A turning point has been reached. New revelations;..new outrages,... have strongly reinforced the dire need for We the People to end the Democrat Party's reign of power in the Shining City on a Hill called America.First, there is the crime of the Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities. The Democrat Party is disregarding Federal law and allowing illegal felons to live in their cities, immune from deportation or arrest, regardless of their criminal history. The result is American citizens are being robbed, raped, and murdered , by the thousands, by career criminals that have no business being in our country, and who are not being deported , even after they are apprehended by ICE.The Democrat Party controlled cities and states,simply release them, from local custody, regardless of how many felonies they have been previously convicted of.They do this for one very specific reason.Illegal aliens are considered a solid voting base for the Democrat Party. Therefore the Liberal Democrat controlled States will flood America with as many of these criminal intruders as possible,to assure the Democrat Party holds on to political power, on a State, and Federal level, forever. You see, they know that an illegal that has been given Obamacare, and the right to vote,..certainly will not show up at the polls, and pull that lever for a Scott Walker,..or a Ted Cruz,...ever. American citizens are dying at the hands of felons who should not be here, or,..who should be in prison.Americans are dying,..simply because the Democrat Party must hold on to their power ,..no matter what the cost.Interesting,..very interesting.
Next;..,..Secretary of State John Kerry stated , quite clearly before a Congressional hearing,that he didn't think the chant,"Death to America", by the Iranian people,..meant that Iran wanted to destroy America Interesting. Secretary of State John Kerry also stated that he was unaware of the details of any side deal that the U.N. made with Iran that would provide them with weapons..National Security Advisor Susan Rice was aware of the details of this deal,....the U.N. was also aware of them,....Yet ,..the Secretary of State,...who brokered this sham of a deal,..was not. Nor,did any other American official involved with the Iran negotiations ,..even bother to read the details of this deal,..Again, very interesting.
Next revelation;..the controversial tax payer funded organization known as Planned Parenthood has been finally exposed, for what it really is, it's true nature, finally revealed , for all the world to see,..thanks to undercover videos that continue to be released , on a weekly basis. Planned Parenthood is harvesting unborn baby organs ,..for monetary profit,..pure and simple. Apparently the so-called, "non-profit " organization is actually making quite a bit of profit selling the body parts of babies, that they have always claimed,.. are not really babies.Apparently,the Democrat Party's deep concern for a woman's right to choose was nothing more than a cynical con job designed to get women to part with the valuable organs of their unborn children. This whole scenario makes Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Body Snatcher", and Mary Shelly's "Frankenstein" , seem tame by comparison.But, this really shouldn't come as any surprise.After all, Democrat leftist, and Socialist Margaret Sanger , the Founder of Planned Parenthood,..was a firm believer in the principles of Eugenics ,..which advocates the killing of so called."inferior" human specimens , in order to engineer a perfect human race. There it is folks. Hitler's Master Race theory and "Final Solution" all rolled into one, and resurrected in modern day America ,..and all funded with hard working Americans tax dollars. Again,..very interesting.
We have a Democrat Party that keeps illegal murderers and rapists from being deported or arrested;..in order to use them to expand the Democrat voting base.
We have a Democrat Party that does not believe Iranian chants of "Death to America" ,"Death to Israel" ,and ,"Death to Britian",..mean they really want to destroy us,..and there is nothing wrong with giving their regime billions in American dollars, nuclear power,..and ICBM missiles supplied by the terror supporting nations of the U.N.We have a Democrat Party that believes in perfecting the human race, by aborting those they deem,..inferior. Again,..Interesting.
There are, of course,..many more examples of the failures of the Democrat Party ,but, again,..these particular examples are the most important , the most egregious, the most significant,..for they are the ones that expose the Democrat Party's willful,..purposeful,..deliberate refusal to protect America, or it's citizens in the name of political or monetary profit.
The Democrat Party has welcomed illegal criminals into their cities,that rape and murder American citizens, for the sole purpose of creating a permanent, and unbeatable Democrat voting base.The Democrat Party deliberately armed America's greatest enemy , and the leading sponsor of terror ,..with nuclear weapons. .The Democrat Party has also promoted the wholesale slaughter of unborn American infants ,..in the name of Sanger's Eugenics theory, and also,..just for the cold hard cash.
In the end, the liberal Democrats are not just tax grabbing ,socialist incompetents,..they are also demented nihilists,..that believe the world must be cleansed of America's very being,..either by an unending invasion of illegal criminals, the holocaust of terrorist born nuclear war,....or by the holocaust of "Master Race" style Eugenics. This is far more than mere liberal socialist agenda. This is a sinister malevolence.This is evil, in its purest form.
And this, more than any other reason,..is why the Republican Party must,..in 2016,..reduce the Democrat Party to a permanent minority Party, once and for all.
Nothing,..in our lifetimes,..could be more crucial ,..more vital to the future safety of America and the free world. But now,..mere weeks before the first Republican Primary debate on Fox News,....there is unrest within the GOP ranks .Conflict between Republican Presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz,.and the Boehner and McConnell House Leadership , over the issue of the Import -Export funding bill,..is petty and unnecessary .We, as a Party,..have more important issues to tackle,..issues that affect the future of our planet,..issues that demand a Republican Party, united against a common enemy , that seeks nothing less than the destruction of America,.by aiding its enemies from without, and within. Make no mistake,..Boehner and McConnell are not Democrats, and not the enemy. Despite their weaknesses,..either man would make a far better President,..than any Democrat candidate. Their voting records opposing Obama and the Democrat agenda, prove this.In fact, every Republican currently running would make competent , capable Presidents, and worthy leaders, even the recent convert to Conservatism,..Trump. Every one of them has risen to America's defense in her time of need. Every one of them seeks to restore America to her former greatness. Every one of them seeks nothing less than total victory over Hillary and the Democrat Party and the total repeal of the Obama Agenda. Every one of them are worthy challengers. Every one of them are united in their strong beliefs in the basic conservative principles that make America great. Ted Cruz and Scott Walker,in particular,..are almost the perfect conservative fighting machines, and should be the front runners in this contest ,..and Trump, who really has no conservative record to speak of;..has, nonetheless,.. shown his fellow Republican candidates how to fight,..and how to win.
Trump may yet self destruct .His past record of Democrat policy support, and his past calls for tax increases on the wealthy are certainly not the stuff of conservative greatness,..but Trump has led the charge and supplied the winning strategy that will lead to Republican Victory,as long as he doesn't jump ship, and run third Party, that is. Never apologize,..never back down,..and speak the truth ,always,..for what is the very essence of conservatism,,.if not ,..truth?
The battle has been joined.May the best man win. But, make no mistake.It will matter little which Republican takes the reigns of power , if the American people do not wake up to the simple reality,..that they are the true rulers of this nation.
They are the Leaders.
They are the Government.
They are the heart , the soul, and the spirit of the Republic .
Self Government, self rule,..is the revolutionary principle that made America the greatest nation ever to exist on earth.
But,..self government requires one vital ingredient ,..if it is to survive.
Self Participation.
We the People, are the true rulers , and our Republican candidates are elected ,..to represent,..our will,..our agenda,...and no one else's.
Once upon a time, We the People, forgot this,..and the result was Barack Hussein Obama ,..elected twice to the Presidency..
We the People need to stop looking for a leader to save America ,..and realize that responsibility ,..lies on our shoulders, and ours alone.
No more leaders to blame for America's downfall. Either We the People accept the mantle of leadership that our Founders bestowed upon us, or accept the true blame for America's inevitable downfall.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
The Kobayashi Maneuver
Is Donald Trump working as an agent of Hillary Clinton? Perhaps not, but, if he were, what he's doing in his campaign for President could definitely be considered beneficial to Hillary and the Democrat Party in general. Trump is right on the issue of the border. No doubt about that. A wall , or fence is the only solution .We must stop the flow of illegal criminals into our country and force those already here to self deport by cutting them off permanently from their native land. Illegals simply do not like this country, and certainly do not want to be trapped here with a sealed border. They will leave if they see that the border is being sealed permanently,guaranteed. Yes, Trump is outspoken, unapologetic, and absolutely right on this issue.But, what else is right about Trump? Is this really the man to lead the Republican Party? Sure, he sounds conservative now, but a few short years ago , he was a financial supporter of Hillary Clinton's Senate Campaign, a supporter of Obamacare, and a firm believer in taxing the wealthy heavily,..in order to grow the economy. He also supported Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Charles Schumer, two of of the biggest leftist Democrats in America. Two men who were instrumental in pushing the Obama Agenda. Yet, Trump backed them,and donated to their political campaigns. Trump also spent eight years bashing President Bush , the Iraq War, and was, believe it or not,in favor of Amnesty for illegals .He was also pro-choice on abortion. Sounds like a Democrat. In fact, if this was the background of Senator Ted Cruz, or Governor Scott Walker,..would any Republican support them? Why then, the blind support for Trump? Well, his refusal to play politi-speak is one reason. Trump says exactly what he's thinking and refuses to apologize for it. That, however, has begun to expose some other Trump beliefs , perhaps not as admirable. He's attacked Senator John McCain's work on behalf of the Veterans Administration,unjustly so, and in the process, attacked McCain's war record as well. Trump, at first, said, quite clearly, that McCain was not a war hero, then compounded the insult by admitting finally, that he was a hero , but only because he was captured. Trump, apparently, only likes war heroes,..who weren't captured,.. and he said so.Trump also admitted to Christian faith based audience that he has never prayed to God for forgiveness.Hmmmm...attacking war records ,and dismissing religious faith. Again,..sounds like a Liberal Democrat. Again, attacking POW's and religious faith does not sound conservative. Trump has also over the last few weeks systematically attacked virtually every Republican Candidate currently running for President, calling them "Dummies", and "Losers",..among other things. By doing this, he has violated the 11th Commandment set down by President Reagan,.."Thou Shalt Not Attack Thy Fellow Republicans".Trump, however, does this routinely , and with the ferocity of a Democrat ,..which he used to be.
Trump has also attacked Pamela Geller, head of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, for her strong stance against Islamic Extremism. Trump savaged this courageous woman, because she dared to provoke the wrath of Muslim Terrorists, by holding a "Draw the Prophet Muhammed "contest, in order to expose the Sharia Agenda of muslim extremists in America. Trump sided with the terrorists over Geller.Simple as that. Again, this sounds like a Liberal Democrat,..not a Conservative Republican.
Senator Ted Cruz, is the only Republican Candidate that has not attacked Trump for his obvious flaws, saying only that he likes Trump's bold, brash style. , and admits that he is indeed, right on the border issue. Cruz's conservative record , is impeccable,..making him a worthy contender for the Presidency, unlike Trump's conservative record, which simply,..does not exist. Cruz is smart enough to avoid attacking Trump , not only because of the Reagan rule,..but also because he knows the danger in doing so.Cruz knows that if Trump is rejected by the Republican Party , he may decide to "go rogue". You see, Trump has finally admitted that, if he does not get the Republican nomination, he may consider running Third Party. Trump refuses to honor the Reagan code,..and support the inevitable Primary winner. Again,..this sounds suspiciously like a Democrat,..not a Republican.In 1992, millionaire businessman Ross Perot ran Third Party, against Bush Sr. and Clinton,for the Presidency,..sounding , like Trump,fairly conservative during his campaign,but, after losing,..and assuring a Clinton Victory by splitting the Republican vote,..Perot went back to sounding like a typical Liberal Democrat, which, he really was.
History may be repeating itself, with Trump. Trump will not get the nomination ,especially after his attacks on Pow's, and Christian Faith. Trump will not support any other Republican candidate. Why would he,when he declared them all losers and dummies? Trump , like Perot before him,..will run third party , guaranteed.
Is Donald Trump working for Hillary? Hillary and Bill were at Trump's wedding .If Trump is an agent of Hillary,his plan seems to be working perfectly so far. He has divided the Republican base,..quite effectively, and virtually assures a Hillary Victory. What a coup,..for the Democrat Party.
Think about it. The most conservative collection of Republican nominees ever assembled,..and they will be brought down by a lifelong Democrat supporter , playing Conservative Republican.
There seems to be no resolution, no way to avoid Republican defeat. Trump has effectively sabotaged a Party that seemed ,..months ago,..poised for an easy victory over a Party that has given nuclear weapons,..to terror sponsoring Iran. Truly, a no-win scenario for the Republicans .No way out.If Trump loses the nomination,..he runs third party,...and Hillary wins. If Trump gets the nomination,..he still divides the Republican Party,..and Hillary wins again.It's the No-Win Scenario,....the "Kobayashi Maru".
In the Film, "Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan",...Starfleet cadets are subjected to a test,..a computer simulated battle scenario, ... attempting a rescue in the dreaded "neutral zone",..they are surrounded by Klingon battleships,..no way to win, no way to surrender,..no way to rescue the stranded ship.A complete "no win scenario", with no resolution,...designed to test the character of the Starfleet Cadets...with no chance of winning,...until one cadet ,..does win,..and does beat the Kobayashi Maru,..the "No-Win Scenario".That cadet's name,..in the film,..was James T. Kirk,..future Captain of the Enterprise. Kirk beat the no win scenario,..by simply changing the rules,..by refusing to accept the very concept,..of the no win scenario. Kirk reprogrammed the computer,..and by so doing,..beat the no win scenario. He essentially cheated. But,..he did it for one reason,..and one reason alone,...he didn't like losing,...ever,....and refused to accept any scenario ,..any situation ,..that was,.."No-Win". He found a way to win. That's what winners do. They always find a way,...to win. They find a way to beat the "Kobayashi Maru".They find a way to win,..even in a so called,"no win" situation.
Sure, it's only a movie,..but that is precisely what the Republican Party must do now,to overcome the no win scenario that Trump has now presented to their Party. There's too much at stake to lose .There's too much at stake to let this false conservative ,who will run Third Party,..destroy the Republican Party's chance at victory. They must,..like Kirk,..refuse to lose,..refuse to accept the no-win scenario,..and do what is necessary ,..to win,..by reprogramming the political computer ,. and.the political rules that they are bound by. They must essentially,..cheat,..by breaking all political restrictions and sticking to one, ultimate goal. Whoever wins the Republican Primary,..all Republicans must violate every established political rule,..and simply show up at the polls,..and pull that lever for that candidate,..whoever he is,..and the straight Republican ticket as well. The political game can no longer be one of strategy and political maneuvering .The Trump anomaly has taken away that luxury, possibly for good.The threat of his Third Party run must force all conservative Republican voters to reprogram themselves,..in order to achieve one goal,..Victory. Beating the Democrats is the only thing that matters. It must be achieved this time.America cannot endure another 4 years of Democrat rule. Republicans must win ,..no matter what. We must refuse to lose, no matter what the odds .The "No-Win Scenario' must be rejected .The Political Computer,..must be reprogrammed.The man who emerges as the Republican nominee ,..must be supported 1000%,..by every Republican voter , regardless of who it is ,..and that includes Trump.Any third party candidate must be shut down, and rejected,..completely.Third party, means losing.Cannot happen. We will reprogram .We will cheat. We will beat our "Kobayashi Maru" , by simply refusing to lose to a Party that is determined to destroy America. If every Republican voter simply shows up,..and pulls the lever for the Republican nominee,..no matter who it is,....mathematically,...we cannot lose. Ever. Conservative Republicans are the majority.This is a center right nation.The liberal left is simply outnumbered. It always has been;..and it always will be. All political rules must be discarded now. Republicans need to show up en masse , for every election,..Federal or state level,..and pull the lever for the Republican Party ,..period,..and force the Democrat Party to face the "No-Win" Scenario,......now and forevermore.
Trump has also attacked Pamela Geller, head of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, for her strong stance against Islamic Extremism. Trump savaged this courageous woman, because she dared to provoke the wrath of Muslim Terrorists, by holding a "Draw the Prophet Muhammed "contest, in order to expose the Sharia Agenda of muslim extremists in America. Trump sided with the terrorists over Geller.Simple as that. Again, this sounds like a Liberal Democrat,..not a Conservative Republican.
Senator Ted Cruz, is the only Republican Candidate that has not attacked Trump for his obvious flaws, saying only that he likes Trump's bold, brash style. , and admits that he is indeed, right on the border issue. Cruz's conservative record , is impeccable,..making him a worthy contender for the Presidency, unlike Trump's conservative record, which simply,..does not exist. Cruz is smart enough to avoid attacking Trump , not only because of the Reagan rule,..but also because he knows the danger in doing so.Cruz knows that if Trump is rejected by the Republican Party , he may decide to "go rogue". You see, Trump has finally admitted that, if he does not get the Republican nomination, he may consider running Third Party. Trump refuses to honor the Reagan code,..and support the inevitable Primary winner. Again,..this sounds suspiciously like a Democrat,..not a Republican.In 1992, millionaire businessman Ross Perot ran Third Party, against Bush Sr. and Clinton,for the Presidency,..sounding , like Trump,fairly conservative during his campaign,but, after losing,..and assuring a Clinton Victory by splitting the Republican vote,..Perot went back to sounding like a typical Liberal Democrat, which, he really was.
History may be repeating itself, with Trump. Trump will not get the nomination ,especially after his attacks on Pow's, and Christian Faith. Trump will not support any other Republican candidate. Why would he,when he declared them all losers and dummies? Trump , like Perot before him,..will run third party , guaranteed.
Is Donald Trump working for Hillary? Hillary and Bill were at Trump's wedding .If Trump is an agent of Hillary,his plan seems to be working perfectly so far. He has divided the Republican base,..quite effectively, and virtually assures a Hillary Victory. What a coup,..for the Democrat Party.
Think about it. The most conservative collection of Republican nominees ever assembled,..and they will be brought down by a lifelong Democrat supporter , playing Conservative Republican.
There seems to be no resolution, no way to avoid Republican defeat. Trump has effectively sabotaged a Party that seemed ,..months ago,..poised for an easy victory over a Party that has given nuclear weapons,..to terror sponsoring Iran. Truly, a no-win scenario for the Republicans .No way out.If Trump loses the nomination,..he runs third party,...and Hillary wins. If Trump gets the nomination,..he still divides the Republican Party,..and Hillary wins again.It's the No-Win Scenario,....the "Kobayashi Maru".
In the Film, "Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan",...Starfleet cadets are subjected to a test,..a computer simulated battle scenario, ... attempting a rescue in the dreaded "neutral zone",..they are surrounded by Klingon battleships,..no way to win, no way to surrender,..no way to rescue the stranded ship.A complete "no win scenario", with no resolution,...designed to test the character of the Starfleet Cadets...with no chance of winning,...until one cadet ,..does win,..and does beat the Kobayashi Maru,..the "No-Win Scenario".That cadet's name,..in the film,..was James T. Kirk,..future Captain of the Enterprise. Kirk beat the no win scenario,..by simply changing the rules,..by refusing to accept the very concept,..of the no win scenario. Kirk reprogrammed the computer,..and by so doing,..beat the no win scenario. He essentially cheated. But,..he did it for one reason,..and one reason alone,...he didn't like losing,...ever,....and refused to accept any scenario ,..any situation ,..that was,.."No-Win". He found a way to win. That's what winners do. They always find a way,...to win. They find a way to beat the "Kobayashi Maru".They find a way to win,..even in a so called,"no win" situation.
Sure, it's only a movie,..but that is precisely what the Republican Party must do now,to overcome the no win scenario that Trump has now presented to their Party. There's too much at stake to lose .There's too much at stake to let this false conservative ,who will run Third Party,..destroy the Republican Party's chance at victory. They must,..like Kirk,..refuse to lose,..refuse to accept the no-win scenario,..and do what is necessary ,..to win,..by reprogramming the political computer ,. and.the political rules that they are bound by. They must essentially,..cheat,..by breaking all political restrictions and sticking to one, ultimate goal. Whoever wins the Republican Primary,..all Republicans must violate every established political rule,..and simply show up at the polls,..and pull that lever for that candidate,..whoever he is,..and the straight Republican ticket as well. The political game can no longer be one of strategy and political maneuvering .The Trump anomaly has taken away that luxury, possibly for good.The threat of his Third Party run must force all conservative Republican voters to reprogram themselves,..in order to achieve one goal,..Victory. Beating the Democrats is the only thing that matters. It must be achieved this time.America cannot endure another 4 years of Democrat rule. Republicans must win ,..no matter what. We must refuse to lose, no matter what the odds .The "No-Win Scenario' must be rejected .The Political Computer,..must be reprogrammed.The man who emerges as the Republican nominee ,..must be supported 1000%,..by every Republican voter , regardless of who it is ,..and that includes Trump.Any third party candidate must be shut down, and rejected,..completely.Third party, means losing.Cannot happen. We will reprogram .We will cheat. We will beat our "Kobayashi Maru" , by simply refusing to lose to a Party that is determined to destroy America. If every Republican voter simply shows up,..and pulls the lever for the Republican nominee,..no matter who it is,....mathematically,...we cannot lose. Ever. Conservative Republicans are the majority.This is a center right nation.The liberal left is simply outnumbered. It always has been;..and it always will be. All political rules must be discarded now. Republicans need to show up en masse , for every election,..Federal or state level,..and pull the lever for the Republican Party ,..period,..and force the Democrat Party to face the "No-Win" Scenario,......now and forevermore.
Friday, July 17, 2015
"The Christmas That Never Was"
Katy was glad the Christmas break was finally here. All her classes had been so boring this semester, and she was still having trouble with Geometry.'Course, staying up late texting with her friend Melissa on school nights hadn't helped her grades any. She was exhausted, and just looking forward to decorating the tree,helping Mom bake Christmas cookies, and hanging out with Melissa at the mall. "Still gotta lot of gifts to buy,and Mom's always the toughest to buy for","Oh well, Katy thought, 'I can always resort to Bed Bath and Beyond, and get her some scented candles"."Mom's love candles"she thought, "Especially scented ones"."Plus", Katy thought, "Gotta remember to check out the new stuff at Hot Topic', .."Need a whole new wardrobe makeover, for the Christmas season"."And,..maybe I should write that book report on Hillary Clinton, as soon as I get home', she thought, 'and get it out of the way, so I don't have it hanging over me all during the holiday"."First woman President,.ever!",..Katy thought,.."Gotta make it a really good report"."It'll really help my History grade."
Katy stepped out from the gloom of the school hallway,.. onto the sun washed green of the school's front lawn,..just in time to see her bus pull up to a squealing halt, right in front of the building.As the kids started filing onto it, Katy bent down to pick up her book bag, and reached inside to pull her phone out. "Might as well text Melissa and let her know I'm headed home, so she can get her mom to drive us to the mall', Katy thought,..then she laughed, thinking,.."Oh well, I can always write that book report tomorrow,..tonight ,..it's Hot Topic night!"Suddenly,..Katy heard a girl scream .She looked up from the school yard parking lot, her phone in mid text,..and saw all the other kids standing transfixed,..staring over the school bus,...at the sky.A blindingly bright ,white light was spreading ,.halo-like,..covering everything,..,..smothering the blue,..and the clouds completely,....leaving only a pulsing , neon glow that grew ,..ever brighter,..with each passing moment.Katy quickly looked away,..shielding her eyes,..and grabbed at the phone she had dropped on the parking lot's black asphalt. "Man!,I gotta text Melissa about this!" she thought,.."Maybe send her a picture too!"Then,....Katy saw something ,...strange.Her hand,texting away rapidly,..now seemed to be melting ,exposing the glowing bone beneath her skin,..and then,..even the bone was gone too. "Oh my God", that's weird!", Katy thought,staring at her dissolving hand, in tearful wonderment,...."How am I gonna open my Christmas presents,..without my hand?"Katy screamed.
Then,..the light grew even brighter,...and ,..everyone's screams ,...suddenly....stopped.Then,..nothingness,..and then,..finally,...blackness,..all around,... everywhere ...enveloping ,..everything.....And,..in her final moments of consciousness,..Katy knew,...,..Christmas,...wasn't coming,......
A World on Fire.A World melted,..and burned to a cinder,..A world where Katy doesn't get to celebrate Christmas , with her Family and Friends,...ever again,.....
That is the Fantasy.This is the reality,...that can make it happen,.....President Barack Hussein Obama ,and Secretary of State John Kerry,..have finalized the nuke deal with Iran.This is a historic moment,and a moment that will"live in infamy",.as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said.
Here's the deal that should never have been;..
Iran gets 100 billion in unfrozen assets to use to spread terrorism around the globe.
Iran gets the unrestricted right to enrich uranium and unrestricted right to build centrifuges .All economic sanctions on Iran will be lifted,immediately,..and trade with Russia , Iran's supplier of weapons,.. restored. And all the while,..Iran's supreme leader ,Ayatollah Khomeini ,attends a rally where the Iranian people chant,.."Death to America,"Death to Israel", with ever increasing ferocity and enthusiasm. Obama's deal, like all his foreign policy deals,has enabled another enemy of the free world,..and the U.S. is not even permitted the right to inspect Iranian nuclear facilities without U.N. approval,..and then,..only after 25 days have elapsed. 25 Days. Time enough,..to destroy the world. And Obama and Kerry didn't even have the guts to demand the immediate release of 4 American hostages held by Iran, before any deal could go forward. But Obama did find the courage,..to criticize Fox News reporter Major Garrett , for daring to ask about his failure to make the hostage deal.Mind Boggling.
This is the historic deal,..that is acceptable to Obama and his Administration. They will prove to Republicans that Iran is not our enemy, by simply giving them the bomb. After all, if the Imperialistic ,hated America,..can have it, why not other, equal nations?Indeed, for not only does this deal virtually assure a nuclear armed Iran,..but it also virtually assures that all other Middle East nations get it as well, in self defense. The Middle Eastern Nuclear Arms Race has truly begun,..in earnest,..and all of them have but two ultimate targets,..America,..and Israel. After all, Iran's already armed with Russian supplied ICBM missiles, that will, no doubt,..find their way into the hands of other Middle Eastern Nations as well. Reality check;..Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles are not needed for Iran to reach,..and destroy Israel. Those missiles are meant for only one target,..the United States of America. Death to America indeed. The Iran Nuclear Pact virtually assures it, and Israel's fall as well. The deal can still be stopped , of course,..by a straight up or down vote in the Republican Congress and Senate. But, for the Senate to over-ride Obama's inevitable veto, the Senate must have 67 nay votes. There are only 54 Republican Senators. The Democrat Senate Minority must supply the rest of the nay votes, if nuclear armaggedon is to be stopped, and this deal with destiny forever shattered. Not very likely. The Democrat Party is Obama. Their agenda is his agenda.Their goal is his goal. Their hate for America,..is his hate. Liberalism is a cancer,..a disease,..that spreads insanity through its members .Liberalism is not rational , and neither is the Democrat Party that represents it. The Democrats would rather see America destroyed,..in a nuclear war,...than to allow the Republicans a victory over the Obama Agenda. Only the Republican Congress's Treaty Power could have stopped this .But that power was handed over by a weak Republican majority ,. to a President whose true agenda, true motives,..can no longer be in doubt. America must fall , and President Obama will arm and supply it's enemies, to accomplish this.
67 nay votes to stop the President's veto,..will not happen. A Nuclear Arms Race,..will happen. Hillary will be President ,..and that Christmas,..when the sky catches fire ,..and a young girl,..will stare,..in tearful wonder,..at her melting hand,.......seems virtually assured.
Unless,....We the People WAKE UP,..in 2016,..and reverse this madness ,..the only way possible.
We the People,..must elect a Republican President , or the world is indeed doomed. All that has happened ,that has led to this moment of nuclear madness,..has been caused by the Democrat Party , and those Republican voters who could not find the will to defeat them,..and stayed home,..in 2008 and 2012.Elections do indeed matter. Elections do indeed,..have consequences, and for all his many outrages,..Obama has now unleashed his ultimate chess move ,that leaves America and Israel helpless, before godless savages that have now been given the power of the atom. We the People must face the grim truth, that none of this would be happening if Republicans had controlled the destiny of this nation, for the last 7 years ,and only a Republican President can, and will stop it,..guaranteed,..by ending this sham of a deal,and restoring the crippling sanctions that brought Iran to its knees, and forced them to negotiate to begin with.
Republican victory, total , complete,..and permanent,..is the only formula that can save this country.We don't have time to create a "new" Republican Party, .or to find the perfect conservative leader.We need to win,...now,..or it's over. For Obama's final atomic outrage has proven,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..that change is not enough ,..for him,..or the Democrat Party.No,..they believe,...America must be changed,..and then,...destroyed,....
to gain final absolution,.....
for it's sins against mankind.
Katy stepped out from the gloom of the school hallway,.. onto the sun washed green of the school's front lawn,..just in time to see her bus pull up to a squealing halt, right in front of the building.As the kids started filing onto it, Katy bent down to pick up her book bag, and reached inside to pull her phone out. "Might as well text Melissa and let her know I'm headed home, so she can get her mom to drive us to the mall', Katy thought,..then she laughed, thinking,.."Oh well, I can always write that book report tomorrow,..tonight ,..it's Hot Topic night!"Suddenly,..Katy heard a girl scream .She looked up from the school yard parking lot, her phone in mid text,..and saw all the other kids standing transfixed,..staring over the school bus,...at the sky.A blindingly bright ,white light was spreading ,.halo-like,..covering everything,..,..smothering the blue,..and the clouds completely,....leaving only a pulsing , neon glow that grew ,..ever brighter,..with each passing moment.Katy quickly looked away,..shielding her eyes,..and grabbed at the phone she had dropped on the parking lot's black asphalt. "Man!,I gotta text Melissa about this!" she thought,.."Maybe send her a picture too!"Then,....Katy saw something ,...strange.Her hand,texting away rapidly,..now seemed to be melting ,exposing the glowing bone beneath her skin,..and then,..even the bone was gone too. "Oh my God", that's weird!", Katy thought,staring at her dissolving hand, in tearful wonderment,...."How am I gonna open my Christmas presents,..without my hand?"Katy screamed.
Then,..the light grew even brighter,...and ,..everyone's screams ,...suddenly....stopped.Then,..nothingness,..and then,..finally,...blackness,..all around,... everywhere ...enveloping ,..everything.....And,..in her final moments of consciousness,..Katy knew,...,..Christmas,...wasn't coming,......
A World on Fire.A World melted,..and burned to a cinder,..A world where Katy doesn't get to celebrate Christmas , with her Family and Friends,...ever again,.....
That is the Fantasy.This is the reality,...that can make it happen,.....President Barack Hussein Obama ,and Secretary of State John Kerry,..have finalized the nuke deal with Iran.This is a historic moment,and a moment that will"live in infamy",.as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said.
Here's the deal that should never have been;..
Iran gets 100 billion in unfrozen assets to use to spread terrorism around the globe.
Iran gets the unrestricted right to enrich uranium and unrestricted right to build centrifuges .All economic sanctions on Iran will be lifted,immediately,..and trade with Russia , Iran's supplier of weapons,.. restored. And all the while,..Iran's supreme leader ,Ayatollah Khomeini ,attends a rally where the Iranian people chant,.."Death to America,"Death to Israel", with ever increasing ferocity and enthusiasm. Obama's deal, like all his foreign policy deals,has enabled another enemy of the free world,..and the U.S. is not even permitted the right to inspect Iranian nuclear facilities without U.N. approval,..and then,..only after 25 days have elapsed. 25 Days. Time enough,..to destroy the world. And Obama and Kerry didn't even have the guts to demand the immediate release of 4 American hostages held by Iran, before any deal could go forward. But Obama did find the courage,..to criticize Fox News reporter Major Garrett , for daring to ask about his failure to make the hostage deal.Mind Boggling.
This is the historic deal,..that is acceptable to Obama and his Administration. They will prove to Republicans that Iran is not our enemy, by simply giving them the bomb. After all, if the Imperialistic ,hated America,..can have it, why not other, equal nations?Indeed, for not only does this deal virtually assure a nuclear armed Iran,..but it also virtually assures that all other Middle East nations get it as well, in self defense. The Middle Eastern Nuclear Arms Race has truly begun,..in earnest,..and all of them have but two ultimate targets,..America,..and Israel. After all, Iran's already armed with Russian supplied ICBM missiles, that will, no doubt,..find their way into the hands of other Middle Eastern Nations as well. Reality check;..Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles are not needed for Iran to reach,..and destroy Israel. Those missiles are meant for only one target,..the United States of America. Death to America indeed. The Iran Nuclear Pact virtually assures it, and Israel's fall as well. The deal can still be stopped , of course,..by a straight up or down vote in the Republican Congress and Senate. But, for the Senate to over-ride Obama's inevitable veto, the Senate must have 67 nay votes. There are only 54 Republican Senators. The Democrat Senate Minority must supply the rest of the nay votes, if nuclear armaggedon is to be stopped, and this deal with destiny forever shattered. Not very likely. The Democrat Party is Obama. Their agenda is his agenda.Their goal is his goal. Their hate for America,..is his hate. Liberalism is a cancer,..a disease,..that spreads insanity through its members .Liberalism is not rational , and neither is the Democrat Party that represents it. The Democrats would rather see America destroyed,..in a nuclear war,...than to allow the Republicans a victory over the Obama Agenda. Only the Republican Congress's Treaty Power could have stopped this .But that power was handed over by a weak Republican majority ,. to a President whose true agenda, true motives,..can no longer be in doubt. America must fall , and President Obama will arm and supply it's enemies, to accomplish this.
67 nay votes to stop the President's veto,..will not happen. A Nuclear Arms Race,..will happen. Hillary will be President ,..and that Christmas,..when the sky catches fire ,..and a young girl,..will stare,..in tearful wonder,..at her melting hand,.......seems virtually assured.
Unless,....We the People WAKE UP,..in 2016,..and reverse this madness ,..the only way possible.
We the People,..must elect a Republican President , or the world is indeed doomed. All that has happened ,that has led to this moment of nuclear madness,..has been caused by the Democrat Party , and those Republican voters who could not find the will to defeat them,..and stayed home,..in 2008 and 2012.Elections do indeed matter. Elections do indeed,..have consequences, and for all his many outrages,..Obama has now unleashed his ultimate chess move ,that leaves America and Israel helpless, before godless savages that have now been given the power of the atom. We the People must face the grim truth, that none of this would be happening if Republicans had controlled the destiny of this nation, for the last 7 years ,and only a Republican President can, and will stop it,..guaranteed,..by ending this sham of a deal,and restoring the crippling sanctions that brought Iran to its knees, and forced them to negotiate to begin with.
Republican victory, total , complete,..and permanent,..is the only formula that can save this country.We don't have time to create a "new" Republican Party, .or to find the perfect conservative leader.We need to win,...now,..or it's over. For Obama's final atomic outrage has proven,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..that change is not enough ,..for him,..or the Democrat Party.No,..they believe,...America must be changed,..and then,...destroyed,....
to gain final absolution,.....
for it's sins against mankind.
Friday, July 10, 2015
City of the Shadow Dwellers
He was a Democrat most of his life.He voted for Obama, supported Obamacare, and was Pro Choice.He was a strong critic of President Bush and the Iraq War.He donated to the Democrat Party.He donated to the Clintons, and to their Foundation. But, despite all this, Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump is leading the Republican Presidential polls .Why?Because he dared to speak the truth on one specific issue that is destroying our nation from within far more effectively than Al Queda and ISIS ever could.Donald Trump dared to speak the truth about illegal immigration , and because of this he has become both hero and villain simultaneously.A hero to the conservative right, and a villain to the Democrat left , the liberal media, and to the Republican establishment as well. Trump dared to say what no one else is willing to say;..that Mexico is taking their refuse, their criminals, their rapists, their murderers, their drug dealers,..the unwanted of Mexican society ,and , instead of locking them up,they are sending them across the border , to lurk in the shadows of the American streets known as Sanctuary Cities.There they will dwell, waiting for the opportunity to strike,..to murder,..to rape,to rob,..to deal drugs,..knowing full well that cities controlled by Liberal Democrats will always protect them and prevent them from being deported or locked up for any length of time, no matter what the crime, no matter what the atrocity.
The reason is obvious, and it has been the Democrat Party's plan since the days of Woodrow Wilson.Flood the streets of America with unskilled, uneducated, non English speaking foreigners , keep them coming with the lure of entitlements for them to live off of;..register them with a fake healthcare system called Obamacare , and what you have created is a permanent and ever growing Democrat Party voting class, that will religiously show up at the polls for every election, and pull that lever for the Democrat Party , every single time,..for eternity. After all, who would an illegal criminal who is living off the taxpayer's dime vote for?Ted Cruz?
Not very likely.
They will vote for the candidate, and the Party that will guarantee them free money to live off of, in exchange for their votes.This is the plan that will enable the Democrat Party to stay in power forever.This is the plan that will give the Democrat Party complete control over the free market through the Federal Government. It's the perfect plan, and the only downside is that American citizens are being robbed, raped, and murdered, by the thousands every year, in these Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities ,by the very illegals that the Democrats regard as the future of their voting base.
Katheryn Steinle , the 32 year old woman shot in the back by Francisco Sanchez, a multiple felony convicted, 5 time deported, illegal,..is just one out of thousands of murders that are happening across this country because of this Democrat Plan. Apparently, this is acceptable collateral damage to a Party that values political power and wealth redistribution over human life. The bottom line is this;..Trump is right .The Democrat Party will never allow the border to be sealed,..ever. The Democrat Party will never allow illegals,whether they are violent criminals or not,to be deported.The Democrat Party will never keep illegal felons in jail, and Obama's release of 30,000 of them earlier this year, from maximum security prisons, and the 100,000 work permits he gave them upon release , proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. America must be diminished and reduced to common third world nation status,as punishment for its imperialist sins against mankind , and the Democrat Party's power must be increased, at the same time.Obama and the Democrats will let no one prevent them from accomplishing this self destructive mission, including the Republican Party that seems unwilling to use their congressional majority power to fight back, and stop this.The simple fact is, the Republican House and Senate will not push the immigration issue, as long as their power is divided. They fear losing much needed latino votes,especially with the 2016 Presidential Election looming ever nearer.This is why the fence was never built , despite being promised back in the days of Reagan. As long as government is divided, the Democrats will never permit it. This is why Bush started the fence , when Republicans held both houses , from 2001 to 2006, but then was abandoned in 2007, when Democrats took control of them.
Make no mistake about it, this is why no serious effort is being made to stop this foreign invasion that is surely destroying America, and giving the Democrat Party permanent power.
And this is why Donald Trump is being demonized by both Democrats and Republicans alike. Trump has offered a solid solution to the problem. Trump has proposed building a solid wall, that will seal the border completely, and he says he'll make Mexico pay for it.Unfortunately this is not a strategy that either Party will support , as long as they are trying to win elections and value the latino vote. No, the wall plan is not very likely to become reality, and neither is a Trump victory in the Republican Primary .Trump has two major flaws that will derail him. One, Trump intends to raise taxes on the so-called wealthy, and promising to raise taxes during an election , is a sure fire way to lose.Two, Trump still has not released his financial records ,..nor will he.Sorry, but that will indeed end his run for the Presidency, before it even begins. But, that does not diminish the importance of his run, for Trump's campaign has revealed the solution ;and that solution is the conservative voter. Trump leads in the polls , because he has boldly confronted the issue of illegal immigration,and that kind of bold leadership is what the conservative voter wants.They want Trump;despite his past support of Democrats and their policies.
But,Trump is not the answer ;..Republican Party Victory is;..
Conservatives must wake up to the reality that the border will never be sealed ,and the Democrat agenda that has weakened our nation will continue , unless a Republican takes the Presidency in 2016. That is the only way to finally solve the border problem. It matters little which Republican candidate ultimately wins the Primary ,as long as that winner is supported 100% by the Republican voters.
Only a Republican President , with a Republican Congress, and a Republican Senate can finally accomplish what all other Republican Presidents could not do, while their power was divided with the Democrats.
This is the moment , when the Republican Party has the chance to gain total legislative and executive power and to use that power to seal our border ,and secure our nation. It must be done, now,..before the Democrats complete their mission to create a permanent Democrat majority voting base. , by flooding our shores with illegal intruders, that have nothing but contempt for this shining city called America.There can be no more important issue in this election and the Republican voters know it. This is why there can no longer be any tolerance for the so called "conservative voter" who stays home on election night, or votes third party, rather than vote for a Republican candidate that they deem , not "conservative" enough. All that ignorant , self absorbed, arrogance has done is allow Obama and the Democrats to have 8 years to destroy America.The grim reality is that 300,000 Republican voters could not find the will to win, refused to see the importance of Republican Party Victory,and stayed home on election night, for both McCain, and Romney.
No More. This Nation cannot tolerate this kind of pigheaded ignorance if it wants to survive.
Trump will not win the Primary. His past record of Democrat support, his insistence on tax increases, and his refusal to release financial records , and the possibility that he may run third Party ,virtually assures his defeat. But, make no mistake,..Trump's message is clear,bold, and remains important, no matter how he fares in the election.
It is time for America to face the truth , and deal with it , once and for all. Our borders need to be sealed , if America is to survive as a sovreign nation, and only a Republican President, with a Republican Congress, and a Republican Senate,..will ever accomplish this.
Thomas Jefferson once said that a nation without borders will soon cease to be a nation. He was right. America is fading away right before our eyes , under the onslaught of Democrat imposed destruction. Make no mistake;..Only the Democrat Party caused this nation's problems, no one else. They are communists , no doubt, and if you can't see this by now, after almost seven years of their destructive agenda, you need glasses.
Republican Victory in 2016, and beyond,..is the only solution to this problem. The conservative voter likes Trump,..because of his bold, brash, reckless, cowboy style,..because he speaks the truth, with no apologies,...because he will not back down from his enemies,...and refuses to lose.
Good Qualities.
The kind of qualities that created America.
And, the qualities that the Republican voters must find within themselves,..if America is ever to be,...
America again.
There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed;...
by the Indomitable Will of the American People.
The reason is obvious, and it has been the Democrat Party's plan since the days of Woodrow Wilson.Flood the streets of America with unskilled, uneducated, non English speaking foreigners , keep them coming with the lure of entitlements for them to live off of;..register them with a fake healthcare system called Obamacare , and what you have created is a permanent and ever growing Democrat Party voting class, that will religiously show up at the polls for every election, and pull that lever for the Democrat Party , every single time,..for eternity. After all, who would an illegal criminal who is living off the taxpayer's dime vote for?Ted Cruz?
Not very likely.
They will vote for the candidate, and the Party that will guarantee them free money to live off of, in exchange for their votes.This is the plan that will enable the Democrat Party to stay in power forever.This is the plan that will give the Democrat Party complete control over the free market through the Federal Government. It's the perfect plan, and the only downside is that American citizens are being robbed, raped, and murdered, by the thousands every year, in these Democrat controlled Sanctuary Cities ,by the very illegals that the Democrats regard as the future of their voting base.
Katheryn Steinle , the 32 year old woman shot in the back by Francisco Sanchez, a multiple felony convicted, 5 time deported, illegal,..is just one out of thousands of murders that are happening across this country because of this Democrat Plan. Apparently, this is acceptable collateral damage to a Party that values political power and wealth redistribution over human life. The bottom line is this;..Trump is right .The Democrat Party will never allow the border to be sealed,..ever. The Democrat Party will never allow illegals,whether they are violent criminals or not,to be deported.The Democrat Party will never keep illegal felons in jail, and Obama's release of 30,000 of them earlier this year, from maximum security prisons, and the 100,000 work permits he gave them upon release , proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. America must be diminished and reduced to common third world nation status,as punishment for its imperialist sins against mankind , and the Democrat Party's power must be increased, at the same time.Obama and the Democrats will let no one prevent them from accomplishing this self destructive mission, including the Republican Party that seems unwilling to use their congressional majority power to fight back, and stop this.The simple fact is, the Republican House and Senate will not push the immigration issue, as long as their power is divided. They fear losing much needed latino votes,especially with the 2016 Presidential Election looming ever nearer.This is why the fence was never built , despite being promised back in the days of Reagan. As long as government is divided, the Democrats will never permit it. This is why Bush started the fence , when Republicans held both houses , from 2001 to 2006, but then was abandoned in 2007, when Democrats took control of them.
Make no mistake about it, this is why no serious effort is being made to stop this foreign invasion that is surely destroying America, and giving the Democrat Party permanent power.
And this is why Donald Trump is being demonized by both Democrats and Republicans alike. Trump has offered a solid solution to the problem. Trump has proposed building a solid wall, that will seal the border completely, and he says he'll make Mexico pay for it.Unfortunately this is not a strategy that either Party will support , as long as they are trying to win elections and value the latino vote. No, the wall plan is not very likely to become reality, and neither is a Trump victory in the Republican Primary .Trump has two major flaws that will derail him. One, Trump intends to raise taxes on the so-called wealthy, and promising to raise taxes during an election , is a sure fire way to lose.Two, Trump still has not released his financial records ,..nor will he.Sorry, but that will indeed end his run for the Presidency, before it even begins. But, that does not diminish the importance of his run, for Trump's campaign has revealed the solution ;and that solution is the conservative voter. Trump leads in the polls , because he has boldly confronted the issue of illegal immigration,and that kind of bold leadership is what the conservative voter wants.They want Trump;despite his past support of Democrats and their policies.
But,Trump is not the answer ;..Republican Party Victory is;..
Conservatives must wake up to the reality that the border will never be sealed ,and the Democrat agenda that has weakened our nation will continue , unless a Republican takes the Presidency in 2016. That is the only way to finally solve the border problem. It matters little which Republican candidate ultimately wins the Primary ,as long as that winner is supported 100% by the Republican voters.
Only a Republican President , with a Republican Congress, and a Republican Senate can finally accomplish what all other Republican Presidents could not do, while their power was divided with the Democrats.
This is the moment , when the Republican Party has the chance to gain total legislative and executive power and to use that power to seal our border ,and secure our nation. It must be done, now,..before the Democrats complete their mission to create a permanent Democrat majority voting base. , by flooding our shores with illegal intruders, that have nothing but contempt for this shining city called America.There can be no more important issue in this election and the Republican voters know it. This is why there can no longer be any tolerance for the so called "conservative voter" who stays home on election night, or votes third party, rather than vote for a Republican candidate that they deem , not "conservative" enough. All that ignorant , self absorbed, arrogance has done is allow Obama and the Democrats to have 8 years to destroy America.The grim reality is that 300,000 Republican voters could not find the will to win, refused to see the importance of Republican Party Victory,and stayed home on election night, for both McCain, and Romney.
No More. This Nation cannot tolerate this kind of pigheaded ignorance if it wants to survive.
Trump will not win the Primary. His past record of Democrat support, his insistence on tax increases, and his refusal to release financial records , and the possibility that he may run third Party ,virtually assures his defeat. But, make no mistake,..Trump's message is clear,bold, and remains important, no matter how he fares in the election.
It is time for America to face the truth , and deal with it , once and for all. Our borders need to be sealed , if America is to survive as a sovreign nation, and only a Republican President, with a Republican Congress, and a Republican Senate,..will ever accomplish this.
Thomas Jefferson once said that a nation without borders will soon cease to be a nation. He was right. America is fading away right before our eyes , under the onslaught of Democrat imposed destruction. Make no mistake;..Only the Democrat Party caused this nation's problems, no one else. They are communists , no doubt, and if you can't see this by now, after almost seven years of their destructive agenda, you need glasses.
Republican Victory in 2016, and beyond,..is the only solution to this problem. The conservative voter likes Trump,..because of his bold, brash, reckless, cowboy style,..because he speaks the truth, with no apologies,...because he will not back down from his enemies,...and refuses to lose.
Good Qualities.
The kind of qualities that created America.
And, the qualities that the Republican voters must find within themselves,..if America is ever to be,...
America again.
There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed;...
by the Indomitable Will of the American People.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Mission:.Destroy all Democrats!
We won back the House in the 2010 Midterms.We won control of both Houses , and 95% of State governments as well, in the 2014 Midterms.This was the biggest landslide victory for the GOP since the days of Herbert Hoover.
Yet, in two major rulings, the Supreme Court voted not only to uphold Obamacare subsidies by Federal mandate, but also ruled that Gay marriage was a constitutional right.Why? Why is this happening?Why is the liberal left still winning victories and preserving their agenda,when the Republicans , in the space of a few short years, have taken control of the government both on a Federal and State level.?Because elections have consequences, that's why. The Supreme Court only has three conservatives on it, despite the appointment of Roberts by President Bush, and the appointment of Kennedy, by Reagan. Neither man is a true Republican at heart.The bottom line is this;.Republican voters simply let Obama win two elections by staying home on election night, 2008, and 2012.Obama , naturally, stacked the Supreme Court deck with liberals who would support his agenda. The result? Two outrageous Supreme Court rulings, back to back. This is what happens when Republican voters refuse to support their candidates, because of some moronic,childish pursuit of conservative perfection.
The simple truth is this;..
If you're a Republican voter,
If you stayed home for McCain,..
If you stayed home for Romney,..
If you voted Democrat, out of spite,..
If you voted Third Party, out of spite,..
Then don't look at Boehner or McConnell, or Obama ,when you're looking for someone to blame for America's collapse.Look in the mirror, because all that's happened,during these last seven years of Obama and the Democrats reign, is your fault, no one else's.
Let's face facts;Republican voters have a losing strategy and lack the guts and will,...to win.Republican voters are weak , and have no stomach for battle , and the Democrats have always known it. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell weakness, is, in the end,just a reflection of the weakness of the Republican voters.Staying home on election night, because your "special conservative" didn't get the nomination, shows a simple lack of brains, and a lack of balls.Democrat voters do not demonize their less radical candidates they disagree with. No, they just show up at the polls and vote for the Democrat candidate, whoever he is. They support their Party no matter what, because they understand that in politics , Party victory is the key to securing their power and advancing their political agenda.
Republicans need to do this as well, and it's mind boggling, that ,in the 21st Century,..this even needs to be explained, to freedom loving Americans.
No more RINO attacks.
No more attacks on candidates deemed "not conservative enough" , by a bunch of clueless twitter junkies that are , for the most part , former Democrat voters who regret voting for Obama, or Republicans who stayed home, and let Obama win.
Remember Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Attack Thy Fellow Republicans".Remember conservative icon William Buckley Jr.'s admonition to conservatives , to stop wasting their time, and start voting for the most conservative candidate, who is also electable.
Here's what must happen in 2016;.....Whatever candidate wins the Republican Primaries, Republican voters must show up at the polls on election night, 2016,...and pull that damn lever in that damn voting booth,....for a straight Republican Ticket,..and win the Presidency for the Republican Party.
This isn't a damn game show.
This isn't the Dating Game, or the Apprentice.
This isn't a horse race.
Beating the Democrat Party, in general, is always vital to America's prosperity, security, ..and future.
We won both Houses, and most States as well, in the 2014 Midterms.Good.That's step one. Now we need the Presidency as well.We need the Presidency to repeal Obamacare .Without it, we simply don't have the 67 votes necessary to override President Obama's veto.
All of our Republican candidates are good, even the bombastic, unpredictable Trump, who is steadily gaining in the polls.Trump is popular for one reason;.... He's an aggressive, Republican bully, who speaks his mind, never backs down, and fights back against the left's attacks.Republican voters who like him , should follow his lead, and seek to emulate his fighting spirit, if nothing else. If you like him, vote to support him, but make a choice, and stick with it, without dividing the vote, that's all. Just pick one. You want conservative? Senator Ted Cruz is the perfect conservative fighting machine ,..and he has asked us to imagine a President who would repeal every single word of Obamacare, on day one of his Presidency. Cruz would be that President. So vote for him , and give him a victory .But, if you don't, and somehow Jeb Bush wins the nomination,you better damn well support him at the polls as well.
You want Obamacare repealed?
You want lower taxes and regulations?
You want your Second Amendment Rights protected?
You want your religious freedom and freedom of speech protected ?
You want your marriage institutions protected?
You want the Catholic Church protected?
You want a booming economy?
You want a strong military?
You want an aggressive war on ISIS and Al Queda, that keeps our Nation, and the world , safe?
You want our borders secured, and illegal criminals removed from our country?
Then vote for the Republican Party, always, and support our 2016 Republican Primary winner, 1000%.
Because, only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans protect Second Amendment Rights.
Only Republicans protect the Catholic Church , religious freedom in general, and our marriage institutions.
Only Republicans support and strengthen our military, and protect our vets.
Only Republicans fight the war on terror aggressively,and to win.
Only Republicans support our Allies that support our battle against terrorism.
Republicans ended slavery, and created Civil Rights.Democrats opposed both.of these actions, and fought a war against their fellow Americans to stop them.
It's only going to get worse folks, if Hillary,..or any other Democrat,.. wins the Presidency.
Barack Obama, now in his last year in office, will accelerate his agenda, and try to do as much damage as possible, to pave the way for Hillary and the Democrat takeover.
So, Conservative Republican purists, you better find the will to fight hard, and win,..or back down and be damned forever by your children who, because of your weakness, no one else's will never know the magnificence of the Shining City on a Hill called America.
The Liberal Left, like Al Queda and ISIS, has grown stronger , more determined, more dangerous, only because the right had grown weaker. Your strength is in your vote. Use it, to back the Party that symbolizes all the things that make America great;..all the things that the Republican Party , alone,..has created and defended.
Who gives a damn if McCain refused to debate Obama's connection to Weather Underground Terrorist Bill Ayers?
Who gives a damn if Romney refused to debate the Benghazi scandal with Obama?
Who gives a damn if Romney is Rich?
Who gives a damn if McCain lacks charisma?
What stupid, childish reasons to stay home on election night, and let an America hating socialist, win the Presidency.
This is not the game show, "Survivor" people.You don't vote Republican candidates off the island they didn't answer a question quite right, or committed an honest verbal gaffe. You just show up at the polls and pull that lever for them, period.
Always remember, both McCain and Romney would have made excellent Presidents , and if McCain or Romney had been elected, there would be no Obamacare, no collapsed economy, no ISIS,.no race war on police,..no illegal immigration Amnesty push,..... No Diminished America.
So, support the Republican Party,..not the Republican individual. Find the will to fight back ,..hard this time.The alternative is to stay home, and cower again, and continue to bitch and whine about the Democrats on Facebook and Twitter.Sure , why not? Stay home again, because you don't like your Party's nominee, and bow, once again, ..to the left's continued onslaught on our Nation.
Go ahead, sit back, and watch America die,..but always remember, it died by your hand,..not the left's.
Live Free...
Vote Republican...
Destroy All Democrats..
Or Die....
Yet, in two major rulings, the Supreme Court voted not only to uphold Obamacare subsidies by Federal mandate, but also ruled that Gay marriage was a constitutional right.Why? Why is this happening?Why is the liberal left still winning victories and preserving their agenda,when the Republicans , in the space of a few short years, have taken control of the government both on a Federal and State level.?Because elections have consequences, that's why. The Supreme Court only has three conservatives on it, despite the appointment of Roberts by President Bush, and the appointment of Kennedy, by Reagan. Neither man is a true Republican at heart.The bottom line is this;.Republican voters simply let Obama win two elections by staying home on election night, 2008, and 2012.Obama , naturally, stacked the Supreme Court deck with liberals who would support his agenda. The result? Two outrageous Supreme Court rulings, back to back. This is what happens when Republican voters refuse to support their candidates, because of some moronic,childish pursuit of conservative perfection.
The simple truth is this;..
If you're a Republican voter,
If you stayed home for McCain,..
If you stayed home for Romney,..
If you voted Democrat, out of spite,..
If you voted Third Party, out of spite,..
Then don't look at Boehner or McConnell, or Obama ,when you're looking for someone to blame for America's collapse.Look in the mirror, because all that's happened,during these last seven years of Obama and the Democrats reign, is your fault, no one else's.
Let's face facts;Republican voters have a losing strategy and lack the guts and will,...to win.Republican voters are weak , and have no stomach for battle , and the Democrats have always known it. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell weakness, is, in the end,just a reflection of the weakness of the Republican voters.Staying home on election night, because your "special conservative" didn't get the nomination, shows a simple lack of brains, and a lack of balls.Democrat voters do not demonize their less radical candidates they disagree with. No, they just show up at the polls and vote for the Democrat candidate, whoever he is. They support their Party no matter what, because they understand that in politics , Party victory is the key to securing their power and advancing their political agenda.
Republicans need to do this as well, and it's mind boggling, that ,in the 21st Century,..this even needs to be explained, to freedom loving Americans.
No more RINO attacks.
No more attacks on candidates deemed "not conservative enough" , by a bunch of clueless twitter junkies that are , for the most part , former Democrat voters who regret voting for Obama, or Republicans who stayed home, and let Obama win.
Remember Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Attack Thy Fellow Republicans".Remember conservative icon William Buckley Jr.'s admonition to conservatives , to stop wasting their time, and start voting for the most conservative candidate, who is also electable.
Here's what must happen in 2016;.....Whatever candidate wins the Republican Primaries, Republican voters must show up at the polls on election night, 2016,...and pull that damn lever in that damn voting booth,....for a straight Republican Ticket,..and win the Presidency for the Republican Party.
This isn't a damn game show.
This isn't the Dating Game, or the Apprentice.
This isn't a horse race.
Beating the Democrat Party, in general, is always vital to America's prosperity, security, ..and future.
We won both Houses, and most States as well, in the 2014 Midterms.Good.That's step one. Now we need the Presidency as well.We need the Presidency to repeal Obamacare .Without it, we simply don't have the 67 votes necessary to override President Obama's veto.
All of our Republican candidates are good, even the bombastic, unpredictable Trump, who is steadily gaining in the polls.Trump is popular for one reason;.... He's an aggressive, Republican bully, who speaks his mind, never backs down, and fights back against the left's attacks.Republican voters who like him , should follow his lead, and seek to emulate his fighting spirit, if nothing else. If you like him, vote to support him, but make a choice, and stick with it, without dividing the vote, that's all. Just pick one. You want conservative? Senator Ted Cruz is the perfect conservative fighting machine ,..and he has asked us to imagine a President who would repeal every single word of Obamacare, on day one of his Presidency. Cruz would be that President. So vote for him , and give him a victory .But, if you don't, and somehow Jeb Bush wins the nomination,you better damn well support him at the polls as well.
You want Obamacare repealed?
You want lower taxes and regulations?
You want your Second Amendment Rights protected?
You want your religious freedom and freedom of speech protected ?
You want your marriage institutions protected?
You want the Catholic Church protected?
You want a booming economy?
You want a strong military?
You want an aggressive war on ISIS and Al Queda, that keeps our Nation, and the world , safe?
You want our borders secured, and illegal criminals removed from our country?
Then vote for the Republican Party, always, and support our 2016 Republican Primary winner, 1000%.
Because, only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans protect Second Amendment Rights.
Only Republicans protect the Catholic Church , religious freedom in general, and our marriage institutions.
Only Republicans support and strengthen our military, and protect our vets.
Only Republicans fight the war on terror aggressively,and to win.
Only Republicans support our Allies that support our battle against terrorism.
Republicans ended slavery, and created Civil Rights.Democrats opposed both.of these actions, and fought a war against their fellow Americans to stop them.
It's only going to get worse folks, if Hillary,..or any other Democrat,.. wins the Presidency.
Barack Obama, now in his last year in office, will accelerate his agenda, and try to do as much damage as possible, to pave the way for Hillary and the Democrat takeover.
So, Conservative Republican purists, you better find the will to fight hard, and win,..or back down and be damned forever by your children who, because of your weakness, no one else's will never know the magnificence of the Shining City on a Hill called America.
The Liberal Left, like Al Queda and ISIS, has grown stronger , more determined, more dangerous, only because the right had grown weaker. Your strength is in your vote. Use it, to back the Party that symbolizes all the things that make America great;..all the things that the Republican Party , alone,..has created and defended.
Who gives a damn if McCain refused to debate Obama's connection to Weather Underground Terrorist Bill Ayers?
Who gives a damn if Romney refused to debate the Benghazi scandal with Obama?
Who gives a damn if Romney is Rich?
Who gives a damn if McCain lacks charisma?
What stupid, childish reasons to stay home on election night, and let an America hating socialist, win the Presidency.
This is not the game show, "Survivor" people.You don't vote Republican candidates off the island they didn't answer a question quite right, or committed an honest verbal gaffe. You just show up at the polls and pull that lever for them, period.
Always remember, both McCain and Romney would have made excellent Presidents , and if McCain or Romney had been elected, there would be no Obamacare, no collapsed economy, no ISIS,.no race war on police,..no illegal immigration Amnesty push,..... No Diminished America.
So, support the Republican Party,..not the Republican individual. Find the will to fight back ,..hard this time.The alternative is to stay home, and cower again, and continue to bitch and whine about the Democrats on Facebook and Twitter.Sure , why not? Stay home again, because you don't like your Party's nominee, and bow, once again, ..to the left's continued onslaught on our Nation.
Go ahead, sit back, and watch America die,..but always remember, it died by your hand,..not the left's.
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