Friday, July 31, 2015

The Eugenics War

A turning point has been reached. New revelations; outrages,... have strongly reinforced the dire need  for We the People to end the Democrat Party's reign of power in the Shining City on a Hill called America.First, there is the crime of the Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities. The Democrat Party is disregarding Federal law and allowing illegal felons to live in their cities, immune from deportation or arrest, regardless of their criminal history. The result is American citizens are being robbed, raped, and murdered , by the thousands, by career criminals that have no business being in our country, and who are not being deported , even after they are apprehended by ICE.The Democrat Party controlled cities and states,simply release them, from local custody, regardless of how many felonies they have been previously convicted of.They do this for one very specific reason.Illegal aliens are considered a solid voting base for the Democrat Party. Therefore the Liberal Democrat controlled States will flood America with as many of these criminal intruders as possible,to assure the Democrat Party holds on to political power, on a State, and Federal level, forever. You see, they know that an illegal that has been given Obamacare, and the right to vote,..certainly will not show up at the polls, and pull that lever for a Scott Walker,..or a Ted Cruz,...ever. American citizens are dying at the hands of felons who should not be here, or,..who should be in prison.Americans are dying,..simply because the Democrat Party must hold on to their power , matter what the cost.Interesting,..very interesting.
Next;..,..Secretary of State John Kerry stated , quite clearly before a Congressional hearing,that he didn't think the chant,"Death to America", by the Iranian people,..meant that Iran wanted to destroy America Interesting. Secretary of State John Kerry also stated that he was unaware of the details of any side deal that the U.N. made with Iran that would provide them with weapons..National Security Advisor Susan Rice was aware of  the details of this deal,....the U.N. was  also aware of them,....Yet ,..the Secretary of State,...who brokered this sham of a deal,..was not. Nor,did any other American official involved with the Iran negotiations ,..even bother to read the details of this deal,..Again, very interesting.
Next revelation;..the controversial tax payer funded organization known as Planned Parenthood has been finally exposed, for what it really is, it's true nature, finally revealed , for all the world to see,..thanks to undercover videos that continue to be released , on a weekly basis. Planned Parenthood is harvesting unborn baby organs ,..for monetary profit,..pure and simple. Apparently the so-called, "non-profit " organization is actually making quite a bit of profit selling the body parts of babies, that they have always claimed,.. are not really babies.Apparently,the Democrat Party's deep concern for a woman's right to choose was nothing more than a cynical con job designed to get women to part with the valuable organs of their unborn children. This whole scenario makes Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Body Snatcher", and Mary Shelly's "Frankenstein" , seem tame by comparison.But, this really shouldn't come as any surprise.After all, Democrat leftist, and Socialist Margaret Sanger , the Founder of Planned Parenthood,..was a firm believer in the principles of Eugenics ,..which advocates the killing of so called."inferior" human specimens , in order to engineer a perfect human race. There it is folks. Hitler's Master Race theory and "Final Solution" all rolled into one, and resurrected in modern day America ,..and all funded with hard working Americans tax dollars. Again,..very interesting.
We have a Democrat Party that keeps illegal murderers and rapists from being deported or arrested; order to use them to expand the Democrat voting base.
We have a Democrat Party that does not believe Iranian chants of "Death to America" ,"Death to Israel" ,and ,"Death to Britian",..mean they really want to destroy us,..and there is nothing wrong with giving their regime billions in American dollars, nuclear power,..and ICBM missiles supplied by the terror supporting nations of the U.N.We have a Democrat Party that believes in perfecting the human race, by aborting those they deem,..inferior. Again,..Interesting.
 There are, of course,..many more examples of the failures of the Democrat Party ,but, again,..these particular examples are the most important , the most egregious, the most significant,..for they are the ones that expose the Democrat Party's willful,..purposeful,..deliberate refusal to protect America, or it's citizens in the name of political or monetary profit.
The Democrat Party has welcomed illegal criminals into their cities,that rape and murder American citizens, for the sole purpose of creating a permanent, and unbeatable Democrat voting base.The Democrat Party deliberately armed America's greatest enemy , and the leading sponsor of terror ,..with nuclear weapons. .The Democrat Party has also promoted the wholesale slaughter of unborn American infants , the name of  Sanger's Eugenics theory, and also,..just for the cold hard cash.
In the end, the liberal Democrats are not just tax grabbing ,socialist incompetents,..they are also demented nihilists,..that believe the world must be cleansed of America's very being,..either by an unending invasion of illegal criminals, the holocaust of terrorist born nuclear war,....or by the holocaust of "Master Race" style Eugenics. This is far more than mere liberal socialist agenda. This is a sinister malevolence.This is evil, in its purest form.
And this, more than any other reason, why the Republican Party must, 2016,..reduce the Democrat Party to a permanent minority Party, once and for all.
Nothing, our lifetimes,..could be more crucial ,..more vital to the future safety of America and the free world. But now,..mere weeks before the first Republican Primary debate on Fox News,....there is unrest within the GOP ranks .Conflict between Republican Presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz,.and the Boehner and McConnell House Leadership , over the issue of the Import -Export funding bill, petty and unnecessary .We, as a Party,..have more important issues to tackle,..issues that affect the future of our planet,..issues that demand a Republican Party, united against a common enemy , that seeks nothing less than the destruction of America,.by aiding its enemies from without, and within. Make no mistake,..Boehner and McConnell are not Democrats, and not the enemy. Despite their weaknesses,..either man would make a far better President,..than any Democrat candidate. Their voting records opposing Obama and the Democrat agenda, prove this.In fact, every Republican currently running would make competent , capable Presidents, and worthy leaders, even the recent convert to Conservatism,..Trump. Every one of them has risen to America's defense in her time of need. Every one of them seeks to restore America to her former greatness. Every one of them seeks nothing less than total victory over Hillary and the Democrat Party and the total repeal of the Obama Agenda. Every one of them are worthy challengers. Every one of them are united in their strong beliefs in the basic conservative principles that make America great. Ted Cruz and Scott Walker,in particular,..are almost the perfect conservative fighting machines, and should be the front runners in this contest ,..and Trump, who really has no conservative record to speak of;..has, nonetheless,.. shown his fellow  Republican candidates how to fight,..and how to win.
Trump may yet self destruct .His past record of Democrat policy support, and his past calls for tax increases on the wealthy are certainly not the stuff of conservative greatness,..but Trump has led the charge and supplied the winning strategy that will lead to Republican Victory,as long as he doesn't jump ship, and run third Party, that is. Never apologize,..never back down,..and speak the truth ,always,..for what is the very essence of conservatism,,.if not ,..truth?
The battle has been joined.May the best man win. But, make no mistake.It will matter little which Republican takes the reigns of power , if the American people do not wake up to the simple reality,..that they are the true rulers of this nation.
They are the Leaders.
They are the Government.
They are the heart , the soul, and the spirit of the Republic .
Self Government, self rule, the revolutionary principle that made America the greatest nation ever to exist on earth.
But,..self government requires one vital ingredient ,..if it is to survive.
Self Participation.
We the People, are the true rulers , and our Republican candidates are elected , represent,..our will,..our agenda,...and no one else's.
Once upon a time, We the People, forgot this,..and the result  was Barack Hussein Obama ,..elected twice to the Presidency..
We the People need to stop looking for a leader to save America ,..and realize that responsibility ,..lies on our shoulders, and ours alone.
No more leaders to blame for America's downfall. Either We the People accept the mantle of leadership that our Founders bestowed upon us, or accept the true blame for America's inevitable downfall.

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