilson.Flood the streets of America with unskilled, uneducated, non English speaking foreigners , keep them coming with the lure of entitlements for them to live off of;..register them with a fake healthcare system called Obamacare , and what you have created is a permanent and ever growing Democrat Party voting class, that will religiously show up at the polls for every election, and pull that lever for the Democrat Party , every single time,..for eternity. After all, who would an illegal criminal who is living off the taxpayer's dime vote for?Ted Cruz?
Not very likely.
They will vote for the candidate, and the Party that will guarantee them free money to live off of, in exchange for their votes.This is the plan that will enable the Democrat Party to stay in power forever.This is the plan that will give the Democrat Party complete control over the free market through the Federal Government. It's the perfect plan, and the only downside is that American citizens are being robbed, raped, and murdered, by the thousands every year, in these Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities ,by the very illegals that the Democrats regard as the future of their voting base.
Katheryn Steinle , the 32 year old woman shot in the back by Francisco Sanchez, a multiple felony convicted, 5 time deported, illegal, just one out of thousands of murders that are happening across this country because of this Democrat Plan. Apparently, this is acceptable collateral damage to a Party that values political power and wealth redistribution over human life. The bottom line is this;..Trump is right .The Democrat Party will never allow the border to be sealed,..ever. The Democrat Party will never allow illegals,whether they are violent criminals or not,to be deported.The Democrat Party will never keep illegal felons in jail, and Obama's release of 30,000 of them earlier this year, from maximum security prisons, and the 100,000 work permits he gave them upon release , proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. America must be diminished and reduced to common third world nation status,as punishment for its imperialist sins against mankind , and the Democrat Party's power must be increased, at the same time.Obama and the Democrats will let no one prevent them from accomplishing this self destructive mission, including the Republican Party that seems unwilling to use their congressional majority power to fight back, and stop this.The simple fact is, the Republican House and Senate will not push the immigration issue, as long as their power is divided. They fear losing much needed  latino votes,especially with the 2016 Presidential Election looming ever nearer.This is why the fence was never built , despite being promised back in the days of Reagan. As long as government is divided, the Democrats will never permit it. This is why Bush started the fence , when Republicans held both houses , from 2001 to 2006, but then was abandoned in 2007, when Democrats took control of them.
Make no mistake about it, this is why no serious effort is being made to stop this foreign invasion that is surely destroying America, and giving the Democrat Party permanent power.
And this is why Donald Trump is being demonized by both Democrats and Republicans alike. Trump has offered a solid solution to the problem. Trump has proposed building a solid wall, that will seal the border completely, and he says he'll make Mexico pay for it.Unfortunately this is not a strategy that either Party will support , as long as they are trying to win elections and value the latino vote. No, the wall plan is not very likely to become reality, and neither is a Trump victory in the Republican Primary .Trump has two major flaws that will derail him. One, Trump intends to raise taxes on the so-called wealthy, and promising to raise taxes during an election , is a sure fire way to lose.Two, Trump still has not released his financial records ,..nor will he.Sorry, but that will indeed end his run for the Presidency, before it even begins.  But, that does not diminish the importance of his run, for Trump's campaign has revealed the solution ;and that solution is the conservative voter. Trump leads in the polls , because he has boldly confronted the issue of illegal immigration,and that kind of bold leadership is what the conservative voter wants.They want Trump;despite his past support of Democrats and their policies.
But,Trump is not the answer ;..Republican Party Victory is;..
Conservatives must wake up to the reality that the border will never be sealed ,and the  Democrat agenda that has weakened our nation will continue , unless a Republican takes the Presidency in 2016. That is the only way to finally solve the border problem. It matters little which Republican candidate ultimately wins the Primary ,as long as that winner is supported 100% by the Republican voters.
Only a Republican President , with a Republican Congress, and a Republican Senate can finally accomplish what all other Republican Presidents could not do, while their power was divided with the Democrats.
This is the moment , when the Republican Party has the chance to gain total legislative and executive power and to use that power  to seal our border ,and secure our nation. It must be done, now,..before the Democrats complete their mission to create a permanent Democrat majority voting base. , by flooding our shores with illegal intruders, that have nothing but contempt for this shining city called America.There can be no more important issue in this election and the Republican voters know it. This is why there can no longer be any tolerance for the so called "conservative voter" who stays home on election night, or votes third party, rather than vote for a Republican candidate that they deem , not "conservative" enough. All that ignorant , self absorbed, arrogance has done is allow Obama and the Democrats to have 8 years to destroy  America.The grim reality is that 300,000 Republican voters could not find the will to win, refused to see the importance of Republican Party Victory,and stayed home on election night, for both McCain, and Romney.
No More. This Nation cannot tolerate this kind of pigheaded ignorance if  it wants to survive.
Trump will not win the Primary. His past record of Democrat support, his insistence on tax increases, and his refusal to release financial records , and the possibility that he may run third Party ,virtually assures his defeat. But, make no mistake,..Trump's message is clear,bold, and remains important, no matter how he fares in the election.
It is time for America to face the truth , and deal with it , once and for all. Our borders need to be sealed , if America is to survive as a sovreign nation, and only a Republican President, with a Republican Congress, and a Republican Senate,..will ever accomplish this.
Thomas Jefferson once said that a nation without borders will soon cease to be a nation. He was right. America is fading away right before our eyes , under the onslaught of Democrat imposed destruction. Make no mistake;..Only the Democrat Party caused this nation's problems, no one else. They are communists , no doubt, and if you can't see this by now, after almost seven years of their destructive agenda, you need  glasses.
Republican Victory in 2016, and beyond, the only solution to this problem. The conservative voter likes Trump,..because of his bold, brash, reckless, cowboy style,..because he speaks the truth, with no apologies,...because he will not back down from his enemies,...and refuses to lose.
Good Qualities.
The kind of qualities that created America.
And, the qualities that the Republican voters must find within themselves,..if America is ever to be,...
America again.
There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed;...
by the Indomitable Will of the American People.

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